833 resultados para Hot plate
Alkaline phosphatase from rat osseous plate is allosterically modulated by ATP, calcium and magnesium at pH 7.5. At pH 9.4, the hydrolysis of ATP and PNPP follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics with K0.5 values of 154 muM and 42 muM, respectively. However, at pH 7.5 both substrates exhibit more complex saturation curves, while only ATP exhibited site-site interactions. Ca2+-ATP and Mg2+-ATP were effective substrates for the enzyme, while the specific activity of the enzyme for the hydrolysis of ATP at pH 7.5 was 800-900 U/mg and was independent of the ion species. ATP, but not PNPP, was hydrolyzed slowly in the absence of metal ions with a specific activity of 140 U/mg. These data demonstrate that in vitro and at pH 7.5 rat osseous plate alkaline phosphatase is an active calcium or magnesium-activated ATPase.
For the configuration optimization of plate heat exchangers (PHEs), the mathematical models for heat transfer and pressure drop must be valid for a wide range of operational conditions of all configurations of the exchanger or the design results may be compromised. In this investigation, the thermal model of a PHE is adjusted to fit experimental data obtained from non-Newtonian heat transfer for eight different configurations, using carboxymethylcellulose solutions (CMC) as test fluid. Although it is possible to successfully adjust the model parameters, Newtonian and non-Newtonian heat transfer cannot be represented by a single generalized correlation. In addition, the specific heat, thermal conductivity and power-law rheological parameters of CMC solutions were correlated with temperature, over a range compatible with a continuous pasteurization process.
Tibia segmental defect healing in sheep were clinically, radiographically and histologically evaluated. Twelve young sheep aged four to five months were divided into two groups, G1 and G2. A 3.5 cm long segmental defect was created in the right tibial diaphysis with maintenance of the periosteum. The bone defects in both groups were stabilized with a bone plate combined with a titanium cage. In G1 the cage was filled with pieces of autologous cortical bone graft. In G2 it was filled with a composite biomaterial which consisted of inorganic bovine bone, demineralized bovine bone, a pool of bovine bone morphogenetic proteins bound to absorbable ultra-thin powdered hydroxyapatiteand bone-derived denaturized collagen. Except for one G1 animal, all of them showed normal limb function 60 days after surgery. Radiographic examination showed initial formation of periosteal callus in both groups at osteo-tomy sites, over the plate or cage 15 days postoperatively. At 60 and 90 days callus remodeling occurred. Histological and morphometric analysis at 90 days after surgery showed that the quantity of implanted materials in G1 and G2 were similar, and the quantity of new bone formation was less (p = 0.0048) and more immature in G1 than G2, occupying 51 +/- 3.46% and 62 +/- 6.26% of the cage space, respectively. These results suggest that the composite biomaterial tested was a good alternative to autologous cartical bone graft in this experimental ovine tibial defect. However, additional evaluation is warranted prior to its clinical usage.
Rat osseous plate alkaline phosphatase is a metalloenzyme with two binding sites for Zn2+ (sites I and III) and one for Mg2+ (site II). This enzyme is stimulated synergistically by Zn2+ and Mg2+ (Ciancaglini et al., 1992) and also by Mn2+ (Leone et al., 1995) and Co2+ (Ciancaglini et al., 1995). This study was aimed to investigate the modulation of enzyme activity by Ca2+. In the absence of Zn2+ and Mg2+, Ca2+ had no effects on the activity of Chelex-treated, Polidocanol-solubilized enzyme. However, in the presence of 10 mu M MgCl2, increasing concentration of Ca2+ were inhibitory, suggesting the displacement of Mg2+ from the magnesium-reconstituted enzyme. For calcium-reconstituted enzyme, Zn2+ concentrations Zip to 0.1 mu M were stimulatory, increasing specific activity from 130 U/mg to about 240 U/mg with a K-0.5 = 8.5 nM. Above 0.1 mu M Zn2+ exerted a strong inhibitory effect and concentrations of Ca2+ up to I mM were not enough to counteract this inhibition, indicating that Ca2+ was easily displaced by Zn2+. At fixed concentrations of Ca2+, increasing concentrations of Mg2+ increased the enzyme specific activity from 472 U/mg to about 547 U/mg, but K-0.5 values were significantly affected (from 4.4 mu M to 38.0 mu M). The synergistic effects observed for the activity of Ca2+ plus magnesium-reconstituted enzyme, suggested that these two ions bind to the different sites. A model to explain the effect of Ca2+ on the activity of the enzyme is presented. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.
