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The use of forms of address in French films and their Finnish translations The use of forms of address constitutes an integral part of speakers’ communicative competence. In fact, they are not only used to assign to whom the speech is addressed, but also to construct the relationship between speakers. However, the choice of a suitable form is not necessarily evident in modern, pluralistic society. By the notion form of address, I refer to pronouns of address (tu vs. vous) and different nouns of address like names, titles (Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle), kinship terms, occupational terms, terms of endearment and insults. The purpose of the present thesis is, first, to study the semantic and pragmatic values of forms of address in dialogues of modern French films, and, second, their translation in Finnish subtitles. It is evident that film language is not spontaneous, but only a representation of authentic speech, and that subtitles are a written version of the original spoken language. Consequently, this thesis studies spoken fictive dialogues and their written translations. The methods applied in the study are the Interactional and Pragmatic Approach as well as Translatology. The role of forms of address in an interpersonal relationship is studied with dimensions of distance and power (Brown and Gilman 1960, Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1992), whereas the pragmatic dimension permits studying in particular the use of forms of address in speech acts (Kerbrat-Orecchioni 2001). The translation strategies are studied with the help of Venuti’s (1995) notions of foreignizing and domesticating strategies. The results of the thesis suggest that the pronoun use in the studied films is usually reciprocal. However, the relations of power have not disappeared, but are expressed in a more discrete manner with nouns of address (for instance vous + Docteur vs. vous + Anita). The use of the pronoun of address vous seems still to be common, but increased intimacy is expressed by accompanying familiar nouns of address like first names. The nominal forms of address accompany different speech acts, but not in a systematic manner. In a dialogue they appear usually in the first speech act, and more rarely in the response, but not in both. In addition, they have an important role in the mechanics of conversation. The translators here face multiple demands, and their translations seem mostly to be a compromise between foreignizing and domesticating strategies.
Domestic violence is currently undergoing a period of heightened visibility in Australia. This article uses social media to analyze public discussions about this violence with respect to a specific theoretical frame, which Adrian Howe has called the “Man” question: where and how are men visible or invisible in narratives about their violence against women? The article presents a qualitative study of the Twitter conversation surrounding a special episode of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's television program Q&A, themed around family violence, which aired in February 2015. We found that the place of men in this conversation was contested. Some tweets privileged men's voices and concerns, as did the organization and production of the program. However, feminist voices were also highly visible via presenting facts, legitimating survivor voices, and recuperating anti-feminist memes to challenge hegemonic patriarchal discourses on men's violence against women. La violence conjugale connait actuellement une visibilité accrue en Australie. Les auteures du présent article utilisent les réseaux sociaux pour analyser les débats publics sur cette violence selon un cadre théorique précis, qu'Adrian Howe a appelé la question de « l'homme » : où et comment les hommes sont-ils visibles ou invisibles dans les récits de leur violence envers les femmes? L'article présente une étude qualitative d'une conversation sur Twitter au sujet d'un épisode axé sur la famille diffusé en février 2015 dans le cadre de l'émission Q & A, à la télévision nationale d'Australie. Nous avons remarqué que dans cette conversation la place des hommes était remise en question. Certains tweets privilégiaient les voix et les craintes des hommes, comme l'ont fait les organisateurs et les producteurs de l'émission. Cependant, il y avait une forte présence de voix féministes dans la présentation des faits, légitimant le point de vue des survivantes et relevant des éléments culturels antiféministes afin de défier les discours hégémoniques et patriarcaux sur la violence des hommes envers les femmes.
