892 resultados para Cerâmica verde


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The green corn demand, production of quality bean grain and better use of land and water resources can be used by small farmers through the intercropping of common bean and green corn in off-season crops. Field experiments were conducted in the Polo Regional Extremo Oeste-APTA, in Andradina -São Paulo State, in 2005 and 2006. The objective was to evaluate the performance of green corn cultivars grown in single crop and intercropped with common bean. The randomized blocks design with 8 treatments constituted by the combination of two corn (CATIVERDE 02 and XB 7012) and three common bean cultivars of different growth habits: IPR Colibri (I), IPR Juriti (II) and IAC Carioca (III), with four repetitions was used. The influence of the intercropping on the performance of corn was not significant. The hybrid XB 7012 was more productive in intercropping and in single crop. The hybrid production more 8000 commercials ears and lengt ears when compared with the variety. The intercropping with the IPR Juriti or IPR Colibri cultivars were the most profitable for the producer.


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Green corn demand, production of quality bean grain and better use of land and water resources can be used by small farmers through the intercropping of common bean and green corn in off-season crops. Field experiments were conducted in the Polo Regional Extremo Oeste- APTA, in Andradina -São Paulo State, in 2005 and 2006. The objective was to evaluate the performance of common bean cultivars grown in single crop and intercropped with green corn. The randomized blocks design with 9 treatments constituted by the combination of three common bean cultivars of different growth habits: IPR Colibri (Type I), IPR Juriti (Type II) and IAC Carioca (Type III), and two corn cultivars: CATIVERDE 02 (variety) and XB 7012 (hybrid), with four repetitions was used. The intercropping influenced the performance of all common bean cultivars. The green corn CATIVERDE 02 is more appropriate for intercropping with common bean. IAC Carioca, IPR Juriti and IPR Colibri cultivars present same behavior. IPR Colibri presented potential for intercropping.


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Cover crops are used for the purpose of land cover in order to improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of cultivated soils and improve the sustainability of grain production. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different cover crops and the sowing of beans on the characteristics of three cultivars of commom bean in no tillage sistem. The research was develop in Fazenda de Ensino Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia-UNESP-Campus de Ilha Solteira. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks and treatments were arranged in bands in 5x2x3 factorial design with four replications. The treatments consisted of cover crops (millet, jack bean, sunn hemp, velvet bean and fallow), sowing of beans (Perola, IAC Tuna, Carioca Precoce) grown in two years. Were evaluated: the final stand of plants, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and per plant, weight of 100 seeds and seed yield. The cover crops sunn hemp and millet showed higher amount of fresh biomass in both years of cultivation, being recommended for our region. Occurring variations in the productivity of seeds depending on the years of cultivation, but the IAC Tuna was more stable in the variables analyzed.


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Effect of green manure and sowing date on the productivity of bean no-tillage in the Cerrado region. Green manure and sowing date are two important factors that influence the productivity of cultivars. The objective of this study was to evaluate the production of biomass from different vegetation covers (millet, sorghum and Brachiaria brizantha) and the accumulation of nutrients and their effects on the bean cultivars (Pearl, IAC Tuna and Carioca Precoce) at different sowing dates (6/22 and 7/6). The experiment was conducted at the experimental area of the Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp, located in Selviria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, in the 2006/2007 agricultural year. The randomized blocks design was used with four replications, and the evaluations of the coverage were: the biomass of fresh and dry matter and nutrients accumulated in plants; for the beans: cycle, final stand, number of pods/plant, number of seeds per pod, mass of 100 seeds, and productivity. It was observed that millet and sorghum showed higher productivity of fresh and dry mass, and accumulate greater quantity of nutrients in straw; the time most suitable for sowing was in June, and the late sowing of cv. Carioca Precoce did not affect their productivity, the use of Brachiaria brizantha straw in coverage provided better conditions for productivity in the bean no-tillage system.


