920 resultados para Computer System Management


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As the virtual world grows more complex, finding a standard way for storing data becomes increasingly important. Ideally, each data item would be brought into the computer system only once. References for data items need to be cryptographically verifiable, so the data can maintain its identity while being passed around. This way there will be only one copy of the users family photo album, while the user can use multiple tools to show or manipulate the album. Copies of users data could be stored on some of his family members computer, some of his computers, but also at some online services which he uses. When all actors operate over one replicated copy of the data, the system automatically avoids a single point of failure. Thus the data will not disappear with one computer breaking, or one service provider going out of business. One shared copy also makes it possible to delete a piece of data from all systems at once, on users request. In our research we tried to find a model that would make data manageable to users, and make it possible to have the same data stored at various locations. We studied three systems, Persona, Freenet, and GNUnet, that suggest different models for protecting user data. The main application areas of the systems studied include securing online social networks, providing anonymous web, and preventing censorship in file-sharing. Each of the systems studied store user data on machines belonging to third parties. The systems differ in measures they take to protect their users from data loss, forged information, censorship, and being monitored. All of the systems use cryptography to secure names used for the content, and to protect the data from outsiders. Based on the gained knowledge, we built a prototype platform called Peerscape, which stores user data in a synchronized, protected database. Data items themselves are protected with cryptography against forgery, but not encrypted as the focus has been disseminating the data directly among family and friends instead of letting third parties store the information. We turned the synchronizing database into peer-to-peer web by revealing its contents through an integrated http server. The REST-like http API supports development of applications in javascript. To evaluate the platform’s suitability for application development we wrote some simple applications, including a public chat room, bittorrent site, and a flower growing game. During our early tests we came to the conclusion that using the platform for simple applications works well. As web standards develop further, writing applications for the platform should become easier. Any system this complex will have its problems, and we are not expecting our platform to replace the existing web, but are fairly impressed with the results and consider our work important from the perspective of managing user data.


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As the virtual world grows more complex, finding a standard way for storing data becomes increasingly important. Ideally, each data item would be brought into the computer system only once. References for data items need to be cryptographically verifiable, so the data can maintain its identity while being passed around. This way there will be only one copy of the users family photo album, while the user can use multiple tools to show or manipulate the album. Copies of users data could be stored on some of his family members computer, some of his computers, but also at some online services which he uses. When all actors operate over one replicated copy of the data, the system automatically avoids a single point of failure. Thus the data will not disappear with one computer breaking, or one service provider going out of business. One shared copy also makes it possible to delete a piece of data from all systems at once, on users request. In our research we tried to find a model that would make data manageable to users, and make it possible to have the same data stored at various locations. We studied three systems, Persona, Freenet, and GNUnet, that suggest different models for protecting user data. The main application areas of the systems studied include securing online social networks, providing anonymous web, and preventing censorship in file-sharing. Each of the systems studied store user data on machines belonging to third parties. The systems differ in measures they take to protect their users from data loss, forged information, censorship, and being monitored. All of the systems use cryptography to secure names used for the content, and to protect the data from outsiders. Based on the gained knowledge, we built a prototype platform called Peerscape, which stores user data in a synchronized, protected database. Data items themselves are protected with cryptography against forgery, but not encrypted as the focus has been disseminating the data directly among family and friends instead of letting third parties store the information. We turned the synchronizing database into peer-to-peer web by revealing its contents through an integrated http server. The REST-like http API supports development of applications in javascript. To evaluate the platform s suitability for application development we wrote some simple applications, including a public chat room, bittorrent site, and a flower growing game. During our early tests we came to the conclusion that using the platform for simple applications works well. As web standards develop further, writing applications for the platform should become easier. Any system this complex will have its problems, and we are not expecting our platform to replace the existing web, but are fairly impressed with the results and consider our work important from the perspective of managing user data.


