912 resultados para Government property


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To improving efficiency and transparency of government services, government authorities may increase the frequency of interaction between citizens and government as well as improving the quality of the government services and trust. Electronic Government (E-Government) in definition is the delivery of government services to citizens, businesses, and government organizations through the use of internet, web based applications, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is the solution to build more reliable and efficient contact with citizens. Like the developing and developed countries, Iran also has been processing the various aspects of ICT, IT, and e-Government. Though, in order to implement and improve e-Government; Iran has faced with some obstacles. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to study progress of e- Government and identify obstacles of implementing and improving e Government in Iran. In this thesis, based on the literature review, the progress of e-Government in Iran was studied and various obstacles were identified. Therefore, as a result, e- Government of Iran is said to be in the transactional stage of the United Nations’ e-Government maturity stages. In addition, establishing more reliable, efficient, and accurate e-Government initiatives, plans, guidelines, and strategies will extremely enhance e-Government status of Iran. On the other hand, the needs of the citizens should always be under consideration when implementing and improving e-Government services; because citizens are considered to be at the core of every e-Government services and the responsibilities of the authorities.


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Opinnäytetyö keskittyi kriittisiin tapahtumiin, joita on tullut yhtiön tai sen edeltävän yhtiön, joka oli Mobile Screen TV – 4 ALL, tekemien aikaisempien patenttihakemusten yhteydessä . Tutkimus vertasi ja evaluoi yhtiön aikaisemmin tekemien keksintöjen suojausta. Toisaalta opinnäytetyön päämäärä oli tutkia ja selvittää monitapaus-menetelmällä yhtiön aikaisempia keksintöjä ja miten aineettoman oikeuden suojaus toteutui prosessien eri vaiheissa. Tämä päättötyötutkielma vei loppuun asti erittäin suuren patenttien ja hyödyllisyysmallien hakemusten tutkimuksen. LH Communications Oy on tehnyt monia niistä, mutta tutkimus sisälsi myös joitakin kilpailijoiden hakemuksia. Tässä tutkimuksessa oli kaksi pääkysymystä. Miten pieni yhtiö voisi suojella heidän uusia ideoitaan ja keksintöjään ja myös samalla pitää yhtiön talouden hyvällä tasolla. Tämä tutkimus käytti The Critical Incidents Technique (CIT), joka keskittyy kriittisiin tapahtumiin, selvittääkseen sopivia menetelmiä pienelle yhtiölle siitä, miten suojella uusia ajatuksia, ideoita ja keksintöjä ja samanaikaisesti olla tuottava niiden kanssa. Tutkimuksemme käsitteli kaikenlaisia tarvittavia käytäntöjä pienessä yhtiössä ja päähuomio pienessä yhtiössä tulee olla omien keksintöjen suojaamisessa. Paras suojaus on tehdä patentteja, mutta se tulee maksamaan hyvin paljon koko tapahtumasarjan aikana.


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The Electronic Government (e-Government) means delivering the services and information to the citizens and businesses through the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in order to enable them to interact more effectively with the government, and to increase the quality of the services. As many other governments in the developed and developing countries, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has embarked on the e-Government initiatives. This study revealed that there are various challenges which affect the e-Government in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), but also a lot of e-Government progress has happened. In addition, based on the United Nations’ e-Government maturity level benchmarking, the e-Government in the KRI is at the interactive stage. In this study the services that the citizens want from the government in order to implement an appropriate e-Government were also identified.


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The publication of the Law 10,267 of 08/28/2001 changed the paradigm of rural registration in Brazil, because this law known as the "Law of Georeferencing" has created the National Registration of Rural Property, that unifies in a common basis different registrations present in several government agencies, such as the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA), the Secretariat of Federal Revenue, the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, and the National Indian Foundation. Also, this new registration system has a graphical component which has not existed until such date, where the boundaries of rural property are georeferenced to the Brazilian Geodetic System. This new paradigm has resulted in a standardization of the survey and its representation of rural properties according to the Technical Standard for Georeferencing of Rural Properties, published by INCRA in compliance with the new legislation. Due to the georeferencing, the creation of a public GIS of free access on the Internet was possible. Among the difficulties found it may be observed the great Brazilian territory, the need for specialized professionals, and especially the certification process that INCRA has to perform for each georeferenced property. It is hoped that this last difficulty is solved with the implementation of the Land Management System that will allow automated and online certification, making the process more transparent, agile and fast.