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The working conditions, occupational health, occupational illness and workers quality of life, usually referring to the artisanal activities and the workers with a poor professional support. Because this reality is still present in locals without good infrastructure of social and economic attention, there is a need for a broad knowledge of problems related to the productive processes that include features of unsanitary and unhealthy. Despite the intense process of industrialization promoted by globalization and the growth of developing nations like Brazil, the activities of artisanal and small-scale mining are still suffering from the marginalization of their production processes and their workers. This dissertation deals with the description of mineral-based activities (MBA), especially the activities related to production processes of extraction and processing of red pottery and minerals in pegmatites in Parelhas city, Seridó, Rio Grande do Norte, which are conducted by small mining companies or artisanal miners. The study of the work process was based on direct observation, photographic documentation, ergonomics, health and occupational safety analysis, interviews and structured questionnaire with workers of the two activities. The results indicate the need for improvement in both workplaces (red pottery and pegmatites), adaptation of workers to safety standards specific to the workplace, more attention and care related to ergonomics and occupational safety, greater importance to economic and social relations among performed activities, workers and firms of mineral branch and better and greater integration of social policies, supported by different sectors of society with the intention of transforming the current social, cultural, labor and education situation


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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The study area is located at the eastern-central portion of the Seridó Belt, on the interface between the Seridó Group Metasediments and the crystalline basement rocks of the Caicó Complex (RN). Petrographic and geochemical data allow us to define aspects related to the genesis and evolution of the Serra Verde Pluton magmas, which composes the goal of this dissertation The Serra Verde Pluton is a stock with outcropping area of about 25 km², which is intrusive into metasedimentary sequence and the basement gneisses. The pluton intrusion is sintectonic to the Brasiliano event, elongated along the NE direction, developing a cornue geometry. The rock is a monzogranite mainly composed by K-feldspar, plagioclase and quartz, which usually compose more than 85% of the modal analisys. The main mafic mineral is the biotite, while amphibole, sphene, epidote, opaque minerals, allanite, zircon and apatite occur as accessory minerals. It features still a latemagmatic paragenesis composed by chlorite, granular epidote, carbonates and muscovite, developed through the percolation of late CO2 and H2O rich fluids. Chemically, the Serra Verde Pluton rocks may be classified as metaluminous, of calc-alkaline affiliation, sometimes showing trondhjemític characteristics, with high Na2O (>4,5%), Sr (>400ppm) and Ba (>800ppm) and low K2O (≤3,0%), MgO (<1,0%), TiO2 (<0,5%), Rb (<90ppm), Y (≤16ppm) and Zr (≤13ppm). Micropetrographic evidences (mineral assembly and microtextures) indicate that the magma evolution occurred in moderated to high fO2 conditions, above the FMQ buffer. Thermo-barometric data obtained by minor elements geochemistry and the CIPW data, suggest a final/minimal pressure crystallization for the Serra Verde Pluton samples of about 3 to 5 kbar, liquidus temperature around 800o C, solidus temperature between 680o and 660o C. This data is compatible with those observed by many authors for the Neoproterozoic granites of the Seridó Belt. The group of analyzed data (Petrographic, microtextural and geochemical), suggests that the dominant process of the generation and evolution of the Serra Verde Granite magma was the fractional crystallization, probably from basement quartz-dioritic and tonalitic orthogneisses source


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The structural knowledge of the western portion of the Potiguar Basin is still in its infancy, especially these related to NW-trending fault systems. This paper analyzes the Poço Verde-Caraúbas Fault System, which was initially recognized in subsurface. The activities involved in this study correspond to remote-sensing analysis and, in particular, to the geometric and kinematic analysis of post-rift sequences of the basin. In addition, the study aimed to determine the stress fields operating in the area. The studies were carried out in an area of 1,000 km², located in the western portion of Potiguar Basin along the Poço Verde-Caraúbas Fault System, Rio Grande do Norte State. The remote sensing imagery indicates a predominance of NW-SE-trending lineaments, consistent with the fault system under study, followed by the NE-SW, N-S and E-W directions. The tectonic structures mapped were analyzed only in outcrops of the Jandaíra Formantion. They are joints (filled or not) in all directions, but with predominance of the NW-trending joints. Faults are usually N-S-trending normal faults and NW-SE and NE-SW-trending strike-slip faults. Geodynamic analysis identified two tectonic stress fields: the first field, "Field 1" is represented by an N-S-trending horizontal compression and E-W-trending horizontal extension. This field affected the Potiguar Basin at least until the Miocene. The second field, "Field 2", is represented by an E-W-trending horizontal compression and N-S-trending horizontal extension. This is the present-day stress field and has affected the Potiguar basin since the Pliocene


