992 resultados para Brazilian Digital TV


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Mesocoelium lanfrediae sp. nov. (Digenea: Mesocoeliidae) inhabits the small intestine of Rhinella marina (Amphibia: Bufonidae) and is described here, with illustrations provided by light, scanning electron microscopy and molecular approachs. M. lanfrediae sp. nov. presents the typical characteristics of the genus, but is morphometrically and morphologically different from the species described previously. The main diagnostic characteristics of M. lanfrediae sp. nov. are (i) seven pairs of regularly-distributed spherical papillae on the oral sucker, (ii) ventral sucker outlined by four pairs of papillae distributed in a uniform pattern and interspersed with numerous spines, which are larger at the posterior margin and (iii) small, rounded tegumentary papillae around the opening of the oral sucker, which are morphologically different from those of the oral sucker itself, some of which are randomly disposed in the ventrolateral tegumentary region of the anterior third of the body. Addionally, based on SSU rDNA, a phylogenetic analysis including Brachycoeliidae and Mesocoeliidae taxa available on GenBank established the close relationship between M. lanfrediae sp. nov. and Mesocoelium sp.


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In this study three new Brazilian species of Hymenoepimecis are described and illustrated. The specimens were collected using sweeping the vegetation and Malaise traps in areas of Atlantic forest in southeastern Brazil. The material described is figured with digital images.


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A digital game was created as a resource for cognitive learning and afterwards it was used in primary schools in order to survey its active users. The methods used to recollect data were observation, in-depth interviews and focus groups. The main target of this study is to collect points of view of different primary school teachers. Conclusions show us how the group of study members perceive the use of digital games in the classroom.


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Since different pedologists will draw different soil maps of a same area, it is important to compare the differences between mapping by specialists and mapping techniques, as for example currently intensively discussed Digital Soil Mapping. Four detailed soil maps (scale 1:10.000) of a 182-ha sugarcane farm in the county of Rafard, São Paulo State, Brazil, were compared. The area has a large variation of soil formation factors. The maps were drawn independently by four soil scientists and compared with a fifth map obtained by a digital soil mapping technique. All pedologists were given the same set of information. As many field expeditions and soil pits as required by each surveyor were provided to define the mapping units (MUs). For the Digital Soil Map (DSM), spectral data were extracted from Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery as well as six terrain attributes from the topographic map of the area. These data were summarized by principal component analysis to generate the map designs of groups through Fuzzy K-means clustering. Field observations were made to identify the soils in the MUs and classify them according to the Brazilian Soil Classification System (BSCS). To compare the conventional and digital (DSM) soil maps, they were crossed pairwise to generate confusion matrices that were mapped. The categorical analysis at each classification level of the BSCS showed that the agreement between the maps decreased towards the lower levels of classification and the great influence of the surveyor on both the mapping and definition of MUs in the soil map. The average correspondence between the conventional and DSM maps was similar. Therefore, the method used to obtain the DSM yielded similar results to those obtained by the conventional technique, while providing additional information about the landscape of each soil, useful for applications in future surveys of similar areas.


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Information technology will affect academic activities as well as the nature of the high education sector. This sector besides the need to assimilate these technologies will need to attend the requisites of market globalization and, as consequence, all theses changes will be reflected in the university library. Prospectives impacts will affect the structure (emphasis in user services, outsourcing of several services), in the financing aspect (growing of consortia in order to reduce costs), in services (electronic reference, support to long distance education programs, intelligent agents) and in the clientele (attending the great demand por high education which implies a diversity of people).


