947 resultados para CEREBRAL BLOOD-FLOW


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A dissociation between human neural systems that participate in the encoding and later recognition of new memories for faces was demonstrated by measuring memory task-related changes in regional cerebral blood flow with positron emission tomography. There was almost no overlap between the brain structures associated with these memory functions. A region in the right hippocampus and adjacent cortex was activated during memory encoding but not during recognition. The most striking finding in neocortex was the lateralization of prefrontal participation. Encoding activated left prefrontal cortex, whereas recognition activated right prefrontal cortex. These results indicate that the hippocampus and adjacent cortex participate in memory function primarily at the time of new memory encoding. Moreover, face recognition is not mediated simply by recapitulation of operations performed at the time of encoding but, rather, involves anatomically dissociable operations.


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Regional cerebral blood flow was measured with positron emission tomography in human subjects during the performance of a task requiring mental rotation of their hand and a perceptually equivalent control task that did not require such a process. Comparison of the distribution of cerebral activity between these conditions demonstrated significant blood flow increases in the superior parietal cortex, the intraparietal sulcus, and the adjacent rostralmost part of the inferior parietal lobule. These findings demonstrated that, in the human brain, there is a specific system of parietal areas that are involved in mental transformations of the body-in-space.


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Nitric oxide (NO) is known to mediate increases in regional cerebral blood flow elicited by CO2 inhalation. In mice with deletion of the gene for neuronal NO synthase (NOS), CO2 inhalation augments cerebral blood flow to the same extent as in wild-type mice. However, unlike wild-type mice, the increased flow in mutants is not blocked by the NOS inhibition, N omega-nitro-L-arginine, and CO2 exposure fails to increase brain levels of cGMP. Topical acetylcholine elicits vasodilation in the mutants which is blocked by N omega-nitro-L-arginine, indicating normal functioning of endothelial NOS. Moreover, immunohistochemical staining for endothelial NOS is normal in the mutants. Thus, following loss of neuronal NOS, the cerebral circulatory response is maintained by a compensatory system not involving NO.


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Regional cerebral blood flow was measured with positron emission tomography during the performance of a verbal free recall task, a verbal paired associate task, and tasks that required the production of verbal responses either by speaking or writing. Examination of the differences in regional cerebral blood flow between these conditions demonstrated that the left ventrolateral frontal cortical area 45 is involved in the recall of verbal information from long-term memory, in addition to its contribution to speech. The act of writing activated a network of areas involving posterior parietal cortex and sensorimotor areas but not ventrolateral frontal cortex.


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It is a familiar experience that we tend to close our eyes or divert our gaze when concentrating attention on cognitively demanding tasks. We report on the brain activity correlates of directing attention away from potentially competing visual processing and toward processing in another sensory modality. Results are reported from a series of positron-emission tomography studies of the human brain engaged in somatosensory tasks, in both "eyes open" and "eyes closed" conditions. During these tasks, there was a significant decrease in the regional cerebral blood flow in the visual cortex, which occurred irrespective of whether subjects had to close their eyes or were instructed to keep their eyes open. These task-related deactivations of the association areas belonging to the nonrelevant sensory modality were interpreted as being due to decreased metabolic activity. Previous research has clearly demonstrated selective activation of cortical regions involved in attention-demanding modality-specific tasks; however, the other side of this story appears to be one of selective deactivation of unattended areas.


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Cerebral infarction (stroke) is a potentially disastrous complication of diabetes mellitus, principally because the extent of cortical loss is greater in diabetic patients than in nondiabetic patients. The etiology of this enhanced neurotoxicity is poorly understood. We hypothesized that advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs), which have previously been implicated in the development of other diabetic complications, might contribute to neurotoxicity and brain damage during ischemic stroke. Using a rat model of focal cerebral ischemia, we show that systemically administered AGE-modified bovine serum albumin (AGE-BSA) significantly increased cerebral infarct size. The neurotoxic effects of AGE-BSA administration were dose- and time-related and associated with a paradoxical increase in cerebral blood flow. Aminoguanidine, an inhibitor of AGE cross-linking, attenuated infarct volume in AGE-treated animals. We conclude that AGEs may contribute to the increased severity of stroke associated with diabetes and other conditions characterized by AGE accumulation.