This paper presents a new model for the representation of electrodes' filaments of hot-cathode fluorescent lamps, during preheating processes based on the injection of currents with constant root mean square (rms) values. The main improvement obtained with this model is the prediction of the R-h/R-c ratio during the preheating process, as a function of the preheating time and of the rms current injected in the electrodes. Using the proposed model, it is possible to obtain an estimate of the time interval and the current that should be provided by the electronic ballast, in order to ensure a suitable preheating process. is estimate of time and current can be used as input data in the design of electronic ballasts with programmed lamp start, permitting the prediction of the R-h/R-c ratio during the initial steps of the design (theoretical analysis and digital simulation). Therefore, the use of the proposed model permits to reduce the necessity of several empirical adjustments in the prototype, in order to set the operation of electronic ballasts during the preheating process. This fact reduces time and costs associated to the global design procedure of electronic ballasts.
Alkaline phosphatase activity was released up to 100% from the membrane by using 0.1 U of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C from B. thuringiensis. The Mr of solubilized enzyme was 145,000 by Sephacryl S-300 gel filtration and 66,000 by SDS-PAGE, suggesting a dimeric structure. Solubilization of the membrane-bound enzyme with phospholipase C did not destroy its ability to hydrolyze p-nitrophenyl phosphate (PNPP) (264.3 mu mol min(-1) mg(-1)), ATP (42.0 mu mol min(-1) mg(-1)) and pyrophosphate (28.4 mu mol min(-1) mg(-1)). The hydrolysis of ATP and PNPP by solubilized enzyme exhibited ''Michaelian'' kinetics with K-0.5 = 70 and 979 mu M, respectively. For pyrophosphate, K-0.5 was 128 mu M and site-site interactions were observed (n = 1.4). Magnesium ions were stimulatory (K-d = 1.5 mM) but zinc ions were powerful non-competitive inhibitors (K-d = 6.2 mu M) of solubilized enzyme. Treatment of solubilized alkaline phosphatase with Chellex 100 reduced the original PNPPase activity to 5%. Cobalt (K-0.5 = 10.1 mu M), magnesium (K-0.5 = 29.5 mu M) and manganese ions (K-0.5 = 5 mu M) restored the activity of the apoenzyme with positive cooperativity, suggesting that phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C-solubilized alkaline phosphatase is a metalloenzyme. The stimulation of the apoenzyme by calcium ions (K-0.5 = 653 mu M) was lower than that observed for the other ions (26%) and exhibited site-site interactions (n = 0.7). Zinc ions had no effect on the apoenzyme of the solubilized enzyme.
1. Increased levels of bone alkaline phosphatase activity were observed in diabetic rats. These animals exhibited impaired bone development without concomitant alterations of the sequence of cellular transformations.2. Alkaline phosphatase activity was delayed in diabetic rats but the kinetic parameters for the hydrolysis of p-Nitrophenylphosphate (PNPP) were virtually the same observed for controls (N = 1.2 and K0.5 = 43 muM).3. Alkaline phosphatase from diabetic rats had a better affinity (K0.5 = 38 muM) for magnesium ions than controls (K0.5 = 9 1 muM).4. Zinc ions affected alkaline phosphatase activity from control and diabetic rats in the same way (K0.5 = 10 muM).
A 9.5/65/35 PLZT ceramic with a Pb-0.905 La-0.095 (Zr-0.65 Ti-0.35)(0.976) O-3 + 35 w% PbO formula was prepared using the Pechini method for powder preparation and two-step sintering in an oxygen atmosphere. Thr first step consisted of sintering at 1200 degrees C for 4 h with slow heating and cooling rates. The second step consisted of hot pressing at 1200 degrees C for 3 h, with slow heating and cooling rates and pressing pressures of 20 MPa (initial pressure) and 40 MPa (at sintering temperature). Investigations were made of the powder phase formation and powder morphology, i.e. The structure of sintered and hot-pressed PLZT ceramics. SEM microstructural analyses were carried out on the sintering and hot-pressing processes. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a study on the influence of milling condition on workpiece surface integrity focusing on hardness and roughness. The experimental work was carried out on a CNC machining center considering roughing and finishing operations. A 25 mm diameter endmill with two cemented carbide inserts coated with TiN layer were used for end milling operation. Low carbon alloyed steel Cr-Mo forged at 1200 degrees C was used as workpiece on the tests. Two kinds of workpiece conditions were considered, i.e. cur cooled after hot forging and normalized at 950 degrees C for 2 h. The results showed that finishing operation was able to significantly decrease the roughness by at least 46% without changing the hardness. on the other hand, roughing operation caused an increase in hardness statistically significant by about 6%. The machined surface presented deformed regions within feed marks, which directly affected the roughness. Surface finish behavior seems to correlate to the chip ratio given the decrease of 25% for roughing condition, which damaged the chip formation. The material removal rate for finishing operation 41% greater than roughing condition demonstrated to be favorable to the heat dissipation and minimized the effect on material hardness.