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The objective of the thesis is to examine the current state of risk management and to determine an appropriate risk management policy for commercial property derived risks in the Russian branch of a Finnish retail trade company. The employed research methodologies are comparative in-depth interviews and empirical value at risk analysis, including portfolio risk decomposition to determine the inter-currency characteristics. For a multinational retail trade company, the commercial property derived risks open up as a diverse combination of financial and non-financial risks with four distinctive interest groups. The research results indicate that geographical diversification across currency regimes provides diversification benefits. The Russian ruble is the most significant single risk component when considering the net investments outside the euro-zone. Decreasing the Russian ruble and Swedish krona exposures are the most effective methods to reduce translation derived risk. Exchange rate volatility varies over time according to idiosyncratic currency regime characteristics, and cost-effective risk management requires comprehensive analysis of the business environment. Profound and proactive risk management methods are found to be pivotal for companies with cross-border operations in order to succeed among international competitors.


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Uusi patoturvallisuuslaki (494/2009) tuli voimaan 1.10.2009 ja valtioneuvoston asetus patoturvallisuudesta (319/2010) 5.5.2010. Tämä patoturvallisuusopas korvaa patoturvallisuusohjeet (MMM:n julkaisuja 7/1997), jotka poistuivat käytöstä 1.10.2009. Patoturvallisuusoppaassa esitetty ei ole padon omistajaa sitovaa, vaan oppaan tarkoitus on täydentää ja selventää esimerkein ja selostuksin laissa ja asetuksessa esitettyä. Oppaassa käsitellään padon suunnittelua kuten hydrologista mitoitusta ja padon teknisiä turvallisuusvaatimuksia, padon rakentamista ja käyttöönottoa sekä vahingonvaaraselvitystä, padon omistajan turvallisuussuunnitelmaa sekä padon kunnossapitoa, käyttöä, tarkkailua, vuosi- ja määräaikaistarkastuksia. Padot luokitellaan vahingonvaaran perusteella luokkiin 1, 2 ja 3. Luokittelua ei tarvitse kuitenkaan tehdä, jos patoturvallisuusviranomainen katsoo, että padosta ei aiheudu vaaraa. Jokaiselle luokitellulle padolle on padon omistajan laadittava tarkkailuohjelma, jonka patoturvallisuusviranomainen hyväksyy päätöksellään. Padosta aiheutuvan vahingonvaaran selvittämiseksi 1-luokan padon omistajan on laadittava vahingonvaaraselvitys padosta ihmisille, omaisuudelle ja ympäristölle aihetuvasta vahingonvaarasta. Myös muusta kuin 1-luokan padosta voi patoturvallisuusviranomainen määrätä tehtäväksi vahingonvaaraselvityksen luokittelua varten. Padon omistajan on laadittava 1-luokan padolle turvallisuussuunnitelma onnettomuus- ja häiriötilanteiden varalle. Suunnitelmassa esitetään padon omistajan omatoiminen varautuminen em. tilanteiden varalle. Pelastusviranomainen arvioi tapauskohtaisesti pelastuslain mukaisen suunnitelman laatimistarpeen. Padon omistajan on toimitettava patoturvallisuusviranomaiselle tietojärjestelmään vietäväksi patoturvallisuusasetuksessa mainitut tiedot. Patoturvallisuusviranomaisen ja padon omistajan on säilytettävä kustakin luokitellusta padosta ajantasaiset tulosteet tietojärjestelmästä sekä muut padon turvallisuuden kannalta tärkeät asiakirjat patoturvallisuuskansiossa siten, että ne ovat mahdollisissa häiriötilanteissa nopeasti saatavilla.


