942 resultados para Hyperaldosteronism type II


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The winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) agglutinin (total lectin) and its basic (WBA I) and acidic isoform (WBA II) were used to analyze capillaries in sections from human muscle. The microvessels were clearly labeled after incubation with the lectins in both normal muscle and in old muscles with age-related type II atrophy or muscle fiber grouping. Muscle fibers, nerves, and connective tissue remained unstained. The total lectin detected muscle capillaries from all blood group AB0 individuals. The isoform WBA I reacted only with blood vessels in blood group A and B individuals, while the blood vessels in blood group 0 individuals were demonstrated with WBA II. WBA I staining was inhibited by p-nitrophenyl α-galactopyranoside and N-acetylgalactosamine, whereas 2′-fucosyllactose and preincubation with an antibody against type-1 chain H abolished capillary staining with WBA II. The study demonstrates the usefulness of WBA as a marker of capillaries in human muscle.


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Beta-hairpin structures have been crystallographically characterized only in very short acyclic peptides, in contrast to helices. The structure of the designed beta-hairpin, t-butoxycarbonyl-Leu-Val-Val-D-Pro-Gly-Leu-Val-Val-OMe in crystals is described. The two independent molecules of the octapeptide fold into almost ideal beta-hairpin conformations with the central D-Pro-Gly segment adopting a Type II' beta-turn conformation. The definitive characterization of a beta-hairpin has implications for de novo peptide and protein design, particularly for the development of three- and four-stranded beta-sheets.


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11β-hydroksisteroididehydrogenaasientsyymit (11β-HSD) 1 ja 2 säätelevät kortisonin ja kortisolin määrää kudoksissa. 11β-HSD1 -entsyymin ylimäärä erityisesti viskeraalisessa rasvakudoksessa aiheuttaa metaboliseen oireyhtymän klassisia oireita, mikä tarjoaa mahdollisuuden metabolisen oireyhtymän hoitoon 11β-HSD1 -entsyymin selektiivisellä estämisellä. 11β-HSD2 -entsyymin inhibitio aiheuttaa kortisonivälitteisen mineralokortikoidireseptorien aktivoitumisen, mikä puolestaan johtaa hypertensiivisiin haittavaikutuksiin. Haittavaikutuksista huolimatta 11β-HSD2 -entsyymin estäminen saattaa olla hyödyllistä tilanteissa, joissa halutaan nostaa kortisolin määrä elimistössä. Lukuisia selektiivisiä 11β-HSD1 inhibiittoreita on kehitetty, mutta 11β-HSD2-inhibiittoreita on raportoitu vähemmän. Ero näiden kahden isotsyymin aktiivisen kohdan välillä on myös tuntematon, mikä vaikeuttaa selektiivisten inhibiittoreiden kehittämistä kummallekin entsyymille. Tällä työllä oli kaksi tarkoitusta: (1) löytää ero 11β-HSD entsyymien välillä ja (2) kehittää farmakoforimalli, jota voitaisiin käyttää selektiivisten 11β-HSD2 -inhibiittoreiden virtuaaliseulontaan. Ongelmaa lähestyttiin tietokoneavusteisesti: homologimallinnuksella, pienmolekyylien telakoinnilla proteiiniin, ligandipohjaisella farmakoforimallinnuksella ja virtuaaliseulonnalla. Homologimallinnukseen käytettiin SwissModeler -ohjelmaa, ja luotu malli oli hyvin päällekäinaseteltavissa niin templaattinsa (17β-HSD1) kuin 11β-HSD1 -entsyymin kanssa. Eroa entsyymien välillä ei löytynyt tarkastelemalla päällekäinaseteltuja entsyymejä. Seitsemän yhdistettä, joista kuusi on 11β-HSD2 -selektiivisiä, telakoitiin molempiin entsyymeihin käyttäen ohjelmaa GOLD. 11β-HSD1 -entsyymiin yhdisteet kiinnittyivät kuten suurin osa 11β-HSD1 -selektiivisistä tai epäselektiivisistä inhibiittoreista, kun taas 11β-HSD2 -entsyymiin kaikki yhdisteet olivat telakoituneet käänteisesti. Tällainen sitoutumistapa mahdollistaa vetysidokset Ser310:een ja Asn171:een, aminohappoihin, jotka olivat nähtävissä vain 11β-HSD2 -entsyymissä. Farmakoforimallinnukseen käytettiin ohjelmaa LigandScout3.0, jolla ajettiin myös virtuaaliseulonnat. Luodut kaksi farmakoforimallia, jotka perustuivat aiemmin telakointiinkin käytettyihin kuuteen 11β-HSD2 -selektiiviseen yhdisteeseen, koostuivat kuudesta ominaisuudesta (vetysidosakseptori, vetysidosdonori ja hydrofobinen), ja kieltoalueista. 11β-HSD2 -selektiivisyyden kannalta tärkeimmät ominaisuudet ovat vetysidosakseptori, joka voi muodostaa sidoksen Ser310 kanssa ja vetysidosdonori sen vieressä. Tälle vetysidosdonorille ei löytynyt vuorovaikutusparia 11β-HSD2-mallista. Sopivasti proteiiniin orientoitunut vesimolekyyli voisi kuitenkin olla sopiva ratkaisu puuttuvalle vuorovaikutusparille. Koska molemmat farmakoforimallit löysivät 11β-HSD2 -selektiivisiä yhdisteitä ja jättivät epäselektiivisiä pois testiseulonnassa, käytettiin molempia malleja Innsbruckin yliopistossa säilytettävistä yhdisteistä (2700 kappaletta) koostetun tietokannan seulontaan. Molemmista seulonnoista löytyneistä hiteistä valittiin yhteensä kymmenen kappaletta, jotka lähetettiin biologisiin testeihin. Biologisien testien tulokset vahvistavat lopullisesti sen kuinka hyvin luodut mallit edustavat todellisuudessa 11β-HSD2 -selektiivisyyttä.


