984 resultados para Delaware Infantry. Kent County Militia Regt.
Envelope (partial) to Colonel Nelles, 4th Lincoln Militia, Grimsby from M.A. Hale of Quebec. The envelope is stained and torn, but text is not affected, Feb. 7, 1839.
Statement (1 page, handwritten) received of Captain Robert Wells of the Lincoln Militia. The names of his men listed are listed on the page. Dec. 15, 1798.
Appointment of John Turney to be an ensign in the 4th Regiment of Lincoln Militia in the Niagara District of which, Robert Nelles is the Lieutenant Colonel. This was signed by Francis Gore, Lieutenant Governor, Oct. 31, 1815.
Appointment of Edmund Hodges to be a lieutenant in the 4th Regiment of Lincoln Militia of which Robert Nelles is the Colonel. This is signed by Hillier and Maitland, April 19, 1822.
List of officers and dates of commissions and appointments in the 4th Regiment of the Lincoln Militia including the troop of cavalry in the 4th Lincoln Militia (2 pages, handwritten), June 18, 1838.
Agreement (1 page, handwritten note) stating that William Barker of Oxford paid for the broken lots no. 21 and 22 and in the 3rd concession in the County of Oxford of Reverend Harris’ land, Nov. 7, 1831.
Agreement (1 page, handwritten note) with sworn affidavits that John Adolphus Nelles would perform the office of poll clerk at an election for the first riding of the County of Lincoln and Erastus Derby and Smith Jackson would perform the office of Constables at an election for the first riding of the County of Lincoln, June 27, 1836.
Province of Upper Canada Grant (vellum) to Thomas Fraser of the Township of Edwardsburgh granted 1 acre in Lot no.9 in the County of Stormont. Signed by William Jarvis, Sir Isaac Brock, Prideaux Selby and John Macdonell. There are some holes in the document and there are small pieces missing on the right hand side. William Jarvis was the Provincial Secretary of the Lt. Governor of Upper Canada; Sir Isaac Brock. Jarvis was an officer in the Queen’s Rangers. He also served as Provincial Secretary of Upper Canada. A partial crown seal is attached, Mar. 26, 1812.
Certificate measuring 36 cm. x 47 cm. awarded to Lieutenant Colonel, the Honourable James George Currie of the 19th Lincoln Battalion of Canada from the ladies of the County of Lincoln to honour surviving veterans of the War of 1812. The calligraphy on the award was done by J. Matthews of St. Catharines who was listed in the 1877 St. Catharines Directory as an illuminator (medieval writing) and accountant. The award is signed by Elizabeth Carlisle on behalf of the ladies, Oct. 13, 1876.
- The first part of the document traces Mr. Haile’s lineage. His father, James Haile was a farmer. His grandfather, Amos Haile was a sailor for the early part of his life. He was placed on a British man-of- war in about 1758. He escaped and settled in Putney. (p.1) - His father’s mother’s maiden name was Parker. His mother’s maiden name was Campbell. Her father was a captain in the Revolutionary Army. (p.2) - His earliest memories revolve around the death of his aunt and the funeral of General Washington (although he did not witness this). At the time, his father was a Lieutenant in a regiment militia of Light Dragoons who wore red coats. (p.3) - In 1804, an addition was added to the Haile house which necessitated that William was to stay home to help with the building. He continued to study and read on his own. He was particularly interested in Napoleon Bonaparte’s victories. In that same year he was sent to Fairfield Academy where Reverend Caleb Alexander was the principal. (p.4) - On June 1, 1812, William was appointed as an Ensign in the Infantry of the Army of the United States. He was put into the recruiting service at Nassau (20 miles east of Albany) where he remained until September. (p.4) - He was assigned to the 11th Regiment of the W.S. Infantry and directed to proceed to Plattsburgh to report to Colonel Isaac Clark. (p.7) - He was assigned to the company commanded by Captain Samuel H. Halley who was not in the best of health and often absent. For a good part of the time William was in charge of the company. (p.8) - The 11th Regiment was encamped beside the 15th Regiment commanded by Col. Zebulon Montgomery Pike [Pike’s Peak was named after him]. Col. Pike generously drilled and disciplined the 11th Regiment since their officers didn’t seem capable of doing so. (p.8) - The first brigade to which William’s regiment was attached to was commanded by Brigadier General Bloomfield of New Jersey. Brigadier Chandler of Maine commanded the second brigade. (p.9) - At the beginning of November, Major General Dearborn took command of the army. He had been a good officer in his time, but William refers to him as “old and inefficient” earning him the nickname “Granny Dearborn” (p.9) - On November 17th, 1812, General Dearborn moved north with his army. The troops ended up in Champlain. There was no fighting, only a skirmish between a party of men under Colonel Pike and a few British troops who he succeeded in capturing. (p.10) - The troops were moved to barracks for the winter. Colonel Pike’s troops were put into suitable barracks and kept healthy but another part of the army (including the 11th Regiment) were sent to a barracks of green lumber north of Burlington. Disease soon broke out in the damp barracks and the hundreds of deaths soon followed. One morning, William counted 22 bodies who had died the previous night. He puts a lot of this down to an inexperienced commanding officer, General Chandler. (p.11) - At the beginning of 1813, William was stationed as a recruiter on the shore of Shoreham across from Fort Ticonderoga. In February, he returned to Burlington with his recruits. In March he received an order from General Chandler to proceed to Whitehall and take charge of the stores and provisions. In April and May it was decided that his half of the regiment (the First Battalion) should march to Sackett’s Harbour, Lake Ontario. They arrived at Sackett’s Harbour about the 10th of June, a few days after the Battle of Sackett’s Harbour. (p.12) - He was camped near the site of Fort Oswego and got word to head back to Sackett’s Harbour. A storm overtook the schooner that he was on. (p.14) - William was involved in the Battle of Williamsburg (or Chrysler’s Farm) which he calls a “stupid and bungling affair on the part of our generals”.