964 resultados para Cardiovascular System.
Despite the central role that emotional reactivity plays in adaptation, few studies have examined age differences in this capacity under well-controlled laboratory conditions, on the basis of standardized emotion-evoking stimuli and assessing experiential, expressive, and physiological measures. 212 adults ranging in age from 20 to 81 years were exposed to 14 picture series, each lasting 60 s and of a different valence and arousal. We assessed valence and arousal ratings, cardiovascular, respiratory and electrodermalmeasures, facial muscle activity and gaze activity. Here, we present findings for 22 younger (mean age=24.0) and 22 older (mean age=72.1) adults for valence and arousal ratings, systolic bloodpressure (SBP) andheart rate (HR).Compared to younger adults, older adults rated unpleasant seriesmore negatively and showed a smaller range in arousal for pleasant series. SBP linearly increased with increasing appetitive activation. HR showed the expected deceleration from the pleasant to the unpleasant series.However, this effect was clearer for the younger adults than the older adults. For older adults, if something is pleasant, it is also judged to be generally lower in arousal, whereas, if something is unpleasant, it is also judged to be generally higher in arousal. The results for SBP indicate that the association between arousal and sympathetic outflow to the cardiovascular system might be similar in younger and older adults. The results for HR suggest that the parasympathetic activation might be attenuated in older adults as compared to younger adults.
The developing cardiovascular system is known to operate normally in a hypoxic environment. However, the functional and ultrastructural recovery of embryonic/fetal hearts subjected to anoxia lasting as long as hypoxia/ischemia performed in adult animal models remains to be investigated. Isolated spontaneously beating hearts from Hamburger-Hamilton developmental stages 14 (14HH), 20HH, 24HH, and 27HH chick embryos were subjected in vitro to 30 or 60 min of anoxia followed by 60 min of reoxygenation. Morphological alterations and apoptosis were assessed histologically and by transmission electron microscopy. Anoxia provoked an initial tachycardia followed by bradycardia leading to complete cardiac arrest, except for in the youngest heart, which kept beating. Complete atrioventricular block appeared after 9.4 +/- 1.1, 1.7 +/- 0.2, and 1.6 +/- 0.3 min at stages 20HH, 24HH, and 27HH, respectively. At reoxygenation, sinoatrial activity resumed first in the form of irregular bursts, and one-to-one atrioventricular conduction resumed after 8, 17, and 35 min at stages 20HH, 24HH, and 27HH, respectively. Ventricular shortening recovered within 30 min except at stage 27HH. After 60 min of anoxia, stage 27HH hearts did not retrieve their baseline activity. Whatever the stage and anoxia duration, nuclear and mitochondrial swelling observed at the end of anoxia were reversible with no apoptosis. Thus the embryonic heart is able to fully recover from anoxia/reoxygenation although its anoxic tolerance declines with age. Changes in cellular homeostatic mechanisms rather than in energy metabolism may account for these developmental variations.
Using a sensitive immunohistochemical technique, the localization of neuropeptide Y (NPY) Y1-receptor (Y1R)-like immunoreactivity (LI) was studied in various peripheral tissues of rat. Wild-type (WT) and Y1R-knockout (KO) mice were also analyzed. Y1R-LI was found in small arteries and arterioles in many tissues, with particularly high levels in the thyroid and parathyroid glands. In the thyroid gland, Y1R-LI was seen in blood vessel walls lacking alpha-smooth muscle actin, i.e., perhaps in endothelial cells of capillaries. Larger arteries lacked detectable Y1R-LI. A distinct Y1R-immunoreactive (IR) reticulum was seen in the WT mouse spleen, but not in Y1R-KO mouse or rat. In the gastrointestinal tract, Y1R-positive neurons were observed in the myenteric plexus, and a few enteroendocrine cells were Y1R-IR. Some cells in islets of Langerhans in the pancreas were Y1R-positive, and double immunostaining showed coexistence with somatostatin in D-cells. In the urogenital tract, Y1R-LI was observed in the collecting tubule cells of the renal papillae and in some epithelial cells of the seminal vesicle. Some chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla were positive for Y1R. The problem of the specificity of the Y1R-LI is evaluated using adsorption tests as well as comparisons among rat, WT mouse, and mouse with deleted Y1R. Our findings support many earlier studies based on other methodologies, showing that Y1Rs on smooth muscle cells of blood vessels mediate NPY-induced vasoconstriction in various organs. In addition, Y1Rs in other cells in parenchymal tissues of several organs suggest nonvascular effects of NPY via the Y1R.
