984 resultados para Bernward, Bishop of Hildesheim, approximately 960-1022.


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El episcopado de Gregorio Magno (590-604) representa un hito al momento de analizar el derrotero del cristianismo entre la Antigüedad Tardía y el Alto Medioevo. Hombre de enorme flexibilidad política y discursiva, construyó -a lo largo de su vida- un repertorio textual de incalculable valor para el historiador moderno. En una de sus obras de mayor impacto en los siglos posteriores -la Regula pastoralis- el obispo de Roma analiza minuciosamente el rol del hombre de Iglesia en todas sus facetas, realizando especial hincapié en la parénesis. El objetivo de este trabajo será comparar algunas de las directivas allí vertidas con el accionar efectivo de Gregorio, observable en el Registrum epistularum. Para lograr tal fin, nos concentraremos en las epístolas referidas al judaísmo en general y a los judíos en particular. Observaremos, de tal modo, la concordancia entre algunos de los lineamientos gregorianos establecidos en la Regula y su aplicación en el caso judío


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La utilización del himno religioso en Occidente, como una forma de control ideológico frente al avance de las heterodoxias, fue instaurada definitivamente por Ambrosio, obispo de Milán, al conciliar el material himnódico precedente con las necesidades catequísticas que la época le impuso. El episcopus milanés logró concebir un modelo poético, estrófico y rítmico de fácil recepción que funcionaba como instrumento de conversión e instrucción doctrinal y un regulador de las oraciones litúrgicas. El himno ambrosiano no fue, sin embargo, el primero que se ajustó a los principios del credo niceno en la lucha contra diversas formas de herejía, en particular el arrianismo, pero sí fue el primero que innovó desde lo musical y lo rítmico. Su popularidad, basada en su modo ?cantable?, se cimentó a partir de la novedad de su estructura compositiva, en la que se pueden advertir frecuentes correspondencias métricas y acentuales que posibilitaba una más rápida memorización. A través de esta comunicación se procurará exponer las innovaciones estructurales de la himnodia ambrosiana en materia rítmica, las cuales giran en torno a la repetición arbitraria del número ocho; asimismo el número ocho contiene funciones temático-emotivas comparables con las funciones tonales de la escala musical y, en especial, el modo jónico que es el que llegó hasta hoy como escala mayor natural


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La presente contribución tiene como finalidad examinar las diversas formas y circunstancias de transmisión de los epigramas damasianos desde que se colocaron en los cementerios suburbanos por voluntad del obispo de Roma en el s. IV hasta las primeras colecciones manuscritas de la época carolingia (ss. VIII-X)


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Las unidades de producción hortícola del Cinturón Verde del Gran Rosario surgen en un espacio tradicionalmente priorizado para la producción agropecuaria exportable. Presentes desde el siglo XIX en el área, fueron incrementándose en función del crecimiento demográfico hasta aproximadamente mediados de la década de 1970, cuando los precios internacionales pagados por la soja convirtieron a esta leguminosa en una ventajosa competidora por tierra. El incremento de la producción agrícola implicó una presión excesiva sobre el entorno natural de los espacios rurales, como una alteración de las condiciones de trabajo y de vida de las personas vinculadas a este territorio. Este trabajo indaga las modificaciones ocurridas en la estructura social hortícola zonal en los últimos 30 años.


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En este artículo analizaremos la trayectoria de un grupo de agricultores que fundó en el interior de la provincia de Misiones el Movimiento Agrario Misionero (MAM). Al principio, igual que en las demás provincias del Nordeste, los agricultores participaron juntos en las movilizaciones de protesta y fueron apoyados por el obispo católico del lugar. Los dirigentes se vincularon tempranamente con los líderes de la Tendencia de nivel nacional - creada por Montoneros- y de la capital provincial, y construyeron un discurso adonde afirmaban que el MAM debía representar, tanto a los medianos y pequeños propietarios como a la "clase trabajadora" del sector rural, lo que generó un creciente malestar entre sus filas. Con la llegada del peronismo al poder, se abrió otra etapa adonde quedaron expuestas las diferencias al interior del Movimiento. En 1974 se produjeron dos grandes rupturas: a principios de ese año, un grupo de agricultores formó la Asociación Misionera de Agricultores (AMA) y a mediados, otro sector decidió expulsar a los agricultores que integraban la conducción del MAM. Los expulsados formaron las Ligas Agrarias Misioneras (LAM) y en el medio de la escalada de la violencia armada y el pase a la clandestinidad de Montoneros, crearon junto a los dirigentes capitalinos, el Partido Descamisado primero y el Partido Auténtico después. Participaron de las elecciones de abril de 1975, ganaron dos bancas y en la Cámara Legislativa siguieron defendiendo los intereses de los "obreros rurales" y la instauración de la "patria socialista". Esta historia se vio violentamente interrumpida con la llegada del golpe militar del 24 de marzo de 1976, cuando los militantes del MAM, las LAM y del Partido Auténtico fueron el blanco de la represión en la provincia, aunque ésta se había iniciado unos meses antes. Pretendemos mostrar, a partir del microanálisis, cómo se fue organizando y consolidando desde 1972, este grupo de militantes locales provenientes de la capital provincial y del interior, que pretendió encuadrar al MAM en la Tendencia y fue perdiendo apoyos avanzada la década. Aún después de la expulsión, veremos de qué manera continuaron considerándose la "vanguardia" de los "agricultores" y de la "clase trabajadora rural". Todo esto en un clima adonde la cúpula de Montoneros ordenaba el pase a la clandestinidad y privilegiaba la lucha armada. En suma, trataremos de rescatar la complejidad que envolvió a estos grupos y que fue característica de esos años.