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This research has as an empirical universe, the productive territory of red ware in the Seridó region of Rio Grande do Norte. In the last years this territory has gone through a process of appropriation that has been substantially changing the environmental and social dynamism of the place. However, the industry of red ware has been focusing in some areas, mainly, in the county of Parelhas and Carnaúba dos Dantas. From this point of view, the aim of this work consists in analyze the use of these areas by the red ware industry and the transformations occurred with the expansion of the number of industries and the productivity raise, that requires bigger amounts of earthenware and wood, resources that are low in referred territory. As the result of this process, the suitable alternative has been to acquire inputs in other Rio Grande do Norte counties, as well as in Paraíba counties. To reach the proposed objective, the methodology of this work was consisted of bibliographic and empirical research, regarding the occupation that this activity covers in the Seridó region. From the information obtained during the research, it can be stated that the inputs to the production execution in the red ware industry are acquired in the geographic nearby lands. The analysis of the stages of the production(acquisition of raw material, production and commercialization) showed that the activity acts in a continuous area, having as principal consumer market other northeastern states and the state of Pará. The present study revealed that the pottery activity is set as untenable, because of non-stopping use of the argil and wood, resources that are vanishing from the area, which consume causes a many problems such as deforestation and erosion. Besides, the sale of productive lands for the red ware industries makes harder its good use by the familiar agriculturists in the development of agriculture and cattle raising activity, which for many times is the main economic activity of the place. The precariousness reveals in the constant accidents at work, that most of them are neglected by the local authorities, without any penalty to the industries. Therefore, the industry of red ware in Seridó uses the territory as a resource, leaving its environmental problems that my compromise the quality of life of the actual and future generations


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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El desarrollo acelerado del polo cerámico de Santa Gertrudes (provincia de São Paulo) en la década de 90, fue causado principalmente por la localización privilegiada de la materia prima asociada al desarrollo tecnológico, las grandes reservas, el acceso fácil por autopistas que facilitan la distribución de los productos y la proximidad de los grandes centros consumidores. Este desarrollo facilitó que este Polo tuviera un boom en el inicio de 2007 en la fase de madurez con una producción de 367 millones de metros cuadrados, transformándose así en el mayor polo cerámico de las Américas. de acuerdo con los estudios geológicos realizados en este trabajo, las rocas de la Formación Corumbataí, origen de la materia prima usada en el polo cerámico, fueron clasificadas en cinco litofacies: maciza, laminada, intercalada I, intercalada II y alterada. Estas litofacies, por sus características mineralógicas y químicas, fueron consideradas arcillas illíticas con porcentaje medio de fundentes. Tomando como referencia las Normas para baldosas cerámicas, las características cerámicas obtenidas en el laboratorio demostraron que la mayoría de la materia prima es compatible con el grupo BIIb (Absorción de agua entre 6 y 10%).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós de titanato zirconato de chumbo (PZT) puros e dopados com bário foram obtidos pelo método de precursores poliméricos, conformados uniaxialmente, na forma de cilindros, utilizando 15 MPa, e prensados isostaticamente à 210MPa. Com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento de sinterização os compactos foram divididos em dois lotes. Sendo um sinterizado em um forno acoplado a um dilatômetro até a temperatura de 1300 °C e o outro sinterizado em forno tipo mufla, em sistema fechado, na temperatura de 1100 °C por 4 horas. Verificou-se que a adição do íon bário influencia na cinética de sinterização, na densificação final, na microestrutura e nas propriedades elétricas da cerâmica. A adição de bário aumenta a concentração da fase tetragonal no PZT, em função da substituição do chumbo por bário na rede perovskita. As amostras dopadas com concentrações maiores que 5,0 mol % em bário apresentaram segregação de PbO no contorno de grão, inibindo seu crescimento.