931 resultados para German ballads and songs


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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No ano de 1970 houve a publicação da obra póstuma Ave, palavra de Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967) que reúne alguns textos do autor, desta coletânea de textos se faz a escolha das crônicas “O mau humor de Wotan”, “A velha” e “A senhora dos segredos”, que giram em torno do contexto do Nazismo alemão e expõem uma posição contraria ao Nacional Socialismo. Num primeiro momento o trabalho busca mostrar como Benedito Nunes (1929-2011) se guiou por uma tendência interpretativa concebida por comentadores heideggerianos antes das obras completas [Gesamtausgabe] (2001), tal tendência postula que não há na Filosofia de Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) um vínculo entre o pensamento político e o filosófico. O passo seguinte expõe a noção heideggeriana em Ser e Verdade (2001) em que o filósofo alemão propõe uma fundamentação ideológica para o Nazismo, sendo favorável a este com certas ressalvas. Assim, mostra-se como as obras completas expõem argumentos que apontam uma limitação em relação aos comentadores que produziram antes de sua publicação sobre a Política e a Filosofia em Heidegger. No subcapítulo sobre O local da diferença (2005), trata-se do trauma e do testemunho como conceitos centrais que o autor coloca para teorizar as Literaturas do século XX nos contextos de guerra e de regimes autoritários. Após, faz-se uma leitura crítica com base na premissa do pensamento político filosófico em Heidegger nas crônicas rosianas, pois estas expõem imagens do período da Alemanha nazista que o escritor mineiro esteve como diplomata. A segunda crítica das crônicas de guerra será feita com base nos conceitos de trauma e de testemunho formulados por Seligmann-Silva (1964), pois, as obras rosianas tratadas demonstram o teor de autoritarismo do partido nazista. Por fim, será feita uma definição do conceito de recepção de Hans Robert Jauss (1921-1997) para em seguida discutir os autores que fizeram a recepção críticas das crônicas rosianas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The principal objective of this project is to present a literary translation from German to Portuguese of the short story 'Lange Schatten', in the collection of the same name, Lange Schatten Erzählungen, published in 1960, written by Marie Luise Kaschnitz. Kaschnitz was born in 1901 in Karlsruhe, south-west Germany. The translation was completed with the aid of virtual and printed dictionaries, in addition to books on the history of German literature and some translation theories. Also, this paper provides brief commentaries on topics related to translation, particularly those concerned with the difficulties posed by translation of this project


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This article aims to approach, under a critical perspective, images about German language and their speakers, presented by Brazilian university students interested in or engaged in learning this language in the first stage of studies. The purpose is to deal with evidences of the occurrence of stereotypical images and to discuss their implications in/for the teaching-learning process, aiming with this study to show the importance of considering and establishing as a relevant goal in the teaching of German, the necessity of a destrangement route or period, through a methodological approach aimed at helping the students in the process of developing intercultural competence. Such discussions are founded in theoretical conceptions related to the notions of other and self, intercultural competence, intercultural approach, as well as in results obtained through an investigation conducted within the field of foreign language (German) learning.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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The construction and use of multimedia corpora has been advocated for a while in the literature as one of the expected future application fields of Corpus Linguistics. This research project represents a pioneering experience aimed at applying a data-driven methodology to the study of the field of AVT, similarly to what has been done in the last few decades in the macro-field of Translation Studies. This research was based on the experience of Forlixt 1, the Forlì Corpus of Screen Translation, developed at the University of Bologna’s Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Languages and Culture. As a matter of fact, in order to quantify strategies of linguistic transfer of an AV product, we need to take into consideration not only the linguistic aspect of such a product but all the meaning-making resources deployed in the filmic text. Provided that one major benefit of Forlixt 1 is the combination of audiovisual and textual data, this corpus allows the user to access primary data for scientific investigation, and thus no longer rely on pre-processed material such as traditional annotated transcriptions. Based on this rationale, the first chapter of the thesis sets out to illustrate the state of the art of research in the disciplinary fields involved. The primary objective was to underline the main repercussions on multimedia texts resulting from the interaction of a double support, audio and video, and, accordingly, on