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There are a number of large networks which occur in many problems dealing with the flow of power, communication signals, water, gas, transportable goods, etc. Both design and planning of these networks involve optimization problems. The first part of this paper introduces the common characteristics of a nonlinear network (the network may be linear, the objective function may be non linear, or both may be nonlinear). The second part develops a mathematical model trying to put together some important constraints based on the abstraction for a general network. The third part deals with solution procedures; it converts the network to a matrix based system of equations, gives the characteristics of the matrix and suggests two solution procedures, one of them being a new one. The fourth part handles spatially distributed networks and evolves a number of decomposition techniques so that we can solve the problem with the help of a distributed computer system. Algorithms for parallel processors and spatially distributed systems have been described.There are a number of common features that pertain to networks. A network consists of a set of nodes and arcs. In addition at every node, there is a possibility of an input (like power, water, message, goods etc) or an output or none. Normally, the network equations describe the flows amoungst nodes through the arcs. These network equations couple variables associated with nodes. Invariably, variables pertaining to arcs are constants; the result required will be flows through the arcs. To solve the normal base problem, we are given input flows at nodes, output flows at nodes and certain physical constraints on other variables at nodes and we should find out the flows through the network (variables at nodes will be referred to as across variables).The optimization problem involves in selecting inputs at nodes so as to optimise an objective function; the objective may be a cost function based on the inputs to be minimised or a loss function or an efficiency function. The above mathematical model can be solved using Lagrange Multiplier technique since the equalities are strong compared to inequalities. The Lagrange multiplier technique divides the solution procedure into two stages per iteration. Stage one calculates the problem variables % and stage two the multipliers lambda. It is shown that the Jacobian matrix used in stage one (for solving a nonlinear system of necessary conditions) occurs in the stage two also.A second solution procedure has also been imbedded into the first one. This is called total residue approach. It changes the equality constraints so that we can get faster convergence of the iterations.Both solution procedures are found to coverge in 3 to 7 iterations for a sample network.The availability of distributed computer systems — both LAN and WAN — suggest the need for algorithms to solve the optimization problems. Two types of algorithms have been proposed — one based on the physics of the network and the other on the property of the Jacobian matrix. Three algorithms have been deviced, one of them for the local area case. These algorithms are called as regional distributed algorithm, hierarchical regional distributed algorithm (both using the physics properties of the network), and locally distributed algorithm (a multiprocessor based approach with a local area network configuration). The approach used was to define an algorithm that is faster and uses minimum communications. These algorithms are found to converge at the same rate as the non distributed (unitary) case.


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In the near future, robots and CG (computer graphics) will be required to exhibit creative behaviors that reflect designers’ abstract images and emotions. However, there are no effective methods to develop abstract images and emotions and support designers in designing creative behaviors that reflect their images and emotions. Analogy and blending are two methods known to be very effective for designing creative behaviors. The aim of this study is to propose a method for developing designers’ abstract behavioral images and emotions and giving shape to them by constructing a computer system that supports a designer in the creation of the desired behavior. This method focuses on deriving inspiration from the behavioral aspects of natural phenomena rather than simply mimicking it. We have proposed two new methods for developing abstract behavioral images and emotions by which a designer can use analogies from natural things such as animals and plants even when there is a difference in the number of joints between the natural object and the design target. The first method uses visual behavioral images, the second uses rhythmic behavioral images. We have demonstrated examples of designed behaviors to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.


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This paper describes the method of field orientation of the stator current vector with respect to the stator, mutual, and rotor flux vectors, for the control of an induction motor fed from a current source inverter (CSI). A control scheme using this principle is described for orienting the stator current with respect to the rotor flux, as this gives natural decoupling between the current coordinates. A dedicated micro-computer system developed for implementing this scheme has been described. The experimental results are also presented.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar se o método de Custeio Baseado em Atividades (ABC) é adequado para ser aplicado na mensuração dos custos dos serviços educacionais do Setor Público. O tema se torna relevante devido à necessidade de as Organizações Públicas, que prestam serviços educacionais de permitir, através de seus sistemas de custos, o acompanhamento e a avaliação da gestão orçamentária, financeira e patrimonial. Entretanto, o Sistema Integrado de Administração Financeira do Governo Federal (SIAFI) não evidencia quanto custa cada atividade em nenhuma de suas contas. A análise dos resultados aponta ser adequada a aplicação do método de custeio ABC (Custeio Baseado em Atividades) para evidenciação dos custos das atividades e na gestão dos recursos do Setor Público e, em especial, nas organizações que prestam serviços educacionais, onde praticamente todos os seus custos são indiretos e aparentemente fixos, este fato, segundo Kaplan (1998), tornam estas organizações candidatas ideais ao custeio baseado em atividade (ABC). A metodologia utilizada teve como principal finalidade desenvolver, esclarecer e modificar idéias a fim de fornecer hipótese pesquisável para estudos posteriores conforme ensinam Tripodi, Fellin e Meyer (1981, p.64), por fim, esta pesquisa se caracteriza como qualitativa descritiva e teve como fonte de pesquisa a revisão bibliográfica e análise documental e como estratégia metodológica, utilizou-se de um estudo de caso no Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro (CMRJ).


