990 resultados para Jazz World Celtic Fusion
A scheme for integration of stand-alone INS and GPS sensors is presented, with data interchange over an external bus. This ensures modularity and sensor interchangeability. Use of a medium-coupled scheme reduces data flow and computation, facilitating use in surface vehicles. Results show that the hybrid navigation system is capable of delivering high positioning accuracy.
Research background: Echoes-World Music in Queensland is a full-length album produced in collaboration with the Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre (BEMAC). The project involved the recording and production of 13 different artists’ original compositions and arrangements of traditional works, drawing on hybrid digital-analog production techniques. The recording of the album was informed by prior scholarly work by Taylor, Feld, Wong and others. These existing studies have discussed the complexities of intercultural collaboration, and the types of cultural politics that are involved in the recording and distribution of what has been known by the term ‘World Music.’ Aspects of applied ethnomusicology have informed the creative work, as a means of interpreting the implicit and explicit complexities that arise through the recording and dissemination of intercultural creative practice. The project asked the research question, in what ways is intercultural music making effected by collaborative practices in the recording studio? Research contribution: This project has identified that the recording and production of intercultural music making involves a complex amalgam of aspects of live or ‘authentic’ performance practices, alongside highly mediated production practices that are influenced by new forms of digital recording technology. Research significance: The compact disc was launched at a live performance showcase as part of the 2014 Big Sound music industry conference, and was added to feature album rotation for all Virgin Australia flights in February-March 2015. The album has received airplay on Radio National, Edge Radio (Hobart) and Radio Adelaide, and was a Feature Album on PBS FM (Melbourne), 2SER (Sydney), and ArtsoundFM Canberrra. The research context of the work is detailed in Gavin Carfoot (in press), ‘Musical discovery, colonialism and the possibilities of intercultural communication through music’ in Popular Communication.
Study Design Retrospective review of prospectively collected data. Objectives To analyze intervertebral (IV) fusion after thoracoscopic anterior spinal fusion (TASF) and explore the relationship between fusion scores and key clinical variables. Summary of Background Information TASF provides comparable correction with some advantages over posterior approaches but reported mechanical complications, and their relationship to non-union and graft material is unclear. Similarly, the optimal combination of graft type and implant stiffness for effecting successful radiologic union remains undetermined. Methods A subset of patients from a large single-center series who had TASF for progressive scoliosis underwent low-dose computed tomographic scans 2 years after surgery. The IV fusion mass in the disc space was assessed using the 4-point Sucato scale, where 1 indicates <50% and 4 indicates 100% bony fusion of the disc space. The effects of rod diameter, rod material, graft type, fusion level, and mechanical complications on fusion scores were assessed. Results Forty-three patients with right thoracic major curves (mean age 14.9 years) participated in the study. Mean fusion scores for patient subgroups ranged from 1.0 (IV levels with rod fractures) to 2.2 (4.5-mm rod with allograft), with scores tending to decrease with increasing rod size and stiffness. Graft type (autograft vs. allograft) did not affect fusion scores. Fusion scores were highest in the middle levels of the rod construct (mean 2.52), dropping off by 20% to 30% toward the upper and lower extremities of the rod. IV levels where a rod fractured had lower overall mean fusion scores compared to levels without a fracture. Mean total Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) questionnaire scores were 98.9 from a possible total of 120, indicating a good level of patient satisfaction. Conclusions Results suggest that 100% radiologic fusion of the entire disc space is not necessary for successful clinical outcomes following thoracoscopic anterior selective thoracic fusion.