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Menestyäkseen nykymaailmassa ihmiset ovat turvautuneet toisiinsa muodostaen samallaerilaisia yhteisöjä ja verkostoja. Näille yhteisöille on tunnusomaista, että niissä vaikuttavien jäsenien ajatustavat yhtyvät keskenään. Yhteisöissä syntyy uusia ideoita ja keksintöjä. Niiden välittäminen maailmalle on usein kuitenkin ongelmallista. Digitaalisuus, Internet ja monet muut uudet teknologiat tuovat yhden ratkaisun ongelmaan. Eräs uuden teknologian mahdollistama kanava on yhteisötelevisio, jonka kautta yhteisön viestintää voidaan tehokkaasti välittää. Yhteisöilläei kuitenkaan ole teknistä taitoa toteuttaa tällaista palvelua. Yhteisöille, kuten pk-yrityksille, kouluille, seuroille, yhdistyksille ja jopa yksittäisille ihmisille, tuleekin pystyä tarjoamaan valmis konsepti, joka on helposti heidän käytettävissään. Tämä diplomityö toimii teknisenä pohjana Finnish Satellite Television Oy:n yhteisö-tv -palvelukonseptille, joka tullaan ottamaan laajamittaiseen käyttöön vuoden 2007 aikana. Työssä käydään läpi yhteisön ja yhteisöllisyyden tunnusmerkit ja peruspiirteet, luodaan katsaus yhteisötelevision alkutaipaleisiin, nykytilaan ja sen eri ratkaisuihin. Lisäksi tutustutaan yhteisö-tv:n kansainvälisiin ja kotimaisiin kokeiluihin ja pilottiprojekteihin. Työn teknisessä osassa tutkitaan yhteisötelevision mahdollistaviin teknologioihin, siirtoteihin sekä digitaalisiin tuotantojärjestelmiin. Lopuksi työssä kootaan yhteen käytettävyydeltään, liikutettavuudeltaan ja kustannustehokkuudeltaan sopivimmat tekniset toteutusvaihtoehdot konseptin käyttöönottoa varten.


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In contrast to other media like TV or cinema, digital games are unique and different because they offer a persuasive rhetoric. This investigation introduces the cases of two primary school teachers who use digital games as one of their teaching methods. Both cases are multimodal and show the teacher’s position in education. This work also explores the challenges faced by teachers as instructors, and the application of digital games in modern classes.From an ethnographic view, gathering information techniques are used, such as documentary analysis and interviews in order to collect data about each case with two teachers from the province of Barcelona. The obtained results raise important questions: what is the main role of a teacher using digital games in class, how teachers participate in learning based on digital games and how digital games are developed and combined with other teaching methodologies. The conclusions obtained by this research let us understand the reason why using digital games in class allows the students to learn and keep their motivation: digital games stimulate them so they can establish a personal connection.


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A digital game was created as a resource for cognitive learning and afterwards it was used in primary schools in order to survey its active users. The methods used to recollect data were observation, in-depth interviews and focus groups. The main target of this study is to collect points of view of different primary school teachers. Conclusions show us how the group of study members perceive the use of digital games in the classroom.


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Konsistens och förändring i finländsk etermediapolitik. Implementering av digital television och en jämförelse med Kanada Avhandlingen handlar om hur det finländska televisionssystemet förändrades i slutet av 1990-talet från en nationell institution till ett dualistiskt system som präglas av stark marknadsorientering. Syftet med avhandlingen är att förstå på vilket sätt en så snabb förändring kunde ske och analysera de institutionella faktorerna bakom utvecklingen. På teoretisk nivå diskuteras tesen om det nära sambandet mellan statliga politiska institutioner och rundradioverksamhetens institutioner. Avhandlingen består av två fallstudier. Den första sätter fokus på de första åren av den finländska televisionens digitaliseringsprocess som startade med starka industriell-nationalistiska motiveringar. Analysen, som baserar på offentliga dokument, sträcker sig framtill hösten 2001 då de digitala televisionssändningarna startade och regeringspropositionen om den nya kommunikationsmarknadslagen lämnades till riksdagen. Dessa policy-processer analyseras som en ”marknadisering” av de traditionella styrningsprinciper och idéer gällande finländsk rundradioverksamheten. En jämförelse mellan Finlands och Kanadas nationella rundradiopolitik gör att man kan koppla slutsatserna till den internationella utvecklingen. Jämförelsen visar hur kommunikationspolitiska linjen i de två länderna har kommit att likna varandra trots att ländernas tv-system och deras styrordningar är mycket olika. Exemplet med Kanada visar att den särskilda teknologin inte är viktig utan snarare de kommersiella intressen som står bakom och som beslutsfattare gärna döljer i en nationalistisk retorik. Studien visar att det är viktigt att beakta vilken tyngd man i politiken ger de två sidor som rundradioverksamheten består av: sändningsteknologin och verksamheten som en speciell kulturform. Nationalstatens handlingsutrymme minskar inom fältet om målet är att vara framgångsrik i konkurrensen i den nya internationella ekonomin. Enligt de nyliberalistiska principer som det politiska systemet överlag har tillägnat sig det är önskvärd men också helt inhemska institutionella traditioner och praxis som följdes i den finländska digitaliseringsprocessen främjade utvecklingen som ledde till att nästan alla ursprungliga nationella syften föll sönder.