Hot-filament metal oxide deposition (HFMOD) is a variant of conventional hot-filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) recently developed in our laboratory and successfully used to obtain high-quality, uniform films of MOx WOx and VOx. The method employs the controlled oxidation of a filament of a transition metal heated to 1000 degrees C or more in a rarefied oxygen atmosphere (typically, of about 1 Pa). Metal oxide vapor formed on the surface of the filament is transported a few centimetres to deposit on a suitable substrate. Key system parameters include the choice of filament material and diameter, the applied current and the partial pressures of oxygen in the chamber. Relatively high film deposition rates, such as 31 nm min(-1) for MoOx, are obtained. The film stoichiometry depends on the exact deposition conditions. MoOx films, for example, present a mixture of MoO2 and MoO3 phases, as revealed by XPS. As determined by Li+ intercalation using an electrochemical cell, these films also show a colouration efficiency of 19.5 cm(2) C-1 at a wavelength of 700 nm. MOx and WOx films are promising in applications involving electrochromism and characteristics of their colouring/bleaching cycles are presented. The chemical composition and structure of VOx films examined using IRRAS (infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy), RBS (Rutherford backscattering spectrometry) and XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectrometry) are also presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The performance of 36 models (22 ocean color models and 14 biogeochemical ocean circulation models (BOGCMs)) that estimate depth-integrated marine net primary productivity (NPP) was assessed by comparing their output to in situ (14)C data at the Bermuda Atlantic Time series Study (BATS) and the Hawaii Ocean Time series (HOT) over nearly two decades. Specifically, skill was assessed based on the models' ability to estimate the observed mean, variability, and trends of NPP. At both sites, more than 90% of the models underestimated mean NPP, with the average bias of the BOGCMs being nearly twice that of the ocean color models. However, the difference in overall skill between the best BOGCM and the best ocean color model at each site was not significant. Between 1989 and 2007, in situ NPP at BATS and HOT increased by an average of nearly 2% per year and was positively correlated to the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation index. The majority of ocean color models produced in situ NPP trends that were closer to the observed trends when chlorophyll-alpha was derived from high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), rather than fluorometric or SeaWiFS data. However, this was a function of time such that average trend magnitude was more accurately estimated over longer time periods. Among BOGCMs, only two individual models successfully produced an increasing NPP trend (one model at each site). We caution against the use of models to assess multiannual changes in NPP over short time periods. Ocean color model estimates of NPP trends could improve if more high quality HPLC chlorophyll-alpha time series were available.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Transient non-Darcy forced convection on a flat plate embedded in a porous medium is investigated using the Forchheimer-extended Darcy law. A sudden uniform pressure gradient is applied along the flat plate, and at the same time, its wall temperature is suddenly raised to a high temperature. Both the momentum and energy equations are solved by retaining the unsteady terms. An exact velocity solution is obtained and substituted into the energy equation, which then is solved by means of a quasi-similarity transformation. The temperature field can be divided into the one-dimensional transient (downstream) region and the quasi-steady-state (upstream) region. Thus the transient local heat transfer coefficient can be described by connecting the quasi-steady-state solution and the one-dimensional transient solution. The non-Darcy porous inertia works to decrease the velocity level and the time required for reaching the steady-state velocity level. The porous-medium inertia delays covering of the plate by the steady-state thermal boundary layer. © 1990.
Thirty-two Polwarth sheep of ages up to 1 year were observed under temperatures varying from 10.5 to 46.5°C. The following blood cell counts were made: erythrocyte (RBC), leucocyte (WBC), eosinophil (EOS), neutrophil (NEU), lymphocyte (LYM) and monocyte (MON). Other traits measured were: haemoglobin (HB), haematocrit (HT), blood glucose (GLU) and serum protein (PROT). Multivariate analysis of variance was used and the results showed a significant (P<0.001) effect for the interaction of shearing and temperature treatment. Under temperatures >25°C, sheep presented a decrease of RBC, WBC, HB and HT, these differences being greater in the shorn than in the unshorn animals. Unshorn animals presented higher variations in EOS, NEU, LYM, MON and GLU. Blood glucose increased under high temperatures in the shorn animals (from 56.36±0.65 mg/100 ml to 60.52±0.69 mg/100 ml) as in the unshorn animals (from 54.72±0.74 mg/100 ml to 57.56±0.77 mg/100 ml). © 1992 International Society of Biometeorology.