Tämä tutkielma käsittelee World Wide Webin sisältämien verkkosivujen sisältöjen käyttöä korpusmaisesti kielitieteellisenä tutkimusaineistona. World Wide Web sisältää moninkertaisesti enemmän tekstiä kuin suurimmat olemassa olevat perinteiset tekstikorpukset, joten verkkosivuilta voi todennäköisesti löytää paljon esiintymiä sellaisista sanoista ja rakenteista, jotka ovat perinteisissä korpuksissa harvinaisia. Verkkosivuja voidaan käyttää aineistona kahdella eri tavalla: voidaan kerätä satunnainen otos verkkosivuista ja luoda itsenäinen korpus niiden sisällöistä, tai käyttää koko World Wide Webiä korpuksena verkkohakukoneiden kautta. Verkkosivuja on käytetty tutkimusaineistona monilla eri kielitieteen aloilla, kuten leksikograafisessa tutkimuksessa, syntaktisten rakenteiden tutkimuksessa, pedagogisena materiaalina ja vähemmistökielten tutkimuksessa. Verkkosivuilla on perinteisiin korpuksiin verrattuna useita haitallisia ominaisuuksia, jotka pitää ottaa huomioon, kun niitä käytetään aineistona. Kaikki sivut eivät sisällä kelvollista tekstiä, ja sivut ovat usein esimerkiksi HTML-muotoisia, jolloin ne pitää muuttaa helpommin käsiteltävissä olevaan muotoon. Verkkosivut sisältävät enemmän kielellisiä virheitä kuin perinteiset korpukset, ja niiden tekstityypit ja aihepiirit ovat runsaslukuisempia kuin perinteisten korpusten. Aineiston keräämiseen verkkosivuilta tarvitaan tehokkaita ohjelmatyökaluja. Näistä yleisimpiä ovat kaupalliset verkkohakukoneet, joiden kautta on mahdollista päästä nopeasti käsiksi suureen määrään erilaisia sivuja. Näiden lisäksi voidaan käyttää erityisesti kielitieteellisiin tarpeisiin kehitettyjä työkaluja. Tässä tutkielmassa esitellään ohjelmatyökalut WebCorp, WebAsCorpus.org, BootCaT ja Web as Corpus Toolkit, joiden avulla voi hakea aineistoa verkkosivuilta nimenomaan kielitieteellisiin tarkoituksiin.
This research is about jazz in Chile in relation to modernity and identity. Final chapters focus and detach latest jazz musician s generation in 1990 decade and composer guitarist Angel Parra. An historic and sociological approach is developed, which will be useful for modernity and identity analysis, and so on post modernity and globalization. Modernity has been studied in texts of Adorno, Baudrillard, Brünner, García Canclini, Habermas and Jameson. Identity has been studied in texts of Aharonián, Cordúa, Garretón, Gissi, Larraín and others. Chapter 3 is about Latin-American musicology and jazz investigations, in relation to approach developed in chapter 2. Chapters 4 and 5 are about history of jazz in Chile until beginning of XXI century. Chapter 6 focuses in Ángel Parra Orrego. Conclusions of this investigation detach the modernist mechanical that has conducted jazz development in Chile, which in Ángel Parra´s case has been overcame by a post modernist behaviour. This behaviour has solved in a creative way, subjects like modernity and identity in jazz practice in a Latin-American country.
Following decades of neglect and decline, many US cities have undergone a dramatic renaissance. From New York to Nashville and Pittsburgh to Portland governments have implemented innovative redevelopment strategies to adapt to a globally integrated, post-industrial economy and cope with declining industries, tax bases, and populations - but the urban comeback has been highly uneven. Urban Revitalization integrates academic and policy research with professional knowledge and techniques. Written in an accessible style and with a thoughtful structure, it will provide graduate and upper-level undergraduate students with a comprehensive resource while also serving as a reference for professionals.
Purpose To analyze World Health Organization (WHO) documents to identify global nursing issues and development. Design Qualitative content analysis. Methods Documents published by the six WHO regions between 2007 and 2012 and with key words related to nurse/midwife or nursing/midwifery were included. Themes, categories, and subcategories were derived. The final coding reached 80% agreement among three independent coders, and the final coding for the discrepant coding was reached by consensus. Findings Thirty-two documents from the regions of Europe (n = 19), the Americas (n = 6), the Western Pacific (n = 4), Africa (n = 1), the Eastern Mediterranean (n = 1), and Southeast Asia (n = 1) were examined. A total of 385 units of analysis dispersed in 31 subcategories under four themes were derived. The four themes derived (number of unit of analysis, %) were Management & Leadership (206, 53.5), Practice (75, 19.5), Education (70, 18.2), and Research (34, 8.8). Conclusions The key nursing issues of concern at the global level are workforce, the impacts of nursing in health care, professional status, and education of nurses. International alliances can help advance nursing, but the visibility of nursing in the WHO needs to be strengthened. Clinical Relevance Organizational leadership is important in order to optimize the use of nursing competence in practice and inform policy makers regarding the value of nursing to promote people's health.
