794 resultados para Learner Riders
O uso da língua materna (LM) faz parte dos exames do conhecimento de uma língua estrangeira (LE) tomados como instrumentos de avaliação em cursos de pós-graduação no Brasil que, em sua maioria, constam de tradução e compreensão leitora de um texto em Inglês. Porém, as abordagens adotadas em cursos de Inglês tendem a deixar a LM de fora do processo de ensino- aprendizagem. Outra questão importante inclui a qualidade e a abrangência da atenção dada à compreensão leitora, embora saiba-se que os cursos de Inglês trabalhem as quatro habilidades (falar, ouvir, ler e escrever) em sala de aula. Diante desse cenário, este estudo busca avaliar a percepção do percurso da aprendizagem de língua inglesa de treze participantes, quando confrontados com a necessidade de realizar provas de LI como parte da seleção para cursos de Mestrado e Doutorado. Aqui, voltamos nosso olhar sobre objetivos de uso do idioma especialmente para compreensão leitora, uma das possíveis ramificações do quadro teórico do Inglês para Fins Específicos (IFE). Neste sentido, apoiamo-nos em Hutchinson & Waters (1987, p. 19), que nos falam em aprendizagem centrada no aluno, nas necessidades trazidas por ele em determinado momento de sua vida profissional ou acadêmica.Para tanto, coletaram-se as percepções de treze participantes, por meio da técnica de Grupo Focal, a respeito do modo como aprenderam a língua inglesa ao longo de suas trajetórias. Utilizamo-nos, para analisar as realizações destes sujeitos, do Sistema de Avaliatividade, proposto por Martin & White (2005) dentre outros, no escopo da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional, valendo-nos especialmente do domínio semântico de Atitude para investigar as opiniões expressas. Apesar de os participantes terem feito uso de todas as categorias do subsistema da Atitude, Afeto e Apreciação foram as mais recorrentemente utilizadas, já que suas falas revelam não apenas o modo como os sujeitos se sentiam e ainda se sentem quando no papel de alunos sob os métodos vigentes no mercado, mas também suas críticas aos métodos de aprendizagem de inglês. Obtivemos 10 índices de Apreciações Negativas aos cursos de idiomas a respeito da exclusão quase completa da LM em aulas, além de 11 Apreciações Negativas ao modelo de ensino de língua inglesa na esfera escolar.
Considerando-se a linguagem um elemento de interação social, concebe-se o texto, em todas as suas manifestações, como objeto norteador do ensino da Língua Materna, cujo objetivo, segundo orientações dos PCN de Língua Portuguesa, é formar cidadãos reflexivos e críticos, proficientes na prática da leitura e da escrita. Entretanto, face a um currículo extenso e limitada carga horária, as aulas de produção textual, não raras vezes, deixam de propiciar uma formação autônoma e reproduzem práticas que visam apenas à apropriação da norma padrão e à apreensão de modelos de escrita, gerando um aprendizado desvinculado da realidade do educando. Dessa forma, a presente dissertação pretende mostrar os desafios enfrentados por professores do Ensino Médio para desconstruir a passividade que se instaura no educando, ao longo do Ensino Fundamental II, perante seu próprio texto, seja no ato de exposição do tema proposto para a redação, seja na etapa destinada à avaliação da mesma, na qual pouco se estimula sua participação. Com base na perspectiva sociointeracionista de Bakhtin (2009), este trabalho defende a ideia de que o envolvimento do educando com seu texto deve se iniciar na fase de elaboração do tema, de modo que este possa ser integrado à vivência do aluno, até a fase de revisão e correção, em que o acompanhamento do processo visa a garantir ao autor o direito à analise e à reescritura de sua produção, momentos imprescindíveis ao desenvolvimento da competência leitora e escritora. O corpus desta pesquisa é formado por produções textuais de estudantes do primeiro e do segundo anos do Ensino Médio de uma escola da rede particular do município do Rio de Janeiro. Foram analisadas 64 redações, sendo 28 produzidas a partir de temas determinados pelo professor, focando procedimentos relativos à análise do tema e à reescrita, e 36 relacionadas à construção de temas a partir de textos não verbais, buscando-se maior amplitude interpretativa. Além disso, também foram aplicados questionários, nos quais os alunos expuseram seus pontos de vista sobre as aulas de redação na escola. A análise do corpus demonstrou que a escrita é um processo e que o ensino de produção de textos se torna mais produtivo na medida em que se possibilita maior participação dos educandos em todas as etapas.
Many transductive inference algorithms assume that distributions over training and test estimates should be related, e.g. by providing a large margin of separation on both sets. We use this idea to design a transduction algorithm which can be used without modification for classification, regression, and structured estimation. At its heart we exploit the fact that for a good learner the distributions over the outputs on training and test sets should match. This is a classical two-sample problem which can be solved efficiently in its most general form by using distance measures in Hilbert Space. It turns out that a number of existing heuristics can be viewed as special cases of our approach.