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The 12 January 2010, an earthquake hit the city of Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti. The earthquake reached a magnitude Mw 7.0 and the epicenter was located near the town of Léogâne, approximately 25 km west of the capital. The earthquake occurred in the boundary region separating the Caribbean plate and the North American plate. This plate boundary is dominated by left-lateral strike slip motion and compression, and accommodates about 20 mm/y slip, with the Caribbean plate moving eastward with respect to the North American plate (DeMets et al., 2000). Initially the location and focal mechanism of the earthquake seemed to involve straightforward accommodation of oblique relative motion between the Caribbean and North American plates along the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault system (EPGFZ), however Hayes et al., (2010) combined seismological observations, geologic field data and space geodetic measurements to show that, instead, the rupture process involved slip on multiple faults. Besides, the authors showed that remaining shallow shear strain will be released in future surface-rupturing earthquakes on the EPGFZ. In December 2010, a Spanish cooperation project financed by the Politechnical University of Madrid started with a clear objective: Evaluation of seismic hazard and risk in Haiti and its application to the seismic design, urban planning, emergency and resource management. One of the tasks of the project was devoted to vulnerability assessment of the current building stock and the estimation of seismic risk scenarios. The study was carried out by following the capacity spectrum method as implemented in the software SELENA (Molina et al., 2010). The method requires a detailed classification of the building stock in predominant building typologies (according to the materials in the structure and walls, number of stories and age of construction) and the use of the building (residential, commercial, etc.). Later, the knowledge of the soil characteristics of the city and the simulation of a scenario earthquake will provide the seismic risk scenarios (damaged buildings). The initial results of the study show that one of the highest sources of uncertainties comes from the difficulty of achieving a precise building typologies classification due to the craft construction without any regulations. Also it is observed that although the occurrence of big earthquakes usually helps to decrease the vulnerability of the cities due to the collapse of low quality buildings and the reconstruction of seismically designed buildings, in the case of Port-au-Prince the seismic risk in most of the districts remains high, showing very vulnerable areas. Therefore the local authorities have to drive their efforts towards the quality control of the new buildings, the reinforcement of the existing building stock, the establishment of seismic normatives and the development of emergency planning also through the education of the population.


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Claims that there will be a massive loss of species as tropical forests are cleared are based on the relationship between habitat area and the number of species. Few studies calibrate extinction with habitat reduction. Critics raise doubts about this calibration, noting that there has been extensive clearing of the eastern North American forest, yet only 4 of its approximately 200 bird species have gone extinct. We analyze the distribution of bird species and the timing and extent of forest loss. The forest losses were not concurrent across the region. Based on the maximum extent of forest losses, our calculations predict fewer extinctions than the number observed. At most, there are 28 species of birds restricted to the region. Only these species would be at risk even if all the forests were cleared. Far from providing comfort to those who argue that the current rapid rate of tropical deforestation might cause fewer extinctions than often claimed, our results suggest that the losses may be worse. In contrast to eastern North America, small regions of tropical forest often hold hundreds of endemic bird species.


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Oligogalacturonides are plant cell wall-derived regulatory molecules which stimulate defense gene expression during pathogenesis. In vitro, these compounds enhance the phosphorylation of an approximately 34-kDa protein (pp34) in purified plasma membranes from potato and tomato leaves. We now show that polygalacturonate-enhanced phosphorylation of pp34 occurs in plasma membranes purified from tomato roots, hypocotyls, and stems and from undifferentiated potato cells. Furthermore, a similar phosphorylation is detected in leaf plasma membranes from soybean, a plant distantly related to tomato. Purified oligogalacturonides 13 to at least 26 residues long stimulate pp34 thiophosphorylation in vitro. This stimulation pattern differs from the induction of many known defense responses in vivo, where a narrower range of smaller fragments, between approximately 10 and 15 residues long, are active. On the basis of these differences we suggest that observed effects of applied exogenous oligogalacturonides on defense responses may not necessarily reflect the situation during pathogenesis. The cell wall could act as a barrier to many exogenous oligo- and polygalacturonides as well as other large regulatory ligands.