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ORANGE red and amorphous peroxy-titanium complexes of oxalic, malonic and maleic acids1-3, when vacuum-dried, have co-ordinated water molecules firmly bonded to the central titanium atom as shown in formula (I). The peroxy-oxygen from these compounds is slowly lost even at room temperature because of the strained peroxy-group3,4. The compounds, when kept at 95°-100°C. for about three days, give deperoxygenated compounds of the type (II). However, a sample of peroxy-titanium oxalate sealed in a glass tube lost all its peroxy-oxygen in about four years and gave a white crystalline basic oxalate (II). The amorphous nature of the compounds may be due to random hydrogen bonding in the complexes. The crystallinity observed in one of the deperoxygenated titanyl oxalates may be due to the rearrangement of the molecules during ageing for more than four years. The infra-red absorption of these compounds was studied to find out the effect of co-ordination and hydrogen bonding on the infra-red bands of the free water.


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DNA methyltransferases (MTases) are a group of enzymes that catalyze the methyl group transfer from S-adenosyl-L-methionine in a sequence-specific manner. Orthodox Type II DNA MTases usually recognize palindromic DNA sequences and add a methyl group to the target base (either adenine or cytosine) on both strands. However, there are a number of MTases that recognize asymmetric target sequences and differ in their subunit organization. In a bacterial cell, after each round of replication, the substrate for any MTase is hemimethylated DNA, and it therefore needs only a single methylation event to restore the fully methylated state. This is in consistent with the fact that most of the DNA MTases studied exist as monomers in solution. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that some DNA MTases function as dimers. Further, functional analysis of many restriction-modification systems showed the presence of more than one or fused MTase genes. It was proposed that presence of two MTases responsible for the recognition and methylation of asymmetric sequences would protect the nascent strands generated during DNA replication from cognate restriction endonuclease. In this review, MTases recognizing asymmetric sequences have been grouped into different subgroups based on their unique properties. Detailed characterization of these unusual MTases would help in better understanding of their specific biological roles and mechanisms of action. The rapid progress made by the genome sequencing of bacteria and archaea may accelerate the identification and study of species- and strain-specific MTases of host-adapted bacteria and their roles in pathogenic mechanisms.


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The role of N-terminus diproline segments in facilitating helical folding in short peptides has been investigated in a set of model hexapeptides of the type Piv-Xxx-Yyy-Aib-Leu-Aib-Phe-OMe (Piv, pivaloyl). Nine sequences have been investigated with the following N-terminus dipeptide segments: (D)Pro-Ala (4) and Pro-Psi Pro (5, Psi, pseudoproline), Ala-Ala (6), Ala-Pro (7), Pro-Ala (8), Aib-Ala (9), Ala-Aib (10). The analog sequences Piv-Pro-Pro-Ala-Leu-Aib-Phe-OMe (2) and Piv-Pro-Pro-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-OMe (3) have also been studied. Solid state conformations have been determined by X-ray crystallography for peptides 4, 6, and 8 and compared with the previously determined crystal structure of peptide 1 (Boc-Pro-Pro-Aib-Leu-Aib-Val-OMe); (Rai et al., JACS 2006, 128, 7916-7928). Peptides 1 and 6 adopt almost identical helical conformations with unfolding of the helix at the N-terminus Pro (1) residue. Peptide 4 reveals the anticipated (D)Pro-Ala type II' beta-turn, followed by a stretch of 3(10)-helix. Peptide 8 adopts a folded conformation stabilized by four successive 4 -> 1 intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Ala (2) adopts an alpha(L) conformation, resulting in a type II beta-turn conformation followed by a stretch of 3(10)-helix. Conformational properties in solution were probed using solvent perturbation of NH chemical shifts which permit delineation of hydrogen bonded NH groups and nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) between backbone protons, which are diagnostic of local residue conformations. The results suggest that continuous helical conformations are indeed significantly populated for peptides 2 and 3. Comparison of the results for peptides 1 and 2, suggest that there is a significant influence of the residue that follows diproline segments in influencing backbone folding. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers (Pept Sci) 94: 360-370, 2010.