Overactivation of the sympatho-adrenergic system is an essential mechanism providing short-term adaptation to the stressful conditions of critical illnesses. In the same way, the administration of exogenous catecholamines is mandatory to support the failing circulation in acutely ill patients. In contrast to these short-term benefits, prolonged adrenergic stress is detrimental to the cardiovascular system by initiating a series of adverse effects triggering significant cardiotoxicity, whose pathophysiological mechanisms are complex and only partially elucidated. In addition to the development of myocardial oxygen supply/demand imbalance induced by the sustained activation of adrenergic receptors, catecholamines can damage cardiomyocytes by fostering mitochondrial dysfunction, via two main mechanisms. The first one is calcium overload, consecutive to β-adrenergic receptor-mediated activation of protein kinase A and subsequent phosphorylation of multiple Ca(2+)-cycling proteins. The second one is oxidative stress, primarily related to the transformation of catecholamines into "aminochromes," which undergo redox cycling in mitochondria to generate copious amounts of oxygen-derived free radicals. In turn, calcium overload and oxidative stress promote mitochondrial permeability transition and cardiomyocyte cell death, both via the apoptotic and necrotic pathways. Comparable mechanisms of myocardial toxicity, including marked oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, have been reported with the use of cocaine, a common recreational drug with potent sympathomimetic activity. The aim of the current review is to present in detail the pathophysiological processes underlying the development of catecholamine and cocaine-induced cardiomyopathy, as such conditions may be frequently encountered in the clinical practice of cardiologists and ICU specialists.
Whether adenosine, a crucial regulator of the developing cardiovascular system, can provoke arrhythmias in the embryonic/fetal heart remains controversial. Here, we aimed to establish a mechanistic basis of how an adenosinergic stimulation alters function of the developing heart. Spontaneously beating hearts or dissected atria and ventricle obtained from 4-day-old chick embryos were exposed to adenosine or specific agonists of the receptors A(1)AR (CCPA), A(2A)AR (CGS-21680) and A(3)AR (IB-MECA). Expression of the receptors was determined by quantitative PCR. The functional consequences of blockade of NADPH oxidase, extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), phospholipase C (PLC), protein kinase C (PKC) and L-type calcium channel (LCC) in combination with adenosine or CCPA, were investigated in vitro by electrocardiography. Furthermore, the time-course of ERK phosphorylation was determined by western blotting. Expression of A(1)AR, A(2A)AR and A(2B)AR was higher in atria than in ventricle while A(3)AR was equally expressed. Adenosine (100μM) triggered transient atrial ectopy and second degree atrio-ventricular blocks (AVB) whereas CCPA induced mainly Mobitz type I AVB. Atrial rhythm and atrio-ventricular propagation fully recovered after 60min. These arrhythmias were prevented by the specific A(1)AR antagonist DPCPX. Adenosine and CCPA transiently increased ERK phosphorylation and induced arrhythmias in isolated atria but not in ventricle. By contrast, A(2A)AR and A(3)AR agonists had no effect. Interestingly, the proarrhythmic effect of A(1)AR stimulation was markedly reduced by inhibition of NADPH oxidase, ERK, PLC, PKC or LCC. Moreover, NADPH oxidase inhibition or antioxidant MPG prevented both A(1)AR-mediated arrhythmias and ERK phosphorylation. These results suggest that pacemaking and conduction disturbances are induced via A(1)AR through concomitant stimulation of NADPH oxidase and PLC, followed by downstream activation of ERK and PKC with LCC as possible target.
