927 resultados para Controladores PID
电液伺服控制系统以其出力大、响应快、精度高而广泛地应用于国防与民用领域。但是,传统的电液伺服系统由于电液伺服阀对油液精度要求高,抗污染能力弱,从而在一定程度上限制了它更广泛的应用,随着技术的进步,出现了一种新型的电液伺服系统—直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统,它是由交流伺服电机驱动的液压泵与执行元件组成,它具有伺服电动机控制的灵活性和液压系统出力大的双重优点,具有高效节能、体积小、可靠性高等显著优点,在一定程度上弥补了传统电液伺服系统的不足,从而被认为是未来电液伺服控制系统的重要发展方向之一。本文的研究内容是以中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所与日本石川岛播磨重工业株式会社的合作项目“电液混合驱动系统(Hybrid Actuator System)研究与开发”为基础,开展原理与特性研究,主要研究内容有以下一些项目:研究直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的工作原理、设计理论与控制方法,建立直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的性能试验系统,进行该系统的静、动态性能仿真与分析,研制一套直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的原理样机。 第一、直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的原理与机械结构研究,研究直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的工作原理与结构方案,详细分析比较与传统电液伺服系统的优缺点,研究基与双向定量泵集成阀体的一体化设计技术,进行直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的系统设计。 第二、直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的建模与控制算法研究,研究直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的建模方法,建立直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的数学模型,研究满足系统性能指标的PID控制策略,使系统在稳定的前提下具有良好的动态品质和高的稳态精度。 第三、直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统集成技术研究,该直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统是由交流伺服电动机、双作用定量泵、方向控制阀、液压缸,以及多个传感器共同组成的。研究系统模块化设计方法,研究系统集成技术,建立直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统与液压系统性能的最佳匹配方法,研究直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的实现技术。 第四、直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的性能仿真研究,在上述建立的伺服系统模型基础上,利用MATLAB内的动态仿真库SIMULINK,仿真分析直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的静、动态性能,研究改善系统性能的措施方法。 第五、直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的补油性能状态研究,详细分析系统在各种工况下的内部油液流动状态,并基于此研究补油阀体的集成设计,建立补油设备的数学模型,仿真分析该补油装备的静、动态运行性能,研究补油阀的设计技术,在上述分析基础上,设计加工满足系统运行性能状态的叠加式液控补油阀。 第六、在上述工作基础上,研制一套直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统,验证系统设计原理,控制算法,及系统集成技术、研究高性能直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的设计方法和实现技术。 关键词 液压技术;交流伺服电动机;直驱式容积控制;动态特性;叠加液控补油阀