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The crystal structures of five model peptides Piv-Pro-Gly-NHMe (1), Piv-Pro-beta Gly-NHMe (2), Piv-Pro-beta Gly-OMe (3), Piv-Pro-delta Ava-OMe (4) and Boc-Pro-gamma Abu-OH (5) are described (Piv:pivaloyl; NHMe: N-methylamide; beta Gly:beta-glycine; OMe:O-methyl ester; delta Ava:delta-aminovaleric acid; gamma Abu:gamma-aminobutyric acid). A comparison of the structures of peptides 1 and 2 illustrates the dramatic consequences upon backbone homologation in short sequences. 1 adopts a type II beta-turn conformation in the solid state, while in 2, the molecule adopts an open conformation with the beta-residue being fully extended. Piv-Pro-beta Gly-OMe (3), which differs from 2 by replacement of the C-terminal NH group by an O-atom, adopts an almost identical molecular conformation and packing arrangement in the solid state. In peptide 4, the observed conformation resembles that determined for 2 and 3, with the delta Ava residue being fully extended. In peptide 5, the molecule undergoes a chain reversal, revealing a beta-turn mimetic structure stabilized by a C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bond.


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DNA methyltransferases (MTases) are a group of enzymes that catalyze the methyl group transfer from S-adenosyl-L-methionine in a sequence-specific manner. Orthodox Type II DNA MTases usually recognize palindromic DNA sequences and add a methyl group to the target base (either adenine or cytosine) on both strands. However, there are a number of MTases that recognize asymmetric target sequences and differ in their subunit organization. In a bacterial cell, after each round of replication, the substrate for any MTase is hemimethylated DNA, and it therefore needs only a single methylation event to restore the fully methylated state. This is in consistent with the fact that most of the DNA MTases studied exist as monomers in solution. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that some DNA MTases function as dimers. Further, functional analysis of many restriction-modification systems showed the presence of more than one or fused MTase genes. It was proposed that presence of two MTases responsible for the recognition and methylation of asymmetric sequences would protect the nascent strands generated during DNA replication from cognate restriction endonuclease. In this review, MTases recognizing asymmetric sequences have been grouped into different subgroups based on their unique properties. Detailed characterization of these unusual MTases would help in better understanding of their specific biological roles and mechanisms of action. The rapid progress made by the genome sequencing of bacteria and archaea may accelerate the identification and study of species- and strain-specific MTases of host-adapted bacteria and their roles in pathogenic mechanisms.


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We study the occurrence of nonclassical rotational inertia (NCRI) arising from superfluidity along grain boundaries in a two-dimensionalbosonic system. We make use of a standard mapping between the zero-temperature properties of this system and the statistical mechanics of interacting vortex lines in the mixed phase of a type-II superconductor. In the mapping, the liquid phase of the vortex system corresponds to the superfluid bosonic phase. We consider numerically obtained polycrystalline configurations of the vortex lines in which the microcrystals are separated by liquidlike grain-boundary regions which widen as the vortex system temperature increases. The NCRI of the corresponding zero-temperature bosonic systems can then be numerically evaluated by solving the equations of superfluid hydrodynamics in the channels near the grain boundaries. We find that the NCRI increases very abruptly as the liquid regions in the vortex system (equivalently, superfluid regions in the bosonic system) form a connected, system-spanning structure with one or more closed loops. The implications of these results for experimentally observed supersolid phenomena are discussed.


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Two tripeptides of the type Boc-Pro-ΔZX-Gly-NHEt (where X = Leu, Phe) have been synthesized and their solution conformations investigated by 270 MHz 1H n.m.r. and i.r. spectroscopy. These conformational studies indicated that ΔZLeu, similar to ΔZPhe, has a strong tendency to stabilize folded Type II β-turn conformations when present at i + 2 position.


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We report numerical results for the phase diagram in the density-disorder plane of a hard-sphere system in the presence of quenched, random, pinning disorder. Local minima of a discretized version of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff free energy functional are located numerically and their relative stability is studied as a function of the density and the strength of disorder. Regions in the phase diagram corresponding to liquid, glassy, and nearly crystalline states are mapped out, and the nature of the transitions is determined. The liquid to glass transition changes from first to second order as the strength of the disorder is increased. For weak disorder, the system undergoes a first-order crystallization transition as the density is increased. Beyond a critical value of the disorder strength, this transition is replaced by a continuous glass transition. Our numerical results are compared with those of analytical work on the same system. Implications of our results for the field-temperature phase diagram of type-II superconductors are discussed.


