999 resultados para Inovações tecnológicas - Medellín (Colômbia)


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Bezerra, Gesiane Ferreira et. al. A arte de montar equipes colaborativas. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CENTRO DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS,16,2010. Anais eletrônico... Natal: CCSA, 2010.Disponível em: -01.pdf>. Acesso em: 25 nov. 2011.


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This study aims to understand the effects of the mobile marketing use as a relationships tool for companies that operate locally, because of the lack of information about this new marketing tool, as well as the scarcity of studies in this area. This is an exploratory and qualitatively study, based on primary sources, raised through books, articles in the marketing area and the telecommunications industry organs as well as secondary sources. With the purpose to look into the issue, a semi-structured interview is made with the companies managers of the sectors of trade and services in Natal-RN. The advances in technology allow an important discussion focused on the marketing in the new communication technologies scenario. It appears that the mobile marketing adoption and use by local companies is already a reality and companies are awake to changes and technological innovations accessible, especially the mobile telephony as well as convergence with other media. There is, however, that the use of technologies offered by mobile marketing is still limited to the sending of text messages (SMS), despite the numerous possibilities of it use. Moreover, the results obtained with mobile marketing use show that companies can identify them, but there is no effective monitoring in quantity and financial terms. Only affect sales growth and support for progress in loyalty with customers. It shows up that the mentality of not measuring the results still in the plan of changes and technological innovations. The data allow saying that the mobile marketing is a reality, however has not yet signed as a tool for carrying out campaigns and marketing tool for loyalty of customers, despite presenting a wide range of possibilities to streamline and make more effective the marketing businesses process


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Advances related to information technology are visible and inherent to the management of contemporary organizations, regardless of industrial action. Synchronized with this dynamic, educational institutions are incorporating technological tools that assist its management and academic support to teachers in teaching and interaction with the students. Given that technological innovations are not always taken homogeneously and with the same degree of coverage, remain current and relevant studies on how these technologies are being used in academia. The objective of this research is to identify the usage profile of the functionality of a virtual learning environment related to teaching (undergraduate or postgraduate), demographic variables (age and gender) and institutional (time of admission and academic center of origin.) The methodology applied to the study is descriptive and quantitative. The research is characterized as census, covering all 2152 teachers of undergraduate and graduate students of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, who accessed the virtual classes of the Integrated Management of Academic Activities. The study findings revealed that there is a statistically significant difference regarding the use of these tools to teachers who work with undergraduate (49.3%) compared to graduate (6.6%). Regarding gender, women (40.1%) use the system more than men (38.5%). It was also observed that the younger teachers, aged 37 years, are the most active users (42.5%) of the Virtual Class with respect to their elders. For teachers with up to three years time of admission to the UFRN, the pattern of use is more advanced than those with more seniority, as well as the faculty of the Center for Science and Technology are the least likely to use the tools available in relation to other academic centers. It is hoped that with this study managers can direct actions to improve and expand the use of this environment by teachers


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RESUMO   O presente trabalho pretende identificar quais as dificuldades encontradas para a implementação da inclusão digital no Ensino Médio da Escola Estadual Deputado João Evaristo Curvo, na cidade de Jauru, Mato Grosso. Os objetivos da pesquisa serão: Identificar os principais ambientes de aprendizagem digital dos alunos do Ensino Médio; Descrever as formas de apropriação da tecnologia da informação realizadas pelos educadores, educandos e pela instituição e avaliar a eficácia da tecnologia da informação para a implementação da inclusão digital e social dos mesmos. A metodologia utilizada para a realização do trabalho será a pesquisa caracterizada como qualitativa descritiva, e ela se dará através de observações e questionários. Através da análise dos resultados buscar-se-á pensar e repensar a realidade vivenciada pelo educador em salas no Ensino Médio e na validação de um modo mais viável para a implementação da inclusão digital. Na medida em que a reflexão for realizada esta pesquisa deverá contribuir para facilitar a busca e o interesse dos estudantes pela aprendizagem e pelas inovações tecnológicas, a fim de que os mesmos disponham de um patrimônio intelectual e encontrem condições de autorrealização e crescimento sociocultural, pois a interação escolar exige-se uma postura adequada de todos os envolvidos, e variedades educacionais que devem ser trabalhadas na prática do processo de ensino pedagógico. Palavras-chave: Implementação. Inclusão Digital. Ensino Médio.  


