901 resultados para Classification image technique
Accurate three-dimensional (3D) models of lumbar vertebrae are required for image-based 3D kinematics analysis. MRI or CT datasets are frequently used to derive 3D models but have the disadvantages that they are expensive, time-consuming or involving ionizing radiation (e.g., CT acquisition). In this chapter, we present an alternative technique that can reconstruct a scaled 3D lumbar vertebral model from a single two-dimensional (2D) lateral fluoroscopic image and a statistical shape model. Cadaveric studies are conducted to verify the reconstruction accuracy by comparing the surface models reconstructed from a single lateral fluoroscopic image to the ground truth data from 3D CT segmentation. A mean reconstruction error between 0.7 and 1.4 mm was found.
In this paper we propose a new fully-automatic method for localizing and segmenting 3D intervertebral discs from MR images, where the two problems are solved in a unified data-driven regression and classification framework. We estimate the output (image displacements for localization, or fg/bg labels for segmentation) of image points by exploiting both training data and geometric constraints simultaneously. The problem is formulated in a unified objective function which is then solved globally and efficiently. We validate our method on MR images of 25 patients. Taking manually labeled data as the ground truth, our method achieves a mean localization error of 1.3 mm, a mean Dice metric of 87%, and a mean surface distance of 1.3 mm. Our method can be applied to other localization and segmentation tasks.
Femoro-patellar dysplasia is considered as a significant risk factor of patellar instability. Different studies suggest that the shape of the trochlea is already developed in early childhood. Therefore early identification of a dysplastic configuration might be relevant information for the treating physician. An easy applicable routine screening of the trochlea is yet not available. The purpose of this study was to establish and evaluate a screening method for femoro-patellar dysplasia using 3D ultrasound. From 2012 to 2013 we prospectively imaged 160 consecutive femoro-patellar joints in 80 newborns from the 36th to 61st gestational week that underwent a routine hip sonography (Graf). All ultrasounds were performed by a pediatric radiologist with only minimal additional time to the routine hip ultrasound. In 30° flexion of the knee, axial, coronal, and sagittal reformats were used to standardize a reconstructed axial plane through the femoral condyle and the mid-patella. The sulcus angle, the lateral-to-medial facet ratio of the trochlea and the shape of the patella (Wiberg Classification) were evaluated. In all examinations reconstruction of the standardized axial plane was achieved, the mean trochlea angle was 149.1° (SD 4.9°), the lateral-to-medial facet ratio of the trochlea ratio was 1.3 (SD 0.22), and a Wiberg type I patella was found in 95% of the newborn. No statistical difference was detected between boys and girls. Using standardized reconstructions of the axial plane allows measurements to be made with lower operator dependency and higher accuracy in a short time. Therefore 3D ultrasound is an easy applicable and powerful tool to identify trochlea dysplasia in newborns and might be used for screening for trochlea dysplasia.
Image-based modeling is a popular approach to perform patient-specific biomechanical simulations. Accurate modeling is critical for orthopedic application to evaluate implant design and surgical planning. It has been shown that bone strength can be estimated from the bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone architecture. However, these findings cannot be directly and fully transferred to patient-specific modeling since only BMD can be derived from clinical CT. Therefore, the objective of this study was to propose a method to predict the trabecular bone structure using a µCT atlas and an image registration technique. The approach has been evaluated on femurs and patellae under physiological loading. The displacement and ultimate force for femurs loaded in stance position were predicted with an error of 2.5% and 3.7%, respectively, while predictions obtained with an isotropic material resulted in errors of 7.3% and 6.9%. Similar results were obtained for the patella, where the strain predicted using the registration approach resulted in an improved mean squared error compared to the isotropic model. We conclude that the registration of anisotropic information from of a single template bone enables more accurate patient-specific simulations from clinical image datasets than isotropic model.
The new classification system of uterine anomalies from the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology and the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy defines T-shaped and tubular-shaped infantilis uteri as 'dysmorphic'. Such malformations have been proven to be associated with poor reproductive performance. A prospective observational study was conducted with 30 infertile women with dysmorphic uterus who underwent the novel Hysteroscopic Outpatient Metroplasty to Expand Dysmorphic Uteri (HOME-DU ) technique. Incisions are made on the uterine walls with a 5 Fr bipolar electrode. The procedure was conducted in outpatients under conscious sedation, using a 5-mm office hysteroscope. The technique was successful in all cases without complications. A net increase of uterine volume was found, as measured at hysteroscopy and three-dimensional transvaginal ultrasound (P < 0.001). Uterine morphology improved in all patients but one. At mean follow-up of 15 months, clinical pregnancy rate was 57% and term delivery rate 65%. These early data support HOME-DU as safe and effective in expanding the volume and normalizing the appearance of the uterine cavity of dysmorphic uteri. Although the cohort was small, pregnancy and live births outcomes were favourable in this poor-prognosis group, implying desirable benefits, which should be compared with other techniques.
