454 resultados para Hegemónico (MMH)
This study has as objective to investigate the identity constructions of Mossoró, at the statements of the string literature. Having as thread the episode of resistance of the city against the group of Lampião at June the thirteenth of nineteen twenty seven, our study built itself at the statements present in nine strings, produced between the space-time of 1927 and 2007, year that Mossoró celebrated eighty years of the episode. Aware that the theme extrapolated the limits of the means of communication of the time and it became part of the everyday of the people from Mossoró, producing at the collective memory the image of a resistance city at the street’s names, at companies’ names, at radios’ names with the “FM Resistance”, at the discourses of the politicians, at the city hall which name is “Palace of the Resistance”, the central question that guides our investigation congregates the discussion around the dialogical relations done at the statements about the theme in vogue. This bias, the research elected as categories of analysis the concept of social voices and chronology, considering that the different identities are produced according to placements made by the subjects, as well as, by the context of production. Admitted at the area of Applied Linguistics (AL) and its line language and pratic of social the research articulates the theorizations provided from the area of Cultural Studies (especially regarding identity) with the theoretical framework of the bakhitinian Circle (regarding the social-historical conception of language and in its dialogical character). The results indicate that even existing an axiological movement around the representations of Mossoró and of the episode of 1927, the statements of the strings converge to a hegemonic discourse, corroborating with the identity profile of resistance transported over eighty decades
Natal has come through major changes in the last 150 years, since the actions of city beautification, in the 19th century, until the present day, when such transformations start to have the objective of including the city in the competition for the attraction of the capital flows and consumption, domestically and in a foreign sense. It is thought that the first initiatives aimed at increasing tourism in Natal occurred in the 1960s, however, it became apparent that only from the 1980s was there a significant increase in tourist activities in Natal and the Metropolitan Region, especially on the east coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, leading to an expansion of the labour market, the significant increase of foreign investment, territorial changes of great impact and the production of buildings primarily intended for the hotel industry and second residence for European tourists. Since then, the incentives for tourist activity in the state have been maintained and even increased, based on tourism aimed at natural beauties, local cuisine and events, which transformed the tourist activity in one of the main sources of foreign exchange for the city of Natal. In the early 21st century, the construction of high-rise condominiums, monuments (including the designer ones), such as the Parque da Cidade, designed by Oscar Niemeyer, were already established. Also, shopping centers and, in order to host the World Cup, the new football stadium, the Arena das Dunas, among others, which were aimed at local and foreign consumers, especially European, stood out in the city. It is understood that these new buildings, monuments and also renovations and restorations that were deployed in the city of Natal aimed at constructing a new identity for the city, within the process of capitalist development and urban spectacle. It is considered that the monuments and the iconic buildings are attributes of the cities aimed at selling locations as goods, establishing a new urban environment, a new role as cities, which aimed at seeking greater autonomy from the nation-state. In this research, it was sought to analyze the architectural object, that is, buildings and monuments built or restored in Natal and its relevance to the city marketing promoted by the city itself. It was found that, indeed, such buildings and monuments are inserted in contemporary architectural production as a basis for increasing the competitive nature of Natal. In addition, they reveal a capitalist mode of production, supported by public resources, operating in the production of urban space with a view to repeating the hegemonic model of a competitive city
The reformist movements in the field of mental health have pointed battle flags, among which the prioritization of production of mental health care out of the asylum environment should be highlighted, aiming the reduction of psychiatric beds, greater control over the hospitalization, family co-participation and the rescue of the citizenship of the social players involved. With the progressive reduction of asylum beds, associated with a lot of structural problems in the health services, the occurrence of crises outside the hospital environment has been increasingly frequent, thus giving the family an important therapeutic role. In face of this scenario, there is an urgent need to understand the social construction of the care for psychiatric emergencies, identifying the meanings assigned by family members to their constituent aspects. This study seeks to answer the following research question: what are the social representations of family members about the care of psychiatric emergencies in the city of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte? Therefore, the aim is to analyze the social representations of family members about the care of psychiatric emergencies in the city of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte. This is an exploratory and descriptive study, with a mixed approach, making use of multimethods: for collection, the semi-structured interview and the Technique of Free Association of Words; for data analysis, the Thematic Analysis of Bardin and its