998 resultados para Backman, Eero
Tutkielma keskittyy työssä tapahtuneiden kuolemantapausten normistoon ja oikeuskäytäntöön sekä Suomessa että Isossa-Britanniassa. Tutkimus on oikeusvertaileva, ja siinä on myös käytetty empiiristä tutkimusmetodia. Erityisesti mielenkiinto kohdistuu oikeushenkilöiden rankaisemiseen. Suomessa työturvallisuusrikoksesta on voitu tuomita oikeushenkilölle yhteisösakko vuodesta 2005 lähtien, ja Isossa-Britanniassa tuli vuonna 2008 voimaan laki, jonka pohjalta oikeushenkilöä voidaan rangaista henkilön kuoleman aiheuttamisesta rikoksen tekijänä. Oikeudellisen deskription kautta käydään läpi kummankin maan normistot, joiden pohjalta työkuolemaa oikeuskäytännössä on mahdollista arvioida. Suomen normeista mukana ovat työturvallisuusrikos, kuolemantuottamus ja yhteisösakko. Ison-Britannian normeista käsitellään Health and Safety at Work etc. act 1974, gross negligence manslaughter ja Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007, eli “yhteisötappo”. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto koostuu vertailtavista valtioista kootuista oikeustapauksista. Ison-Britannian tapauksista mukana ovat kaikki yhteisötapon nojalla tuomitut tapaukset lain voimaantulosta aina tämän tutkielman kirjoittamiseen asti (6.4.2008−31.8.2015). Suomen tapauksista mukana ovat kaikki tätä tutkimusta kirjoitettaessa lainvoimaiset käräjä- ja hovioikeuden tuomiot aikaväliltä 2010−2014, joissa henkilö on kuollut työssä sattuneessa äkillisessä tapahtumassa ja oikeushenkilölle on tämän seurauksena tuomittu rangaistuksena yhteisösakkoa. Jotta rangaistusten tasosta saisi paremman kuvan, tuomitut sakkosummat on suhteutettu prosentuaalisesti oikeushenkilön taloudellisiin lukuihin. Maiden normistojen ja vertailun pohjalta tutkimuksessa arvioidaan rangaistusten tasoa valtioissa, ja pohditaan voisiko oikeusjärjestelmillä olla jotain opittavaa toisiltaan työkuolemantapausten rankaisemisessa. Tutkielma osoittaa, että oikeushenkilöjen rankaiseminen työkuolemissa on molemmissa valtioissa ollut jokseenkin ongelmallista. Rangaistusten tasot ovat jääneet alle odotetun, eikä myöskään oikeushenkilöiden edustajien vastuun voida katsoa täysin aina toteutuneen.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää draamakasvatusta opiskelleiden ja sitä työssään käyttävien opettajien käsityksiä draamakasvatuksen sisällöistä ja tavoitteista sekä heidän kokemuksiaan draamallisten menetelmien käytöstä. Tutkimus pyrkii myös selvittämään opettajien käsityksiä draamakasvatuksen asemasta ja haasteista koulussa. Tutkimuksen taustalla on draamakasvatuksen oman opetussuunnitelman ja oppiaineen aseman puuttuminen sekä draaman painottaminen uudessa opetussuunnitelmassa. Tutkimusaineisto koottiin haastattelemalla kuutta draamaa opetuksessaan käyttävää opettajaa kevään 2014 ja kevään 2015 välisenä aikana. Tutkittavat ovat draamakasvatusta opiskelleita ylä- ja alakoulun opettajia. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen, ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua. Opettajat nimesivät draamakasvatuksen keskeisiksi sisällöiksi ja tavoitteiksi sosiaaliset taidot sekä itsestä oppimisen. Draamallisten menetelmien käytössä korostuivat draamalle ominaiset työtavat sekä opettajien näkemys draamakasvatuksesta kokonaisvaltaisena pedagogiikkana. Draaman eduksi opettajat katsoivat erityisen ilmapiirin ja haasteiksi nousi joukko sekä koulun sisäisiä ja ulkoisia haasteita että vaatimuksia opettajalle ja oppilaalle. Draamakasvatuksesta muodostuu kokonaisvaltainen tapa kasvattaa ja opettaa tulevaisuuden vaatimia taitoja.
In this thesis was performed comprehensive study about the convenience of scallops in plate structures. A literature review was performed and lack of knowledge was fulfilled with fatigue tests performed in the laboratory of Steel Structures at the Lappeenranta University of Technology and with finite element method. The aim of this thesis was to produce design guidance for the use of scallops for different structural details and different loading conditions. An additional aim was to include more precise instructions for scallop design to produce good fatigue resistance and appropriate manufacturing quality. The literature review was performed searching bridge engineering and maritime standards and design guides and studies from scientific databases and reference lists from the literature of this field. Fatigue tests were used to research the effect of using scallops or not using scallops to fatigue strength of bracket specimen. Tests were performed on three specimens with different scallop radii and to five specimens without scallops with different weld penetration depths. Finite element method using solid elements, symmetry and submodels was used to determine stress concentration factors for I-beams with scallops. Stresses were defined with hot spot stress method. Choosing to use a scallop or not in the structure is affected by many factors, such as structural and loading conditions and manufacturability. As a rule of thumb, scallops should be avoided because those cause stress concentration points to the structure and take a lot of time to manufacture. When scallops are not used, good quality welding should be provided and full weld penetration is recommended to be used in load carrying corner weld areas. In some cases, it is advisable to use scallops. In that case, circular scallops are recommended to be used and radius should be chosen from fatigue strength or manufacturing point of view.