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Esta pesquisa faz parte dos requisitos do Mestrado Profissional em Sistemas de Informação e Gestão do Conhecimento e tem como tema central aceitação de tecnologia e prontuário eletrônico de paciente (PEP). Diversas inovações tecnológicas foram incorporadas no setor de saúde e, em especial, no controle e gestão de informações e ainda quanto à gestão do histórico do paciente. A partir deste cenário, buscou-se contribuir na descrição e análise das variáveis percebidas como geradoras de utilidade e facilidade de uso da tecnologia de prontuário eletrônico a partir do modelo de aceitação de tecnologia. Buscando atender as premissas propostas pelo modelo TAM, no contexto específico de gestão hospitalar, surge o problema de pesquisa: Como usuários de prontuário eletrônico de paciente percebem a utilidade e facilidade desta tecnologia em seu cotidiano? Pretendeu-se desenvolver estudo descritivo onde o objetivo principal foi descrever e analisar as variáveis que influenciam na percepção da utilidade e facilidade de uso de prontuário eletrônico de pacientes sob o ponto de vista dos profissionais da área da saúde da região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Especificamente, pretendeu-se: descrever a percepção de utilidade; descrever a percepção de facilidade de uso, e; analisar o perfil dos respondentes envolvidos com a tecnologia. Optou-se por utilizar o questionário original proposto por Davis Jr. (1989), somente sendo traduzido e contextualizado ao ambiente da pesquisa. O questionário adotado foi disponibilizado por meio da ferramenta Survey Monkey ® e os respondentes foram profissionais que atuam na área da saúde, sendo o critério de escolha dos mesmos, por meio da técnica de snow ball, a acessibilidade e disponibilidade. A partir das respostas dos profissionais pode-se perceber que a grande maioria relatou utilidade percebida com o uso da tecnologia, sendo que alguns profissionais indicaram que ocorre ainda algumas dificuldades de uso. Os resultados e discussões gerados nesta pesquisa, apesar das limitações, indicam a importância de novos estudos que envolvam a saúde e a importância da tecnologia para a sociedade.


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VANTI, Nadia. Links hipertextuais na comunicação científica: análise webométrica dos sítios acadêmicos latino-americanos em Ciências Sociais. Porto Alegre, 2007. 292 f. Tese (Doutorado em Comunicação e Informação) – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, 2007.


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The career of civil engineer Henrique de Novaes, a remarkable figure in the academic, technical and political fields, demonstrates its extensive and relevant work across Brazil in the first half of the twentieth century. It covered from the design of water supply and sewage works, road and rail transport networks, works against drought in the Northeast, hydroelectric and harbor facilities to the urbanization planning and architectural projects, which displays a systematic and multiple production. City and territory conformed to his fields of verification, practical and above all, transformation. The search for understanding of the inclusion of a social actor in this process thus contributes to the specific analysis of the doings of Henrique de Novaes, who graduated at Polytechnic School of Rio de Janeiro in 1906. From a polymorphic activity in different scales, one tries to figure how, through academic education or professional practice, urban history in Brazil can be told or built. The introduction of technological innovations matched the purposes of planning and urban sprawl, as well as met the specifications of regulation and institutionalization of public infrastructure services at the time. The overall plans proposed by the engineer thought of the city as a whole, interconnected to the structural networks. At the same time, the knowledge of a larger physical scale the territory bounces back in the urban in a relationship of reciprocity and completeness. The objective research, therefore, tries to understand the roles played by Henrique de Novaes s works and academic education in the accomplishment of systematic modernization of Brazilian urban space and territory, recovering a little known historical figure by current historiography. It is proposed, as methodological axis, that the study of this professional career configures itself as an essential element for understanding the idea of progress embodied in the technical studies and proposals for improvements and sanitation nationwide in the first half of the twentieth century . The primary sources for the construction of this analysis were technical articles in journals of the period ( Clube de Engenharia , Viação e Revista Brasileira de Engenharia ), and technical reports, government messages, newspaper articles published at the time, autobiographical reports and the engineer s verbal communications with relatives. The work is structured in three chapters: "Biographical traces, academic education and 'technical and political' activities" illustrates the initiation into the technical, public and political environment; Chapter 2, "Technique and territory" outlines his network understanding through sanitation and transport services; Chapter 3 "Technique and City" describes the influence of polytechnics knowledge on the propositions of modernization of cities; Finally, "Final Thoughts: An Evaluation," presents an overview of the affiliations and practice of an engineer in the different scales, and its contribution to the modernization of Brazilian urban and territorial space


