991 resultados para Eficiência em edifícios


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Pretende-se que este trabalho seja uma contribuição para o reconhecimento da importância da promoção da ventilação em edifícios de habitação, esta que é imprescindível para que haja um ambiente saudável e confortável no espaço interior. Pretende-se também que seja dado a conhecer alguns tipos de sistemas de ventilação que recorrem a processos naturais para o seu funcionamento, garantindo assim a sustentabilidade dos edifícios a nível energético. Nesta dissertação é inicialmente abordada a temática do conforto térmico, com o objectivo de compreender a adaptação e resposta de um indivíduo face às condições térmicas no interior de um edifício de habitação. Seguidamente foram estudados os factores que mais influenciam o processo de Ventilação Natural, ou seja, a acção do vento e a acção térmica (o sol). O passo seguinte foi o estudo do dimensionamento e concepção de sistemas de Ventilação Natural mais usuais (tais como aberturas exteriores, aberturas interiores e chaminés), e o estudo de vários exemplos de sistemas solar passivos e estratégias arquitectónicas que podem ser utilizados. Seguidamente foi estudada a modelação matemática dos processos de Ventilação Natural. Foram ainda estudados dois edifícios construídos na região autónoma da Madeira, mais concretamente na ilha de Porto Santo, estes que foram concebidos para se adaptarem ao clima da região através de algumas estratégias arquitectónicas e através de sistemas solar passivos. Finalmente foi elaborado um pequeno projecto para uma moradia a ser construída na ilha da Madeira. Para esta foram adoptadas algumas estratégias tendo em vista uma adaptação ao clima durante todo o ano, nomeadamente estratégias arquitectónicas e sistemas solar passivos para a promoção da Ventilação Natural.


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A engenharia estrutural em Portugal está em parte circunscrita às soluções em betão armado e às estruturas metálicas, facto que se deve ao domínio das técnicas construtivas associadas a essas soluções e à aceitação que têm perante a comunidade em geral. Nessa perspetiva, desenvolveu-se o presente estudo, com o intuito de apresentar uma alternativa igualmente adequada, que, quando bem planeada desde a conceção, pode permitir uma redução significativa dos custos. Ao longo do presente estudo procura-se discutir as situações em que a alvenaria estrutural pode ser adotada e como desenvolver os trabalhos de coordenação de projeto de modo a preparar uma execução de obra rentável e com qualidade. Nesse sentido, numa fase inicial do documento apresenta-se a história da alvenaria estrutural e a forma como esta evoluiu ao longo do tempo e, posteriormente, discute-se o estado atual da alvenaria estrutural em Portugal. Dado o interesse que este tema poderá ter para os mercados da construção nacional e, particularmente regional, entendeu-se necessário o contacto direto com a obra, tendo sido realizada uma visita a França com o propósito de observar, no terreno, as técnicas construtivas que lhe estão associadas. Adicionalmente, tirou-se partido de informação recolhida em anterior deslocação ao Brasil, sendo que, os dois países referidos apresentam uma sólida tradição de utilização da alvenaria estrutural na edificação. Posteriormente aborda-se o conceito de projeto, de modo a introduzir o tema da coordenação de projetos em edifícios de alvenaria estrutural. Sendo a fase de coordenação essencial para o sucesso do projeto e para o aumento da produtividade e da rentabilidade do sistema, foi dada particular relevância às várias especialidades que compõem um projeto, o modo como se deve processar e tratar a informação a transmitir entre os responsáveis por cada um desses projetos, e os cuidados a ter na sua compatibilização. Como forma de agilizar e melhorar o processo de compatibilização, é proposto um conjunto de checklists, com os principais itens que devem ser sujeitos a análise por parte dos projetistas envolvidos.