Gender perceptions, religious belief systems, and political thought have excluded women from politics, for ages, around the world. Combining feminist and modernisation theorists in my theoretical framework, I examine the trends in patriarchal Europe and I highlight the gender-sensitive model of the Nordic countries. Retracing local gender patterns from precolonial to postcolonial eras in sub-Saharan Africa, I explore the links between perceptions, needs, resources, education and women's political participation in Cameroon. Democratisation is supposed to open up political participation, to grant equal opportunities to all adults. One ironic feature of the liberalisation process in Cameroon has been the decrease of women in parliamentarian representation (14% in 1988, 6% in 1992, 5% in 1997 and 10% in 2002). What social, cultural and institutional mechanisms produced this paradoxical outcome, the exclusion of half the population? The gender complementarity of the indigenous context has been lost to male prevalence privileged by education, church, law, employment, economy and politics in the public sphere; most women are marginalised in the private sphere. Nation building and development have failed; ethnicism and individualism are growing. Some hope lies in the growing civil society. From two surveys and 21 focus groups across Cameroon, in 2000 and 2002, some significant results of the processed empirical data reveal low electoral registration (34.5% women and 65.9% men), contrasted by the willingness to run for municipal elections (33.3 % women and 45.2% men). The co-existence of customary and statutory laws, the corrupt political system and fraudulent practices, contribute to the marginalisation of women and men who are interested in politics. A large majority of female respondents consider female politicians more trustworthy and capable than their male counterparts; they even foresee the appointment of a female Prime Minister. The Nordic countries have institutionalised gender equality in their legislation, policies and practices. France has improved women's political inclusion with the parity laws; Rwanda is another model of women's representation, thanks to its post-conflict constitution. From my analysis, Cameroonian institutions, men and more so women, may learn and borrow from these experiences, in order to design and implement a sustainable and gender-balanced democracy. Keywords: democratisation, politics, gender equality, feminism, citizenship, Cameroon, Nordic countries, Finland, France, United Kingdom, quotas, societal social psychology.
In the present research Finnish education policy-makers describe the transformation in upper secondary education in the 1990s. They answered questions related to equality and all-round education. The timeline of the research extends from the early development of the welfare state and equality policy to the 2000s. Its focus is on upper secondary education, which, in this paper, denotes general upper secondary education and vocational upper secondary education. The chronological analysis proceeds from the education committee of 1971 up to the youth education experiment of the 1990s. The voices of the then policy-makers are heard in this research. They were the ones who planned the reforms and/or made the decisions. This being the case, the interviewees include cabinet ministers, permanent secretaries, representatives of organisations and the research community as well as civil servants. The research material can be construed as contextual interpretations of the past, influenced by both the times and places where the narrations were given. The persons interviewed described their experiences and views on education policy. In their narratives they illustrated the transformation that occurred in relation to equality and all-round education. The narrative interviews painted a picture of the upper secondary education transformation and the matriculation examination as having a slowing effect on education policy reforms. It was not until the 1990s when the said examination began to make a difference to students in vocational upper secondary education Those interviewed named the persons who, in their opinion, had the most say in Finnish education policy. This list comprised a small circle of people who more or less agreed on the grand values of education policy, i.e. all-round education and equality. Only a small minority represented a radical view of equality, being true believers in universal upper secondary education implemented in accordance with comprehensive school reform. Finnish education policy was led from the perspective of traditional conception of equality from the 1970s to the 1980s. The transformation finally occurred in the 1990s when equality was understood to mean individual needs and the right to choose. As was the case with matriculation education, the insistence on all-round education also hampered the development of universal upper secondary education. The interviews revealed that any attempts to increase the academic syllabus of vocational education caused organisations as well as other policy-makers to oppose such development well into the 1980s. It was not until the youth education experiment of the 1990s that vocational education finally carved a path to higher education, when the polytechnic schools were made permanent. Three principal groups of key players emerged in the research: ministers of education, civil servants and organisations. The research showed that the ministers and civil servant education policy-makers of the 1990s also included only handful women. The circle of policy-makers was small and represented similar schools of thought. In the 1970s era of government committees, representatives of organisations actively participated in education policy. When the committee establishment was discontinued, this eliminated lobbying venues for the organisations. Nonetheless, the organisations regained their policymaking status in the 1990s. New lobbying organisations included the Finnish Entrepreneurs and the Union of Finnish Upper Secondary School Students. However, in contrast to the 1970s, only rarely would individuals rise from the ranks of organisations to the cadre of policy-makers. The interviewees had a twofold view of neo-liberalism Contrary to other policy-makers, representatives of the research community and organisations concur that neo-liberalism did exist in education policy decision-making in the 1990s.
