998 resultados para HEAVY-QUARK PRODUCTION


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This thesis comes after a strong contribution on the realization of the CMS computing system, which can be seen as a relevant part of the experiment itself. A physics analysis completes the road from Monte Carlo production and analysis tools realization to the final physics study which is the actual goal of the experiment. The topic of physics work of this thesis is the study of tt events fully hadronic decay in the CMS experiment. A multi-jet trigger has been provided to fix a reasonable starting point, reducing the multi-jet sample to the nominal trigger rate. An offline selection has been provided to reduce the S/B ratio. The b-tag is applied to provide a further S/B improvement. The selection is applied to the background sample and to the samples generated at different top quark masses. The top quark mass candidate is reconstructed for all those samples using a kinematic fitter. The resulting distributions are used to build p.d.f.’s, interpolating them with a continuous arbitrary curve. These curves are used to perform the top mass measurement through a likelihood comparison


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Due to the growing attention of consumers towards their food, improvement of quality of animal products has become one of the main focus of research. To this aim, the application of modern molecular genetics approaches has been proved extremely useful and effective. This innovative drive includes all livestock species productions, including pork. The Italian pig breeding industry is unique because needs heavy pigs slaughtered at about 160 kg for the production of high quality processed products. For this reason, it requires precise meat quality and carcass characteristics. Two aspects have been considered in this thesis: the application of the transcriptome analysis in post mortem pig muscles as a possible method to evaluate meat quality parameters related to the pre mortem status of the animals, including health, nutrition, welfare, and with potential applications for product traceability (chapters 3 and 4); the study of candidate genes for obesity related traits in order to identify markers associated with fatness in pigs that could be applied to improve carcass quality (chapters 5, 6, and 7). Chapter three addresses the first issue from a methodological point of view. When we considered this issue, it was not obvious that post mortem skeletal muscle could be useful for transcriptomic analysis. Therefore we demonstrated that the quality of RNA extracted from skeletal muscle of pigs sampled at different post mortem intervals (20 minutes, 2 hours, 6 hours, and 24 hours) is good for downstream applications. Degradation occurred starting from 48 h post mortem even if at this time it is still possible to use some RNA products. In the fourth chapter, in order to demonstrate the potential use of RNA obtained up to 24 hours post mortem, we present the results of RNA analysis with the Affymetrix microarray platform that made it possible to assess the level of expression of more of 24000 mRNAs. We did not identify any significant differences between the different post mortem times suggesting that this technique could be applied to retrieve information coming from the transcriptome of skeletal muscle samples not collected just after slaughtering. This study represents the first contribution of this kind applied to pork. In the fifth chapter, we investigated as candidate for fat deposition the TBC1D1 [TBC1 (tre-2/USP6, BUB2, cdc16) gene. This gene is involved in mechanisms regulating energy homeostasis in skeletal muscle and is associated with predisposition to obesity in humans. By resequencing a fragment of the TBC1D1 gene we identified three synonymous mutations localized in exon 2 (g.40A>G, g.151C>T, and g.172T>C) and 2 polymorphisms localized in intron 2 (g.219G>A and g.252G>A). One of these polymorphisms (g.219G>A) was genotyped by high resolution melting (HRM) analysis and PCR-RFLP. Moreover, this gene sequence was mapped by radiation hybrid analysis on porcine chromosome 8. The association study was conducted in 756 performance tested pigs of Italian Large White and Italian Duroc breeds. Significant results were obtained for lean meat content, back fat thickness, visible intermuscular fat and ham weight. In chapter six, a second candidate gene (tribbles homolog 3, TRIB3) is analyzed in a study of association with carcass and meat quality traits. The TRIB3 gene is involved in energy metabolism of skeletal muscle and plays a role as suppressor of adipocyte differentiation. We identified two polymorphisms in the first coding exon of the porcine TRIB3 gene, one is a synonymous SNP (c.132T> C), a second is a missense mutation (c.146C> T, p.P49L). The two polymorphisms appear to be in complete linkage disequilibrium between and within breeds. The in silico analysis of the p.P49L substitution suggests that it might have a functional effect. The association study in about 650 pigs indicates that this marker is associated with back fat thickness in Italian Large White and Italian Duroc breeds in two different experimental designs. This polymorphisms is also associated with lactate content of muscle semimembranosus in Italian Large White pigs. Expression analysis indicated that this gene is transcribed in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue as well as in other tissues. In the seventh chapter, we reported the genotyping results for of 677 SNPs in extreme divergent groups of pigs chosen according to the extreme estimated breeding values for back fat thickness. SNPs were identified by resequencing, literature mining and in silico database mining. analysis, data reported in the literature of 60 candidates genes for obesity. Genotyping was carried out using the GoldenGate (Illumina) platform. Of the analyzed SNPs more that 300 were polymorphic in the genotyped population and had minor allele frequency (MAF) >0.05. Of these SNPs, 65 were associated (P<0.10) with back fat thickness. One of the most significant gene marker was the same TBC1D1 SNPs reported in chapter 5, confirming the role of this gene in fat deposition in pig. These results could be important to better define the pig as a model for human obesity other than for marker assisted selection to improve carcass characteristics.