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Como é de conhecimento geral as argamassas de revestimento antigas diferem das argamassas atuais, tanto na sua produção, como nos seus constituintes e até na sua resistência e durabilidade. O presente trabalho surge com o principal intuito de dissertar sobre a caraterização de algumas argamassas de revestimento e de enchimento antigas na Região Autónoma da Madeira. Desta forma foram realizados vários ensaios como a difração de raios X, a análise termogravimétrica, a determinação da percentagem do resíduo insolúvel com ataque àcido e a análise granulométrica, podendo assim ficar-se com uma ideia dos seus minerais, a quantidade de carbonato de cálcio utilizada, a quantidade de material insolúvel no ácido clorídrico e a granulometria (tamanho/dimensões) das areias. A escolha das amostras baseou-se nos critérios de maior longevidade dos edifícios, a não reabilitação destes e a possibilidade da realização do estudo dessas habitações (i.e. acessibilidade física e legal). Quanto aos ensaios efetuados, a opção de os ter utilizado prende-se com as técnicas disponíveis no Laboratório Regional de Engenharia Civil (LREC).


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Atualmente o betão é o material estrutural mais utilizado a nível mundial no âmbito da construção civil. É composto por água, agregados grossos e finos, com ou sem adjuvantes, cimento e adições. Atendendo ao facto de a sua utilização ter vindo a ser bastante significativa, ao mesmo tempo torna-se uma solução dispendiosa, dada a presença de alguns dos seus constituintes, principalmente o cimento Portland. O aparecimento de novos componentes, capazes de substituírem parte do cimento e de aumentarem as capacidades do betão para responder às expectativas, nomeadamente, as adições e adjuvantes, induziram ao surgimento de betões mais resistentes, duradouros e capazes de responderem melhor às condições que lhes são exigidas em projeto. Neste contexto, desenvolveu-se o presente trabalho, com o objetivo de estudar as soluções em betão com maior viabilidade económica. Ao longo do presente estudo, pretende-se avaliar a possibilidade de recorrer à utilização de betões especiais para a construção de alguns elementos estruturais de edifícios. Nesta perspetiva, numa fase inicial do trabalho, apresenta-se uma breve introdução histórica sobre a evolução do betão, desde a sua descoberta até à atualidade, e, em seguida, discutem-se as vantagens e as desvantagens referentes a cada betão quando aplicado em diferentes elementos estruturais. Posteriormente, é feita uma breve análise, comparação e discussão de resultados referentes aos custos atualmente praticados em Portugal Continental e na Ilha da Madeira relativos a cada tipo de betão. A dissertação termina com a análise dos resultados obtidos.


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A indústria da construção tem um papel de destaque na vida quotidiana do ser humano e por sua vez uma grande importância no desenvolvimento da atividade económica do país. A construção de novos edifícios e infraestruturas deve contribuir para uma melhoria do desempenho, durabilidade e proporcionar qualidade de vida dos seus cidadãos. O reconhecimento da importância das fachadas para o comportamento dos edifícios tem conduzido a uma crescente atenção à temática da durabilidade do ponto de vista económico, assistindo-se cada vez a uma maior necessidade da sua integração na fase da elaboração do projeto. O recurso a metodologias económicas para a previsão dos custos de vida útil das tecnologias de construção no sentido de avaliar, o seu desempenho nos edifícios, tem permitido selecionar alternativas ao nível da implementação de soluções com menor custo de manutenção e maior probabilidade de reutilização e reciclagem numa fase de desconstrução. A presente dissertação pretende contribuir para a identificação e seleção de soluções construtivas e materiais para a execução de fachadas ventiladas em paredes exteriores de edifícios, que sejam o mais compatíveis possível com os objetivos económicos nas diversas fases do ciclo de vida de um edifício. Sendo apresentadas soluções que minimizam o custo económico de investimento, manutenção e desconstrução, e que por sua vez, aumentam a qualidade de vida dos utilizadores através do melhor desempenho que essas soluções construtivas apresentam a nível funcional, arquitetónico, saúde, bemestar, conforto e responsabilidade social. Foram analisadas diversas tecnologias construtivas para fachadas-ventilada, tendo sido avaliado o seu impacte económico ao longo do ciclo de vida a que um edifício esta sujeito. O melhor cenário para fachada ventilada foi estudado, tendo em conta o desempenho económico. Espera-se assim que este trabalho contribua de forma positiva para a seleção das soluções construtivas mais económicas para a execução de fachadas ventiladas por parte dos projetistas que tenham como objetivo proporcionar as condições de conforto adequadas aos ocupantes dos edifícios, minimizando os custos económicos no decorrer do ciclo de vida do edifício.