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The Shadow Moiré fringe patterns are level lines of equal depth generated by interference between a master grid and its shadow projected on the surface. In simplistic approach, the minimum error is about the order of the master grid pitch, that is, always larger than 0,1 mm, resulting in an experimental technique of low precision. The use of a phase shift increases the accuracy of the Shadow Moiré technique. The current work uses the phase shifting method to determine the surfaces three-dimensional shape using isothamic fringe patterns and digital image processing. The current study presents the method and applies it to images obtained by simulation for error evaluation, as well as to a buckled plate, obtaining excellent results. The method hands itself particularly useful to decrease the errors in the interpretation of the Moiré fringes that can adversely affect the calculations of displacements in pieces containing many concave and convex regions in relatively small areas.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Ventricular late potentials are low-amplitude signals originating from damaged myocardium and detected on the body surface by ECG filtering and averaging. Digital filters present in commercial equipment may interfere with the ability of arrhythmia stratification. We compared 40-Hz BiSpec (BI) and classical 40- to 250-Hz band-pass Butterworth bidirectional (BD) filters in terms of impact on time domain variables and diagnostic properties. In a transverse retrospective age-adjusted case-control study, 221 subjects with sinus rhythm without bundle branch block were divided into three groups after signal-averaged ECG acquisition: GI (N = 40), clinically normal controls, GII (N = 158), subjects with coronary heart disease without sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (SMVT), and GIII (N = 23), subjects with heart disease and documented SMVT. Conventional variables analyzed from vector magnitude data after averaging to 0.3 µV final noise were obtained by application of each filter to the averaged signal, and evaluated in pairs by numerical comparison and by diagnostic agreement assessment, using conventional and optimized thresholds of normality. Significant differences were found between BI and BD variables in all groups, with diagnostic results showing significant disagreement between both filters [kappa value of 0.61 (P<0.05) for GII and 0.31 for GIII (P = NS)]. Sensitivity for SMVT was lower with BI than with BD (65.2 vs 91.3%, respectively, P<0.05). Filters provided significantly different numerical and diagnostic results and the BI filter showed only limited clinical application to risk stratification of ventricular arrhythmia.


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Important biological and clinical features of malignancy are reflected in its transcript pattern. Recent advances in gene expression technology and informatics have provided a powerful new means to obtain and interpret these expression patterns. A comprehensive approach to expression profiling is serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE), which provides digital information on transcript levels. SAGE works by counting transcripts and storing these digital values electronically, providing absolute gene expression levels that make historical comparisons possible. SAGE produces a comprehensive profile of gene expression and can be used to search for candidate tumor markers or antigens in a limited number of samples. The Cancer Genome Anatomy Project has created a SAGE database of human gene expression levels for many different tumors and normal reference tissues and provides online tools for viewing, comparing, and downloading expression profiles. Digital expression profiling using SAGE and informatics have been useful for identifying genes that have a role in tumor invasion and other aspects of tumor progression.


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Tout en voulant inclure la fiction télévisuelle brésilienne parmi les fictions de qualité, cette recherche analyse l’émergence et l’évolution du concept de qualité dans le panorama télévisuel brésilien. Examinant l’histoire de la télédramaturgie au Brésil, depuis les téléthéâtres jusqu’aux microséries réalisées par Luiz Fernando Carvalho, en particulier la microsérie Capitu (2008), nous suggérons que la production fictionnelle brésilienne a atteint un niveau de qualité sophistiquée et avant-gardiste qui illustre une alternative au style préconisé par la formule des séries télévisées américaines qui se regroupent sous l’étiquette de la Quality TV. De plus, le raffinement de la microsérie contribue à la légitimation de la valeur artistique de la télévision à partir de caractéristiques télévisuelles, contrairement à la production fictionnelle américaine dont l’esthétique plutôt cinématographique finit par discréditer davantage le petit écran. Finalement, nous souhaitons démontrer l’importance des innovations esthétiques que cette microsérie a apportées au sein d’une sphère médiatique qui semble se diriger progressivement et rapidement vers l’uniformisation du langage télévisuel et de son contenu.


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Esta investigación se centra en la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) como organización política. Intenta responder dos interrogantes primordiales: 1) ¿cómo la FIFA ha constituido el poder que tiene actualmente y, así, hacerse del monopolio indiscutido del fútbol? Y 2) ¿cómo ha cambiado en el tiempo la política interna de FIFA y su vínculo con la política internacional? Para lograr esto, se realiza un estudio histórico, basado principalmente en documentos, que intenta caracterizar y analizar los cambios de la organización en el tiempo. Se enfatizan las últimas dos presidencias de FIFA, de João Havelange y Joseph Blatter, como casos de estudio.