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Para otimizar um modelo experimental para o estudo do desbalanço redox em porfirias relacionadas ao acúmulo de ácido 5-aminolevulínico-(ALA), via inibição da ALA desidratase-(ALA-D), ratos foram tratados com o éster metílico de succinilacetona-(SAME), um catabólito da tirosina que inibe fortemente a ALA-O, mimetízando o estado metabólico observado nos portadores de portirias e tirosinemias. Estabeleceram-se modelos de tratamento agudo por 36 e 18 h. No primeiro, os animais receberam 3 injeções de SAME (10, 40 ou 80 mg/kg, grupos Ali-IV). No segundo, os animais receberam 3 injeções de 40 mg/kg de SAME, ALA ou éster metílico de ALA (grupos BII-IV), ALA:SAME (30: 10 mg/kg, grupo BV), ou 10 mg/kg SAME (grupo BVI). Paralelamente, avaliou-se se os sintomas neurológicos característicos das portirias decorriam de danos oxidativos mitocondriais. Para isso, aplicou-se uma tecnologia óptica para medidas da difusão da depressão cortical que determinou a oxigenação e o estado redox do cit c em mitocôndrias do córtex cerebral de ratos submetidos ao tratamento crônico com ALA (40 mg/kg), SAME (10 e 40 mg/kg) e ALA:SAME (30: 1O mg/kg), a cada 48 h, durante 30 dias. Tratamento agudo/36 h: Os níveis de ALA no plasma, fígado, cérebro e urina e o clearance renal do ALA aumentaram nos grupos tratados. A atividade de ALA-D e a coproporfirina urinária reduziram. A marcação para proteínas carboniladas, ferro e ferritina aumentou no fígado e cérebro dos grupos tratados, especialmente no All. Os níveis de malondialdeído hepático aumentaram no grupo AIV. A razão GSH/GSH+GSSG e a atividade de GPx cerebrais aumentaram nos grupos AIV e AIII, respectivamente. Consistentemente com estes dados indicando um desbalanço oxidativo induzido pelo SAME, alterações mitocondriais e citosólicas ultraestruturais foram reveladas, especialmente no fígado. Tratamento agudo/18 h: Os níveis de ALA plasmáticos aumentaram nos grupos tratados, exceto em BIV. O grupo BII mostrou aumento dos níveis hepáticos de ALA. Interessantemente, a inibição da atividade de ALA-D não foi evidenciada. O conteúdo de ferro plasmático aumentou no grupo BII. Para os grupos tratados com 10 e 40 mg SAME/kg, a atividade de SOD hepática reduziu ~50% com a extensão do tratamento de 18 para 36 h, sugerindo que este último é mais efetivo em promover danos oxidativos induzidos pelo ALA. Tratamento crônico/30 dias: Embora nenhuma alteração tenha sido evidenciada no estado redox dos animais tratados, o tratamento com ALA reduziu o fluxo sanguíneo cerebral (CBF) e o consumo de oxigênio-(CMRO2), sugerindo uma vasoconstrição mediada pelo ALA, efeito este confirmado por ensaios de reatividade vascular conduzidos em anéis de aorta de ratos incubados com ALA. O tratamento com ALA:SAME restaurou os níveis de CBF e CMRO2. Interessantemente, a disponibilidade do radical superóxido-(O2•-) estava reduzida nos anéis de aorta incubados com ALA. Juntos, estes dados: a)validam o modelo de tratamento agudo/36 h para o estudo bioquímico e dos possíveis efeitos fisiológicos induzidos pelo ALA, e b)sugerem que as alterações mediadas pelo ALA exógeno levam à vasoconstrição.


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In this study, we compared contrast-enhanced ultrasound perfusion imaging with magnetic resonance perfusion-weighted imaging or perfusion computed tomography for detecting normo-, hypo-, and nonperfused brain areas in acute middle cerebral artery stroke. We performed high mechanical index contrast-enhanced ultrasound perfusion imaging in 30 patients. Time-to-peak intensity of 10 ischemic regions of interests was compared to four standardized nonischemic regions of interests of the same patient. A time-to-peak >3 s (ultrasound perfusion imaging) or >4 s (perfusion computed tomography and magnetic resonance perfusion) defined hypoperfusion. In 16 patients, 98 of 160 ultrasound perfusion imaging regions of interests of the ischemic hemisphere were classified as normal, and 52 as hypoperfused or nonperfused. Ten regions of interests were excluded due to artifacts. There was a significant correlation of the ultrasound perfusion imaging and magnetic resonance perfusion or perfusion computed tomography (Pearson`s chi-squared test 79.119, p < 0.001) (OR 0.1065, 95% CI 0.06-0.18). No perfusion in ultrasound perfusion imaging (18 regions of interests) correlated highly with diffusion restriction on magnetic resonance imaging (Pearson's chi-squared test 42.307, p < 0.001). Analysis of receiver operating characteristics proved a high sensitivity of ultrasound perfusion imaging in the diagnosis of hypoperfused area under the curve, (AUC = 0.917; p < 0.001) and nonperfused (AUC = 0.830; p < 0.001) tissue in comparison with perfusion computed tomography and magnetic resonance perfusion. We present a proof of concept in determining normo-, hypo-, and nonperfused tissue in acute stroke by advanced contrast-enhanced ultrasound perfusion imaging.