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Poplar is considered a good candidate for phytoremediation, but its tolerance to heavy metals has not been fully investigated yet. In the present work, two different culture systems (in vitro and aeroponic/hydroponic) and two different stress tolerant clones of Populus alba (AL22 and Villafranca) were investigated for their total polyphenol and flavonoid content, individual phenolic compounds, polyamine, lipid peroxidation and hydrogen peroxide levels in response to Cu. In AL22 poplar plants cultured in vitro in the presence or absence of 50 μM Cu, total leaves polyphenol and flavonoid content was higher in treated samples than in controls but unaltered in the roots. Equally the same clone, grown under aeroponic conditions and hydroponically treated for 72 h with 100 μM Cu, displayed increased amount of polyphenols and flavonoids in the leaves, in particular chlorogenic acid and quercetin, and no differences in the roots. In exudates from treated roots total polyphenols and flavonoids, in particular catechin and epicatechin, were more abundant than in controls. Polyamine levels show an increase in conjugated putrescine (Put) and spermidine (Spd) was found. In the Villafranca clone, treated with 100 μM Cu for 6, 24 and 72 h, the pattern of polyphenol and flavonoid accumulation was the same as in AL22; in Cu-treated roots these compounds decreased compared with controls while they increased in root exudates. Free polyamine levels rose at 24 and 72 h while only conjugated Put increased at 24 h. Cu-treated Villafranca plants exhibited a higher malondialdehyde production than controls indicative of membrane lipid peroxidation and, therefore, oxidative stress. An in vitro experiment was carried to investigate the antioxidant effect of the polyamine spermidine (Spd). Exogenous Spd, supplied together with 100 μM Cu, reduced the accumulation of polyphenols and flavonoids, MDA and hydrogen peroxide induced by Cu.


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̀ qui presentato lo studio della produzione della risonanza K∗0 in collisioni p-Pb con l’esperimento ALICE presso LHC. L’elaborato si compone di una introduzione sulla natura del fenomeno studiato: la formazione del Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), uno stato della materia fortemente interagente ad alte temperatura e densità d’energia. Vengono descritte le segnature studiate ai fini di identificare il suddetto fenomeno, riportando come esempio concreto i risultati sperimentali. Successivamente l’acceleratore di particelle, LHC, e l’esperimento, ALICE, vengono brevemente introdotti. Più in dettaglio ven- gono descritti i rivelatori di ALICE effettivamente usati per l’analisi, a cui sono dedicate sezioni approfondite. Viene infine introdotta l’analisi e le sue motivazioni. Il metodo utilizzato e lo studio degli errori da associare alla misura sono illustrati in ogni loro passo e supportati dai risultati ottenuti. La discussione finale dei risultati include il confronto con i risultati preceden- temente ottenuti da ALICE in collisioni pp e Pb-Pb e da altri esperimenti.


