973 resultados para Cerebrospinal fluid shunts


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Activation of the kynurenine (KYN) pathway (KP) by modulators of immune system has been observed during several neurological diseases. Here we assessed the association of chemo-/cytokine levels with the concentration of KP metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma samples from patients with bacterial meningitis (BM). All samples were collected from 42 patients diagnosed with acute bacterial meningitis (ABM), aseptic meningitis, tuberculous meningitis and patients without infection neurological disorders. CSF and plasma concentration of metabolites from the KP was assessed by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and cytokines and chemokines by Bio-plex 200 suspension array system. Concentrations of the KP metabolites KYN and kynurenic acid (KYNA) were significantly higher in CSF of patients with ABM compared to other groups. Tryptophan (TRP), anthranilic acid (AA), 3-hydroxykynurenine (3HK) and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3HAA) did not show statistical significance, although some of them presented a good accumulation during ABM. The expression of TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-1beta, IFN-gamma, IL-10, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), MIP-1alpha, MIP-1beta, MCP-1 and G-CSF was about 100-fold higher in CSF from ABM patients than other infected groups. In all CSF and plasma samples, the concentration of IL-2, IL-12(p70), IL-4, IL-8 and GM-CSF was not significant. ABM still showed significant concentrations of IL-6, IL-10, IL-1Ra and MCP-1 in plasma samples. Based on the comparison of KP metabolites concentrations between plasma and CSF samples we conclude that the activation of the tryptophan pathway upon BM occurs within the brain. This increase in KP metabolites is most due to activation of the KP by molecules as IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha in response to infection.


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Streptococcus pneumoniae is the predominant bacterial agent that affects the human population with pneumonia. This disease is an important cause of death in the elderly and the children under five years old. In this study, 29 strains of invasive S. pneumoniae were isolated from 29 patients of pneumonia, bacteremia and meningitis in the laboratory of the Municipal Hospital in Paulinia, Brazil, from May 2006 to October 2007. Patients' age ranged from 8 months old to 60 years old. These strains of S. pneumoniae were isolated from blood, pleural fluid and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients. After typing of encapsulated strains of S. pneumoniae through quellung reaction, their resistance to antimicrobial agents was gauged through Disc Diffusion Technique followed by determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Among the 29 strains analyzed, 23 were methicillin-sensitive and six were methicillin-resistant and penicillin intermediate resistant. No strain presented full resistance to penicillin. Serotyping was performed only in two samples, which belonged to serotype 18. Our data may alert ambulatory regarding the incidence of pneumococcal strains resistant to the most common drugs due to inappropriate use of antimicrobials and also collaborate to the elaboration of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines specific to each region.


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Background: Cryptococcus neoformans causes meningitis and disseminated infection in healthy individuals, but more commonly in hosts with defective immune responses. Cell-mediated immunity is an important component of the immune response to a great variety of infections, including yeast infections. We aimed to evaluate a specific lymphocyte transformation assay to Cryptococcus neoformans in order to identify immunodeficiency associated to neurocryptococcosis (NCC) as primary cause of the mycosis.Methods: Healthy volunteers, poultry growers, and HIV-seronegative patients with neurocryptococcosis were tested for cellular immune response. Cryptococcal meningitis was diagnosed by India ink staining of cerebrospinal fluid and cryptococcal antigen test (Immunomycol-Inc, SP, Brazil). Isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated with C. neoformans antigen, C. albicans antigen, and pokeweed mitogen. The amount of H-3-thymidine incorporated was assessed, and the results were expressed as stimulation index (SI) and log SI, sensitivity, specificity, and cut-off value (receiver operating characteristics curve). We applied unpaired Student t tests to compare data and considered significant differences for p<0.05.Results: The lymphotoxin alpha showed a low capacity with all the stimuli for classifying patients as responders and non-responders. Lymphotoxin alpha stimulated by heated-killed antigen from patients with neurocryptococcosis was not affected by TCD4+ cell count, and the intensity of response did not correlate with the clinical evolution of neurocryptococcosis.Conclusion: Response to lymphocyte transformation assay should be analyzed based on a normal range and using more than one stimulator. The use of a cut-off value to classify patients with neurocryptococcosis is inadequate. Statistical analysis should be based on the log transformation of SI. A more purified antigen for evaluating specific response to C. neoformans is needed.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar os sinais clínicos, as concentrações do sulfeto de hidrogênio ruminal e as alterações anatomopatológicas associadas à intoxicação experimental por enxofre em bovinos. Foram utilizados dez bezerros mestiços leiteiros, sendo que quatro bovinos ingeriram ração sem sulfato de sódio (G1) e seis consumiram ração com sulfato de sódio (G2). Exames clínicos (temperatura retal, frequência cardíaca e respiratória e motricidade ruminal) e laboratoriais (hemograma, fibrinogênio, proteína plasmática, pH do fluido ruminal, concentração do sulfeto de hidrogênio ruminal, líquido cerebrospinal e histopatológico) foram realizados. A temperatura retal, frequência cardíaca, hemograma, fibrinogênio, proteína plasmática, pH do fluido ruminal e os valores do líquido cerebrospinal estavam dentro dos valores de referência para a espécie. Taquipnéia, hipomotricidade ruminal e elevados valores de sulfeto de hidrogênio ruminal foram observados nos bezerros do grupo G2. Um bezerro do grupo G2 apresentou sinais neurológicos e lesões histopatológicas de PEM. Dois animais de cada grupo foram eutanasiados. Lesões microscópicas foram observadas nos bezerros do G2. Histologicamente as alterações observadas foram necrose neuronal cortical e lesões hemorrágicas nos núcleos basais, tálamo, mesencéfalo, ponte e bulbo. O protocolo experimental constituído por uma dieta rica em carboidrato de alta fermentação, baixa quantidade de fibra efetiva e altos níveis de enxofre (0,52%) ocasionou alterações clinicas e histológicas e elevadas concentrações de sulfeto de hidrogênio ruminal compatíveis com quadro de intoxicação por enxofre.


