987 resultados para H-R Trade
We consider a trade policy model, where the costs of the home firm are private information but can be signaled through the output levels of the firm to a foreign competitor and a home policymaker. We compute the separating equilibrium and the Bayesian Nash equilibrium, and we compare the subsidies, firms’ expected profits and home government’s welfare in both equilibria, for different values of the own price effect parameter.
We present a new R&D investment in a Cournot Duopoly model and we analyze the different possible types of Nash R&D investments. We observe that the new production costs region can be decomposed in three economical regions, depending on the Nash R&D investment, showing the relevance of the use of patents in new technologies.
In recent years, organizational culture has become one of the common themes of interest of scientific and academic research. Each organization has its own unique cultural identity. Based on the recognition that organizational culture is considered important to an organization’s results, and social economy organizations are concerned with improving managerial practices and results, our objective is to study organizational culture in cooperatives: identifying their organizational culture as a specific type of organization of the social economy, recognized as increasingly important economic agents; and in doing so, explore the usage of a widely known model, the Competing Values Framework (Quinn & Rohrbaugh 1983). Three cooperatives were studied. Their presidents were interviewed, and a questionnaire was applied to cooperative members to obtain demographic and organizational culture data. Differences between the cooperatives’ cultural profiles seem to be consistent with both the circumstances of Portuguese social economy organizations (SEOs), and to the organizations’ uniqueness regarding their trade, focuses, and history. International firm trends were compared with this study’s results, and also appear to be explained by the SEO’s management practices evolution standpoint: lack of structured way of working, and the need to improvise and innovate in order to get things done. The importance of our research is held in the fact that social economy, and the cooperative movement in particular, has a developing importance in the expansion of many economies, the lack of literature on culture in SEOs, and the exploratory usage of a well-known model of management literature in cooperatives.
In recent years, organizational culture has become one of the common themes of interest of scientific and academic research. Each organization has its own unique cultural identity. Based on the recognition that organizational culture is considered important to an organization’s results, and social economy organizations are concerned with improving managerial practices and results, our objective is to study organizational culture in cooperatives: identifying their organizational culture as a specific type of organization of the social economy, recognized as increasingly important economic agents; and in doing so, explore the usage of a widely known model, the Competing Values Framework (Quinn & Rohrbaugh 1983). Three cooperatives were studied. Their presidents were interviewed, and a questionnaire was applied to cooperative members to obtain demographic and organizational culture data. Differences between the cooperatives’ cultural profiles seem to be consistent with both the circumstances of Portuguese social economy organizations (SEOs), and to the organizations’ uniqueness regarding their trade, focuses, and history. International firm trends were compared with this study’s results, and also appear to be explained by the SEO’s management practices evolution standpoint: lack of structured way of working, and the need to improvise and innovate in order to get things done. The importance of our research is held in the fact that social economy, and the cooperative movement in particular, has a developing importance in the expansion of many economies, the lack of literature on culture in SEOs, and the exploratory usage of a well-known model of management literature in cooperatives.
To determine the larvicidal activity of various extracts of Gymnema sylvestre against the Japanese Encephalitis vector, Culex tritaeniorynchus in Tamilnadu, India. To identify the active principle present in the promising fraction obtained in Chlorofom:Methanol extract of Fraction 2. The G. sylvestre leaf extracts were tested, employing WHO procedure against fourth instar larvae of C. tritaeniorhynchus and the larval mortalities were recorded at various concentrations (6.25, 12.5, 25.0, 50 and 100 µg/mL); the 24h LC50 values of the G. Sylvestre leaf extracts were determined following Probit analysis. It was noteworthy that treatment level 100 µg/mL exhibited highest mortality rates for the three different crude extracts and was significantly different from the mean mortalities recorded for the other concentrations. The LC50 values of 34.756 µg/mL (24.475-51.41), 31.351 µg/mL (20.634-47.043) and 28.577 µg/mL (25.159-32.308) were calculated for acetone, chloroform and methanol extract with the chi-square values of 10.301, 31.351 and 4.093 respectively. The present investigation proved that G. Sylvestre could be possibly utilized as an important component in the Vector Control Program.
Rickettsia typhi is the causal agent of murine typhus; a worldwide zoonotic and vector-borne infectious disease, commonly associated with the presence of domestic and wild rodents. Human cases of murine typhus in the state of Yucatán are frequent. However, there is no evidence of the presence of Rickettsia typhi in mammals or vectors in Yucatán. The presence of Rickettsia in rodents and their ectoparasites was evaluated in a small municipality of Yucatán using the conventional polymerase chain reaction technique and sequencing. The study only identified the presence of Rickettsia typhi in blood samples obtained from Rattus rattus and it reported, for the first time, the presence of R. felis in the flea Polygenis odiosus collected from Ototylomys phyllotis rodent. Additionally, Rickettsia felis was detected in the ectoparasite Ctenocephalides felis fleas parasitizing the wild rodent Peromyscus yucatanicus. This study’s results contributed to a better knowledge of Rickettsia epidemiology in Yucatán.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
Dissertation presented to obtain the Master Degree in Molecular, Genetics and Biomedicine
Na literatura médica existem actualmente vários trabalhos confirmando o valor da Colangiopancreatografla Retrógada Endoscópica (C.P.R.E.) e da Esflncterotomia Endoscópica (E.T.E.) na terapêutica da Pancreatite Aguda Litiásica (P.A.L.). E uma técnica endoscópica de primeira linha na actuação terapêutica na P.A.L. que ao permitir desobstruir as vias biliares de cálculos elimina o factor etiológico desencadeante da doença. E a experiência do grupo de C.P.R.E./E.T.E. do Hospital dos Capuchos que iremos dar a conhecer no presente trabalho.