金属粉末激光成形技术是基于快速原型(Rapid Prototyping,RP)技术基础上发展起来的一项新型金属零件加工技术。该技术利用高能量激光束直接作用在金属粉末上,可以直接成形高熔点、形状复杂或异质材料功能梯度零件,其成形过程是按照零件几何形状,利用金属粉末逐层逐道累积成形零件的。其独特的金属零件加工特点使其得到了迅速发展,在航空、军事、医学和汽车等众多领域得到了成功应用,并发挥了重要作用。作为一项新兴技术,金属粉末激光成形技术不可避免的存在一些问题,由于激光成形过程是一个多参数影响的过程,成形过程中各参数存在较强的耦合作用,参数的不稳定往往导致成形效果难以保证,例如成形零件外形尺寸精度低、内部组织性能不佳等。这一问题,引起了国内外许多学者的关注,对加工过程中的一些重要参数与成形效果之间的关系展开研究,通过对成形过程中的一些中间过程输出参数进行实时检测,并实现闭环反馈控制,从而达到改善成形产品质量的目的。本文正是在这种背景下进行研究的,本文对熔池场几何尺寸、熔池温度场、熔覆高度与熔覆宽度实时检测进行了深入研究并实现了切实可行的检测方法,在实践中取得了较好的效果,并进行了熔覆成形过程动态辨识,研究了成形过程控制方法,提出了具有较强自适应能力的模糊PID控制方法,取得了较好的仿真效果。本课题主要研究工作有以下几个方面。 1. 激光成形过程中的熔池场包含大量的过程信息,对熔池进行实时检测,并提取熔池特征信息,为熔池场的闭环控制提供依据。为此建立了熔池场实时检测视觉传感系统,实现了图像采集、图像处理和信息提取等功能,课题成功的进行了硬件系统构建和软件系统开发。 2. 实现了红外图像比色测温法在金属粉末激光成形过程中熔池温度场检测中的应用。研究了测温原理,完成了硬件双波长图像采集系统的构建,对滤光片波长进行了选择并对选择结果进行了仿真。阐述了软件测温实现过程。 3. 激光加工过程中,对熔覆高度进行实时检测,从而实现熔覆高度闭环控制是成形高质量零件的保证。加工过程是一个多参数耦合的非线性过程,在分析激光参数对熔覆高度影响的基础上,建立利用激光工艺参数预测熔覆高度的BP神经网络模型,为实现激光加工过程熔覆高度实时预测与闭环控制打下了基础。 4. 熔覆宽度是激光成形过程中与成形效果密切相关的中间过程输出参数,该参数的实时检测为调整扫描间距,确定合理搭接率,提高熔覆表面平整度具有重要作用。提出了一种基于卡尔曼滤波技术的激光熔覆宽度检测方法。利用视觉传感系统获取激光加工过程中的熔池图像,经过图像处理求熔池宽度作为参量建立系统状态方程和测量方程,应用卡尔曼滤波原理对图像上的熔宽和熔宽变化进行状态估计,得到最小均方差条件下的熔覆宽度最佳预测值,从而减小过程噪声和测量噪声引起的熔覆宽度测量偏差,实现加工过程熔覆宽度的精确检测。 5. 成形过程动态辨识,利用阶跃响应法进行了激光参数与熔覆高度、熔覆宽度的辨识实验,建立了激光功率、扫描速度、送粉速率与熔覆高度、熔覆宽度之间的数学模型,对成形过程有了基本了解,为控制器设计与动态过程调节规范确立打下良好基础。 6. 设计了PID熔覆高度控制系统,并利用遗传算法进行了PID参数寻优,寻优获得的参数可以实现较好的控制效果,但不适于实时控制过程。为此设计了模糊PID控制系统,利用模糊逻辑算法对PID参数实现在线自动调整,控制系统具有较强的适应能力和实时处理能力,对于金属粉末激光成形过程具有较好的控制效果。
激光金属直接快速成形技术是在80年代末期出现的快速原型技术(Rapid Phototyping, RP)基础上结合同步同轴送料激光熔敷(On-axis Laser Cladding)技术发展起来的一项先进制造技术。它涉及机械、激光、计算机辅助设计(CAD)、计算机辅助制造(CAM)、计算机数字控制(CNC)、材料科学等领域的关键技术。它突破了传统快速成形工艺方法和成形材料的局限,是目前快速成形诸多方法中研究最多、最有发展前途的新型制造技术。它基于材料累加思想,能够在无需任何刀具和模具的情况下由CAD模型直接驱动沉积成形金属零件,从而大大缩短了新产品的研发周期并节省了大量的资源。中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所开展了该技术的研究,并研制开发了激光金属沉积成形系统(Laser Metal Deposition Shaping, LMDS)。本文介绍了金属零件激光直接快速成形技术的原理和特点,分析了当前金属零件激光快速成形过程数值模拟研究的热点和发展趋势。结合激光金属沉积成形系统的研究需要和遇到的实际问题,阐述了激光、金属粉末和基板三者之间的相互作用,利用有限元的方法数值模拟了各种影响成形精度和效率的因素对激光金属沉积成形系统过程热行为的影响,包括不同扫描方式、不同基板预热温度等,并利用激光金属沉积成形系统系统进行了验证。具体的研究内容如下: 1. 阐述了激光与金属粉末之间的相互作用。激光快速成形过程中,高功率激光束与基板金属交互作用产生熔池,同步送入的金属粉末在熔池内被迅速熔化然后迅速凝固。熔池内的冶金动力学过程包括传热、传质、对流及气-液界面冶金反应和固-液界面扩散等与工艺质量的好坏密切相关,直接影响成形零件内气体和夹渣物的吸收、聚集和逸出,进而影响成形零件的微观组织、成分变化及其它物理冶金性能。基于熔池内传质、传热及流动对成形层的组织和性能的决定性作用,建立了激光金属沉积成形过程的数学模型和有限元模型。 2. 利用有限元分析中的“单元生死”技术,通过APDL语言编程建立了激光金属沉积成形系统过程三维多道多层的数值模拟模型,得到了激光金属沉积成形系统过程中试样和基板内的温度、温度梯度以及热应力分布规律。 3. 研究了沿长边平行往复扫描、沿短边平行往复扫描以及层间正交变向平行往复扫描等不同扫描方式对激光金属沉积成形系统过程热行为的影响,得到了不同扫描方式下试样和基板的温度、温度梯度和热应力变化规律,并结合快速凝固理论对这一过程中出现的现象进行解释。 4. 为了实现基板的预热,根据热传导理论自主设计开发了用于激光金属沉积成形系统过程的基板预热系统。该系统由基板预热器、智能PID控制器以及计算机串口温度检测和反馈控制等部分组成,具有结构简单、功能完善、可靠性高等特点。