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SILVA, Jorge Luiz Mariano da. Eficiência técnica dos produtores familiares no projeto de irrigação do Baixo Açu/RN.In: CONGRESSO SA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ECONOMIA E SOCIOLOGIA RURAL,42., 2004, Cuiabá - MT. Dinâmcias Setorias e Desevolvimento Regional, 2004.


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SILVA, J. L. M. da; SAMPAIO, L. M. . Eficiência, Gestão e Meio Ambiente na Carcinicultura do Rio Grande do Norte. In: Congresso da Sociendade Brasileira de Economia, Administração e Sociologia Rural - SOBER, 40., 2007, Londrina. Conhecimentos para a Agricultura do Futuro, 2007.


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The definition of the boundaries of the firms is subject that has occupied the organizational theorists long ago, being the seminal work of Coase (1937) indicated as the trigger for one theoretical evolution, with emphasis on governance structures, which led to a modern theory of incomplete contracts. The Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and Agency Theory arise within this evolution, being widely used in studies related to the theme. Empirically, data envelopment analysis (DEA) has established itself as a suitable tool for analysis of efficiency. Although TCE argues that specific assets must be internalized, recent studies outside the mainstream of theory show that, often, firms may decide, for various reasons, hire them on the market. Researches on transaction costs face with the unavailability of information and methodological difficulties in measuring their critical variables. There`s still the need for further methodological deepening. The theoretical framework includes classic works of TCE and Agency Theory, but also more recent works, outside the mainstream of TCE, which warn about the existence of strategies in use of specific assets that aren`t necessarily aligned with the classical ideas of TCE. The Brazilian oil industry is the focus of this thesis, that aimed to evaluate the efficiency of contracts involving high specificity service outsourced by Petrobras. In order to this, we made the categorization of outsourced services in terms of specificity, as well the description of services with higher specificity. Then, we verified the existence of relationship between the specificity of services and a number of variables, being found divergent results than those that are preached by the mainstream of TCE. Then, we designed a DEA model to analyze the efficiency in the use of onshore drilling rigs, identified among the services of highest specificity. The next step was the application of the model to evaluate the performance of drilling rigs contracts. Finally, we verified the existence of relationship between the efficiency of contracts and a number of variables, being found, again, results not consistent with the theory mainstream. Regarding to analyze of efficiency of drilling rigs contracts, the model developed is compatible with what is found in academic productions in efficiency of drilling rigs. The results on efficiency show a wide range of scores, with efficiencies ranging from 31.79% to 100%, being low the sample efficiency average. There is consonance between the model results and the practices adopted by Petrobras. The results strengthen the DEA as an important tool in studies of efficiency with possibility to use for analysis other types of contracts. In terms of theoretical findings, the results reinforce the arguments that there are situations in which the strategies of the organizations, in terms of use of assets and services of high specificity, do not necessarily follow what is recommended by the mainstream of TCE