steps was used, with the informational support of the softwares ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble de Segments de Texte) and Iramuteq (Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires); and the theoretical support of social representations. The study participants totaled 72, and they were selected from the following criteria: older than18 years, with degree of kinship with users suffering from some mental and behavioral disorder, and who have already witnessed a situation of crisis, rescued by the SAMU or other means and taken to the psychiatric hospital or general emergency room. Preliminary results point out: 1.Previous note of the research project with the aim to disseminate it in the scientific community and ensure the intellectual property of the work; 2.The contextual analysis of the care for emergencies in the study place. Reflection about the phenomenon provide a name to the care for the psychiatric emergencies, which is called immediate context; the technical and operational aspects that influence the care, as a specific/ general context; and mental health policies in Brazil are identified as metacontext; 3. The systematic review from randomized clinical trials in the databases PubMed, COCHRANE, LILACS, SciELO and SCIRUS, with the use of the descriptors: ‘Physical restraint’, ‘Psychiatric emergency services’, ‘Restraint’, ‘Physical and Emergency Services’, ‘Psychiatric’. Only one work met the search protocol criteria: a short-term essay that records limited results about the proportion of people who are in restraint and seclusion. It does not show statistically significant results in relation to indications, contraindications and risks of the use of physical restraint; 4. The social representations of the care for psychiatric emergencies. The study results point to the presence of five thematic categories: 1. feeling in the face of the crisis/care; 2. thoughts and perspectives about the crisis/care; 3. centrality of care in the medical- medication-hospitalization triad; 4. the thinking/acting in the face of the use of physical restraint and police force; 5. periodicity of crises. The central core of the representation is in the first category, whilst the peripheral elements are in the third and fifth categories. The contrast zone is in the second and fourth categories. The sadness is the most prominent element of the structure. The social representations about the care for psychiatric crises are at a time of transition between the hegemonic and reformist models, with the traditional aspects being predominant, but already showing peripheral and contrast elements that point to a possible change in the representational field.
INTRODUCTION: In Brazil, the health training policies have been going through deep changes, which are the fruits of the sanitary reform and of the breakage with the biomedical model, still hegemonic. Nevertheless, the paradigm of comprehensiveness is being introduced in health and, in order to consolidate this concept, the training has been gaining new methodological approaches. One can mention the teaching-service interaction (education-health system/citizenship health), whose proposal enables the expansion of the perception of the health-disease process, as well as the warranty of compromises of training in relation to SUS. OBJECTIVE: Understand, from health professionals, the relevance of teaching-service-community interaction, vocational training of students of the Faculty of Health Sciences / UFRN. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: This study is grounded on qualitative approach. The technique used to obtain research data was the focus group. Two focus groups (FG) were accomplished in two family basic health units of the municipality of Santa Cruz – RN, where there is participation of professionals of the Family Health Strategy. The discussions were performed from a previously elaborated script. The analysis of results was held from the categorical thematic content technique. RESULTS: The study had the participation of 18 health professionals, and 13 (72%) were females. For these professionals, the teaching-service interaction enables the student to understand the model of comprehensive health care, since the contact with the community enhances its perception about the health-disease process, but also enables recognizing the importance of teamwork to comprehensive health care. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The results highlight the importance of a policy of reorientation within the context of training so that students have an early contact with the service and therefore develop technical skills within the context in which they are inserted.
Este trabalho se debruçou sobre a produção audiovisual das movimentações de protesto ocorridas em Natal, capital do Rio Grande do Norte, entre maio e junho de 2011, denominadas #ForaMicarla. Objetivou-se caracterizar esta produção numa tentativa de responder o porquê e como eles lançaram mão do vídeo em suas ações, sob as hipóteses de que a midiatização e o acesso facilitado a estas tecnologias tinham a ver com suas opções. Lançou-se mão de procedimentos histórico-dialético e teoria fundamentada (Fragoso, Recuero e Amaral), a partir das técnicas de observação não-participante, aplicação de questionário e entrevistas em profundidade. Posicionou-se estas movimentações sociais em redes, na conceituação de Castells, dentro de uma perspectiva da contra-hegemonia como uma Mídia Radical (Downing), sendo um Audiovisual de Combate (Bustos). Esta mídia possui as características do Novo Protesto (Assis), inserido no contexto da midiatização da sociedade de Verón e Sodré. Tentou-se também identificar historicamente as origens do poder hegemônico e a estrutura oligárquica, coronelística e familiar que fundou o poder no Brasil, apropriando-se do conceito de Coronelismo Eletrônico de Lima e Lopes e Assistencialismo Midiático de Guareschi, Dias e Hartmann. Através dos dados obtidos houve a emersão das categorias para análise deste tipo de audiovisual.