Ejemplar dedicado a: El trabajo en Euskal Herria, VI Jornadas de Estudios histórico-locales.
Forma parte del dossier "Penser les banquets grec et romain, Entre représentations et pratiques". Actes de la table ronde Le banquet dans l'Antiquité 6 janvier 2007, Institut national d'histoire de l'art - Paris. Coordinado por Robin Nadeau
Presentado en el Simposio "La imagen del sexo en la antigüedad: ciclos de renovación de la vida", organizado por el Instituto de Historia del CSIC y celebrado en Barcelona del 21 al 23 de marzo de 2002.
The protein shortage in Nigeria is noted and the role of aquaculture (=fish farming) as a complement in increasing the dwindling food supply is registered. In addition, the manpower shortage especially in the technology cadre is noted and attributed to the lack of co-ordination and standard curricula especially in aquaculture. An inventory of tasks performed in the aquaculture industry was taken and these were classified and validated, then their final priority level was used to assess which ones were critical, important or desirable and which ones would result in disaster or not with inadequate mastery. Based on the above, recommendations are made that all critical and important tasks be included in the teaching curriculum for aquaculture in both theory and practicals: while it is advocated that all tasks listed be undertaken in fish farm operations. This will raise the competence of technologists to run the commercial aquaculture projects
Trabalho de investigação das marcas de iconicidade em letras-de-música brasileira que representam os vários Brasis. Análise do córpus com fundamentação semântico-semiótica, endossada pela perspectiva sociolinguística, como ponto de partida para a caracterização dos itens lexicais como ícone, índice ou símbolo, à luz da Teoria da Iconicidade, como identificadores de um espaço sociocultural. A orientação sociolinguística sustenta nossas reflexões acerca da importância da inserção dos diversos usos linguísticos na prática de ensino de língua portuguesa, que precisa acompanhar a vida da linguagem na comunicação cotidiana, com vistas à valorização e à democratização da língua. Ademais, impõe-se reconhecer a heterogeneidade linguística como fator de riqueza da língua. O trabalho de análise consiste em uma metodologia que permite associar o texto a uma imagem com significado representativo das particularidades linguístico-discursivas de uma cultura regional. Os resultados esperados incluem a afirmação da potencialidade linguístico-semiótica da letra-de-música como gênero textual suficiente para a demonstração dos valores socioculturais impressos na língua e, possivelmente, como um gênero de importante valor literário que se pode aproveitar para dinamizar aulas de língua portuguesa
Homenaje a Georges Laplace, realizado en Vitoria-Gasteiz el 13,14 y 15 de noviembre de 2012. Edición a cargo de Aitor Calvo, Aitor Sánchez, Maite García-Rojas y Mónica Alonso-Eguíluz.
Homenaje a Georges Laplace, realizado en Vitoria-Gasteiz el 13,14 y 15 de noviembre de 2012. Edición a cargo de Aitor Calvo, Aitor Sánchez, Maite García-Rojas y Mónica Alonso-Eguíluz.