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Stellar-mass black holes have all been discovered through X-ray emission, which arises from the accretion of gas from their binary companions (this gas is either stripped from low-mass stars or supplied as winds from massive ones). Binary evolution models also predict the existence of black holes accreting from the equatorial envelope of rapidly spinning Be-type stars1, 2, 3 (stars of the Be type are hot blue irregular variables showing characteristic spectral emission lines of hydrogen). Of the approximately 80 Be X-ray binaries known in the Galaxy, however, only pulsating neutron stars have been found as companions2, 3, 4. A black hole was formally allowed as a solution for the companion to the Be star MWC 656 (ref. 5; also known as HD 215227), although that conclusion was based on a single radial velocity curve of the Be star, a mistaken spectral classification6 and rough estimates of the inclination angle. Here we report observations of an accretion disk line mirroring the orbit of MWC 656. This, together with an improved radial velocity curve of the Be star through fitting sharp Fe ii profiles from the equatorial disk, and a refined Be classification (to that of a B1.5–B2 III star), indicates that a black hole of 3.8 to 6.9 solar masses orbits MWC 656, the candidate counterpart of the γ-ray source AGL J2241+4454 (refs 5, 6). The black hole is X-ray quiescent and fed by a radiatively inefficient accretion flow giving a luminosity less than 1.6 × 10−7 times the Eddington luminosity. This implies that Be binaries with black-hole companions are difficult to detect in conventional X-ray surveys.


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Includes copies of correspondence from James Otis, notes on the American Revolution, and an extract from the Journal of Congress, approximately 1760s-1780s.


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Draft of Tudor’s manuscript, interfiled with loose notes and extracts from John Reeves’ work on English law, and a copy of Otis’ supposed work, "An Appeal to the World, or, a Vindication of the Town of Boston," approximately 1760s-1820s.


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Biography of Banū Begam, surnamed Mumtāz Maḥall, and known as Tāj Bībī, wife of Shāh Jahān, and of the buildings connected with her name.


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Transects of a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) providing sea-bed videos and photographs were carried out during POLARSTERN expedition ANT-XV/3 focussing on the ecology of benthic assemblages on the Antarctic shelf in the South-Eastern Weddell Sea. The ROV-system sprint 103 was equiped with two video- and one still camera, lights, flash-lights, compass, and parallel lasers providing a scale in the images, a tether-management system (TMS), a winch, and the board units. All cameras used the same main lense and could be tilted. Videos were recorded in Betacam-format and (film-)slides were made by decision of the scientific pilot. The latter were mainly made under the aspect to improve the identification of organisms depicted in the videos because the still photographs have a much higher optical resolution than the videos. In the photographs species larger than 3 mm, in the videos larger than 1 cm are recognisable and countable. Under optimum conditions the transects were strait; the speed and direction of the ROV were determined by the drift of the ship in the coastal current, since both, the ship and the ROV were used as a drifting system; the option to operate the vehicle actively was only used to avoide obstacles and to reach at best a distance of only approximately 30 cm to the sea-floor. As a consequence the width of the photographs in the foreground is approximately 50 cm. Deviations from this strategy resulted mainly from difficult ice- and weather conditions but also from high current velocity and local up-welling close to the sea-bed. The sea-bed images provide insights into the general composition of key species, higher systematic groups and ecological guilds. Within interdisciplinary approaches distributions of assemblages can be attributed to environmental conditions such as bathymetry, sediment characteristics, water masses and current regimes. The images also contain valuable information on how benthic species are associated to each other. Along the transects, small- to intermediate-scaled disturbances, e.g. by grounding icebergs were analysed and further impact to the entire benthic system by local succession of recolonisation was studied. This information can be used for models predicting the impact of climate change to benthic life in the Southern Ocean. All these approaches contribute to a better understanding of the fiunctioning of the benthic system and related components of the entire Antarctic marine ecosystem. Despite their scientific value the imaging methods meet concerns about the protection of sensitive Antarctic benthic systems since they are non-invasive and they also provide valuable material for education and outreach purposes.


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Acquisition made accessible thanks to a 2015-2017 grant from the Council on Libraries and Information Resources.


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Mode of access: Internet.