Lung Pattern Classification for Interstitial Lung Diseases Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Automated tissue characterization is one of the most crucial components of a computer aided diagnosis (CAD) system for interstitial lung diseases (ILDs). Although much research has been conducted in this field, the problem remains challenging. Deep learning techniques have recently achieved impressive results in a variety of computer vision problems, raising expectations that they might be applied in other domains, such as medical image analysis. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a convolutional neural network (CNN), designed for the classification of ILD patterns. The proposed network consists of 5 convolutional layers with 2×2 kernels and LeakyReLU activations, followed by average pooling with size equal to the size of the final feature maps and three dense layers. The last dense layer has 7 outputs, equivalent to the classes considered: healthy, ground glass opacity (GGO), micronodules, consolidation, reticulation, honeycombing and a combination of GGO/reticulation. To train and evaluate the CNN, we used a dataset of 14696 image patches, derived by 120 CT scans from different scanners and hospitals. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first deep CNN designed for the specific problem. A comparative analysis proved the effectiveness of the proposed CNN against previous methods in a challenging dataset. The classification performance (~85.5%) demonstrated the potential of CNNs in analyzing lung patterns. Future work includes, extending the CNN to three-dimensional data provided by CT volume scans and integrating the proposed method into a CAD system that aims to provide differential diagnosis for ILDs as a supportive tool for radiologists.
Purpose In recent years, selective retina laser treatment (SRT), a sub-threshold therapy method, avoids widespread damage to all retinal layers by targeting only a few. While these methods facilitate faster healing, their lack of visual feedback during treatment represents a considerable shortcoming as induced lesions remain invisible with conventional imaging and make clinical use challenging. To overcome this, we present a new strategy to provide location-specific and contact-free automatic feedback of SRT laser applications. Methods We leverage time-resolved optical coherence tomography (OCT) to provide informative feedback to clinicians on outcomes of location-specific treatment. By coupling an OCT system to SRT treatment laser, we visualize structural changes in the retinal layers as they occur via time-resolved depth images. We then propose a novel strategy for automatic assessment of such time-resolved OCT images. To achieve this, we introduce novel image features for this task that when combined with standard machine learning classifiers yield excellent treatment outcome classification capabilities. Results Our approach was evaluated on both ex vivo porcine eyes and human patients in a clinical setting, yielding performances above 95 % accuracy for predicting patient treatment outcomes. In addition, we show that accurate outcomes for human patients can be estimated even when our method is trained using only ex vivo porcine data. Conclusion The proposed technique presents a much needed strategy toward noninvasive, safe, reliable, and repeatable SRT applications. These results are encouraging for the broader use of new treatment options for neovascularization-based retinal pathologies.
PURPOSE Treatment of vascular malformations requires the placement of a needle within vessels which may be as small as 1 mm, with the current state of the art relying exclusively on two-dimensional fluoroscopy images for guidance. We hypothesize that the combination of stereotactic image guidance with existing targeting methods will result in faster and more reproducible needle placements, as well as reduced radiationexposure, when compared to standard methods based on fluoroscopy alone. METHODS The proposed navigation approach was evaluated in a phantom experiment designed to allow direct comparison with the conventional method. An anatomical phantom of the left forearm was constructed, including an independent control mechanism to indicate the attainment of the target position. Three interventionalists (one inexperienced, two of them frequently practice the conventional fluoroscopic technique) performed 45 targeting attempts utilizing the combined and 45 targeting attempts utilizing the standard approaches. RESULTS In all 45 attempts, the users were able to reach the target when utilizing the combined approach. In two cases, targeting was stopped after 15 min without reaching the target when utilizing only the C-arm. The inexperienced user was faster when utilizing the combined approach and applied significantly less radiation than when utilizing the conventional approach. Conversely, both experienced users were faster when using the conventional approach, in one case significantly so, with no significant difference in radiation dose when compared to the combined approach. CONCLUSIONS This work presents an initial evaluation of a combined navigation fluoroscopy targeting technique in a phantom study. The results suggest that, especially for inexperienced interventionalists, navigation may help to reduce the time and the radiation dose. Future work will focus on the improvement and clinical evaluation of the proposed method.