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Bezerra, Gesiane Ferreira et. al. A arte de montar equipes colaborativas. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CENTRO DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS,16,2010. Anais eletrônico... Natal: CCSA, 2010.Disponível em: -01.pdf>. Acesso em: 25 nov. 2011.


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Nos dias de hoje as diferentes indústrias e sectores de atividade económica assentam os seus pilares de desenvolvimento na procura constante de fontes de melhoria, para que assim seja possível melhorar a relação qualidade / preço. Embora no setor industrial as melhorias e inovações tecnológicas surjam a cada dia, estas por si não chegam. Grande parte da otimização incorrida, quer na indústria de manufatura, quer na indústria de serviços, surge da “simples” eliminação de desperdícios, e da procura constante por fontes de melhoria. Com o objetivo traçado, a Grohe Portugal Componentes Sanitários, Lda. propôs a eliminação de desperdícios no âmbito do abastecimento de componentes às linhas de montagem existentes na sua fábrica em Albergaria-a-Velha. Este processo passa não só por uma otimização do tempo de abastecimento e das quantidades de abastecimento, mas também consiste na reestruturação das diferentes rotinas de abastecimento. Todo este processo de otimização estará assente no conceito de Mizusumashi. O Mizusumashi, ou comboio logístico como muitas vezes é referenciado, surge com o objetivo de separar a tarefa de abastecimento da função de montagem. A sua origem surge da adaptação do conceito de Milk Run (volta do leiteiro) à logística interna. Torna-se de relevo referir que, para que este “simples” conceito funcione com uma eficiência que proporcione a sua aplicação, são vastos os fatores que necessitam de ajustamentos ou mesmo, em alguns casos, de uma reestruturação completa. O trabalho desenvolvido nestas instalações fabris, e que culminou neste documento, teve como princípio a análise, avaliação e implementação de melhorias no sistema de abastecimento às linhas de montagem. Todo o processo de abastecimento foi analisado e desconstruído nas suas componentes, para que assim fosse possível desenhar o plano de reestruturação indicado. Foram implementadas melhorias de layout, tempos e tarefas. Os resultados foram positivos tendo em conta o objetivo inicial. Todo este plano foi pensado e documentado com o objetivo de tornar este sistema adaptável a possíveis mudanças. Foi possível então criar um sistema voltado para um plano de melhoria contínua. Com um abastecimento normalizado e rotinado a gestão de stocks é mais precisa diminuindo assim os desperdícios inerentes a estas funções.