procedures, means, and methods adopted in their translation. By drawing on previous research in semiotics and film studies, the relevant codes at work in visual and acoustic channels were outlined. Subsequently, we concentrated on the analysis of the verbal component and on the peculiar characteristics of filmic orality as opposed to spontaneous dialogic production. In the second part, an overview of the main AVT modalities was presented (dubbing, voice-over, interlinguistic and intra-linguistic subtitling, audio-description, etc.) in order to define the different technologies, processes and professional qualifications that this umbrella term presently includes. The second chapter focuses diachronically on various theories’ contribution to the application of Corpus Linguistics’ methods and tools to the field of Translation Studies (i.e. Descriptive Translation Studies, Polysystem Theory). In particular, we discussed how the use of corpora can favourably help reduce the gap existing between qualitative and quantitative approaches. Subsequently, we reviewed the tools traditionally employed by Corpus Linguistics in regard to the construction of traditional “written language” corpora, to assess whether and how they can be adapted to meet the needs of multimedia corpora. In particular, we reviewed existing speech and spoken corpora, as well as multimedia corpora specifically designed to investigate Translation. The third chapter reviews Forlixt 1's main developing steps, from a technical (IT design principles, data query functions) and methodological point of view, by laying down extensive scientific foundations for the annotation methods adopted, which presently encompass categories of pragmatic, sociolinguistic, linguacultural and semiotic nature. Finally, we described the main query tools (free search, guided search, advanced search and combined search) and the main intended uses of the database in a pedagogical perspective. The fourth chapter lists specific compilation criteria retained, as well as statistics of the two sub-corpora, by presenting data broken down by language pair (French-Italian and German-Italian) and genre (cinema’s comedies, television’s soapoperas and crime series). Next, we concentrated on the discussion of the results obtained from the analysis of summary tables reporting the frequency of categories applied to the French-Italian sub-corpus. The detailed observation of the distribution of categories identified in the original and dubbed corpus allowed us to empirically confirm some of the theories put forward in the literature and notably concerning the nature of the filmic text, the dubbing process and Italian dubbed language’s features. This was possible by looking into some of the most problematic aspects, like the rendering of socio-linguistic variation. The corpus equally allowed us to consider so far neglected aspects, such as pragmatic, prosodic, kinetic, facial, and semiotic elements, and their combination. At the end of this first exploration, some specific observations concerning possible macrotranslation trends were made for each type of sub-genre considered (cinematic and TV genre). On the grounds of this first quantitative investigation, the fifth chapter intended to further examine data, by applying ad hoc models of analysis. Given the virtually infinite number of combinations of categories adopted, and of the latter with searchable textual units, three possible qualitative and quantitative methods were designed, each of which was to concentrate on a particular translation dimension of the filmic text. The first one was the cultural dimension, which specifically focused on the rendering of selected cultural references and on the investigation of recurrent translation choices and strategies justified on the basis of the occurrence of specific clusters of categories. The second analysis was conducted on the linguistic dimension by exploring the occurrence of phrasal verbs in the Italian dubbed corpus and by ascertaining the influence on the adoption of related translation strategies of possible semiotic traits, such as gestures and facial expressions. Finally, the main aim of the third study was to verify whether, under which circumstances, and through which modality, graphic and iconic elements were translated into Italian from an original corpus of both German and French films. After having reviewed the main translation techniques at work, an exhaustive account of possible causes for their non-translation was equally provided. By way of conclusion, the discussion of results obtained from the distribution of annotation categories on the French-Italian corpus, as well as the application of specific models of analysis allowed us to underline possible advantages and drawbacks related to the adoption of a corpus-based approach to AVT studies. Even though possible updating and improvement were proposed in order to help solve some of the problems identified, it is argued that the added value of Forlixt 1 lies ultimately in having created a valuable instrument, allowing to carry out empirically-sound contrastive studies that may be usefully replicated on different language pairs and several types of multimedia texts. Furthermore, multimedia corpora can also play a crucial role in L2 and translation teaching, two disciplines in which their use still lacks systematic investigation.