The need behind this thesis was in the development of a more modern earning logic for a pelvic floor muscle home training device to which a portal solution is going to be introduced as a part of new upgraded version of the device. The goal is to offer useful guidelines and recommendations for the medical device manufacturer to use in the process of creating the new business model around the new product version. In the theoretical part of this thesis, the used theoretical frameworks for business model generation and pricing models are presented. The special characteristics of healthcare technology industry are also introduced as initial data for the empirical part. The empirical data is collected via interviews and meetings from both inside and outside of the company to gain a comprehensive picture of the issue at hand. The needed changes in the business model as well as possible pricing options are gone through in the empirical chapters with the main focus being on the incoming revenue streams and pricing. As results of the thesis recommendations are presented for the changes that are needed in the business model after the introduction of the portal solution. The results of this thesis can be used for finishing the development process of the new version of the device and especially the earning logic of it.
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional para describir los hallazgos radiológicos pre y postoperatorios de pacientes llevados a osteotomía periacetabular tipo Ganz, según las medidas radiológicas del mismo autor, en el Instituto de Ortopedia infantil Roosevelt entre los años 2008 y 2012.
Effective public policy to mitigate climate change footprints should build on data-driven analysis of firm-level strategies. This article’s conceptual approach augments the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm and identifies investments in four firm-level resource domains (Governance, Information management, Systems, and Technology [GISTe]) to develop capabilities in climate change impact mitigation. The authors denote the resulting framework as the GISTe model, which frames their analysis and public policy recommendations. This research uses the 2008 Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) database, with high-quality information on firm-level climate change strategies for 552 companies from North America and Europe. In contrast to the widely accepted myth that European firms are performing better than North American ones, the authors find a different result. Many firms, whether European or North American, do not just “talk” about climate change impact mitigation, but actually do “walk the talk.” European firms appear to be better than their North American counterparts in “walk I,” denoting attention to governance, information management, and systems. But when it comes down to “walk II,” meaning actual Technology-related investments, North American firms’ performance is equal or superior to that of the European companies. The authors formulate public policy recommendations to accelerate firm-level, sector-level, and cluster-level implementation of climate change strategies.
Notions of Class and Gender in the Employment Service Job Descriptions This article examines whether job descriptions emphasize different characteristics and competences depending on the occupations’ social class and gender relations. The study is partly a replication of a similar analysis conducted by Gesser in the 1970s. The purpose is to examine the prevalence of stereotypes in occupational descriptions provided by the Swedish state, and if the descriptions contribute to class and gender labeling of occupations and, by extension, its practitioners. Previous research has shown that career guiding materials are characterized by notions of the appropriate practitioner’s class and gender. In this study we depart from the concept of doxa and argue that stereotypical images of occupations are based on common sense that remains unquestioned. The study draws on a quantitative content analysis of 420 job descriptions analyzed by various statistical methods. The overall results show that there are systematic differences. In general, social class seems to have greater impact than gender on what kind of competences that are emphasized in the descriptions. Social skills are emphasized in female dominated occupations, while physical abilities are highlighted in male-dominated occupations. To some extent, these results are uncontroversial, as it also portraits abilities necessary to do the work in different kind of occupations
Includes bibliography
Large conurbations are a significant source of the anthropogenic pollution and demographic differences between cities that result in a different pollution burden. The metropolitan area of Sao Paulo (MASP, population 20 million) accounts for one fifth of the Brazilian vehicular fleet. A feature of MASP is the amount of ethanol used by the vehicular fleet, known to exacerbate air quality. The study describes the diurnal behaviour of the submicron aerosol and relies on total particle number concentration, particle number size distribution, light scattering and light absorption measurements. Modelled planetary boundary layer (PBL) depth and air mass movement data were used to aid the interpretation. During morning rush-hour, stagnant air and a shallow PBL height favour the accumulation of aerosol pollution. During clear-sky conditions, there was a wind shift towards the edge of the city indicating a heat island effect with implications on particulate pollution levels at the site. The median total particle number concentration for the submicron aerosol typically varied in the range 1.6 x 10(4)-3.2 x 10(4) cm(-3) frequently exceeding 4 x 10(4) cm-3 during the day. During weekdays, nucleation-mode particles are responsible for most of the particles by numbers. The highest concentrations of total particle number concentrations and black carbon (BC) were observed on Fridays. Median diurnal values for light absorption and light scattering (at 637 nm wavelength) varied in the range 12-33 Mm(-1) and 21-64 Mm(-1), respectively. The former one is equal to 1.8-5.0 mu g m(-3) of BC. The growth of the PBL, from the morning rush-hour until noon, is consistent with the diurnal cycle of BC mass concentrations. Weekday hourly median single-scattering albedo (omega(0)) varied in the range 0.59-0.76. Overall, this suggests a top of atmosphere (TOA) warming effect. However, considering the low surface reflectance of urban areas, for the given range of omega(0), the TOA radiative forcing can be either positive or negative for the sources within the MASP. On the average, weekend omega(0) values were 0.074 higher than during weekdays. During 11% of the days, new particle formation (NPF) events occurred. The analysed events growth rates ranged between 9 and 25 nm h(-1). Sulphuric acid proxy concentrations calculated for the site were less than 5% of the concentration needed to explain the observed growth. Thus, other vapours are likely contributors to the observed growth.