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The intellectual property (IP) environment in China is still very immature. There are several problems in legal, political, economic, social-cultural, competitive and labor environment which have hindered IP legal enforcement. Under such circumstances, IP misappropriation is a major concern especially for foreign small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) doing business in China. These circumstances require foreign companies, no matter whether they are multinational corporations (MNCs) or SMEs and have own manufacturing in China or not, to take strong IP actions. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to discuss how IP can be protected in China in the case of outsourcing and in the case of own manufacturing. The comparison will consider the process of outsourcing and own manufacturing consisting two stages: preparation stage and operation stage. In order to clarify the conceptual arguments, two illustrative case studies were studied. The case data bases on two semi-structured interviews of the managing directors, field notes and archival data. The findings propose that attention in IP protection should be given to following issues: integrating IP strategy into the company’s business strategy, protecting the most critical knowledge, regarding IP steps as a whole in the protection mechanism and making IP strategy as proactive as possible. The major difference between outsourcing and own manufacturing in IP protection is in the operation stage. Besides, the findings also provide managerial advice on IP protection, e.g. foreign managers should be prepared for IP risks in China, they should establish an own IP protection mechanism which matches the company’s situation and they should consider IP protection as an on-going process.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia Päijät-Hämeen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon kuntayhtymän Tukipalvelukeskuksen teknisten palveluiden tulosalueen tuotteistamista ja tuottaa kustannusten laskutuksen periaatteellinen toteutusmalli. Työssä otetaan kantaa palveluiden hinnoittelumalleihin eli kuinka kiinteistöistä ja teknisistä ylläpitopalveluista syntyvät kustannukset voidaan osoittaa niitä käyttäville tulosalueille. Palveluiden jäsentäminen ja suoritteiden yhdistäminen muodostavat palvelutuotteen, jota palveluita käyttävälle asiakkaalle tarjotaan. Tuotekäsitteelle on tyypillistä, että sitä voidaan tuottaa saman sisältöisenä nyt ja tulevaisuudessa. Tuotteita tarjoavan palveluiden tuottajan tuotekriteerit sisältävät selkeät tuoteryhmät, tuotteiden määrällisen mitattavuuden, kuvaavat tuotenimikkeet ja tuotteilla on ostajan näkökulmasta selkeä sisältö ja hinnoittelu. Tuotteistamisen tärkein hyöty on organisaation kustannusrakenteen selkeytyminen, jonka vuoksi tuotteiden määrä, laatu ja hinta tulee olla määriteltävissä. Asiakkaalle voidaan tarjota valmiiksi hinnoiteltuja palveluosia, jolloin palveluiden räätälöinti ja modulointi ovat mahdollisia palveluiden niputtamisella. Ei-kaupallisten instanssien, kuten kuntayhtymien sisäinen laskutus ja tuotteistus mahdollistavat palveluiden standardoimisen ja johdon päätöksenteko toimialakohtaisen kustannustietoisuuden vuoksi paranee. Tutkimuksen alkuosassa paneudutaan palvelun alle kuuluviin käsitteisiin, kuten tuotteistamisajatteluun, palvelupaketteihin, palveluiden laadun mittaamiseen ja palveluiden hinnoitteluun. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa käsitellään teknisten palveluiden hinnoitteluun käytettävän toimintoperusteisen kustannuslaskennan sekä sisäisen vuokraamisen periaatteita. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä käsiteltyjä asioita käytettiin hyödyksi sairaanhoitopiireille laadittuun kyselytutkimukseen. Yhdessä teorian ja kyselytutkimuksen kanssa kohdeorganisaatiolle luotiin malli palveluiden tuotteistamiseksi.


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Internationally, Finland has been among the most respected countries during several decades in terms of public health. WHO has had the most significant influence on Finnish health policy and the relationship has traditionally been warm. However, the situation has slightly changed in the last 10-20 years. The objectives of Finnish national health policy have been to secure the best possible health for the population and to minimize disparities in health between different population groups. Nevertheless, although the state of public health and welfare has steadily improved, the socioeconomic disparities in health have increased. This qualitative case study will demonstrate why health is political and why health matters. It will also present some recommendations for research topics and administrative reforms. It will be argued that lack of political interest in health policy leads to absence of health policy visions and political commitment, which can be disastrous for public health. This study will investigate how Finnish health policy is defined and organised, and it will also shed light on Finnish health policy formation processes and actors. Health policy is understood as a broader societal construct covering the domains of different ministries, not just Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (MSAH). The influences of economic recession of the 1990s, state subsidy reform in 1993, globalisation and the European Union will be addressed, as well. There is not much earlier Finnish research done on health policy from political science viewpoint. Therefore, this study is interdisciplinary and combines political science with administrative science, contemporary history and health policy research with a hint of epidemiology. As a method, literature review, semi-structured interviews and policy analysi will be utilised. Institutionalism, policy transfer, and corporatism are understood as the theoretical framework. According to the study, there are two health policies in Finland: the official health policy and health policy generated by industry, media and various interest organisations. The complex relationships between the Government and municipalities, and on the other hand, the MSAH and National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) seemed significant in terms of Finnish health policy coordination. The study also showed that the Investigated case, Health 2015, does not fulfil all necessary criteria for a successful public health programme. There were also several features both in Health 2015 and Finnish health policy, which can be interpreted in NPM framework and seen having NPM influences.