Statistical approaches for building non-rigid deformable models, such as the Active Appearance Model (AAM), have enjoyed great popularity in recent years, but typically require tedious manual annotation of training images. In this paper, a learning based approach for the automatic annotation of visually deformable objects from a single annotated frontal image is presented and demonstrated on the example of automatically annotating face images that can be used for building AAMs for fitting and tracking. This approach employs the idea of initially learning the correspondences between landmarks in a frontal image and a set of training images with a face in arbitrary poses. Using this learner, virtual images of unseen faces at any arbitrary pose for which the learner was trained can be reconstructed by predicting the new landmark locations and warping the texture from the frontal image. View-based AAMs are then built from the virtual images and used for automatically annotating unseen images, including images of different facial expressions, at any random pose within the maximum range spanned by the virtually reconstructed images. The approach is experimentally validated by automatically annotating face images from three different databases. © 2009 IEEE.
The mesostriatal dopamine system is prominently implicated in model-free reinforcement learning, with fMRI BOLD signals in ventral striatum notably covarying with model-free prediction errors. However, latent learning and devaluation studies show that behavior also shows hallmarks of model-based planning, and the interaction between model-based and model-free values, prediction errors, and preferences is underexplored. We designed a multistep decision task in which model-based and model-free influences on human choice behavior could be distinguished. By showing that choices reflected both influences we could then test the purity of the ventral striatal BOLD signal as a model-free report. Contrary to expectations, the signal reflected both model-free and model-based predictions in proportions matching those that best explained choice behavior. These results challenge the notion of a separate model-free learner and suggest a more integrated computational architecture for high-level human decision-making.
The origin of altruism remains one of the most enduring puzzles of human behaviour. Indeed, true altruism is often thought either not to exist, or to arise merely as a miscalculation of otherwise selfish behaviour. In this paper, we argue that altruism emerges directly from the way in which distinct human decision-making systems learn about rewards. Using insights provided by neurobiological accounts of human decision-making, we suggest that reinforcement learning in game-theoretic social interactions (habitisation over either individuals or games) and observational learning (either imitative of inference based) lead to altruistic behaviour. This arises not only as a result of computational efficiency in the face of processing complexity, but as a direct consequence of optimal inference in the face of uncertainty. Critically, we argue that the fact that evolutionary pressure acts not over the object of learning ('what' is learned), but over the learning systems themselves ('how' things are learned), enables the evolution of altruism despite the direct threat posed by free-riders.
Schema acquisition is one of the mechanisms of learning. How to design reasonable teaching material to promote schema acquisition is an important question that psychological researchers and educators both interested. Cognitive Load Theory indicates that: The cognitive resource of Human is limited, the organization and presentation of the learning material should avoid demanding the learner consume resource in actions that have nothing to do with schema acquisition. How can we do that? Sweller. J. et think: Increasing the operation cost of the learning material would make the students put more resource into the implementation of the operation, this kind of resource consuming has nothing to do with schema acquisition. So, in order to make the students put more resource into actions which relating to schema acquisition, we should decrease the operation cost of the learning material. But, the research results of O'Hara et indicate: In problem-solving of knowledge lean field, increasing the operation cost would make the college students invent more resource to plan and understanding actions. So, Increasing the operation cost would facilitate the schema acquisition. How operation cost will effect the Middle-School Students' (MSS) schema acquisition and resource distribution when they solve problems of knowledge lean/rich field? This is the main question this research want to make inquiry. IN this research, we use three experiments indicate: Increasing the operation cost of actions, the implementing action would be less and the planning action would be more. So, increasing the operation cost can promote the schema acquisition. We use "cost-benefit analysis" strategy to explain this result. This strategy means that: Human is rational, before doing one action, he will weigh the cost and the coming benefit of this action, if the coming benefit is higher than the cost, he will implement this action; if the cost is higher than the coming benefit, this action will be contained. On the one hand, this research further affirms the core opinion of the Cognitive Load Theory: Human's cognitive resource is limited, we should put the limited resource into actions which is related to the schema acquisition; On the other hand, for the learning material designing principle which is advanced by the Cognitive Load Theory, we raise our questions. Besides, the question we raised holds some identical views with the constructive learning opinion: Learning is not passive information absorption, but positively constructing the meaning of the information, besides, this kind of construction can't done by others. The result of this research can provide some theory guidance and experimental basis for the designing of the MSS's science teaching material from a complete new angle.