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Ultra-relativistic heavy ions generate strong electromagnetic fields which offer the possibility to study γ-γ and γ-nucleus processes at the LHC in the so called ultra-peripheral collisions (UPC). The photoproduction of J/ψ vector mesons in UPC is sensitive to the gluon distribution of the interacting nuclei. In this thesis the study of coherent and incoherent J/ψ production in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV is described. The J/ψ has been measured via its leptonic decay in the rapidity range -0.9 < y < 0.9. The cross section for coherent and incoherent J/ψ are given. The results are compared to theoretical models for J/ψ production and the coherent cross section is found to be in good agreement with those models which include nuclear gluon shadowing consistent with EPS09 parametrization. In addition the cross section for the process γ γ→ e+e− has been measured and found to be in agreement with the STARLIGHT Monte Carlo predictions. The analysis has been published by the ALICE Collaboration in the European Physical Journal C, with one of its main plot depicted on the cover-front of the November 2013 issue.


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The production rate of $b$ and $\bar{b}$ hadrons in $pp$ collisions are not expected to be strictly identical, due to imbalance between quarks and anti-quarks in the initial state. This phenomenon can be naively related to the fact that the $\bar{b}$ quark produced in the hard scattering might combine with a $u$ or $d$ valence quark from the colliding protons, whereas the same cannot happen for a $b$ quark. This thesis presents the analysis performed to determine the production asymmetries of $B^0$ and $B^0_s$. The analysis relies on data samples collected by the LHCb detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) during the 2011 and 2012 data takings at two different values of the centre of mass energy $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV and at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV, corresponding respectively to an integrated luminosity of 1 fb$^{-1}$ and of 2 fb$^{-1}$. The production asymmetry is one of the key ingredients to perform measurements of $CP$ violation in b-hadron decays at the LHC, since $CP$ asymmetries must be disentangled from other sources. The measurements of the production asymmetries are performed in bins of $p_\mathrm{T}$ and $\eta$ of the $B$-meson. The values of the production asymmetries, integrated in the ranges $4 < p_\mathrm{T} < 30$ GeV/c and $2.5<\eta<4.5$, are determined to be: \begin{equation} A_\mathrm{P}(\B^0)= (-1.00\pm0.48\pm0.29)\%,\nonumber \end{equation} \begin{equation} A_\mathrm{P}(\B^0_s)= (\phantom{-}1.09\pm2.61\pm0.61)\%,\nonumber \end{equation} where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. The measurement of $A_\mathrm{P}(B^0)$ is performed using the full statistics collected by LHCb so far, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb$^{-1}$, while the measurement of $A_\mathrm{P}(B^0_s)$ is realized with the first 1 fb$^{-1}$, leaving room for improvement. No clear evidence of dependences on the values of $p_\mathrm{T}$ and $\eta$ is observed. The results presented in this thesis are the most precise measurements available up to date.


