994 resultados para Cachey, Theodore


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[EN] Ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) are the main constituents of the inorganic nitrogen pool that supports primary production in marine systems. NH4+ release via glutamate deamination in heterotrophic organisms represents the largest recycled nitrogen source in the euphotic zone, supporting around the 80 % of the primary producers requirements (Harrison, 1992). Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is the enzyme that catalyzes this process. This fact has lead to the use of GDH activity as an index, a proxy, for physiological NH4+ formation. The result is a measure of potential excretion that avoids incubation artefacts due to manipulation of the organisms. The relationship between GDH activity and NH4+ excretion in cultures of the marine mysid Leptomysis lingvura is analyzed here. With interspecific and environmental interferences minimized, the study shows that the relationship between GDH activity and NH4+ excretion in L. lingvura is similar to equivalent results measured on mixed assemblages of zooplankton.


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[EN] Ammonium (NH4+) release by bacterial remineralization and heterotrophic grazers determines the regenerated fraction of phytoplankton productivity, so the measurement of NH4+ excretion in marine organisms is necessary to characterize both the magnitude and the efficiency of the nitrogen cycle. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is largely responsible for NH4+ formation in crustaceans and consequently should be useful in estimating NH4+ excretion by marine zooplankton.
Here, we address body size and starvation as sources of variability on the GDH to NH4+ excretion ratio (GDH/RNH4+). We found a strong correlation between the RNH4+ and the GDH activity (r2 = 0.87, n = 41) during growth. Since GDH activity maintained a linear relation (b = 0.93) and RNH4+ scaled exponentially (b =0.55) in well fed mysids, the GDH/RNH4+ ratio increased with size. However, the magnitude of its variation increased even more when adult mysids were starved. In this case, the GDH/RNH4+ ratio ranged from 11.23 to 102.41.


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[EN] Nitrogen (N) is essential for life, but its availability is frequently limited in ocean ecosystems. Among all the compounds which influence the N pool, ammonium (NH4+) represents the major source of N for autotrophs. This NH4+ is provided by bacterial remineralization and heterotrophic grazers, with the mesozooplankton responsible for 12% to 33% of the total NH4+ recycled.  Quantifying the excretion physiology of zooplankton is then, necessary to understand the basis of an aquatic ecosystem’s productivity.
The measurement of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity has been widely used to assess the NH4+ excretion rates in planktonic communities. However, its relationship with the physiology varies with temperature and the nutritional status of the organisms, among other variables. Here we compare the GDH/RNH4+ ratio between oceanic regions with different trophic conditions.  Strengthening our knowledge of the relationship between GDH activities and the NH4+ excretion rates will lead to more meaningful interpretations of the mesoscale variations in planktonic NH4+ excretion.


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Máster en Oceanografía


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[EN] Many ecologically important chemical transformations in the ocean are controlled by biochemical enzyme reactions in plankton. Nitrogenase regulates the transformation of N2 to ammonium in some cyanobacteria and serves as the entryway for N2 into the ocean biosphere. Nitrate reductase controls the reduction of NO3 to NO2 and hence new production in phytoplankton. The respiratory electron transfer system in all organisms links the carbon oxidation reactions of intermediary metabolism with the reduction of oxygen in respiration. Rubisco controls the fixation of CO2 into organic matter in phytoplankton and thus is the major entry point of carbon into the oceanic biosphere. In addition to these, there are the enzymes that control CO2 production, NH4 excretion and the fluxes of phosphate. Some of these enzymes have been recognized and researched by marine scientists in the last thirty years. However, until recently the kinetic principles of enzyme control have not been exploited to formulate accurate mathematical equations of the controlling physiological expressions. Were such expressions available they would increase our power to predict the rates of chemical transformations in the extracellular environment of microbial populations whether this extracellular environment is culture media or the ocean. Here we formulate from the principles of bisubstrate enzyme kinetics, mathematical expressions for the processes of NO3 reduction, O2 consumption, N2 fixation, total nitrogen uptake.


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[ES] Entre 15 y 6 mil años atrás, durante la era del Neolítico, el nivel del Mar Mediterráneo subió entre 100 y 10 m. por debajo de su nivel actual. En esta época el Mar Negro era un lago de agua dulce (Lago Nuevo Euxino) que desembocaba en el Mar Egeo. Sin embargo, durante este periodo se fue secando poco a poco y el nivel de su superficie descendió a 150 mmetros por debajo de su nivel actual. Hace 7.150 años, tal vez gracias a la ayuda de un terremoto, el mar rompió el dique del Bósforo que separaba el Lago Nuevo Euxino del Mar Egeo. En un principio fue una pequeña corriente de agua salada que fluía a través del valle del Bósforo hacia el lago, pero en poco tiempo ésta se convirtió en un torrente y luego en un diluvio. Fue tanta la cantidad de agua salada que fluía a través del Bósforo que el nivel del lago subía ventricuatro centrímetros por día y se llenó en tan sólo dos años. Debido a esta inundación, los valles se convirtieron en trampas mortales y las personas que vivían en la periferia del lago se vieron obligados a evacuar sus hogares y ciudades y trasladarse a terrenos más altos, escapando hacia Europa, India, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Anatolia y Grecia. Algunos historiadores sostienen que los refugiados que llegaron a Egipto comenzaron la leyenda de la Atlántida. Según los profesores Ryan y Pitman, descubridores de la inundación del Mar Negro, todos los habitantes de esta diáspora hablaban un lenguaje similar, Indo-Europeo, y por ello explican las similitudes existentes entre el sánscrito, el alemán y el latín. Los profesores Ryan y Pitman proponen además en su libro que la inundación del Mar Negro, la devastación y la posterior diáspora es la base para el relato bíblico del Diluvio Univeral de Noé.