In this work we defend the thesis that the movements of culture and popular education in the 1960s in Brazil, manifested itself into resistance to hegemonic thought, coming from the North, which reduced the popular individuals and their knowledge to the ignorant condition. The focus of our study lies on the resistance produced by these movements in the history of the Country. We used as theoretical reflective foundation the thinking of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and his thesis about the construction of rationalities focused in the fight against indolent reason and the deconstruction of the inferiority in the colonized plan. But the analysis also favors approaches of other authors in the proportion that deals with the action of social actors of culture and popular education movements that have marked their presence in the public space, whose views and interests were invented and reinvented constantly in the relacional game. From the point of empirical view, the research makes use of bibliographies and written documentary sources such as newspaper articles, speeches, statements, manifests and documents like these. The research intends to seek in the past the understanding of those Movements in an effort to enable the viewing of certain remnants of the past that have relevance as social and academic wealth of experience. From the popular and the local, movements of culture and popular education in the 1960s, they overcame the barriers of invisibility and raised Itself to the plan of the global history, when they began to become protagonists of their own history, until their dreams were buried by the 1964 tragedy.
In this work we defend the thesis that the movements of culture and popular education in the 1960s in Brazil, manifested itself into resistance to hegemonic thought, coming from the North, which reduced the popular individuals and their knowledge to the ignorant condition. The focus of our study lies on the resistance produced by these movements in the history of the Country. We used as theoretical reflective foundation the thinking of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and his thesis about the construction of rationalities focused in the fight against indolent reason and the deconstruction of the inferiority in the colonized plan. But the analysis also favors approaches of other authors in the proportion that deals with the action of social actors of culture and popular education movements that have marked their presence in the public space, whose views and interests were invented and reinvented constantly in the relacional game. From the point of empirical view, the research makes use of bibliographies and written documentary sources such as newspaper articles, speeches, statements, manifests and documents like these. The research intends to seek in the past the understanding of those Movements in an effort to enable the viewing of certain remnants of the past that have relevance as social and academic wealth of experience. From the popular and the local, movements of culture and popular education in the 1960s, they overcame the barriers of invisibility and raised Itself to the plan of the global history, when they began to become protagonists of their own history, until their dreams were buried by the 1964 tragedy.
El multilateralismo eficaz se ha convertido en un lugar común del discurso político internacional. Pero el multilateralismo es un concepto y una práctica problemática, y no se concibe o interpreta de la misma manera por parte de diferentes actores. Si Estados Unidos continua impulsando un multilateralismo hegemónico, la UE promueve un multilateralismo normativo, los países en desarrollo practican un multilateralismo defensivo y los emergentes promueven un multilateralismo revisionista basados en narrativas, legitimaciones discursivas, objetivos y prácticas diferenciadas. El artículo trata de caracterizar cada una de esas visiones a partir de sus narrativas y lógicas discursivas; se utiliza cómo argumento el denominado «efecto Rashomon», basado en el filme homónimo de Akira Kurosawa, que muestra cómo pueden coexistir distintos relatos de un determinado hecho, y cómo estos configuran expectativas, roles y conductas de los actores implicados. Finalmente, se analiza en qué medida esas narrativas se ven desafiadas por los procesos de cambio de poder del sistema internacional y reclaman un marco común.
En estos tiempos de descoyuntamiento político e ideológico organizado, se torna un ejercicio ineludible el rastreo histórico y con ello, la vivificación de la memoria colectiva. Por ello, en este trabajo se someterán a comparación dos regímenes emergidos en épocas diferentes: el peronismo (las dos primeras presidencias) y el adolfismo en San Luis (instaurado desde 1983), considerado este último una prolongación del ideario político-partidario sustentado por el primero. El eje de la comparación se vertebrará en torno al análisis de las prácticas de adoctrinamiento en los ámbitos educativos formales y no formales, que tuvieron como finalidad la generación del pensamiento hegemónico. A partir de una lectura retrospectiva sobre el peronismo se pretende hacer visibles algunas líneas de continuidad que han habido entre aquél régimen y el adolfista, no por un hecho fortuito sino por el uso estratégico que el gobierno puntano y su caudillo emprendieran sobre distintos recursos de poder, entre los que se encuentra la educación. El reciclaje de viejas artimañas de persuasión y creación de la adulonería ha sido posible gracias a la des-historización de las prácticas y discursos sociales, el vaciamiento semántico de diversos conceptos, la cooptación de otros y la dictadura de la des-memoria. Resta aclarar que lejos se está de un posicionamiento historiográfico que estriba en una visión de la Historia como una infinita repetición de los acontecimientos en la que se niega la posibilidad del conflicto y la revolución. Se adhiere a la noción de Historia reticular caracterizada por la presencia del azar, la paradoja, la complejidad dada por las múltiples relaciones entre los hechos y el dinamismo presente en el despliegue de los mismos. Desde esta vertiente adquiere relevancia echar un vistazo sobre lo simbólico y particular o lo que en términos de Philippe Ariès constituye la historia de las mentalidades