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In hadronischen Kollisionen entstehen bei einem Großteil der Ereignisse mit einem hohen Impulsübertrag Paare aus hochenergetischen Jets. Deren Produktion und Eigenschaften können mit hoher Genauigkeit durch die Störungstheorie in der Quantenchromodynamik (QCD) vorhergesagt werden. Die Produktion von \textit{bottom}-Quarks in solchen Kollisionen kann als Maßstab genutzt werden, um die Vorhersagen der QCD zu testen, da diese Quarks die Dynamik des Produktionsprozesses bei Skalen wieder spiegelt, in der eine Störungsrechnung ohne Einschränkungen möglich ist. Auf Grund der hohen Masse von Teilchen, die ein \textit{bottom}-Quark enthalten, erhält der gemessene, hadronische Zustand den größten Teil der Information von dem Produktionsprozess der Quarks. Weil sie eine große Produktionsrate besitzen, spielen sie und ihre Zerfallsprodukte eine wichtige Rolle als Untergrund in vielen Analysen, insbesondere in Suchen nach neuer Physik. In ihrer herausragenden Stellung in der dritten Quark-Generation könnten sich vermehrt Zeichen im Vergleich zu den leichteren Quarks für neue Phänomene zeigen. Daher ist die Untersuchung des Verhältnisses zwischen der Produktion von Jets, die solche \textit{bottom}-Quarks enthalten, auch bekannt als $b$-Jets, und aller nachgewiesener Jets ein wichtiger Indikator für neue massive Objekte. In dieser Arbeit werden die Produktionsrate und die Korrelationen von Paaren aus $b$-Jets bestimmt und nach ersten Hinweisen eines neuen massiven Teilchens, das bisher nicht im Standard-Modell enthalten ist, in dem invarianten Massenspektrum der $b$-Jets gesucht. Am Large Hadron Collider (LHC) kollidieren zwei Protonenstrahlen bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von $\sqrt s = 7$ TeV, und es werden viele solcher Paare aus $b$-Jets produziert. Diese Analyse benutzt die aufgezeichneten Kollisionen des ATLAS-Detektors. Die integrierte Luminosität der verwendbaren Daten beläuft sich auf 34~pb$^{-1}$. $b$-Jets werden mit Hilfe ihrer langen Lebensdauer und den rekonstruierten, geladenen Zerfallsprodukten identifiziert. Für diese Analyse müssen insbesondere die Unterschiede im Verhalten von Jets, die aus leichten Objekten wie Gluonen und leichten Quarks hervorgehen, zu diesen $b$-Jets beachtet werden. Die Energieskala dieser $b$-Jets wird untersucht und die zusätzlichen Unsicherheit in der Energiemessung der Jets bestimmt. Effekte bei der Jet-Rekonstruktion im Detektor, die einzigartig für $b$-Jets sind, werden studiert, um letztlich diese Messung unabhängig vom Detektor und auf Niveau der Hadronen auswerten zu können. Hiernach wird die Messung zu Vorhersagen auf nächst-zu-führender Ordnung verglichen. Dabei stellt sich heraus, dass die Vorhersagen in Übereinstimmung zu den aufgenommenen Daten sind. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass der zugrunde liegende Produktionsmechanismus auch in diesem neu erschlossenen Energiebereich am LHC gültig ist. Jedoch werden auch erste Hinweise auf Mängel in der Beschreibung der Eigenschaften dieser Ereignisse gefunden. Weiterhin können keine Anhaltspunkte für eine neue Resonanz, die in Paare aus $b$-Jets zerfällt, in dem invarianten Massenspektrum bis etwa 1.7~TeV gefunden werden. Für das Auftreten einer solchen Resonanz mit einer Gauß-förmigen Massenverteilung werden modell-unabhängige Grenzen berechnet.


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L'obiettivo di questa tesi è studiare la fattibilità dello studio della produzione associata ttH del bosone di Higgs con due quark top nell'esperimento CMS, e valutare le funzionalità e le caratteristiche della prossima generazione di toolkit per l'analisi distribuita a CMS (CRAB versione 3) per effettuare tale analisi. Nel settore della fisica del quark top, la produzione ttH è particolarmente interessante, soprattutto perchè rappresenta l'unica opportunità di studiare direttamente il vertice t-H senza dover fare assunzioni riguardanti possibili contributi dalla fisica oltre il Modello Standard. La preparazione per questa analisi è cruciale in questo momento, prima dell'inizio del Run-2 dell'LHC nel 2015. Per essere preparati a tale studio, le implicazioni tecniche di effettuare un'analisi completa in un ambito di calcolo distribuito come la Grid non dovrebbero essere sottovalutate. Per questo motivo, vengono presentati e discussi un'analisi dello stesso strumento CRAB3 (disponibile adesso in versione di pre-produzione) e un confronto diretto di prestazioni con CRAB2. Saranno raccolti e documentati inoltre suggerimenti e consigli per un team di analisi che sarà eventualmente coinvolto in questo studio. Nel Capitolo 1 è introdotta la fisica delle alte energie a LHC nell'esperimento CMS. Il Capitolo 2 discute il modello di calcolo di CMS e il sistema di analisi distribuita della Grid. Nel Capitolo 3 viene brevemente presentata la fisica del quark top e del bosone di Higgs. Il Capitolo 4 è dedicato alla preparazione dell'analisi dal punto di vista degli strumenti della Grid (CRAB3 vs CRAB2). Nel capitolo 5 è presentato e discusso uno studio di fattibilità per un'analisi del canale ttH in termini di efficienza di selezione.