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Neste estudo retrospectivo, relatam-se as características clínicas do edema cerebral crônico (ECCr) em 34 pacientes com neurocisticercose (NCC), que apresentavam edema cerebral difuso, à tomografia computadorizada (TC), como característica comum. Todos foram tratados com dextroclorofeniramina e, 32 deles, com albendazol. O ECCr predominou no sexo feminino (73,5%) na faixa etária dos 11 - 40 anos (92,3%). A cefaléia ocorreu em 94,1% dos pacientes, náuseas/vômitos em 47,1%, crises epilépticas em 41,1% e distúrbios psíquicos em 38,2%. A hiperreflexia ocorreu em 82,3% e o papiledema em 58,8% e o exame neurológico normal em 11,8%. Na TC, o edema esteve associado a calcificações em 61,8% dos casos. As pressões liquóricas foram mais elevadas (p< 0,05) antes do tratamento. Atualmente, estão assintomáticos, ou com melhora clínica, 79,4% dos pacientes (57,1% deles sem medicação). Discute-se a possibilidade do ECCr, na NCC, ser uma manifestação antigênica, sem a presença concomitante de cistos parasitários, e poder representar mais uma condição clínica associada à hipertensão intracraniana benigna.


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Foram analisadas as manifestações neurológicas em 93 doentes com suspeita de intoxicação exógena. A detecção das substancias tóxicas foi realizada no sangue, urina e líquido cefalorraqueano. Verificou-se nítido predomínio do comprometimento do sistema nervoso central em relação ao periférico e aparente tropismo de herbicidas e organofosforados para o sistema nervoso central, comparando-se o comportamento dos metais pesados e organoclorados. São analisados os prováveis mecanismos de ação dessas substancias no sistema nervoso e são apresentados os sinais e/ou sintomas que foram observados.


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Background: Traumatic subdural hygroma (TSHy) is an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the subdural space after head injury. It appears to be relatively common, but its onset time and natural history are not well defined. Considered a benign epiphenomenon of trauma, the pathogenesis of TSHy is still unclear and many questions remain unanswered. This study adds to the information on TSHy, and proposes a classification based on pathogenesis.Methods: Thirty-four consecutive adult patients with TSHy were analyzed for clinical evolution and serial CT scan, during a period of several months. TSHy diagnosis was based on published CT scan criteria of hypodense subdural collection after trauma, without enhancement and neomembrane, with a minimum distance of 3 mm between the skull and brain. Ventricle size was analyzed by calculating the bicaudate index (BCI). For comparison, the BCI was measured from CT scan at three moments: admission, at time of TSHy diagnosis, and from last CT scan.Results: There were 34 patients, aged between 16 and 85 years (mean 40), half of them were below 40 years. Road traffic crashes were the main cause of head injury. The mean time for hygroma diagnosis was 9 days. Twenty-one patients (61.8%) underwent conservative treatment for TSHy and 13 (38.2%), surgical treatment. TSHy are early lesions and can be detected in the first 24 hours after trauma, usually as small subdural effusion (SSEff). Based on clinical and CT scan findings, we divided the 34 patients into 3 groups, (Ia and Ib) without evident mass effect and (II) with evident mass effect. Group Ia includes patients without ventricle dilation; Ib, patients with associated ventricle dilations.Conclusions: SSEff detected in the first 24 hours posttrauma in our series evolved into TSHy suggesting that this is an early lesion; all THSy were divided in three groups according to the pathophysiologic mechanism. These three groups probably represent a continuum of CSF absorption impairment. Group la represents what most authors consider a simple hygroma, with no impairment on CSF absorption. Group Ib represent the external hydrocephalus form with various degrees of CSF imbalance, and group II were the cases presenting marked mass effect.