Teachers the world over are aware of the range of new challenges that arise from this new era. One challenge is the role of digital technologies in literacy learning. Despite its reputation for being engaging, digital technologies do not always enhance learning outcomes. Whilst the concerns vary across time and place, the core issue of what is a highly sought after literacy learning outcome in this new era warrants consideration. This paper introduces Kalantzis and Cope’s (2005) theorisation of eight knowledge processes for literacy learning. They claim that experiencing the known, conceptualising by naming, analysing functionally and applying appropriately, whilst necessary, are not on their own sufficient for the development of high level literacy practices. It is their contention that students must also be able to experience the new, conceptualise by theorising, analyse creatively and apply critically. This theorisation forms an auditing framework for considering the outcomes of different uptakes of digital technologies in a Social Studies and a Science unit.
he Dirac generator formalism for relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics is reviewed along with its extension to constraint formalism. In these theories evolution is with respect to a dynamically defined parameter, and thus time evolution involves an eleventh generator. These formulations evade the No-Interaction Theorem. But the incorporation of separability reopens the question, and together with the World Line Condition leads to a second no-interaction theorem for systems of three or more particles. Proofs are omitted, but the results of recent research in this area is highlighted.
Tutkielma käsittelee jazz-rumpali Joseph Rudolph Philly Joe Jonesin (1923 1985) improvisoitua säestystä, komppausta, ja soittajien välisen vuorovaikutuksen osuutta jazz-esityksen muotoutumisessa. Jazz-rumpalin soitolle on tyypillistä, että kaikki toiminta on improvisoitua, kappaleen ja lajin viitekehyksen sekä häneen kohdistuvien odotusten raameissa tapahtuvaa luomisprosessia. Jazz-analyysi on painottunut kontekstista irrotetun improvisoinnin tutkimiseen, mutta tässä työssä painopiste on ryhmädynamiikassa. Analyysikohde on Sonny Rollinsin säveltämä 12-tahtinen blues Blues for Philly Joe (1957) Rollinsin levyltä Newk s Time (Blue Note 7243 5 76752 2 2). Rumpukomppausta tarkastellaan kolmesta näkökulmasta. Aluksi rumpuosuudesta pelkistetään erityisen karsimismenetelmän avulla komppauksen rytminen hahmo, rytmilinja. Rytmilinja-analyysin avulla vastataan tutkimuskysymykseen minkälaisilla rytmeillä Jones komppaa, ja miten sen rytmi suhteutuu pulssiin, metriin ja muotoon nähden. Seuraavaksi motiivianalyysista kehitetyllä aiheiden erittely- ja variaatiomenetelmällä määritellään Jonesin komppausfraasien piirteet, rakenteet ja variaatiot. Lopuksi Jonesin ja solistin välistä vuorovaikutusta tutkitaan kartoittamalla aihelainaukset, sekä rytmisektion sisäistä koordinointia rytmilinjojen avulla. Rytmilinja paljastaa Jonesin korostavan usein tiettyjä tahdinosia tietyissä rakennepaikoissa eri kertauksissa. Komppaus tuo rakenteelliset taitepaikat esiin, ja samalla sen polyrytmit horjuttavat vallitsevaa 4/4-metriä. Fraasianalyysi paljastaa Jonesin komppiaiheiden käytön olevan johdonmukaista, ja joillakin fraaseilla on oma täsmällinen funktionsa. Pitkätkin komppifraasit perustuvat vain muutamaan hahmoon, joista tärkeimmät ovat kolmijakoiset polymetrit ja synkoopit. Vuorovaikutus solistin kanssa ilmenee kahdensuuntaisina aihelainauksina tai vaihtoehtoisesti kontrasteina. Rytmisektion sisäisen vuorovaikutuksen muodoista merkittäviin on yhteisten toistuvien rytmiaiheiden, riffien, koordinoitu käyttö. Rytmisektion jäsenet myös hakeutuvat tietoisesti toisen soittajan rytmilinjan sisään päätyäkseen samoille tahdinosille. Työssä konkretisoituu säestämisen ja vuorovaikutuksen merkitys jazz-improvisoinnin synnyttäjänä. Tutkimuskohde ei olisi voinut tulla lopulliseen muotoonsa ilman soittajien vuorovaikutusta. Tämän työn myötä nousee tarve tutkia rytmisektion toimintaa ja vuorovaikutuksen evoluutiota eri tyylikausina.