Background: Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is accepted as a method to assess suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). Nonetheless, invasive coronary angiography (CXA) combined or not with fractional flow reserve (FFR) remains the main diagnostic test to evaluate CAD. Little data exist on the economic impact of the use of these procedures in a population with a low to intermediate pre-test probability. Objective: To compare the costs of 3 decision strategies to revascularize a patient with suspected CAD: 1) strategy guided by CMR 2) hypothetical strategy guided by CXA-FFR, 3) hypothetical strategy guided by CXA alone.
The cardiovascular system is under the control of the circadian clock, and disturbed circadian rhythms can induce cardiovascular pathologies. This cyclic regulation is probably brought about by the circadian expression of genes encoding enzymes and regulators involved in cardiovascular functions. We have previously shown that the rhythmic transcription of output genes is, in part, regulated by the clock-controlled PAR bZip transcription factors DBP (albumin D-element Binding Protein), HLF (Hepatic Leukemia Factor), and TEF (Thyrotroph Embryonic Factor). The simultaneous deletion of all three PAR bZip transcription factors leads to increased morbidity and shortened life span. Here, we demonstrate that Dbp/Tef/Hlf triple knockout mice develop cardiac hypertrophy and left ventricular dysfunction associated with a low blood pressure. These dysfunctions are exacerbated by an abnormal response to this low blood pressure characterized by low aldosterone levels. The phenotype of PAR bZip knockout mice highlights the importance of circadian regulators in the modulation of cardiovascular functions.
In 2012 several articles reported interesting findings for the ambulatory practice in internal general medicine. A negative rapid test for influenza does not rule out that diagnosis. A test assessing the walking speed in the elderly can help determining who would benefit from antihypertensive therapy. Antibiotic treatment has no benefit for acute uncomplicated rhinosinusitis and diverticulitis. Probiotics can reduce the risk of post-antibiotic diarrhea. Daily coffee intake could reduce mortality. Oral supplementation of calcium can be harmful to the cardiovascular system. Subclinical hyperthyroidism should be treated to prevent cardiovascular complications. Aspirin can prevent recurrences in case of a primary thromboembolic event. Local injection of corticosteroids under ultrasonographic guidance for plantar fasciitis can be a safe treatment. Ibuprofen can prevent acute mountain sickness.
In the case of atherosclerotic renal artery disease, the best conclusive results lie principally not in the degree of the stenosis but rather in the degree the renal parenchymal disease beyond the stenosis itself. These determining factors involve the controlling of the patients blood pressure, the improvement in the renal function and the beneficial results to the cardiovascular system. Besides the indispensable medical treatment, a revascularisation by angioplasty may be indicated. This procedure with or without vascular stent often allows satisfactory angiographic results. A treatment by surgical revascularisation is only recommended in the case of extensive atherosclerotic lesions of the aorta, complex lesions of the latter or an abdominal aortic aneurism. Although the frequency of restenosis of angioplasty with stent remains extremely low, the risk of cholesterol emboli due to the diffuse atherosclerotic lesions of the abdominal aorta, must be considered at the time of each aortic catheterization. The therapeutic approach of atherosclerotic renal artery disease must be dictated by the whole cardiovascular risk factors and by the threat of target organs. The control of the blood pressure and the maintenance of the renal function must be integrated in the decisional algorithm as well as the possible risks in carrying out an eventual revascularisation procedure. Finally, the renal angioplasty should in numerous situations be integrated in the overall assumption of responsibility of the atherosclerotic vascular diseases, and should be part of the medical treatment. Several questions still do exist; at what moment an atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis should and e considered critical, and which procedure should be considered for which patient? The purpose of this review is to propose a decisional tool for individualized treatments in the light of results from randomized and controlled studies.