它既可以通过智能PID控制器实现对基板预热温度的控制,也可以通过计算机串口实现对基板预热温度的实时检测、记录以及反馈控制,从而使基板预热温度在室温~600℃之间连续调节。此外,它的计算机串口温度检测模块还可以用来实现对激光金属沉积成形系统成形过程基板温度的实时监测,为数值计算提供较为准确的边界条件以及用来检验和校正数值模型的正确性与可靠性。 5. 利用数值模拟的方法研究了基板预热温度分别在室温、200℃、300℃、400 ℃、500 ℃、600 ℃时对激光金属沉积成形系统过程温度、温度梯度以及热应力的影响。在相同的条件下,利用激光金属沉积成形系统系统和基板预热系统进行了实际成形实验。对成形实验得到的试样进行了深入的研究,包括:成形试样的成形高度和表面质量与基板预热温度的关系;成形试样的利用扫描电镜分析成形试件沉积层的显微组织特征;利用能谱仪分析沉积层合金元素的化学成分偏析情况。 6. 建立了集数值模拟和成形加工于一体的软件平台。它既可以实现简单零件变模型尺寸、变热物性参数和变工艺参数的数值模拟,也可以直接驱动激光金属沉积成形系统完成简单零件的快速成形。这为研究各工艺参数如激光功率、扫描速度、送粉速率、光斑尺寸以及基板预热温度等对激光金属沉积成形系统过程的影响提供了一个平台。
目前,随着科技水平的进步,人们对焊接质量的要求越来越高,为了保证焊接质量,通常配备焊缝自动跟踪系统。视觉传感方式由于其采集信息量大,避免了与工件直接接触,易于实现焊接跟踪智能化,在焊缝跟踪领域得到广泛的应用。由于主动光视觉与被动光视觉相比具有抗干扰能力强等诸多优点,所以本文采用基于主动光视觉的焊缝跟踪系统。 论文第一部分介绍了焊缝跟踪图像采集与处理系统。对本文中所使用的图像传感器、光路系统的结构及获取特征点的图像处理方法进行了说明。 第二部分对焊缝跟踪控制系统的硬件设计进行说明。硬件部分主要是以TMS320F2812数字信号处理器为核心进行外围电路的设计。包括电源模块、串口通信模块、CAN口通信模块、接口电路模块等。为了使跟踪系统达到所需要的精度和快速性,电机是系统组成中一个非常重要的环节,是很关键的组成部件。所以本部分最后对伺服电机的选型过程进行详细说明。 第三部分介绍控制系统的软件结构。控制器软件系统包括初始化模块、串行通信模块、CAN通信模块、指令处理模块、纠偏控制模块等。针对超前检测式跟踪机构的特点,推导出超前偏差公式,实现纠偏控制模块的功能。 最后对控制方法进行仿真研究。针对焊缝跟踪系统的特点,应用MATLAB的Simulink模块进行控制方法的仿真研究。设计了PID控制器和模糊控制器,分别进行仿真研究,并且对仿真结果进行对比分析。
Com esta publicação, dá-se prosseguimento na implementação de algoritmos úteis para a detecção de bordas, atividade importante também no campo de visão por computador. O objetivo maior dessas implementações é a constituição de uma biblioteca de processamento de imagens em Java, como software livre, sob a General Public License - GNU, conforme publicada pela Free Software Foundation. Todas as implementações encontram-se disponíveis no diretório da Rede Agrolivre (
This paper shows how knowledge, in the form of fuzzy rules, can be derived from a self-organizing supervised learning neural network called fuzzy ARTMAP. Rule extraction proceeds in two stages: pruning removes those recognition nodes whose confidence index falls below a selected threshold; and quantization of continuous learned weights allows the final system state to be translated into a usable set of rules. Simulations on a medical prediction problem, the Pima Indian Diabetes (PID) database, illustrate the method. In the simulations, pruned networks about 1/3 the size of the original actually show improved performance. Quantization yields comprehensible rules with only slight degradation in test set prediction performance.