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This work is a study in the Local Productive Arrangement of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco, as a relevant sector in economic and social aspect. This research has as central aim to understand how the inter-organizational relations influence the collective efficiency of arrangement. The theoretical framework employed highlights the approaches that deal with the benefits of business agglomeration for the develop­ment of firms and regions. It has discussed the approach of small and medium enter­ prises and industrial districts (SCHMITZ, 1997), which introduce the concept of col­ lective efficiency, explaining that only those externalities explained by Marshall (1996) are not sufficient to explain the competitive advantage of enterprises, expand­ing the idea that organizations achieve competitive advantage not acting alone. To examine the influences of relations in the collective efficiency, it has been taken as analytical perspective theory of social networks (GRANOVETTER, 1973, 1985; BURT, 1992; UZZI, 1997) because it has believe that this approach provides subsi­ dies for a structural analysis of social relationships in face the behavior of human ac­tion. By examining the organizations in a social network, you should understand the reason of this establishment of the relationship, their benefits, and as the information flow takes place and density of links between the actors (Powell; SMITH-DOERR, 1994). As for the methods, this study is characterized as a case study, in according to the purposed objectives, in addition to qualitative method. Also, due to recovering of the historical milestones of the arrangement, it is used a sectional approach with longitudinal perspective (VIEIRA, 2004). The primary and secondary data were used in order to understand the evolutionary process of the sector and their inter-actors re­ lationships in the arrangement for the promotion of development, for both, was used the contend and documentary analysis technique, respectively (DELLAGNELO ; SIL­VA, 2005). The approach of social networks has permitted understand that social re­lationships may extend the collective efficiency of the arrangement, and therefore need to develop policies that encourage the legalization of informal companies in ar­rangement, by showing up themselves representative. Thus, the relations estab­ lished in LPA of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco need for more effective mechanisms to broaden the collective efficiency. Therefore, this way as take place has directly benefited only a group of companies that are linked in some way the sup­portive institutions. So we can conclude that the inter-actor relations have limited the collective efficiency of LPA, being stimulated by the institutions in support only to groups of entrepreneurs, even those that produce external relations for all clustered companies


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The Triennial Evaluation of Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) is made according to several indicators, divided into several issues and items, and their weights. In these it is evident the importance of scientific periodicals. This study aims to evaluate the relative efficiency of post-graduate students in Business Administration, Accounting and tourism evaluated by CAPES in Brazil. The methodology used the data envelopment analysis - DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). The data were obtained from the site and organized by the CAPES Qualis score. The analysis was performed by the DEA variable returns to scale, product-oriented (BCC-O), with data from the three-year periods 2004-2006 and 2007-2009. Among the main results are the average increase significantly the relative efficiency of the programs in the period 2007-2009 compared to 2004-2006 period, the highest average efficiency of programs linked to public institutions in relation to private, doctoral programs with the present average efficiency sharply higher than those only with masters, and senior programs in general were more efficient. There is also moderate and significant correlation between the efficiency scores and concepts CAPES. The Malmquist index analysis showed that more than 85% of programs had increased productivity. It is noteworthy that the main effect that influences the increase of the Malmquist index is the displacement of the border (Frontier-shift)


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This research aims to investigate the Hedge Efficiency and Optimal Hedge Ratio for the future market of cattle, coffee, ethanol, corn and soybean. This paper uses the Optimal Hedge Ratio and Hedge Effectiveness through multivariate GARCH models with error correction, attempting to the possible phenomenon of Optimal Hedge Ratio differential during the crop and intercrop period. The Optimal Hedge Ratio must be bigger in the intercrop period due to the uncertainty related to a possible supply shock (LAZZARINI, 2010). Among the future contracts studied in this research, the coffee, ethanol and soybean contracts were not object of this phenomenon investigation, yet. Furthermore, the corn and ethanol contracts were not object of researches which deal with Dynamic Hedging Strategy. This paper distinguishes itself for including the GARCH model with error correction, which it was never considered when the possible Optimal Hedge Ratio differential during the crop and intercrop period were investigated. The commodities quotation were used as future price in the market future of BM&FBOVESPA and as spot market, the CEPEA index, in the period from May 2010 to June 2013 to cattle, coffee, ethanol and corn, and to August 2012 to soybean, with daily frequency. Similar results were achieved for all the commodities. There is a long term relationship among the spot market and future market, bicausality and the spot market and future market of cattle, coffee, ethanol and corn, and unicausality of the future price of soybean on spot price. The Optimal Hedge Ratio was estimated from three different strategies: linear regression by MQO, BEKK-GARCH diagonal model, and BEKK-GARCH diagonal with intercrop dummy. The MQO regression model, pointed out the Hedge inefficiency, taking into consideration that the Optimal Hedge presented was too low. The second model represents the strategy of dynamic hedge, which collected time variations in the Optimal Hedge. The last Hedge strategy did not detect Optimal Hedge Ratio differential between the crop and intercrop period, therefore, unlikely what they expected, the investor do not need increase his/her investment in the future market during the intercrop