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This dissertation deals with the conceptions of the relationship between science, technology, innovation, development and society. We aimed to analyze the ways to conceive these relations in documents of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (Proem) of the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) and analyze the conceptions of these relations in view of managers and participants of the Program on Campus Cornélio Procópio, locus of research. It is recognized that the concepts of science, technology, innovation and development are polysemic, so varied are the definitions given by different theorists. For the research were characterized these conceptions into two streams, one called traditional or conservative current, which is supported by the classical theories, that is, those that were developed by authors recognized as classics, and the other current, referred to as critical concepts that sustains it are presented by authors recognized as critical, among which houses the Science studies, Technology and Society (CTS). This categorization buoyed analysis of Proem documents and analysis of the statements collected through interviews with three managers of Proem and eleven participants in the Program. As a result of the research, in general, although there is evidence in Proem documents of a social concern in relation to its role in society, it was observed that the program is based on the traditional and hegemonic view on the subject. In the documents analysis, it was noticed that the conceptions arranged CTS studies are present in relation to the multidimensional development concept. However, the texts analyzed, mostly were identified strong indications of thought supported by logical positivism, in propositions that refer to marketing issues, a proposal to generate an entrepreneurial culture guided by the development of technological innovations designed to meet and / or induce market demands, through production methods for popular goods. As for how managers and participants Proem in Campus Cornelius conceive the relationship between science, technology, innovation, development and society, also was identified closer to the classical view, although the respondents have pointed out many times in their speak apparent concern with social issues, like designing the development from a multidimensional view as cover critical studies CTS. The views of the participants, it was possible to link the strengthening of the concept connected to the linear model of development, in which the more it generates science, more is generated technology and more technology therefore produces more wealth, which in turn, the Schumpeterian view, is the basis of social welfare.


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Os grupos de pesquisa são responsáveis pela investigação de temáticas relevantes no âmbito científico, pois conduzem o debate e acirram o saber-fazer, contribuindo, sobremaneira, para a construção de conhecimentos. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é caracterizar os grupos de pesquisa sobre inteligência organizacional quanto aos aspectos gerais, institucionais, recursos humanos e especialidades do conhecimento que o constituem. Metodologicamente, quanto à natureza é considerada como abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, e como estudo do tipo documental desenvolvido no ambiente da web. Os documentos de formato eletrônico analisados correspondem aos cadastros dos grupos de pesquisa sobre inteligência organizacional e competitiva no campo da Ciência da Informação, escolhidos pelo critério de busca por descritores, caracterizando a amostra como intencional. Trata-se de um estudo de nível exploratório-descritivo. Como resultados, identificam na recuperação parametrizada 13 grupos, que trabalham com o tema em questão, na sua maioria se concentram na região Sudeste e demonstram a importância e o envolvimento de pessoas na busca por resultados que possibilitem inovações tecnológicas e informacionais. As linhas de pesquisas, embora se diferenciem, algumas apresentam termos estudados bastante semelhantes entre os grupos. Foram recuperadas 62 linhas desenvolvidas pelos grupos com temas semelhantes e percebe-se positivamente uma preocupação dos pesquisadores envolvidos em como potencializar e desenvolver um ambiente competitivo e identificar os recursos informacionais dentro de uma organização. Produzir artigos, participação em eventos, dissertações e teses, livros e outras produções fazem parte das expectativas dos grupos. Em relação à formação de competências, os grupos pretendem ministrar cursos, promover extensão integrada, desenvolver instrumentos de recuperação da informação, realizar estudos prospectivos nas organizações, fortalecer laboratórios, fortalecer a pesquisa, organizar eventos, desenvolver produtos e serviços e discutir a teoria e a prática de Inteligência Competitiva.


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The competitiveness in the rural sector and the need to make viable and sustainable property, direct the farmer to seek new production strategies. In this sense, the book Techniques of sustainable agricultural management has as objective contributed information on concepts, management practices, technological innovations, which are applicable in the agricultural production. The same is composed of 13 chapters, topics covered in aquaculture production, management and dairy production, as general aspects of hematology fish; dynamics of decision-making and adaptive flow dairy production systems; importance of performance measures and body biometrics in small ruminants; milk production in beef cows; parasitism in beef cattle; performance of dairy cows in production; efficiency of cross beef cattle in finishing phase; development of Marchangus: five years; and, bovine growth efficiency. In vegetable production area are addressed matters relating on management and olive cultivation, species of great economic importance and diversification as alternative on the property; functional foods in fruit and vegetables; influence of environmental factors, harvesting and drying in the production and composition of essential oils of Mentha spp; and, implication of the contamination of corn grain by mycotoxins in livestock production. At the end of the book, the expectation of the authors is to have contributed with relevant themes of Brazilian agriculture, which could reflect positively on knowledge, values and quality of available material.