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Between 1085 and 1927, epidemics of convulsive ergotism were widespread east of the Rhine in Europe due to consumption of grain contaminated with ergot, which is produced by the fungus Claviceps purpurea. West of the Rhine, consumption of ergot-contaminated food caused epidemics of gangrenous ergotism. The clinical features of convulsive ergotism-muscle twitching and spasms, changes in mental state, hallucinations, sweating, and fever lasting for several weeks-suggest serotonergic overstimulation of the CNS (ie, the serotonin syndrome). The ergot alkaloids are serotonin agonists. Dihydroergotamine binds to serotonin receptors in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, which is the site of neuropathological changes in convulsive ergotism. Dihydroergotamine given to human beings can cause the serotonin syndrome. Ergots produced by different strains of Claviceps purpurea, and those growing in different soils, may have different ergot alkaloid compositions. An alkaloid, present in high concentrations in ergots from east of the Rhine, may have caused convulsive ergotism at a circulating concentration insufficient to produce peripheral ischaemia. The serotonin syndrome may, therefore, have been a public-health problem long before it was recognised as a complication of modem psychopharmacology.


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The ease with which we perform tasks such as opening the lid of a jar, in which the two hands execute quite different actions, belies the fact that there is a strong tendency for the movements of the upper limbs to be drawn systematically towards one another. Mirror movements, involuntary contractions during intended unilateral engagement of the opposite limb, are considered pathological, as they occur in association with specific disorders of the CNS. Yet they are also observed frequently in normally developing children, and motor irradiation, an increase in the excitability of the (opposite) homologous motor pathways when unimanual movements are performed, is a robust feature of the mature motor system. The systematic nature of the interactions that occur between the upper limbs has also given rise to the expectation that functional improvements in the control of a paretic limb may occur when movements are performed in a bimanual context. In spite of the ubiquitous nature of these phenomena, there is remarkably little consensus concerning the neural basis of their mediation. In the present review, consideration is given to the putative roles of uncrossed corticofugal fibers, branched bilateral corticomotoroneuronal projections, and segmental networks. The potential for bilateral interactions to occur in various brain regions including the primary motor cortex, the supplementary motor area, non-primary motor areas, the basal ganglia, and the cerebellum is also explored. This information may provide principled bases upon which to evaluate and develop task and deficit-specific programs of movement rehabilitation and therapy. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article examines the neurocognitive sequelae of repeated exposure to hypoxemia in apnea (breath-hold) divers. A brief review of the literature on the physiological and neurological adaptations involved in the human diving reflex is presented. The results from a neuropsychological investigation of N = 21 elite apnea divers are evaluated. Standard neuropsychological tests, with known sensitivity to mild brain insults, included speed of visuo-motor responding, speed of language comprehension, response inhibition, and visual and verbal attention and recall tasks. Results indicated that the breath-hold divers performed tasks within the average range compared to norms on all tests, suggesting that 1-20 years of repeated exposure to hypoxemia including multiple adverse neurological events did not impact on performance on standard neuropsychological tasks. The results are discussed in relation to implications for clinical conditions such as sleep apnea, respiratory disorders, altitude sickness, and recreational apnea activities.


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Objective: Transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasonography is a technique that uses a hand-held Doppler transducer (placed on the surface of the cranial skin) to measure the velocity and pulsatility of blood flow within the intracranial and the extracranial arteries. This review critically evaluates the evidence for the use of TCD in the critical care population. Discussion: TCD has been frequently employed for the clinical evaluation of cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). To a lesser degree, TCD has also been used to evaluate cerebral autoregulatory capacity, monitor cerebral circulation during cardiopulmonary bypass and carotid endarterectomies and to diagnose brain death. Technological advances such as M mode, colour Doppler and three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasonography have extended the scope of TCD to include other non-critical care applications including assessment of cerebral emboli, functional TCD and the management of sickle cell disease. Conclusions: Despite publications suggesting concordance between TCD velocity measurements and cerebral blood flow there are few randomized controlled studies demonstrating an improved outcome with the use of TCD monitoring in neurocritical care. Newer developments in this technology include venous Doppler, functional Doppler and use of ultrasound contrast agents.


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The past decade has witnessed a resurgence of interest in the use of hypertonic saline for low-volume resuscitation after trauma. Preliminary studies suggested that benefits are limited to a subgroup of trauma patients with brain injury, but a recent study of prehospital administration of hypertonic saline to patients with traumatic brain injury failed to confirm a benefit. Animal and human studies have demonstrated that hypertonic saline has clinically desirable physiological effects on cerebral blood flow, intracranial pressure, and inflammatory responses in models of neurotrauma. There are few clinical studies in traumatic brain injury with patient survival as an end point. In this review, we examined the experimental and clinical knowledge of hypertonic saline as an osmotherapeutic agent in neurotrauma.