Background and purpose: Breast cancer continues to be a health problem for women, representing 28 percent of all female cancers and remaining one of the leading causes of death for women. Breast cancer incidence rates become substantial before the age of 50. After menopause, breast cancer incidence rates continue to increase with age creating a long-lasting source of concern (Harris et al., 1992). Mammography, a technique for the detection of breast tumors in their nonpalpable stage when they are most curable, has taken on considerable importance as a public health measure. The lifetime risk of breast cancer is approximately 1 in 9 and occurs over many decades. Recommendations are that screening be periodic in order to detect cancer at early stages. These recommendations, largely, are not followed. Not only are most women not getting regular mammograms, but this circumstance is particularly the case among older women where regular mammography has been proven to reduce mortality by approximately 30 percent. The purpose of this project was to increase our understanding of factors that are associated with stage of readiness to obtain subsequent mammograms. A secondary purpose of this research was to suggest further conceptual considerations toward the extension of the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior change to repeat screening mammography. ^ Methods. A sample (n = 1,222) of women 50 years and older in a large multi-specialty clinic in Houston, Texas was surveyed by mail questionnaire regarding their previous screening experience and stage of readiness to obtain repeat screening. A computerized database, maintained on all women who undergo mammography at the clinic, was used to identify women who are eligible for the project. The major statistical technique employed to select the significant variables and to examine the man and interaction effects of independent variables on dependent variables was polychotomous stepwise, logistic regression. A prediction model for each stage of readiness definition was estimated. The expected probabilities for stage of readiness were calculated to assess the magnitude and direction of significant predictors. ^ Results. Analysis showed that both ways of defining stage of readiness for obtaining a screening mammogram were associated with specific constructs, including decisional balance and processes of the change. ^ Conclusions. The results of the present study demonstrate that the TTM appears to translate to repeat mammography screening. Findings in the current study also support finding of previous studies that suggest that stage of readiness is associated with respondent decisional balance and the processes of change. ^
The Wadden Sea is located in the southeastern part of the North Sea forming an extended intertidal area along the Dutch, German and Danish coast. It is a highly dynamic and largely natural ecosystem influenced by climatic changes and anthropogenic use of the North Sea. Changes in the environment of the Wadden Sea, natural or anthropogenic origin, cannot be monitored by the standard measurement methods alone, because large-area surveys of the intertidal flats are often difficult due to tides, tidal channels and unstable underground. For this reason, remote sensing offers effective monitoring tools. In this study a multi-sensor concept for classification of intertidal areas in the Wadden Sea has been developed. Basis for this method is a combined analysis of RapidEye (RE) and TerraSAR-X (TSX) satellite data coupled with ancillary vector data about the distribution of vegetation, mussel beds and sediments. The classification of the vegetation and mussel beds is based on a decision tree and a set of hierarchically structured algorithms which use object and texture features. The sediments are classified by an algorithm which uses thresholds and a majority filter. Further improvements focus on radiometric enhancement and atmospheric correction. First results show that we are able to identify vegetation and mussel beds with the use of multi-sensor remote sensing. The classification of the sediments in the tidal flats is a challenge compared to vegetation and mussel beds. The results demonstrate that the sediments cannot be classified with high accuracy by their spectral properties alone due to their similarity which is predominately caused by their water content.
ENVISAT ASAR WSM images with pixel size 150 × 150 m, acquired in different meteorological, oceanographic and sea ice conditions were used to determined icebergs in the Amundsen Sea (Antarctica). An object-based method for automatic iceberg detection from SAR data has been developed and applied. The object identification is based on spectral and spatial parameters on 5 scale levels, and was verified with manual classification in four polygon areas, chosen to represent varying environmental conditions. The algorithm works comparatively well in freezing temperatures and strong wind conditions, prevailing in the Amundsen Sea during the year. The detection rate was 96% which corresponds to 94% of the area (counting icebergs larger than 0.03 km**2), for all seasons. The presented algorithm tends to generate errors in the form of false alarms, mainly caused by the presence of ice floes, rather than misses. This affects the reliability since false alarms were manually corrected post analysis.
The paper presents first results of a pan-boreal scale land cover harmonization and classification. A methodology is presented that combines global and regional vegetation datasets to extract percentage cover information for different vegetation physiognomy and barren for the pan-arctic region within the ESA Data User Element Permafrost. Based on the legend description of each land cover product the datasets are harmonized into four LCCS (Land Cover Classification System) classifiers which are linked to the MODIS Vegetation Continuous Field (VCF) product. Harmonized land cover and Vegetation Continuous Fields products are combined to derive a best estimate of percentage cover information for trees, shrubs, herbaceous and barren areas for Russia. Future work will concentrate on the expansion of the developed methodology to the pan-arctic scale. Since the vegetation builds an isolation layer, which protects the permafrost from heat and cold temperatures, a degradation of this layer due to fire strongly influences the frozen conditions in the soil. Fire is an important disturbance factor which affects vast processes and dynamics in ecosystems (e.g. biomass, biodiversity, hydrology, etc.). Especially in North Eurasia the fire occupancy has dramatically increased in the last 50 years and has doubled in the 1990s with respect to the last five decades. A comparison of global and regional fire products has shown discrepancies between the amounts of burn scars detected by different algorithms and satellite data.
Providing accurate maps of coral reefs where the spatial scale and labels of the mapped features correspond to map units appropriate for examining biological and geomorphic structures and processes is a major challenge for remote sensing. The objective of this work is to assess the accuracy and relevance of the process used to derive geomorphic zone and benthic community zone maps for three western Pacific coral reefs produced from multi-scale, object-based image analysis (OBIA) of high-spatial-resolution multi-spectral images, guided by field survey data. Three Quickbird-2 multi-spectral data sets from reefs in Australia, Palau and Fiji and georeferenced field photographs were used in a multi-scale segmentation and object-based image classification to map geomorphic zones and benthic community zones. A per-pixel approach was also tested for mapping benthic community zones. Validation of the maps and comparison to past approaches indicated the multi-scale OBIA process enabled field data, operator field experience and a conceptual hierarchical model of the coral reef environment to be linked to provide output maps at geomorphic zone and benthic community scales on coral reefs. The OBIA mapping accuracies were comparable with previously published work using other methods; however, the classes mapped were matched to a predetermined set of features on the reef.