Le système vasculaire lymphatique est le second réseau de vaisseaux du corps humain. Sa fonction principale est de retourner le fluide interstitiel excédentaire au système cardiovasculaire. Il est également impliqué dans la défense immunitaire de l'organisme, ainsi que dans le transport initial des graisses alimentaires. De multiples pathologies sont associées au dysfonctionnement du développement vasculaire lymphatique, dont les lymphoedèmes. Un des gènes clés dans le contrôle de l'étape de maturation du système lymphatique est le facteur de transcription FOXC2. De précédentes études utilisant des modèles génétiques mutins déficients en Foxc2 ont montré son rôle dans la régulation du processus de spécification des vaisseaux lymphatiques en capillaires versus vaisseaux collecteurs, ainsi que dans la formation des valves lymphatiques. Chez l'homme, les mutations dans le gène FOXC2 causent le syndrome lymphoedème- distichiasis. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié les mécanismes moléculaires qui régulent l'expression et l'activité de FOXC2 dans les vaisseaux lymphatiques. Nous avons découvert que la fonction de FOXC2 est régulée par phosphorylation de la protéine, qui détermine son activité transcriptionnelle au niveau génomique, jouant ainsi un rôle important dans le développement vasculaire in vivo. Les vaisseaux lymphatiques sont soumis à des forces de stress générées par le flux de la lymphe (FSS). Nous avons donc testé l'hypothèse que ces forces contribuent à la morphogenèse et à l'organisation des vaisseaux lymphatiques. In vitro, les cellules endothéliales lymphatiques répondent aux forces mécaniques, qui induisent l'expression de FOXC2, activent la voie de signalisation Ca2+/calcineurin/NFATcl et régulent l'expression de la protéine de jonction gap connexin37. Nous avons également montré que le stress de flux mécanique, FOXC2, calcineurin/NFATcl et connexin37 coopèrent dans le contrôle de la maturation des vaisseaux lymphatiques in vivo. En dernier lieu, nous avons cherché à identifier les récepteurs de surface cellulaires permettant le transfert du signal de stress mécanique qui induit l'expression de FOXC2. Nous présentons ici des données préliminaires, qui suggèrent le rôle de la voie de signalisation TGFß ainsi que l'implication des jonctions adhérentes dans ce processus. En conclusion, la présente étude met en lumière les mécanismes de l'activité de FOXC2 dans les cellules endothéliales lymphatiques et l'importance du rôle des forces mécaniques de flux dans le contrôle de son l'expression, ainsi que dans le développement et la fonction du système vasculaire lymphatique. - The lymphatic vascular system is a second vascular system of human body. Its main fonction is to transfer excess interstitial fluid back to cardiovascular system. In addition, it is involved in immune defense and responsible for the uptake of dietary fat. A number of pathologies called lymphedemas are associated with lymphatic vascular system dysfunction. Hereditary lymphedemas are caused by mutations in genes controlling lymphatic vascular development. One of the key genes responsible for lymphatic vascular maturation is forkhead transcription factor FOXC2. Previous studies of Foxc2 knockout mice showed that Foxc2 controls the process of lymphatic capillary versus collecting vessel fate specification and formation of lymphatic valves. Importantly, mutations in FOXC2 cause human lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome. In this work we investigated the molecular mechanisms regulating the expression and activity of FOXC2 in lymphatic vasculature. We discovered that FOXC2 function is regulated by phosphorylation. We describe how phosphorylation controls FOXC2 transcriptional activity on a genome-wide level and show that FOXC2 phosphorylation plays an important role in vascular development in vivo. Lymphatic vessels are subjected to fluid shear stress (FSS). Therefore we investigated whether mechanical forces contribute to lymphatic vascular patterning and morphogenesis. We found that FSS induces the expression of FOXC2, activates Ca2+/calcineurin/NFATcl signaling and induces the expression of gap junction protein connexin37 in lymphatic endothelial cells in vitro. Importantly, we were able to show that shear stress, FOXC2, calcineurin/NFATcl and connexin37, control maturation of lymphatic vessels in vivo. Finally, we searched for cell surface receptors that mediate the induction of FOXC2 by shear stress, and we present some preliminary data, suggesting the role of TGF-beta signaling and adherens junctions in this process. In conclusion, the present study sheds light on the mechanisms of FOXC2 activity and suggests an important role of mechanical forces in controlling FOXC2 expression as well as lymphatic system development and function.