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This research deals with the use of a participatory design methodology to develop a repository of open educational resources, the Arcaz. Discusses key aspects of neutrality and determinism of technology within the context of Social Studies of Science and Technology and presents some concepts of critical theory of technology related to the democratic construction of technological artifacts. Discusses the philosophical heritage of the movements that led to the emergence of free software, open education and open educational resources and argues that participatory design share similar ideals. It presents concepts of human-computer interaction, interaction design and user centered design, important to enhance the user experience in information systems. It addresses the participatory design as a methodology that allows the democratic participation of users in the technological construction, promoting mutual learning and active voice for the participants. Develops a participatory design methodology adapted to the Arcaz context of use and provides the procedures for the meetings conducted to apply participatory design techniques to the repository and the results obtained. It concludes with a study of some of the interventions suggested in the system and orientations for future applications of participatory practices in the development of the repository and a list of best practices, focusing on ethical principles that should guide the participatory design.


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This study aims to understand the effects of the mobile marketing use as a relationships tool for companies that operate locally, because of the lack of information about this new marketing tool, as well as the scarcity of studies in this area. This is an exploratory and qualitatively study, based on primary sources, raised through books, articles in the marketing area and the telecommunications industry organs as well as secondary sources. With the purpose to look into the issue, a semi-structured interview is made with the companies managers of the sectors of trade and services in Natal-RN. The advances in technology allow an important discussion focused on the marketing in the new communication technologies scenario. It appears that the mobile marketing adoption and use by local companies is already a reality and companies are awake to changes and technological innovations accessible, especially the mobile telephony as well as convergence with other media. There is, however, that the use of technologies offered by mobile marketing is still limited to the sending of text messages (SMS), despite the numerous possibilities of it use. Moreover, the results obtained with mobile marketing use show that companies can identify them, but there is no effective monitoring in quantity and financial terms. Only affect sales growth and support for progress in loyalty with customers. It shows up that the mentality of not measuring the results still in the plan of changes and technological innovations. The data allow saying that the mobile marketing is a reality, however has not yet signed as a tool for carrying out campaigns and marketing tool for loyalty of customers, despite presenting a wide range of possibilities to streamline and make more effective the marketing businesses process


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Advances related to information technology are visible and inherent to the management of contemporary organizations, regardless of industrial action. Synchronized with this dynamic, educational institutions are incorporating technological tools that assist its management and academic support to teachers in teaching and interaction with the students. Given that technological innovations are not always taken homogeneously and with the same degree of coverage, remain current and relevant studies on how these technologies are being used in academia. The objective of this research is to identify the usage profile of the functionality of a virtual learning environment related to teaching (undergraduate or postgraduate), demographic variables (age and gender) and institutional (time of admission and academic center of origin.) The methodology applied to the study is descriptive and quantitative. The research is characterized as census, covering all 2152 teachers of undergraduate and graduate students of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, who accessed the virtual classes of the Integrated Management of Academic Activities. The study findings revealed that there is a statistically significant difference regarding the use of these tools to teachers who work with undergraduate (49.3%) compared to graduate (6.6%). Regarding gender, women (40.1%) use the system more than men (38.5%). It was also observed that the younger teachers, aged 37 years, are the most active users (42.5%) of the Virtual Class with respect to their elders. For teachers with up to three years time of admission to the UFRN, the pattern of use is more advanced than those with more seniority, as well as the faculty of the Center for Science and Technology are the least likely to use the tools available in relation to other academic centers. It is hoped that with this study managers can direct actions to improve and expand the use of this environment by teachers