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A partir das narrativas escritas por carnavalescos, o carnaval ganha forma pelas mãos de ferreiros, marceneiros, costureiras, bordadeiras e artesãos. Das favelas para o mundo, as escolas de samba do Rio de Janeiro se organizaram e, juntas, conquistaram respeito e prestígio que se materializaram por meio da construção de um Sambódromo, da Cidade do Samba, dentre outras. Realizou-se estudo de casos de natureza exploratória em que se utilizou fonte de dados primários e secundários, visando verificar as características do sistema de controle gerencial e o processo de internacionalização das escolas de samba. A questão geral é: Os sistemas de controle gerenciais das escolas de samba da cidade do Rio de Janeiro são influenciados pelo fenômeno da internacionalização? Os achados da pesquisa mostram que não, da mesma forma que alguns pesquisadores já observaram que existem circunstâncias em que o processo de internacionalização não implica, necessariamente, em grande complexidade e sofisticação do sistema de controle de gestão.


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O presente estudo aborda a introdução de ações de regulação na gestão de saúde de um município do interior do estado do Rio de Janeiro, de 2009 a 2012. Mais especificamente, são analisadas a responsabilização sanitária do ente municipal a partir da aquisição da gestão plena do sistema (Pacto de Gestão) e as ações desencadeadas pela implantação do Controle, Avaliação e Auditoria, e pela criação do Complexo Regulador, tendo como referência a Política Nacional de Regulação. A metodologia empregada envolveu análise documental e entrevistas com informantes-chave. Os resultados demonstram o desenvolvimento de ações em todas as dimensões da regulação e o amadurecimento da função reitora da secretaria municipal de saúde sobre o sistema, através do direcionamento qualitativo e quantitativo dos prestadores privados.


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本文阐述了在小型计算机上建立的 GPSS-F/1000通用仿真软件包。该软件包不仅具有原 GPSS-F仿真软件的全部功能,并且使公用数组、系统参数的适配全部活化,通过子程序的形式参量传送赋给,从而,仿真时不必修改子程序的源程序。此外,增加了统计参数估计子程序集和图形绘制子程序集。


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From the organizational behavior point, this study initially explored how factors of educational changes influenced on teachers. This study adapted the questionnaire made up by Consortium for Cross-Culture Research in Education (CCCRE), by cooperating with other countries, interviewed 513 teachers in nine countries. The main results are as follows: 1. Factors of educational changes include: domain, origin, objective, teachers' role, and timetable. Comparative results show: More similarities than differences tend to be presented in five factors. The detail results are: in domain, it mainly involves teaching change and learning outcomes change; in origin, the educational change most teachers participated was initialed by government; in role, teachers more act as the implementer; in timetable, gradual development is the chief characteristic. 2. The domain of change, origin and teachers' role has a significant impact on the quality of worklife of teachers, but timetable of change has not. The further study about the influence of educational origin on the quality of worklife of teachers shows: Changes of teachers' time -using, professional development were significantly impacted by the origin of education, and there is a significant difference in the change of time-using among nine countries. 3. Change on students, change on teachers' relationship are two important factors to impact the teachers' evaluation about educational change. But the teachers' evaluation, teaching age and the change on relationship are valid factors to predicate teachers participate in next educational change. 4. Compared with the educational change of other eight countries, the change in school system management and the change in learning outcomes are more carried on in China. There is no significance about other factors between China and overall nine countries. In China, the educational change has a more positive impact on teachers' time-using and professional development, but professional development is also a important factor to impact teachers' evaluation on change; however there is a negative relationship between the Chinese teachers' evaluation and the teachers' participation in next change.


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Euterpe is a real-time computer system for the modeling of musical structures. It provides a formalism wherein familiar concepts of musical analysis may be readily expressed. This is verified by its application to the analysis of a wide variety of conventional forms of music: Gregorian chant, Mediaeval polyphony, Back counterpoint, and sonata form. It may be of further assistance in the real-time experiments in various techniques of thematic development. Finally, the system is endowed with sound-synthesis apparatus with which the user may prepare tapes for musical performances.


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This thesis describes some aspects of a computer system for doing medical diagnosis in the specialized field of kidney disease. Because such a system faces the spectre of combinatorial explosion, this discussion concentrates on heuristics which control the number of concurrent hypotheses and efficient "compiled" representations of medical knowledge. In particular, the differential diagnosis of hematuria (blood in the urine) is discussed in detail. A protocol of a simulated doctor/patient interaction is presented and analyzed to determine the crucial structures and processes involved in the diagnosis procedure. The data structure proposed for representing medical information revolves around elementary hypotheses which are activated when certain disposing of findings, activating hypotheses, evaluating hypotheses locally and combining hypotheses globally is examined for its heuristic implications. The thesis attempts to fit the problem of medical diagnosis into the framework of other Artifcial Intelligence problems and paradigms and in particular explores the notions of pure search vs. heuristic methods, linearity and interaction, local vs. global knowledge and the structure of hypotheses within the world of kidney disease.