The goal of this study was to investigate the performance of 3D synchrotron differential phase contrast (DPC) imaging for the visualization of both macroscopic and microscopic aspects of atherosclerosis in the mouse vasculature ex vivo. The hearts and aortas of 2 atherosclerotic and 2 wild-type control mice were scanned with DPC imaging with an isotropic resolution of 15 μm. The coronary artery vessel walls were segmented in the DPC datasets to assess their thickness, and histological staining was performed at the level of atherosclerotic plaques. The DPC imaging allowed for the visualization of complex structures such as the coronary arteries and their branches, the thin fibrous cap of atherosclerotic plaques as well as the chordae tendineae. The coronary vessel wall thickness ranged from 37.4 ± 5.6 μm in proximal coronary arteries to 13.6 ± 3.3 μm in distal branches. No consistent differences in coronary vessel wall thickness were detected between the wild-type and atherosclerotic hearts in this proof-of-concept study, although the standard deviation in the atherosclerotic mice was higher in most segments, consistent with the observation of occasional focal vessel wall thickening. Overall, DPC imaging of the cardiovascular system of the mice allowed for a simultaneous detailed 3D morphological assessment of both large structures and microscopic details.
Este estudio aborda un doble objetivo: a) conocer si existe progresión signi+cativa entre tres valores correspondientes al índice de Borg elicitados por jóvenes deportistas con relación a tres actividades de intensidad creciente; b) analizar la relación existente entre el índice de masa corporal (IMC) de los participantes con los valores de frecuencia cardíaca (FC) y la percepción de intensidad del esfuerzo (RPE). Método: Treinta y cinco deportistas jóvenes con una edad media de 18 y 28 años (21±0,5), realizaron 3 actividades que exigían una intensidad creciente de ejercicio: leve, moderada y vigorosa (ACSM, 2011). Se controló la frecuencia cardíaca mediante el dispositivo telemétrico Polar Team 2 y al +nalizar las tres actividades se administró tres veces la escala de Borg para obtener la RPE para cada actividad. Se ha complementado la metodología observacional indirecta (índices de Borg) con la metodología cuasiexperimental para obtener inferencias causales mediante un diseño sincrónico de variable de asignación conocida y grupo único. Se ha realizado un análisis de regresión múltiple, considerando la FC y la RPE como variables predictoras del IMC. Resultados: la RPE es creciente, acorde a las actividades, en todos los participantes, aunque en ningún caso la tendencia es estadísticamente signi+cativa. Prácticamente la cuarta parte del IMC se puede explicar por la FC y la RPE puesto que los participantes que tienen valores más altos de FC y de índice de Borg tienen también mayores valores de IMC. Este estudio puede proporcionar una visión de evaluación integrada entre los factores IMC, FC y la RPE, que suelen investigarse de modo aislado.
Background: Cardiovascular risk functions fail to identify more than 50% of patients who develop cardiovascular disease. This is especially evident in the intermediate-risk patients in which clinical management becomes difficult. Our purpose is to analyze if ankle-brachial index (ABI), measures of arterial stiffness, postprandial glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, self-measured blood pressure and presence of comorbidity are independently associated to incidence of vascular events and whether they can improve the predictive capacity of current risk equations in the intermediate-risk population. Methods/Design: This project involves 3 groups belonging to REDIAPP (RETICS RD06/0018) from 3 Spanish regions. We will recruit a multicenter cohort of 2688 patients at intermediate risk (coronary risk between 5 and 15% or vascular death risk between 3-5% over 10 years) and no history of atherosclerotic disease, selected at random. We will record socio-demographic data, information on diet, physical activity, comorbidity and intermittent claudication. We will measure ABI, pulse wave velocity and cardio ankle vascular index at rest and after a light intensity exercise. Blood pressure and anthropometric data will be also recorded. We will also quantify lipids, glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin in a fasting blood sample and postprandial capillary glucose. Eighteen months after the recruitment, patients will be followed up to determine the incidence of vascular events (later follow-ups are planned at 5 and 10 years). We will analyze whether the new proposed risk factors contribute to improve the risk functions based on classic risk factors. Discussion: Primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases is a priority in public health policy of developed and developing countries. The fundamental strategy consists in identifying people in a high risk situation in which preventive measures are effective and efficient. Improvement of these predictions in our country will have an immediate, clinical and welfare impact and a short term public health effect