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One of the pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain is extracellular β-amyloid (Aβ) plaques containing 39-42 amino acid Aβ peptides. The deposition of Aβ around blood vessels, known as Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), is also a common feature in AD brain. Vascular density and cerebral blood flow are reduced in AD brains, and vascular risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes are also risk factors for AD. We have shown previously that Aβ peptides can potently inhibit angiogenesis both in-vitro and in-vivo, but the mechanism of action for this effect is not known. Therefore, my first hypothesis was that particular amino acid sequence(s) within the Aβ peptide are required for inhibition of angiogenesis. From this aim, I found a peptide sequence which was critical for anti-angiogenic activity (HHQKLVFF). This sequence contains a heparan sulfate proteoglycan growth factor binding domain implying that Aβ can interfere with growth factor signaling. Leading on from this, my second hypothesis was that Aβ can inhibit angiogenesis by binding to growth factor receptors. I found that Aβ can bind to Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2 (VEGFR-2), and showed that this is one mechanism by which Aβ can inhibit angiogenesis. Since the vasculature is disrupted in AD brains, I investigated whether a strategy to increase brain vascularization would be beneficial against AD pathology. Therefore, my third hypothesis was that voluntary exercise (which is known to increase brain vascularization in rodents) can ameliorate Aβ pathology, increase brain vascularization, and improve behavioral deficits in a transgenic mouse model of AD. I found that exercise has no effect on Aβ pathology, brain vascularization or behavioral deficits. Therefore, in the transgenic mouse model that I used, exercise is an ineffective therapeutic strategy against AD pathology and symptoms.


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L’hypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HTAP) est une maladie caractérisée par l’augmentation progressive des résistances vasculaires pulmonaires causant une augmentation de la pression artérielle pulmonaire qui mène au décès prématuré des patients. Malgré une amélioration rapide ces dernières années des traitements spécifiques, les patients souffrant d’HTAP demeurent dyspnéiques et intolérants à l’effort. L’atteinte vasculaire pulmonaire est actuellement irréversible. Elle est également la source de plusieurs anomalies au niveau des systèmes cardiovasculaires, ventilatoires et musculaires constituant les principaux déterminants physiologiques de la capacité à l’effort des patients. Cette thèse a investigué différentes facettes de la tolérance à l’effort en HTAP : les différents mécanismes ayant un impact sur l’apport musculaire en oxygène, l’altération des voies de signalisation cellulaire impliquées dans l’angiogenèse musculaire et les mécanismes ayant un impact sur la régulation du débit sanguin et l’oxygénation cérébrale en HTAP. Nous avons premièrement documenté une diminution de l’apport en oxygène aux muscles squelettiques à l’effort des patients en relation avec une diminution de la densité capillaire musculaire. Ce défaut d’angiogenèse corrélait d’ailleurs avec la capacité à l’effort des sujets. Par la suite, nous avons étudié les voies de signalisations cellulaires de l’angiogenèse musculaire. Ces résultats ont permis de démontrer une diminution de l’expression de miR-126, unique aux patients HTAP, qui était responsable de la diminution de la densité capillaire et qui contribuait à leur intolérance à l’effort. De plus, il était possible de moduler in vivo l’expression de miR-126. L’expérimentation in vivo, à l’aide d’un modèle murin d’HTAP, a permis de rétablir l’expression de miR-126, d’augmenter la microcirculation musculaire et d’améliorer la tolérance à l’effort des animaux, ce qui met en lumière le potentiel thérapeutique de l’angiogenèse musculaire pour améliorer la capacité à l’effort en HTAP. Notre dernier projet a démontré que les patients HTAP présentaient une diminution de débit sanguin cérébral. Ce projet a également démontré que les changements de pression artérielle sont moins bien amortis par les vaisseaux cérébraux des patients et que leurs vaisseaux cérébraux étaient moins réactifs aux changements de CO2. Les patients présentaient aussi une augmentation de la sensibilité des chémorécepteurs centraux qui contribuait à augmenter leur ventilation au repos, mais aussi à l’exercice. Finalement, à l’effort, nous avons démontré que le débit sanguin cérébral des patients HTAP était principalement influencé par la pression artérielle alors que chez les sujets sains, le débit sanguin cérébral était influencé principalement par la PETCO2. Nous avons également démontré que les patients HTAP présentaient une diminution progressive de leur oxygénation cérébrale, qui corrélait avec leur capacité à l’effort. Les résultats obtenus au cours de ce doctorat démontrent bien que la capacité à l’effort en HTAP est aussi déterminée par plusieurs anomalies physiopathologiques périphériques.