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Building design is an effective way to achieve HVAC energy consumption reduction. However, this potentiality is often neglected by architects due to the lack of references to support design decisions. This works intends to propose architectural design guidelines for energy efficiency and thermal performance of Campus/UFRN buildings. These guidelines are based on computer simulations results using the software DesignBuilder. The definition of simulation models has begun with envelope variables, partially done after a field study of thirteen buildings at UFRN/Campus. This field study indicated some basic envelope patterns that were applied in simulation models. Occupation variables were identified with temperature and energy consumption monitoring procedures and a verification of illumination and equipment power, both developed at the Campus/UFRN administration building. Three simulation models were proposed according to different design phases and decisions. The first model represents early design decisions, simulating the combination of different types of geometry with three levels of envelope thermal performance. The second model, still as a part of early design phase, analyses thermal changes between circulation halls lateral and central and office rooms, as well as the heat fluxes and monthly temperatures in each circulation hall. The third model analyses the influence of middle-design and detail design decisions on energy consumption and thermal performance. In this model, different solutions of roofs, shading devices, walls and external colors were simulated. The results of all simulation models suggest a high influence of thermal loads due to the incidence of solar radiation on windows and surfaces, which highlights the importance of window shading devices, office room orientation and absorptance of roof and walls surfaces


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This study explores the architectural conception process using the Architecturologie as an instrument of analysis, based on Enseigner la Conception Architecturale (2000), developed by Boudon - architect, lecturer and French researcher. It begins with the selection of local architect´s works, João Maurício Fernandes de Miranda, which resulted in six non residential projects developed between 1961 and 1981. Architectural readings were developed, with emphasis in the identification of architecturological scales, their functions, relationship and modality of occurrence


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This research consists in studying the influence of the various type of construction systems of roofs with their energy efficiency as well as on the cost benefit for the commercial buildings on the temperatures condition of the city of Natal/RN. The main goal of this research is to analyze the cost benefit of the construction systems of roofs available on the market, taking into consideration the energy efficiency of the commercial buildings artificially air conditioned in order to be used by the projectors and to be adequated to the temperatures condition of the city of Natal/RN. The method of valuation of the cost benefit of roof systems consists in six steps: Features and simulation of the reference building; Analyze of sensitivity; Analyzes, features and simulation of alternatives of roof construction systems; Analyze of the cost of implementation; Analyze of the benefits of the alternatives comparing to the base case; And finally the analyze of the cost benefit. The model type chosen as reference was stores with pre molded buildings and system of roof with fiber ciment and ceiling . The thermal results showed the influence of the roof system on the energy efficiency of the building. The Final results of the simulations of the alternatives comes to a conclusion that the absortance is the variable that presents the best cost benefit relation and the reduction on the thermal transmittance still has limitations because of the high cost


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Confirming the Brazilian tendency in the field, the multifamily vertical condominium habitats in Natal are defined as buildings with three or more floors which have been an increasingly used solution. In the mentioned project, the connection between the projectarchitects and the user/ buyers are spread out, by which the first people conceive the realestate property as a creation for the market and not the individual client in specific. Such situation along with technical and financial limitations of the project lead to the adoption of standard solutions to be utilized by clients with different profiles. Besides that, there are various legal and urban parameters by the City Director Plan showing elements of great influence in the final solution adopted by the mentioned edifices. Moving to this subject in general, this project is focused on the case study of the Ed. Ville de Montpellier, having as a base of Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE), considered an efficient tool to analyze and keep up with the progress of the construction of the building, including technical approvals, the application of surveys with the local residents and the creation of informal interviews. The data shows that with time some items that initially motivated the acquisition of the realestate property (with a social common area) move to being less valued, and that the residents quickly alter the pre constructed space, thus seeking to alter the property in a more personal and conforming manner. The possibility of a new emphasis for projects on the mentioned space should also be in discussion, the created project calls for the attention of projected conceptual aspects and interdependence within project and construction which permits the indication of some recommendations for the projection of multifamily residential buildings within the studied realm