Background Fusion transcripts are found in many tissues and have the potential to create novel functional products. Here, we investigate the genomic sequences around fusion junctions to better understand the transcriptional mechanisms mediating fusion transcription/splicing. We analyzed data from prostate (cancer) cells as previous studies have shown extensively that these cells readily undergo fusion transcription. Results We used the FusionMap program to identify high-confidence fusion transcripts from RNAseq data. The RNAseq datasets were from our (N = 8) and other (N = 14) clinical prostate tumors with adjacent non-cancer cells, and from the LNCaP prostate cancer cell line that were mock-, androgen- (DHT), and anti-androgen- (bicalutamide, enzalutamide) treated. In total, 185 fusion transcripts were identified from all RNAseq datasets. The majority (76 %) of these fusion transcripts were ‘read-through chimeras’ derived from adjacent genes in the genome. Characterization of sequences at fusion loci were carried out using a combination of the FusionMap program, custom Perl scripts, and the RNAfold program. Our computational analysis indicated that most fusion junctions (76 %) use the consensus GT-AG intron donor-acceptor splice site, and most fusion transcripts (85 %) maintained the open reading frame. We assessed whether parental genes of fusion transcripts have the potential to form complementary base pairing between parental genes which might bring them into physical proximity. Our computational analysis of sequences flanking fusion junctions at parental loci indicate that these loci have a similar propensity as non-fusion loci to hybridize. The abundance of repetitive sequences at fusion and non-fusion loci was also investigated given that SINE repeats are involved in aberrant gene transcription. We found few instances of repetitive sequences at both fusion and non-fusion junctions. Finally, RT-qPCR was performed on RNA from both clinical prostate tumors and adjacent non-cancer cells (N = 7), and LNCaP cells treated as above to validate the expression of seven fusion transcripts and their respective parental genes. We reveal that fusion transcript expression is similar to the expression of parental genes. Conclusions Fusion transcripts maintain the open reading frame, and likely use the same transcriptional machinery as non-fusion transcripts as they share many genomic features at splice/fusion junctions.
Approximately 30% of plant nuclear genes appear to encode proteins targeted to the plastids or endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The signals that direct proteins into these compartments are diverse in sequence, but, on the basis of a limited number of tests in heterologous systems, they appear to be functionally conserved across species. To further test the generality of this conclusion, we tested the ability of two plastid transit peptides and an ER signal peptide to target green fluorescent protein (GFP) in 12 crops, including three monocots (barley, sugarcane, wheat) and nine dicots (Arabidopsis, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, lettuce, radish, tobacco, turnip). In all species, transient assays following microprojectile bombardment or vacuum infiltration using Agrobacterium showed that the plastid transit peptides from tomato DCL (defective chloroplast and leaves) and tobacco RbcS [ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) small subunit] genes were effective in targeting GFP to the leaf plastids. GFP engineered as a fusion to the N-terminal ER signal peptide from Arabidopsis basic chitinase and a C-terminal HDEL signal for protein retention in the ER was accumulated in the ER of all species. The results in tobacco were confirmed in stably transformed cells. These signal sequences should be useful to direct proteins to the plastid stroma or ER lumen in diverse plant species of biotechnological interest for the accumulation of particular recombinant proteins or for the modification of particular metabolic streams.