L’evolució que ha experimentat la societat, les grans ciutats, la industrialització i molts altres factors han modificat l’estil de vida de les persones accentuant-ne, irremediablement, el sedentarisme i l’abstinència de realitzar exercici físic. La pràctica esportiva i/o d’exercici físic realitzada sota les condicions recomanades pels professionals, és beneficiosa per millorar el nivell de salut o mantenir-lo en tot el possible, ja que provoca modificacions beneficioses sobre el metabolisme, el sistema cardiovascular i l’aparell locomotor. Lamentablement, l’hàbit de realitzar exercici físic no és comú en totes les persones, ja sigui per l’estil de vida que genera incompatibilitats d’horaris amb la feina, fills i familiars o bé per mandra o desgana d’haver d’aprofitar aquelles estones de temps lliure per dedicar-los al culte del cos i de la salut. Els efectes negatius que suposa una modalitat de vida sedentària per a la salut són notablement elevats, amb la qual cosa, cal buscar sistemes per augmentar l’ interès de la població per la pràctica de l’esport i l’activitat física. La creació d’aquest projecte neix de la idea d’unir el fet d’enginyar un mètode per incrementar l’interès de les persones per l’exercici físic amb els avenços tecnològics que s’han realitzat aquesta última dècada relacionats amb el desenvolupament web i multimèdia. A grans trets, la idea general d’aquest projecte es basa en el cas d’un gimnàs real i en actiu, amb necessitat de crear un portal web que serveixi alhora de pàgina web informativa i d’eina de gestió acadèmica del centre proporcionant certes funcionalitats als clients tot presentant-los una nova modalitat de realitzar exercici físic dirigit: realitzar-lo des de casa. Per desenvolupar tot el sistema informàtic que ho durà a terme, després de realitzar una recerca, anàlisi i elecció de les eines mitjançant les quals poder-ho realitzar, s’ha optat per crear l’entorn web mitjançant els llenguatges HTML i PHP en combinació amb els fulls d’estil CSS. Pel que fa a l’entorn de desenvolupament, s’ha utilitzat Notepad++ i com a entorn de proves, WAMP Server. Per últim, pel que fa a la transmissió del contingut multimèdia (vídeos de les sessions d’activitats) s’ha utilitzat Flash Media Interactive Server en combinació de Flash Media Live Encoder per codificar-ne el contingut. L’usuari final, des de qualsevol punt del planeta, podrà realitzar (sempre i quan disposi del temps i el material necessari i una connexió a Internet) en temps real i en directe les classes dirigides que es realitzen al centre. Tanmateix, també s’ha desenvolupat una botiga virtual on qualsevol persona podrà comprar-hi, entre d’altres coses relacionades amb la pràctica de l’exercici físic, tot el material necessari per realitzar qualsevol de les activitats que s’imparteixen al gimnàs i ho rebrà còmodament a casa. Aprofitar unes circumstàncies econòmiques adverses per generar una nova manera de captar clients proporcionant-los una alternativa econòmica, diferent, nova i original d’anar al gimnàs. Temps de crisis, temps d’oportunitats. Aquesta és la moralitat que pretén donar aquest projecte.
Niacin (nicotinamide, nicotinic acid) interferes on homeostasis, DNA regulation, signaling and longevity. Nicotinic acid reduces synthesis of lipoproteins-apo-B and increases HDL. Its antilipemic action in liver produces: 1) inhibition of DGAT2, with decreased triacylglycerol synthesis, 2) downregulation of the b-chain of adenosine triphosphate synthase, leading to reduced HDL-apo-A-I catabolism. Nicotinic acid could increase redox potential in vascular endothelium. HM74A receptor activation in macrophages would be responsible for the release of prostaglandins, causing flushing in epidermis. HM74A agonists could assist in identifying antilipemic agents. Extended release niacin in combination with statin appears to protect cardiovascular system of patients with low HDL.