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The change in the specific heat by the application of magnetic field up to 161 for high temperature superconductor system for DyBa2Cu3O7-x by Revaz et al. [23] is examined through the phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau(G-L) theory of anisotropic Type-II superconductors. The observed specific heat anomaly near T-c with magnetic field is explained qualitatively through the expression <Delta C > = (B-a/T-c) t/(1 - t)(alpha Theta(gamma)lambda(2)(m)(0)), which is the anisotropic formulation of the G-L theory in the London limit developed by Kogan and coworkers; relating to the change in specific heat Delta C for the variation of applied magnetic field for different orientations with c-axis. The analysis of this equation explains satisfactorily the specific heat anomaly near T-c and determines the anisotropic ratio gamma as 5.608, which is close to the experimental value 5.3 +/- 0.5given in the paper of Revaz et al. for this system. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structures of two dehydropentapeptides, Boc-Pro-Delta Phe-Val-Delta Phe-Ala-OMe (I) and Boc-Pro-Delta Phe-Gly-Delta Phe-Ala-OMe (II) (Boc: t-butoxycarbonyl), have been determined by nuclear magnentic resonance (NMR), circular dichroism (CD), and X-ray, crystallographic studies. The peptide I assumes a S-shaped flat beta-bend structure, characterized by two partially overlapping type II beta-bends and absence of a second 1 <- 4 (N4-H center dot center dot center dot O1') intramolecular hydrogen bond. This is in contrast to the generally observed 3(10)-helical conformation in peptides with Delta Phe at alternate positions. This report describes the novel conformation assumed by peptide I and compares it with that of the conserved tip of the V3 loop of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 (sequence, G:P319 to F:P324, PDB code IACY). The tip of the V3 loop also assumes a S-shaped conformation with Arg:P322, making an intramolecular side-chain-backbone interaction with the carbonyl oxygen of Gly:P319. Interestingly, in peptide I, C(gamma)HVal(3) makes a similar side-chain-backbone C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bond with the carbonyl oxygen of the Boc group. The observed overall similarity indicates the possible use of the peptide as a viral antagonist or synthetic antigen. Peptide 11 adopts a unique turn followed by a 3(10)-helix. Both peptides I and II are classical examples of stabilization of unusual structures in oligopeptides.


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The microstructural dependence of electrical properties of (Ba, Sr)TiO3(BST) thin films were studied from the viewpoint of dc and ac electrical properties. The films were grown using a pulsed laser deposition technique in a temperature range of 300 to 600 degrees C, inducing changes in grain size, structure, and morphology. Consequently, two different types of films were realized, of which type I, was polycrystalline, multigrained, while type II was [100] oriented possessing a densely packed fibrous microstructure. Leakage current measurements were done at elevated temperatures to provide evidence of the conduction mechanism present in these films. The results revealed a contribution from both electronic and ionic conduction. In the case of type I films, two trapping levels were identified with energies around 0.5 and 2.73 eV, which possibly originate from oxygen vacancies V-O and Ti3+ centers, respectively. These levels act as shallow and deep traps and are reflected in the current-voltage characteristics of the BST thin films. The activation energy associated with oxygen vacancy motion in this case was obtained as 1.28 eV. On the contrary, type II films showed no evidence of deep trap energy levels, while the identified activation energy associated with shallow traps was obtained as 0.38 eV. The activation energy obtained for oxygen vacancy motion in type II films was around 1.02 eV. The dc measurement results were further elucidated through ac impedance analysis, which revealed a grain boundary dominated response in type I in comparison to type II films where grain response is highlighted. A comparison of the mean relaxation time of the two films revealed three orders of magnitude higher relaxation time in the case of type I films. Due to smaller grain size in type I films the grains were considered to be completely depleted giving rise to only grain boundary response for the bulk of the film. The activation energy obtained from conductivity plots agree very well with that of dc measurements giving values 1.3 and 1.07 eV for type I and type II films, respectively. Since oxygen vacancy transport have been identified as the origin of resistance degradation in BST thin films, type I films with their higher value of activation energy for oxygen ion mobility explains the improvement in breakdown characteristics under constant high dc field stress. The role of microstructure in controlling the rate of degradation is found useful in this instance to enhance the film properties under high electric field stresses. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)00418-7].


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A galactose-specific lectin from the seeds of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) is a four-chain type II ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) resulting from covalent association through a disulfide bridge between two identical copies of a two-chain unit. The available structural information on such four-chain RIPs is meagre. The bitter gourd lectin was therefore crystallized for structural investigation and the crystals have been characterized. It is anticipated that the structure of the orthorhombic crystals will be analysed using molecular replacement by taking advantage of its sequence, and presumably structural, homology to normal two-chain type II RIPs.