Contemporary Irish data on the prevalence of major cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors are sparse. The primary aims of this study were (1) to estimate the prevalence of major cardiovascular disease risk factors, including Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, in the general population of men and women between the ages of 50 and 69 years; and (2) to estimate the proportion of individuals in this age group at high absolute risk of cardiovascular disease events on the basis of pre-existing cardiovascular disease or as defined by the Framingham equation. Participants were drawn from the practice lists of 17 general practices in Cork and Kerry using stratified random sampling. A total of 1018 people attended for screening (490 men, 48%) from 1473 who were invited, a response rate of 69.1%. Cardiovascular disease risk factors and glucose intolerance are common in the population of men and women aged between 50 and 69 years. Almost half the participants were overweight and a further quarter met current international criteria for obesity, one of the highest recorded prevalence rates for obesity in a European population sample. Forty per cent of the population reported minimal levels of physical activity and 19% were current cigarette smokers. Approximately half the sample had blood pressure readings consistent with international criteria for the diagnosis of hypertension, but only 38% of these individuals were known to be hypertensive. Eighty per cent of the population sample had a cholesterol concentration in excess of 5 mmol/l. Almost 4% of the population had Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, of whom 30% were previously undiagnosed. A total of 137 participants (13.5%) had a history or ECG findings consistent with established cardiovascular disease. Of the remaining 881 individuals in the primary prevention population, a total of 20 high-risk individuals (19 male) had a risk of a coronary heart disease event 30% over ten years according to the Framingham risk equation, giving an overall population prevalence of 2.0% (95% CI 1.3 - 3.0). At a risk level 20% over ten years, an additional 91 individuals (8.9%) were identified. Thus a total of 24.4% of the population were at risk either through pre-existing CVD (13.5%) or an estimated 10-year risk exceeding 20% according to the Framingham risk equation (10.9%). Thus a substantial proportion of middle-aged men are at high risk of CVD. The findings emphasise the scale of the CVD epidemic in Ireland and the need for ongoing monitoring of risk factors at the population level and the need to develop preventive strategies at both the clinical and societal level.
A massive change is currently taking place in the manner in which power networks are operated. Traditionally, power networks consisted of large power stations which were controlled from centralised locations. The trend in modern power networks is for generated power to be produced by a diverse array of energy sources which are spread over a large geographical area. As a result, controlling these systems from a centralised controller is impractical. Thus, future power networks will be controlled by a large number of intelligent distributed controllers which must work together to coordinate their actions. The term Smart Grid is the umbrella term used to denote this combination of power systems, artificial intelligence, and communications engineering. This thesis focuses on the application of optimal control techniques to Smart Grids with a focus in particular on iterative distributed MPC. A novel convergence and stability proof for iterative distributed MPC based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers is derived. Distributed and centralised MPC, and an optimised PID controllers' performance are then compared when applied to a highly interconnected, nonlinear, MIMO testbed based on a part of the Nordic power grid. Finally, a novel tuning algorithm is proposed for iterative distributed MPC which simultaneously optimises both the closed loop performance and the communication overhead associated with the desired control.
Efficient early identification of primary immunodeficiency disease (PID) is important for prognosis, but is not an easy task for non-immunologists. The Clinical Working Party of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) has composed a multi-stage diagnostic protocol that is based on expert opinion, in order to increase the awareness of PID among doctors working in different fields. The protocol starts from the clinical presentation of the patient; immunological skills are not needed for its use. The multi-stage design allows cost-effective screening for PID within the large pool of potential cases in all hospitals in the early phases, while more expensive tests are reserved for definitive classification in collaboration with an immunologist at a later stage. Although many PIDs present in childhood, others may present at any age. The protocols presented here are therefore aimed at both adult physicians and paediatricians. While designed for use throughout Europe, there will be national differences which may make modification of this generic algorithm necessary.
Severe primary immunodeficiencies (PID) are rare; their global incidence is comparable to that of childhood leukemia; they include more than 100 different entities. Clinical manifestations are: unusually severe or frequent infections or infections that do not respond to adequate treatment; an increased risk of certain malignancies; sometimes auto-immune manifestations. Delayed diagnosis and management of PID can lead to severe and irreversible complications or to death. PID can become manifest only in the adult; in common variable immune deficiency, the median age at diagnosis is between the 2nd and the 3rd decade of life. PID are often transmitted genetically; recent progresses in molecular biology have allowed more precise and earlier, including antenatal, diagnosis. Molecular treatment of 3 infants with a severe immunodeficiency has recently been achieved in April 2000. Those progresses were mostly based on the study of immunodeficiency databases. We present here the work of a Belgian group specialized in PID; meetings have started in June 1997. This group establishes guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of PID, adapted to the local situation. The elaboration of a national register of PID is also underway; this has to provide all guaranties of anonymity to patients and families. Such a register already exists at the European level; it has provided the basis for new diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities. The inclusion of Belgian data in this register should allow essential progresses essential for our patients.