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The quark model successfully describes all ground state bary-ons as members of $SU(N)$ flavour multiplets. For excited baryon states the situation is totally different. There are much less states found in the experiment than predicted in most theoretical calculations. This fact has been known for a long time as the 'missing resonance problem'. In addition, many states found in experiments are only poorly measured up to now. Therefore, further experimental efforts are needed to clarify the situation.rnrnAt mbox{COMPASS}, reactions of a $190uskgigaeVperclight$ hadron beam impinging on a liquid hydrogen target are investigated.rnThe hadron beam contains different species of particles ($pi$, $K$, $p$). To distinguish these particles, two Cherenkov detectors are used. In this thesis, a new method for the identification of particles from the detector information is developed. This method is based on statistical approaches and allows a better kaon identification efficiency with a similar purity compared to the method, which was used before.rnrnThe reaction $pprightarrow ppX$ with $X=(pi^0,~eta,~omega,~phi)$ is used to study different production mechanisms. A previous analysis of $omega$ and $phi$ mesons is extended to pseudoscalar mesons. As the resonance contributions in $peta$ are smaller than in $ppi^0$ a different behaviour of these two final states is expected as a function of kinematic variables. The investigation of these differences allows to study different production mechanisms and to estimate the size of the resonant contribution in the different channels.rnrnIn addition, the channel $pprightarrow ppX$ allows to study baryon resonances in the $pX$ system.rnIn the mbox{COMPASS} energy regime, the reaction is dominated by Pomeron exchange. As a Pomeron carries vacuum quantum numbers, no isospin is transferred between the target proton and the beam proton. Therefore, the $pX$ final state has isospin $textstylefrac{1}{2}$ and all baryon resonances in this channel are $N^ast$ baryons. This offers the opportunity to do spectroscopy without taking $Delta$ resonances into account. rnrnTo disentangle the contributions of different resonances a partial wave analysis (PWA) is used. Different resonances have different spin and parity $J^parity$, which results in different angular distributions of the decay particles. These angular distributions can be calculated from models and then be fitted to the data. From the fit the contributions of the single resonances as well as resonance parameters -- namely the mass and the width -- can be extracted. In this thesis, two different approaches for a partial wave analysis of the reaction $pprightarrow pppi^0$ are developed and tested.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è la misura di sezione d’urto di produzione di coppie top-antitop nel canale adronico. Per la misura sono stati utilizzati i dati raccolti dall’esperimento CMS in collisioni protone-protone ad LHC, con un’energia nel centro di massa pari a 13 TeV. Il campione di dati utilizzato corrisponde ad una luminosità integrata di 2.474 f b^ −1 . L’analisi dati inizia selezionando gli eventi che soddisfano determinate condizioni (e.g. trigger, tagli cinematici, sei o più jet, almeno 2 jet provenienti dall’adronizzazione di due quark bottom) con lo scopo di incrementare la purezza del segnale scartando il più possibile gli eventi di fondo. A seguire, viene ricostruita la massa del quark top usando un fit cinematico. Sulle distribuzioni di tale massa si basa la stima degli eventi di fondo e di segnale. Infine, attraverso un fit di verosimiglianza, si ottiene il valore della sezione d’urto: σ t t ̄ = 893 ± 57 (stat) ± 104 (syst) pb. Questo risultato è in buon accordo con il valore teorico di 832 pb e con altre misure di CMS effettuate in canali differenti.


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Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an IgE-mediated dermatitis of horses caused by bites of Culicoides spp. IBH does not occur in Iceland where Culicoides are absent. However, following importation into continental Europe where Culicoides are present, >or=50% of Icelandic horses (1st generation) develop IBH but production. This supports the hypothesis that heavy helminth infections have a suppressive effect on IL-4 production mediated by IL-10 and TGF-beta1.