This study designed tow experiments to explore the effect of two presentation forms(liner presentation and concept-map navigation presentation)on the student's learning process. Using the method of protocal analysis and the learning path records of these students, the author of this paper further analysed the information-processing process of these students. The main results showed as follows: (1) In the initial study phase, the main effects of both the presentation form and the learner type were obvious, and the interaction effect of these two variables was also obvious. Contrasting with the liner presentation form, the concept map navigation form interfered with the learning process of the student, especially the learning-disabled students. (2) There was a significant difference between excellent students and learning-disabled learning-disabled on self explanations amount. Excellent students produced more self- explanations than learning-disabled students, especially on two phases of learning from the the example and the conclusion. (3) Under the same learning path, the main effect of the learner type variable was obvious, the main effect of the presentation form and interaction effect of these two variables weren't obvious. But the liner presentation grouped still acquired a better result than the concept-map navigation presentation groupe.
We introduce a new learning problem: learning a graph by piecemeal search, in which the learner must return every so often to its starting point (for refueling, say). We present two linear-time piecemeal-search algorithms for learning city-block graphs: grid graphs with rectangular obstacles.
We consider the question "How should one act when the only goal is to learn as much as possible?" Building on the theoretical results of Fedorov [1972] and MacKay [1992], we apply techniques from Optimal Experiment Design (OED) to guide the query/action selection of a neural network learner. We demonstrate that these techniques allow the learner to minimize its generalization error by exploring its domain efficiently and completely. We conclude that, while not a panacea, OED-based query/action has much to offer, especially in domains where its high computational costs can be tolerated.
I describe an exploration criterion that attempts to minimize the error of a learner by minimizing its estimated squared bias. I describe experiments with locally-weighted regression on two simple kinematics problems, and observe that this "bias-only" approach outperforms the more common "variance-only" exploration approach, even in the presence of noise.
Explanation-based Generalization requires that the learner obtain an explanation of why a precedent exemplifies a concept. It is, therefore, useless if the system fails to find this explanation. However, it is not necessary to give up and resort to purely empirical generalization methods. In fact, the system may already know almost everything it needs to explain the precedent. Learning by Failing to Explain is a method which is able to exploit current knowledge to prune complex precedents, isolating the mysterious parts of the precedent. The idea has two parts: the notion of partially analyzing a precedent to get rid of the parts which are already explainable, and the notion of re-analyzing old rules in terms of new ones, so that more general rules are obtained.
Recent developments in higher education have seen the demise of much didactic, teacher-directed instruction which was aimed mainly towards lower-level educational objectives. This traditional educational approach has been largely replaced by methods which feature the teacher as an originator or facilitator of interactive and learner-centred learning - with higher-level aims in mind. The origins of, and need for, these changes are outlined, leading into an account of the emerging pedagogical approach to interactive learning, featuring facilitation and reflection. Some of the main challenges yet to be confronted effectively in consolidating a sound and comprehensive pedagogical approach to interactive development of higher level educational aims are outlined.
Within the UK, there is a growing awareness to better understand what online educational technologies can offer in relation to learning and teaching, and how social technologies are changing communication and collaboration out with formal education. The concept of the ‘digital university’ is being widely debated within the UK Higher education sector (McCluskey and Winter, 2012), becoming embedded in educational policy, and beginning to be explored within many institutions. This session will report on one such institutional initiative, undertaken at Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland. A Digital Futures Working Group was established to: benchmark best practice in key areas including digitally enhanced education and digital literacies development; identify areas for short term action; and to produce a robust ‘digital agenda’ to inform the future direction of the university. Pivotal to this was the recognition to evolve staff digital pedagogical practices and to harness emerging digital opportunities, meet learner expectations, and meet wider expectations for contemporary able citizens. This session will be delivered in two parts. Firstly we will provide an insight into the focus of the project and the rich picture methodology used to consult with staff and students. Secondly we will specify the outcomes produced, and provide a case study of how the Faculty of Health, Life and Social Sciences engaged with the process and the progression of their digitally enabled educational practices.
The PIC model by Gati and Asher describes three career decision making stages: pre-screening, in-depth exploration, and choice of career options. We consider the role that three different forms of support (general career support by parents, emotional/instrumental support, and informational support) may play for young adults in each of these three decision-making stages. The authors further propose that different forms of support may predict career agency and occupational engagement, which are important career decision precedents. In addition, we consider the role of personality traits and perceptions (decision-making window) on these two outcomes. Using an online survey sample (N = 281), we found that general career support was important for career agency and occupational engagement. However, it was the combination of higher general career support with either emotional/instrumental support or informational support that was found to lead to both greater career agency and higher occupational engagement. Personality also played a role: Greater proactivity also led to greater occupational engagement, even when there was little urgency for participants to make decisions (window of decision-making was wide open and not restricted). In practical terms, the findings suggest that the learning required in each of the three PIC processes (pre-screening, in-depth exploration, choice of career options may benefit when the learner has access to the three support measures.