artigo problematiza quais seriam as principais demandas para o ensino Educaçao Física escolar no capitalismo contemporâneo do ponto de vista hegemônico em que a centralidade nos processos educacionais é ocupada por disciplinas que possuem uma dimensao mais cognitiva, tais como Português e Matemática. Sendo assim, buscou-se apreender como a noçao de competência vem assumindo a centralidade na esfera educativa ao mesmo tempo em que coloca os saberes e o conhecimento em segundo plano. Além disto, identificar e compreender como a tendência colocada acima, sob a égide de dois documentos oficiais: Relatório Jacques Delors no plano internacional e Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais no plano brasileiro repercutem nos saberes a serem trabalhados pela Educaçao Física no atual momento histórico foi centralmente importante. A partir dos elementos trabalhados, chegou-se ao entendimento de que a Educaçao Física imediatamente nao contribui para a formaçao exigida pela gestao de trabalho flexível, porém mediatamente sim, quando o trabalho pedagógico se volta, essencialmente, para a perspectiva de instrumentalizar os alunos para a resoluçao de problemas e a tomada de decisoes acertadas ao longo da vida
Este estudo objetivou identificar diferentes estratégias metodológicas para o ensino de jogos tradicionais em escolas da Catalunha/Espanha, compreendidos como manifestaçoes da cultura corporal historicamente construídas. Para tanto, realizamos trabalho de campo e lançamos mao de entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas com cinco professores de escolas de ensino fundamental das cidades de Lleida e Tarragona. Identificamos diferentes estratégias metodológicas para o desenvolvimento do conteúdo jogo tradicional nas aulas, tais como: busca de jogos com pessoas do entorno, fontes históricas, intercâmbio entre escolas, festividades, selos de correio. A pesquisa buscou contribuir para a superaçao do conteúdo esporte como hegemônico na Educaçao Física escolar, considerando as diversificadas manifestaçoes da cultura corporal de igual importância para o desenvolvimento humano dos alunos
Este artículo describe y analiza la articulación discursiva sobre el lesbianismo en el campo médico argentino entre 1936 y 1955. Las "verdades" de la medicina poseen una fuerza normativa que constituyen un lugar privilegiado para propiciar la aplicación del modelo heterosexual e imponer esta visión al resto de la sociedad. En primer lugar esbozaremos los argumentos médicos en el ámbito europeo por ser los referentes más recorridos por la elite médica argentina. Luego, analizaremos las relecturas y apropiaciones realizadas en el contexto argentino articulándolas con el modelo hegemónico heterosexual de feminidad
En el presente trabajo proponemos analizar los discursos hegemónicos en la política argentina desde la recuperación de la democracia en 1983 hasta la actualidad. De acuerdo a nuestra hipótesis, estos discursos son básicamente tres. El discurso democrático legalista, propalado desde el gobierno del radical Raúl Alfonsín desde fines 1983 a mediados de 1989; el discurso neoliberal encarnado por el presidente Carlos Menem, en el gobierno desde 1989 a 1999, que consolidó una hegemonía que se extendió a la oposición que tomó el relevo en 1999 con el radical Fernando de la Rúa y que debió abandonar el gobierno anticipadamente en 2001. El tercer dispositivo discursivo hegemónico emerge con el gobierno de Néstor Kirchner en mayo de 2003 y se continúa en el gobierno de su sucesora, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, desde 2007 a la fecha
El rey Nabis de Esparta es caracterizado por las fuentes literarias antiguas como un tirano al haber emprendido una serie de reformas radicales que, particularmente en sus contenidos sociales, atentaban contra el orden establecido y ponían en peligro la supremacía en el Peloponeso de una conservadora liga aquea sostenida en las clases propietarias y respaldada por las imparables legiones romanas. Es el propósito del presente artículo analizar las bases de esa monarquía "revolucionaria" de Nabis, así como el alcance, los objetivos y la fortuna final de sus medidas, que supusieron un intento de acomodarse a la realidad de los estados helenísticos sin renunciar por ello a las señas de identidad y al acervo cultural espartano. La finalidad última era reconquistar parte de su pasado esplendor militar y lograr un lugar digno, si no hegemónico, en el complejo e inestable tablero geopolítico peloponésico, pero la elite aquea no cesó hasta acallar toda reivindicación socioeconómica en la sociedad lacedemonia.
Este artículo describe y analiza la articulación discursiva sobre el lesbianismo en el campo médico argentino entre 1936 y 1955. Las "verdades" de la medicina poseen una fuerza normativa que constituyen un lugar privilegiado para propiciar la aplicación del modelo heterosexual e imponer esta visión al resto de la sociedad. En primer lugar esbozaremos los argumentos médicos en el ámbito europeo por ser los referentes más recorridos por la elite médica argentina. Luego, analizaremos las relecturas y apropiaciones realizadas en el contexto argentino articulándolas con el modelo hegemónico heterosexual de feminidad