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Linfoma multicêntrico foi diagnosticado em um cão com dois anos de idade que apresentava insuficiência respiratória, aumento de volume abdominal (ascite) e linfoadenopatia generalizada. O exame imunoistoquímico revelou origem de células T com expressão CD3+ e CD79-. Após cinco semanas, o cão apresentou déficits neurológicos progressivos, sendo identificada a presença de linfócitos neoplásicos no líquor. O exame histopatológico demonstrou invasão de células neoplásicas no baço, linfonodos, cérebro e cerebelo.


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Stelmann U.J.P., Silva R.C., Langoni H., Borges A.S. & Amorim R.M. [Antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii in horses with history of ataxia]. Anticorpos contra Toxoplasma gondii em equinos corn historic de ataxia. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 33(4):200-202, 2011. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Departamento de Clinica Veterinaria, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Botucatu, Distrito de Rubiao Junior, s/n, Botucatu, SP 18618-970, Brasil. E-mail: stelmann.ppgctia@gmail.comThe frequency of antibodies in blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid against Toxoplasma gondii in horses with a history of ataxia from the state of São Paulo, Brazil was carried out. Modified agglutination test was used to determine antibodies against T gondii, considering as positive samples with titers >= 2. of the blood samples tested, only 8 of 23 (34.78%) were positive, while CSF samples were negative when used the same technique. According to the negative results obtained for CSF, we concluded that T gondii was not the etiological agent of the myeloencephalitis in studied horses with neurological manifestation of ataxia, while the blood serological results indicated a previously exposure to T gondii.


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Relata-se o diagnóstico de linfoma primário no sistema nervoso central em um cão Labrador Retrievier, de 10 anos de idade, que apresentava episódios convulsivos, incoordenação nos membros posteriores, head tilt, ataxia e sensibilidade diminuída no lado esquerdo. Constataram-se alterações laterais esquerdas, como ausências de propriocepção e de posicionamento tátil, alterações posteriores nas provas de carrinho de mão e de reação ao pulo e diminuição da extensão da postura e hemilocomoção. No líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR), houve predomínio de linfócitos atípicos, caracterizados pela presença de anisocitose e anisocariose, nucléolos evidentes e anisonucleose, basofilia e microvacuolização citoplasmáticas, mitoses atípicas e corpúsculos linfoglandulares, compatíveis com linfoma, confirmado pelo exame histológico e imunocitoquímico, o qual revelou origem T, com expressão CD3+ e CD79-. A tomografia computadorizada não foi conclusiva e evidenciou diversas áreas hipodensas e intensificação de contraste na região de sulcos e giros do parênquima encefálico. A coleta do LCR foi essencial na rapidez do diagnóstico definitivo, indicando a natureza rara desta lesão primária.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Joro spider toxin (JSTX-3), derived from Nephila clavata, has been found to block glutamate excitatory activity. Epilepsy has been studied in vitro, mostly on rat hippocampus, through brain slices techniques. The aim of this study is to verify the effect of the JSTX-3 on the epileptiform activity induced by magnesium-free medium in rat CA1 hippocampal neurons. Experiments were performed on hippocampus slices of control and pilocarpine-treated Wistar rats, prepared and maintained in vitro. Epileptiform activity was induced through omission of magnesium from the artificial cerebrospinal fluid (0-Mg2+ ACSF) superfusate and iontophoretic application of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). Intracellular recordings were obtained from CA] pyramidal neurons both of control and epileptic rats. Passive membrane properties were analyzed before and after perfusion with the 0-Mg2+ ACSF and the application of toxin JSTX-3. During the ictal-like activity, the toxin JSTX-3 was applied by pressure ejection, abolishing this activity. This effect was completely reversed during the washout period 2. when the slices were formerly perfused with artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) and again with 0-Mg2+ ACSF. Our results suggest that the toxin JSTX-3 is a potent blocker of induced epileptiform activity. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose of reviewTo critically review data on the use of neuroimaging tools in the clinical diagnostic investigation of dementias.Recent findingsFor many years, the use of neuroimaging tools in the evaluation of dementias has been restricted to excluding neurosurgical lesions that may account for the cognitive decline. However, modern neuroimaging extends beyond this traditional role of excluding other conditions and has a key role in the clinical investigation of Alzheimer's disease and of other degenerative cortical dementias. MRI, PET with fluorodeoxyglucose, and single-photon emission computed tomography are topographic markers of neural damage and enable the identification of specific lesional patterns that characterize Alzheimer's disease and other cortical dementias. More recently, PET amyloid markers have enabled the in-vivo assessment of amyloid load, a key feature in the physiopathology of Alzheimer's disease.SummaryThe combined use of neuroimaging examinations with clinical, neuropsychological, and cerebrospinal fluid markers can improve the specificity of the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, even at early stages of the disease. In the following years, progress in research will provide standardized and validated imaging markers of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, which may increase their application in clinical settings.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)