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This Letter presents the results of a search for a heavy particle decaying into an e(+/-)mu(+/-), e(+/-)tau(+/-), or mu(+/-)tau(+/-) final state in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV. The data were recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC during 2011 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb(-1). No significant excess above the Standard Model expectation is observed, and exclusions at 95% confidence level are placed on the cross section times branching ratio for the production of an R-parity-violating supersymmetric tau sneutrino. For a sneutrino mass of 500 (2000) GeV, the observed limits on the production cross section times branching ratio are 3.2 (1.4) fb, 42 (17) fb, and 40 (18) fb for the e mu, e tau, and mu tau modes, respectively. These results considerably extend constraints from Tevatron experiments.


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Chronic alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk for upper aerodigestive tract cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma. Increased acetaldehyde production via alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) has been implicated in the pathogenesis. The allele ADH1C*1 of ADH1C encodes for an enzyme with a high capacity to generate acetaldehyde. So far, the association between the ADH1C*1 allele and alcohol-related cancers among heavy drinkers is controversial. ADH1C genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism in a total of 818 patients with alcohol-associated esophageal (n=123), head and neck (n=84) and hepatocellular cancer (n=86) as well as in patients with alcoholic pancreatitis (n=117), alcoholic liver cirrhosis (n=217), combined liver cirrhosis and pancreatitis (n=17) and in alcoholics without gastrointestinal organ damage (n=174). The ADH1C*1 allele and genotype ADH1C*1/1 were significantly more frequent in patients with alcohol-related cancers than that in individuals with nonmalignant alcohol-related organ damage. Using multivariate analysis, ADH1C*1 allele frequency and rate of homozygosity were significantly associated with an increased risk for alcohol-related cancers (p<0.001 in all instances). The odds ratio for genotype ADH1C*1/1 regarding the development of esophageal, hepatocellular and head and neck cancer were 2.93 (CI, 1.84-4.67), 3.56 (CI, 1.33-9.53) and 2.2 (CI, 1.11-4.36), respectively. The data identify genotype ADH1C*1/1 as an independent risk factor for the development of alcohol-associated tumors among heavy drinkers, indicating a genetic predisposition of individuals carrying this genotype.


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his Letter presents measurements of the polarization of the top quark in top-antitop quark pair events, using 4.7  fb−1 of proton-proton collision data recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at s√=7  TeV. Final states containing one or two isolated leptons (electrons or muons) and jets are considered. Two measurements of αℓP, the product of the leptonic spin-analyzing power and the top quark polarization, are performed assuming that the polarization is introduced by either a CP conserving or a maximally CP violating production process. The measurements obtained, αℓPCPC=−0.035±0.014(stat)±0.037(syst) and αℓPCPV=0.020±0.016(stat)+0.013−0.017(syst), are in good agreement with the standard model prediction of negligible top quark polarization.


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The development of strategies and policies aiming at the reduction of environmental exposure to air pollution requires the assessment of historical emissions. Although anthropogenic emissions from the extended territory of the Soviet Union (SU) considerably influenced concentrations of heavy metals in the Northern Hemisphere, Pb is the only metal with long-term historical emission estimates for this region available, whereas for selected other metals only single values exist. Here we present the first study assessing long-term Cd, Cu, Sb, and Zn emissions in the SU during the period 1935–1991 based on ice-core concentration records from Belukha glacier in the Siberian Altai and emission data from 12 regions in the SU for the year 1980. We show that Zn primarily emitted from the Zn production in Ust-Kamenogorsk (East Kazakhstan) dominated the SU heavy metal emission. Cd, Sb, Zn (Cu) emissions increased between 1935 and the 1970s (1980s) due to expanded non-ferrous metal production. Emissions of the four metals in the beginning of the 1990s were as low as in the 1950s, which we attribute to the economic downturn in industry, changes in technology for an increasing metal recovery from ores, the replacement of coal and oil by gas, and air pollution control.