(p. 18) - General Covington was wounded and died a few days after the battle. (p.19) - William speaks of being ill. The troops were ordered to march to Buffalo, but he is able to go to his father’s house in Fairfield where his mother nursed him back to health (p.23) - Upon arrival at Buffalo, the “old fogy Generals” were replaced with younger, more efficient men. (p.25) - On page 27 he sums up a few facts: In 1812, the army was assembled on Lake Champlain with the intention of capturing Montreal, and then Quebec. That year, under General Dearborn the army marched as far as Champlain, then turned back and went into winter quarters. In 1813, the army was assembled at Sackett’s Harbour and that year the campaign ended at French Mills which was 70 or 80 miles from Montreal. In 1814, the army at Buffalo were some 400 miles from Montreal with still the same object in view. - He says that these facts make “a riddle – difficult to explain”. (p.27) - On the evening of July 2nd they embarked on the boats with the objective of capturing Fort Erie. The enemy were all made prisoners of war (p.27) - On July 4th they went to Street’s Creek, 2 miles above the Chippewa [Chippawa] River (p.28) - Page 29 is titled The Battle of Chippewa [Chippawa] - He speaks of 2 drummers who were fighting over the possession of a drum when a cannonball came along and took of both of their heads (p.29) - He proclaims that this was one of the “most brilliant battles of the war”. The battle was fought and won in less than an hour after they left their tents. He credits General Scott with this success and states that was due to his rapid orders and movements. (p.30) - The dead of the battle remained on the field during the night. He describes this as quite gloomy seeing friend and foe lying side by side. At daybreak they set to work digging trenches to bury the dead. (p.31) - Colonel Campbell was wounded and advised to have his leg amputated. He refused, and subsequently died. (p.32) - It is said that the British threw several of their dead into the river and they went over the Falls. (p.32) - His troops repaired the bridge over Chippawa which the enemy had partially destroyed and then pursued the British as far as Queenston Heights. (p.32) - On pages 33 and 34 he speaks about meeting an old friend of his, Philip Harter. - The account ends at Queenston Heights
Este estudio nace con el propósito de analizar la influencia que tiene la economía americana en nuestro país; para entender por qué Estados Unidos es el socio comercial más importante para Colombia en términos de exportaciones y evaluar el impacto que ha tenido en el Tratado de Libre Comercio en la economía de estos países. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, se decidió hacer un análisis enfocado entre Colombia y Estados Unidos, específicamente en los estados de Connecticut, Colorado, Delaware, Dakota del Sur, Florida. Se presentan aspectos del territorio, la población, la política, la economía, entre otros. Por otra parte, se presentan cifras de la balanza comercial de Colombia con Estados Unidos entre los años del 2010 al 2014, las cuales permiten analizar la interacción económica entre ambos países, su evolución en el tiempo y su comportamiento después de la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Libre Comercio. Lo cual permite evidenciar que para el 2014 se presentó una balanza comercial deficitaria de 4.807 millones de USD. Con base a esto, dentro de las oportunidades comerciales de exportación para Colombia, se encuentra la industria textil, con un porcentaje del 30,9%; asientos de madera, muebles y acabados, con un incremento del 24,73%. De lo anterior podemos referir que estos sectores de industrias colombianas, reflejan un alto potencial de competitividad con los Estados Americanos, ya que estos sectores, también reflejan un alza en el incremento de las importaciones.
El proyecto tiene como objetivo principal potenciar la comunicación oral y escrita entre los alumnos del instituto. Para esto se crea un periódico semanal, se pone en marcha una radio educativa de centro, se hace un periódico Web y una revista de centro, además de unas Jornadas Culturales para celebrar el día del Libro. Cada departamento se encarga de desarrollar distintas actividades. El departamento de Dibujo se encarga de diseñar, planificar y realizar El Semanal VK, además de coordinar el taller de radio. El departamento de Tecnología se encarga de los contenidos y diseños del diario Web y colabora en la parte técnica de la radio. El departamento de Educación Física se encarga del contenido de deportes del periódico, colabora con la sección El Insti y realiza las entrevistas y jornadas especiales radiofónicas. También coordina la edición de la revista El Espejo. El departamento de Matemáticas colabora con el de Educación Física en la coordinación de la revista y coordina las actividades de la Semana del Libro. Los departamentos de Ciencias Naturales y Física y Química se encargan de elaborar y redactar los artículos de la sección de ciencias del periódico. El departamento de Geografía e Historia se ocupa de la redacción de artículos en la sección Internacional y Nacional de El Semanal VK. Por último, el departamento de Inglés diseña y realiza las cuñas radiofónicas en inglés todos los jueves en el programa Vamos Tú. Cada departamento utiliza un sistema de evaluación acorde a la actividad desempeñada, habitualmente se basa en la observación continua del desarrollo de la actividad, la participación y destreza en el desarrollo de los ejercicios. En los anexos se muestran distintos números del periódico y folletos de las jornadas de El Libro..