O mebendazole (R 17635) foi testado no tratamento de pacientes, de ambos os sexos, portadores de helmintíases mistas; o grupo selecionado situava-se na faixa etária de 4 a 14 anos, constituindo-se de 140 pacientes necessariamente residentes em comunidades restritas. Cerca de 70% dos pacientes estavam infetados por pelo menos 3 helmintos (os demais pela associação de dois), dentre ancilostomídeos, Ascaris lumbricoides, Enterobius vermicularis, Taenia sp e Trichuris trichiura. O mebendazóle (R 17635) foi administrado em comprimidos de 100 mg, um 30 minutos antes do desjejum e outro 3 horas após o jantar, por 3 dias consecutivos, independentemente do peso corporal. Não foram observadas quaisquer evidências de reações indesejáveis imediatas ou tardias, que pudessem ser atribuídas à droga. O controle de cura foi efetuado mediante as técnicas de Willis e de Hoffman-Pons & Janer, em exames coprológicos realizados 7, 14 e 21 dias contados a partir do último dia do tratamento; nos portadores de teníase e oxiuríase procedeu-se, também, ao método do "anal-swab" durante 7 dias consecutivos, a partir do sétimo dia após o tratamento. Percentual de 100% de cura foi registrado para oxiuríase, tendo sido de 98% na ascaridíase e na triquiuríase e de 94.5% na ancilostomíase. De 9 pacientes com teníase, 8 apresentaram negativação dos exames; entretanto, os Autores insistem na necessidade de maiores estudos a este respeito, quanto aos aspectos técnico e estatístico. Não obstante, consideram demonstrada a real eficácia do mebendazole (R 17635) como droga anti-helmíntica polivalente.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Os autores fazem uma revisão de 103 casos de endocardites infecciosas, dos quais 52 apresentaram manifestações neurológicas. Dos 52 que não tiveram problemas neurológicos, 39 faleceram 175%), enquanto que dos 51 que não tiveram alterações do sistema nervoso, apenas 18 evoluíram para o óbito 135,3%). A endocardite infecciosa com manifestações neurológicas, na presente série, foi dominante no sexo masculino. Os grupos etários mais envolvidos foram as crianças, adolescentes e adultos jovens. Houve outro pico importante em pacientes acima de 50 anos. Os critérios para o diagnóstico de endocardite infecciosa utilizados no presente estudo, foram os clássicos, acrescidos de outros considerados de extrema utilidade, à medida que a experiência foi sendo acumulada, acompanhando paralelamente as modificações dos padrões etiológicos, assim como as alterações dos espectros clínicos da doença, conseqüentes a muitos fatores aqui discutidos. Os principais distúrbios neurológicos observados foram as manifestações meningeias, 25/52 148,1%), alterações do comportamento, 20/52 (38,4%), fenômenos motores (paralisias e paresias), 20/52 (38,4%). Alterações do nível de consciência (torpor ou coma), ao lado de outras menos comuns, como cefaléia 16/52 (26,9%), convulsões, 10/52 (19,2%), afasia 7/52 (13,5%) e manchas de Roth, 7/53 (13,5%). As manifestações neurológicas frequentemente foram múltiplas em um mesmo paciente. Nas formas de endocardite, foram em muitos casos praticamente as alterações que abriram e dominaram a cena clínica. As mais comuns foram: síndrome meningeia, síndrome vascular e encefalopatia tóxica. Foi difícil, em conseqüência de múltiplas manifestações neurológicas num mesmo paciente, estabelecer critérios entre a lesão neurológica e o prognóstico, embora o coma profundo, as convulsões, os distúrbios motores acentuados, a meningite e as alterações do comportamento, isoladamente ou em associação, façam com que o mesmo seja bem mais sério. O germe mais encontrado em nossa série foi oStaphylococcus aureus, relacionado com formas agudas da infecção endocárdica, aliado a processos destrutivos valvulares e a sérias alterações neurológicas tais como meningite, encefalite, infartos, hemorragias e abcessos cerebrais. Os principais achados neurológicos referentes à patologia, no estudo de 15 casos, são apresentados ao lado de conclusões tiradas de reflexões sobre o material analisado e da experiência vivida. Uma revisão da literatura é feita desde os trabalhos iniciais sobre a doença até os dias de hoje, ficando evidenciada a importância do tema pelas grandes contribuições apresentadas pelos diferentes autores.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics