997 resultados para Catholic Church Sermons


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Australian scientists in Sydney made medical history by creating a life-saving brother for a child with an incurable genetic disease. Features the case of a Tasmanian couple who, with their help, have this life-saving baby, at their third try. The pioneering IVF treatment, which is legal only in N.S.W., hit the news headlines, sparking an ethical storm. Examines the moral and ethical issues that genetic manipulation raises, including the potential uses and misuses of genetic technology. Raises also the spectre of an extreme form of eugenics, as seen in the World War II Nazi push to create a master race through human genetics. Some view eugenics as another form of PGD. Presents the diverse views of eminent ethicists and the Catholic Church, world wide.


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This thesis researches the long career of Hans Küng as a 'Catholic' theologian and as a polemicist reformer. The research demonstrates that he uses theology as a political tool in his call for Church reform and concludes that Kung is best understood as a political reformer rather than as a 'Catholic' theologian.


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The Catholic Church was profoundly affected by the 1872 Victorian Education Act, which made education secular, compulsory and free, and led to the withdrawal of state aid to religious schools. In order for the Church to run its own schools, it had to look overseas for help and invited religious teaching orders, such as the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJs) to set up schools in Victoria, Australia. In many instances purpose built buildings were designed by architects. William Wardell was well established in private practice in Sydney when he designed the new Convent and School, Kew, Victoria, for the FCJ Sisters, in the late 1880s. Building commenced just before the crash of Marvellous Melbourne. Less than half of the total concept of Wardell’s original plan was built. It opened for business in April 1891. Today this building forms the heart of the contemporary Genazzano FCJ College Kew. Many histories intersect in this commission. The vision for Catholic education in Victoria in the late 19th century is critical. The FCJs charism and their experience of teaching in Europe, in France, England, Ireland, Italy and Switzerland, provides a model for their work in Australia. At this time the importance of architecture to society is made manifest in education and its demands on building: if learning is valued then buildings should reflect this, for public buildings can shape morality. Wardell was trained as a Gothic Revival architect and his building participates in a broader medieval and Gothic tradition. Wardell’s original plan for this late Victorian Gothic style asymmetrical three-storeyed building, was designed to integrate a convent, school, chapel, and dormitories. This paper considers architectural history from diverse perspectives, educational, social, religious, economic and political, recognising the complexity of this project and the people who played a part in its conception and realisation.


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The roles which faith-based agencies play in social work provision vary between countries. This article provides an overview of social work provision by the Church of Sweden in Sweden and the Catholic Church in Australia and explores how different relationships between faith-based organizations and professional social work practice have emerged in different countries. The article concludes with questions about the role of faith-based agencies which readers can reflect upon in their own contexts.


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This paper examines the vexed issue of conscientious objection and abortion. It begins by outlining the increasing claims to conscientious objection invoked by physicians in reproductive health services. After an examination of developments overseas, the paper turns to the acrimonious debate in Victoria concerning the conscience clause and the 'obligation to refer' contained in the Abortion Law Reform Act 2008 (Vic) ('ALRA'). This paper questions the interpretation by the Catholic Church that the clause breaches its right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. We argue that the unregulated use of conscientious objection impedes women's rights to access safe lawful medical procedures. As such, we contend that a physician's withdrawal from patient care on the basis of conscience must be limited to certain circumstances. The paper then examines international and national guidelines, international treaties and recommendations of treaty monitoring bodies, laws in other jurisdictions, and trends in case law. The purpose of this examination is to show that the conscientious objection clause and the 'obligation to refer' in ALRA is consistent with international practice and laws in other jurisdictions. Finally, the paper turns to the problematic interpretation of conscience and moral responsibility in the context of abortion. We believe that narrow interpretations of conscience must be challenged, in order to incorporate patients' rights to include the choice of abortion and other lawful treatments according to their conscience. We conclude that the conscientious objection provisions in ALRA have achieved the right balance and that there is no justifiable legal reason upon which opponents can challenge the law.


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This article offers a re-examination of the international legal status of what is here termed the Vatican/Holy See complex (VHS), focusing on claims to statehood. The problematic ‘effect’ of Vatican City, of the Holy See, of the papacy and of associated entities is interrogated at the level of international law, entering as little as possible into administrative or theological distinctions. The various grounds cited as supporting status amounting to statehood are argued to be inadequate. The continuing exchange of representatives with states by the VHS is missionary and hierarchical in character and is reflective neither of the reciprocity of peers nor of customary obligation going to law. Agreements entered into by the papacy with the Kingdom of Italy (the Lateran Pacts) in 1929, relating to the status of the geographical territory known as Vatican City, cannot be determinative of international status. Nor can membership of international agreements and organizations confer a status amounting to statehood. Events and practices since 1929 have not substantially altered international status as of 1870. The Roman Catholic Church is but one of many faith-based international movements, and since the eclipse of the papal state nearly one-and-a-half centuries ago, the status in international law of its temporal headquarters in Rome should not be privileged.


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Esta dissertação procura compreender como a performance ritual contribui na elaboração e sustentação do ethos carismático em duas distintas instituições religiosas: a Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana no Brasil e a Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana. Para isso, procuro verificar que recursos de performance são acionados no ritual de cada um destes grupos carismáticos. Centro a análise na compreensão de como os artificios da performance agem sobre os participantes do ritual. A fim de alcançar este entendimento, são usados os pressupostos de teorias sobre ritual e performance. Além de estudar o fenômeno supracitado nas duas igrejas separadamente, esta dissertação propõe uma análise comparativa entre as mesmas. O trabalho foi construído com base na pesquisa etnográfica realizada junto a comunidades carismáticas das instituições religiosas em referência, situadas em algumas cidades da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre.


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Este trabalho busca analisar um breve, mas rico, período da trajetória de Alceu Amoroso Lima, ou Tristão de Athayde, seu pseudônimo, considerado um dos principais pensadores católicos do século XX. Os anos compreendidos entre 1964 e 1968 servem como um ensaio para aquela que chamamos aqui de fase de radicalização, quando o escritor, por meio de seus artigos publicados semanalmente no Jornal do Brasil, desfere duras críticas ao regime militar implantado em 1964. Durante estes anos, a política, que sempre permeou seus livros e colunas nos jornais, passa a ser a tônica de tudo o que escreve, junto com os acontecimentos que marcaram a Igreja Católica e a sociedade brasileira. A análise desta pesquisa é feita tendo como fontes principais as cartas trocadas diariamente entre o jornalista e sua filha, madre Maria Teresa, e os artigos que publicava semanalmente no Jornal do Brasil. Também foram realizadas entrevistas com personalidades que conviveram com Alceu e analisadas entrevistas concedidas por ele e depois publicadas em livros.


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Inicialmente, faz-se um convite para um passeio na história, observando-se as relações sócio-econômicas na sociedade ocidental, a partir do Império Romano até os primórdios do capitalismo, com a finalidade de identificar sob a responsabilidade de quem estava o bem-estar das comunidades, o permite registrar que essa responsabilidade foi conduzida pelas mãos da igreja, reis, confrarias e pelo Estado, e esteve sempre associada às entidades que detinham o poder. Uma vez feito isso, passa-se ao contexto atual, para entender a maneira com que o poder econômico , mais especificamente as companhias produtoras de bens e serviços, participa da responsabilidade social pelo desenvolvimento das comunidades nas quais estão situadas as unidades de produção e as conseqüências dessa participação para a imagem e sobrevivência das empresas. Finalmente, através da pesquisa de campo realizada na Refinaria de Duque de Caxias do Sistema Petrobras ¿ REDUC, examina-se na prática, a relação estabelecida entre a empresa e a comunidade local, ressaltando as motivações que levam a companhia a empreender-se socialmente, através de estratégias e planos de ação compatíveis com os interesses do seu próprio negócio.


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Este trabalho se propõe constituir uma sistematização sobre o princípio da gestão democrática do ensino público contemplado na nova Constituição brasileira de 1988 e remetido a lei ordinária para sua regulamentação. Trata-se de um estudo sobre as várias percepções - o que as entidades da sociedade organizada na área de educação possuem sobre gestão dernocrática - e de uma análise desse princípio no projeto de Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. da Comissão de Educação, Cultura e Desporto da Câmara dos Deputados, aprovado em junho de 1990.


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A escola, como instituição social presente em Sananduva/RS, ê vista integrando-se no contexto sócio-econômico de dois períodos históricos que se sucedem: 1898-1926 e 1927-55. O significado desta instituição, nesta região. durante o transcurso destes dOj5 períodos históricos traduz os interesses do Estado, Igreja e Colonos em torno da educação. O papel predominante de um ou de outro destes agentes na orientação do processo educacional levou a instituição escolar a apresentar, sucessivamente significados diferentes. Nos primórdios do povoamento da região (1898- 1927) colocada, especialmente a serviço da Igreja e dos Colonos caracterizou-se como instrumento de preservação do patrimônio religioso-cultural destes Colonos. Ap5s trinta, tanto serviu ao Estado, quanto à Igreja e aos Colonos. Tornou-se a escola de "todos". Passou, por esta razão a evidenciar, de modo particular, o seu caráter de "escola pública".


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The object of this work is a fellowship of São Sebastião e Nossa Senhora do Rosário in the city of Jardim do Seridó (RN), that is, a black catholic fellowship on the sertão potiguar. The devotion to Nossa Senhora do Rosário, in colonial Brazil, organizes itself through black catholic men as fellowships. They blossomed in Brazil until the abolition, getting support from the Catholic church, from owners of slaves and from the population in general − unlike others afro-Brazilian religious expression. Today, these fellowships remain active, against the sentimental pessimism of the folklore studies, and they also have a highlight position in the calendar of many cities in Brazil, and in particular in Seridó. The research s foothold is the apparent valorization of the fellowship by the local elite, attitude that hides asymmetric relationships between the group of negros do Rosário and the local authorities, having as its consequence that the members occupy a subaltern position inside their own fellowship. This subalternity take place, mainly, in the public area, where the negros do Rosário cannot represent themselves neither political nor discursively. To discuss this idea, it s done a brief historical of these catholic institutions as well as a description of the relationship between the negros do Rosário and the elites of the city. Then, the phenomenon is analyzed as folklore and/or religion , under the perspective of many agents that participate in this process. In other moment, it is going to be presented how the group formulates their own representation of the history, of the devotional forms and of their own political-religious experiences. In this sense, an ethnography of the subalternity is understood as an analysis of the process that leads the negros do Rosário to become a subaltern group. It s also outlined the perception that the group has of its own position, through an ethnography essay of the subaltern subject. The research, focused in the group of Rosário, was done between August 2010 and January 2012 and includes other agents (like treasurers, priests and intellectuals). Besides that, as a methodological complement, there are documental research, photography, as well as shoots of the party days and public presentation


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This study aimed at examining the representation and the level of knowledge as well as getting acquainted whether there had been significant divergence among three social groups of 3rd year Law students, 7th period Medical students at UFPB and a group of people from the Catholic Church in vila dos pescadores in João Pessoa - about organ donation, transplant law and ethical issues that raise questions. In order to accomplish the qualitative analysis, Bardin´s content analysis technique was applied in conjunction with the Chisquare test which was applied with significance level of 5% to quantitative data. The data revealed that most informants agree with organ donation, Although they are not acquainted with the law of transplants, and with the lack of confidence in the single list of recipients. The problem is that there is an encouragement to trades with organs and the possibility of any person legally authorized to donate organs in life. The statistically significant difference was observed in only two questions, ie, in response to the confidence in the diagnosis of brain death: 64% of 7th period Medical students at UFPB trust this diagnosis versus 12% of the evangelizing group of vila dos pescadores. The other difference refers to the answer about the confidence in the single list of recipients: 36% of the 7th period Medical students of UFPB said to trust the list versus 12% of the 3rd law students of UFPB. This is was a multidisciplinary study with Involvement of lawyers and doctors