Tesis con Mención de Doctor Internacional
Nossa tese tem por objeto o percurso Da Sujeição à Coragem da Verdade na obra de Michel Foucault, filósofo que, efetuando uma mudança radical do pensamento adotado pela tradição clássica, afasta-se da concepção cartesiana de sujeito como substância - res cogitans-, suporte a partir do qual todo conhecimento é possível e o insere como um sujeito objetivado e subjetivado, um efeito da relação poder-saber, que se efetiva nas práticas sociais, a partir de sua aproximação com os pensamentos de Nietzsche e Canguilhem. Temos como objetivo investigar de que maneira Foucault, a partir deste sujeito, objetivado e subjetivado, encontra a possibilidade de constituição de um sujeito ético, que resistindo à objetivação e à subjetivação dadas, elabora uma estética da existência. Nossa hipótese de trabalho é que Foucault, ao convergir suas pesquisas ao período helenístico-romano, identifica a possibilidade de um governo de si, que permite a elaboração de uma estética da existência, afirmada pela Coragem da Verdade, que tem no cinismo sua maior expressão. Utilizamos como metodologia, a leitura, interpretação e análise crítica de textos de Foucault, bem como de textos de seus comentadores. Como resultado de nossa pesquisa foi possível verificar que Foucault encontra a passagem de um sujeito assujeitado para um sujeito capaz de se subjetivar, através do exercício de um governo de si, de um cuidado de si, calcado na Parrhesía, na Coragem da Verdade. Através do exemplo cínico, pode ser colocada em prática, por um ato de escolha, uma filosofia militante, que faça da vida filosófica e da vida verdadeira uma vida outra: uma estética da existência.
Este estudo realiza uma leitura de obras de ficção do escritor Silviano Santiago. Tal leitura aponta para as relações que podem ser observadas entre sua ficção e uma noção e uma prática multiculturalistas na contemporaneidade. Para tanto, investigam-se as relações entre os imaginários do corpo e da cidade e suas possibilidades e condições de representação. Além disso, verifica-se o impacto que as noções contemporâneas de espaço causam em tais obras ficcionais. A pesquisa toma como corpus de análise literária as mais recentes obras publicadas pelo escritor em questão
Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar se haveria espaço para a polêmica num meio regido por princípios tão rígidos como os relacionados à hierarquia e à disciplina, o meio militar. Para isso, propusemo-nos estudar o emprego da partícula não nos enunciados de um gênero discursivo denominado parte, modalidade de documento cuja finalidade básica seria estabelecer a comunicação escrita entre os integrantes de uma mesma organização militar. Optamos por pesquisar as partes produzidas no ano de 2004 por dez setores da Base Aérea de Santa Cruz, em virtude de trabalhar nela há cerca de dez anos. Caso haja espaço para a polêmica no aludido meio, pretendemos averiguar como estariam sendo construídos os perfis dos enunciadores responsáveis pelos pontos de vista afirmativos subjacentes aos enunciados negativos das partes, bem como o tipo de polêmica que estariam instaurando nesse meio. Apresentamos, como considerações iniciais, os motivos que nos levaram à pesquisa, o problema, as hipóteses e o objetivo da pesquisa. No capítulo referente à introdução, discorremos sobre o gênero parte, bem como sobre as Instruções Normativas e os locais da enunciação, os setores da Base Aérea de Santa Cruz. No capítulo relativo ao quadro teórico, fizemos uma breve revisão da literatura. Nossa perspectiva teórica é a da Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa, com ênfase nos conceitos de dialogismo, de alteridade discursiva, de gêneros do discurso e de negação polêmica. A análise que conduzimos, considerando a noção de discurso como prática de linguagem socialmente instituída, traça os perfis dos enunciadores que estariam dialogando nos enunciados das partes. Como resultado, foi possível refletir sobre posições enunciativas dos enunciadores responsáveis pelos pontos de vista subjacentes aos enunciados negativos, identificadas em nosso corpus, sobre as relações de aproximação ou distanciamento entre os enunciadores postos em cena pelos enunciados negativos, bem como o embate entre seus pontos de vista e os dos veiculados pelos enunciados negativos e os efeitos de sentido que se podem depreender desse embate. Tais efeitos de sentido revelam a importância do gênero estudado e como os aportes teóricos da Análise do Discurso são produtivos mesmo para enunciados tão padronizados como os das partes