993 resultados para Hannover
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Marriage contract; testament; Schutzbrief.
This paper provides a framework for understanding Twitter as a historical source. We address digital humanities scholars to enable the transfer of concepts from traditional source criticism to new media formats, and to encourage the preservation of Twitter as a cultural artifact. Twitter has established itself as a key social media platform which plays an important role in public, real-time conversation. Twitter is also unique as its content is being archived by a public institution (the Library of Congress). In this paper we will show that we still have to assume that much of the contextual information beyond the pure tweet texts is already lost, and propose additional objectives for preservation.
An in vitro transcription system for rinderpest virus (RPV) is described. Ribonucleoprotein complexes isolated from RPV-infected Vero cells, human lung carcinoma cells, or detergent-disrupted purified virions synthesized authentic RPV mRNAs for the N, P, M, F and H genes as identified by dot blot hybridization analysis with individual cDNA clones. The relative abundance of the mRNAs synthesized in vitro decreased from the 3? end of the genome to the 5? end, very similar to that observed with measles virus transcription in vitro. The transcription by purified virions was stimulated three-fold by the addition of infected human lung carcinoma cell lysate, demonstrating the involvement of host factor(s) in mRNA synthesis.
Motion Estimation is one of the most power hungry operations in video coding. While optimal search (eg. full search)methods give best quality, non optimal methods are often used in order to reduce cost and power. Various algorithms have been used in practice that trade off quality vs. complexity. Global elimination is an algorithm based on pixel averaging to reduce complexity of motion search while keeping performance close to that of full search. We propose an adaptive version of the global elimination algorithm that extracts individual macro-block features using Hadamard transform to optimize the search. Performance achieved is close to the full search method and global elimination. Operational complexity and hence power is reduced by 30% to 45% compared to global elimination method.
Increasing nitrate concentrations in ground water is deleterious to human health as ingestion of such water can cause methemoglobinemia in infants and even cancer in adults (desirable limit for nitrate as NO3 - 45 mg/L, IS code 10500-1991). Excess nitrate concentrations in ground water is contributed by reason being disposal of sewage and excessive use of fertilizers. Though numerous technologies such as reverse osmosis, ion exchange, electro-dialysis, permeable reactive barriers using zerovalent iron etc exists, nitrate removal continues to be one of challenging issue as nitrate ion is highly mobile within the soil strata. The tapping the denitrification potential of soil denitrifiers which are inherently available in the soil matrix is the most sustainable approach to mitigate accumulation of nitrate in ground water. The insitu denitrification of sand and bentonite enhanced sand (bentonite content = 5%) in presence of easily assimilable organic carbon such as ethanol was studied. Batch studies showed that nitrate reduction by sand follows first order kinetics with a rate constant 5.3x10(-2) hr(-1) and rate constant 4.3 x 10(-2) hr(-1) was obtained for bentonite-enhanced sand (BS) at 25 degrees C. Filter columns (height = 5 cm and diameter = 8.2 cm) were constructed using sand and bentonite-enhanced sand as filter media. The filtration rate through both the filter columns was maintained at average value of 2.60 cm/h. The nitrate removal rates through both the filter media was assessed for solution containing 22.6 mg NO3-N/L concentrations while keeping C/N mass ratio as 3. For sand filter column, the nitrate removal efficiency reached the average value of 97.6% after passing 50 pore volumes of the nitrate solution. For bentonite-enhanced sand filter column, the average nitrate removal efficiency was 83.5%. The time required for effective operation for sand filter bed was 100 hours, while bentonite-enhanced sand filter bed did not require any maturation period as that of sand filter bed for effective performance because the presence of micropores in bentonite increases the hydraulic retention time of the solution inside the filter bed.
One of the most common decapode in the North Atlantic is the “Northern” or “Pink shrimp” Pandalus borealis (Kröyeri). Due to decreasing fish stocks and catches the shrimp fishery was intensified during most recent years. In the North-East Atlantic, a profitable fishery on this species has been carried out by Norway and USSR/ Russia off Norway, in the Barents Sea and off Spitsbergen for about 30 years. For the first time, Germany started a shrimp fishery with FMV “Hannover” in this area in spring/summer 1999. This article gives information on the biology of Pandalus borealis. A brief description of the problems in stock analyses, stock assessment, and the TACs (Total Allowable Catches) for the entire North Atlantic are given.
8 cartas y 4 tarjetas postales (mecanografiadas y manuscritas) ; entre 205x295mm y 90x140mm
"Im Zuge der weiteren Verbreitung der Social Media und der internetbasierten Lehre, gewinnen eLearning Inhalte immer mehr an Bedeutung. In den Kontext von eLearning und internetbasierter Lehre gehören auch Open Educational Resources (OER). OER sind digitale Lern- und Lehrmaterialien, die frei für Lehrende und Studierende zugänglich sind und auch frei verbreitet werden dürfen. [...] Um OER auszutauschen, zu finden, zu beschaffen und sie auf einer breiten Basis zugänglich zu machen, insbesondere auch über Suchmaschinen und dadurch verwenden zu können, werden für die jeweiligen Materialien Metadaten benötigt. [...] Um die Frage nach dem Handlungs- und Forschungsbedarf zum Thema Metadaten für Open Educational Resources zu untersuchen, wird zunächst ein Überblick über die momentan bestehenden nationalen und internationalen Metadatenstandards für eLearning Objekte gegeben. [...] Hieraus ergeben sich Empfehlungen, welche Metadaten-Standards für die weitere Nutzung und Förderung geeignet sein könnten. Es werden außerdem die Möglichkeiten der Erstellung eines neuen Metadaten-Standards sowie eines gemeinsamen Portals für OER erörtert. Hierbei wird vor allem auf die zu erwartenden Probleme und die damit verbundenen Anforderungen eingegangen." (DIPF/Orig.)
This work presents computation analysis of levitated liquid thermal and flow fields with free surface oscillations in AC and DC magnetic fields. The volume electromagnetic force distribution is continuously updated with the shape and position change. The oscillation frequency spectra are analysed for droplets levitation against gravity in AC and DC magnetic fields at various combinations. For larger volume liquid metal confinement and melting the semi-levitation induction skull melting process is simulated with the same numerical model. Applications are aimed at pure electromagnetic material processing techniques and the material properties measurements in uncontaminated conditions.
Vacuum arc remelting (VAR) aims at production of high quality, segregation-free alloys. The quality of the produced ingots depends on the operating conditions which could be monitored and analyzed using numerical modelling. The remelting process uniformity is controlled by critical medium scale time variations of the order 1-100 s, which are physically initiated by the droplet detachment and the large scale arc motion at the top of liquid pool [1,2]. The newly developed numerical modelling tools are addressing the 3-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic and thermal behaviour in the liquid zone and the adjacent ingot, electrode and crucible.
A real-time parameter estimator for the climate discrete-time dynamic models of a greenhouse located at the North of Portugal are presented. The experiments showed that the second order models identified for the air temperature and humidity achieve a close agreement between simulated and experimantal data.