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The rapid economic growth in China has resulted in environmental challenges ranging from air pollution to water-related issues. Thus supporting clean technology, or cleantech, that encompasses industries that focus on alternative energy, pollution and recycling, power supplies and conservation has become one of the focal points in the Chinese economic policy for the next decade. Simultaneously, the Finnish government has initiated programs to support the internationalisation of domestic cleantech companies in an attempt to spiral the industry into one of the pillars of Finnish economic growth. This study concentrates on the conjunction of these two themes and studies the challenges faced by Finnish cleantech SMEs in the Chinese market. Consequently, the study answers the following sub questions: 1. What human and financial resource-based challenges do Finnish cleantech SMEs face in the Chinese market and what are their solutions? 2. What knowledge-based challenges do Finnish cleantech SMEs face in the Chinese market and how can these difficulties be resolved? 3. What network-based challenges do Finnish cleantech SMEs face in the Chinese market, how do they relate to the resource- and knowledge-based challenges, and how can these difficulties be resolved? This qualitative study is conducted by analysing four semi structured interviews collected from four Finnish SMEs that operate in China. The findings of the study indicate that in human resources the most important challenges are related to the hiring and retaining of employees. In contrast to extant academic literature results distinguish salary and social status as the main solutions to this challenge. Regarding financial resources it is discovered that cleantech companies enjoy a benign business environment in China and benefit from the Chinese government’s support for cleantech industry. Challenges related to knowledge resources can be grouped into categories with the most interesting knowledge flows being the stream of local market knowledge into to the foreign parent company and the outward flow of manufacturing and business practice information into the target venture. The challenge related to the first flow is gathering relevant information and the main solutions are clustering at the foreign location and hiring knowledge prior to internationalisation. Regarding the second flow the main challenge is related to intellectual property rights and the most interesting solution is the purposeful transformation of explicit knowledge into tacit knowledge. Finally, it is discovered that networks, called guanxi in China, greatly affect the business processes. Within the guanxi system there is the concept of face which was found to affect employee propensity to stay as well as, as a novel academic result, employees’ knowledge sharing intention.


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This thesis studies intellectual property right (also: IPR) strategies from the perspective of high growth startup companies. Due to technology development and intellectualization of business, large part of companies’ assets are nowadays intangible. At the same time, the importance of protection instruments designed to protect these intangible assets, intellectual property rights, is increasing. Utilization of these instruments, however, requires understanding of the functioning of the IPR system, as well as financial resources. Startup companies aiming for growth need to be able compete with more established companies also in relation to intangible assets, but they might not have the required knowledge ot resources to fully utilize IPRs in their business. This research aims to understand what are the benefits a startup company can have from protecting their IPRs, and how can the company achieve those benefits. Based on a review of previous literature, altogether 11 benefits of IPR registration were recognized. To answer to the research questions, six half-structured interviews were conducted with experts form different fields, all with experience in working with startup companies and IPR issues. The interviews were analyzed using different methods of qualitative data analysis, mainly derived from grounded theory and case study methods. As a result, out of the 11 benefits recognized from earlier literature, 8 were recognized to be relevant for startup companies. The most central benefits were recognized to be linked with the financial lifecycle of the startup company, including increasing credibility of the startup and stimulating an investment. In addition it was noticed, that startup companies are mainly able to utilize these benefits at later stages of their lifecycle. However, to be able to utilize the benefits at later stages, the startup company needs to be aware of the functioning of the IPR system and might need to apply for appropriate protection already early on. As a result of this study, a three-step model was formed to describe different levels of IPR utilization. The first level of the model represents the minimum level of understanding that every startup company should have regarding IPRs. The second level views IPR strategy from a risk management perspective, including securing the minimum protection of the company’s own IPRs, contract management and establishing processes for handling IPR issues. The last stage reflects strategic use of IPRs. At this third stage intellectual property rights have a central role in the startup company’s business, and they are used in the company’s value creation.