987 resultados para August, prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 1845-


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Entre los documentos del archivo de la Real Sociedad Econó-mica de Amigos del País de Valencia (RSEAPV)1, se encuentra un con-junto muy interesante concerniente a la realización de una medalla por parte de esta sociedad en honor de Manuel Godoy, Príncipe de la Paz. Es en enero de 1807 cuando la RSEAPV decide nombrarlo miembro protector de esa Real Sociedad y, en agradecimiento a su aceptación y su reciente nombramiento al Grande Almirantazgo de España e Yndias, acuña la medalla sobre la cual presento este trabajo. El estudio detallado de los citados documentos nos permitirá ir más allá de las imágenes re-presentadas en el reverso de la misma, proporcionándonos su correcta interpretación dentro del contexto histórico del momento.


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En este trabajo se discuten los aportes de la teoría sociológica contemporánea al debate filosófico y científico de la ontología, para ello son cotejados los componentes ontológicos de la Teoría General de Sistemas Sociales de Niklas Luhmann, lla Teoría de la Acción Comunicativa de Jürgen Habermas y la Actor-Network Theory de Bruno Latour.


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This chapter provides a wide-ranging account of theatre in Birmingham, the UK’s second largest city. As a vital centre for the production of mass armaments and vehicles essential for the war effort, Birmingham was home to a rapidly expanding and socially diverse population. I show how theatres overcame wartime constraints to reflect that diversity with examples drawn from the popular entertainment provided by the city’s music halls, variety and melodrama theatres contrasted with the more decorous touring plays, musicals and spectacular home-grown pantomimes enjoyed at the prestigious Theatre Royal and Prince of Wales. The dogged attempts by the recently-established Birmingham Repertory Theatre to sustain an artistically and intellectually ambitious programme of new and classic drama also reveal a more complex response to the effects of war.


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The most native fruit trees are belonging to Myrtaceae family, which it have as main marketing potential their fruit. Despite the wide acceptance of the fruits of these native fruit cultura, the establishment of commercial orchards is still necessary, because if it prevails extraction in the forest. To start the cultivo in the orchard, the first point is on the mother plant choice, which should provide superior characteristics when compared to other genotypes. Then, it is necessary to choose the method to can produce satisfactory amount of seedlings and preferably without it to lose the mother plant characteristics. For this, it adopts the asexual thechniques, with option for grafting, cuttings and air layering. These techniques when tested with native fruits tree, it proved limiting in theses results, with this, it should to test other it to recommend its use, especially, those fruit native of higher potential as jabuticaba tree, pitanga tree, sete capote tree and araça amarelo tree. The aim of this study was to test the use of asexual propagation through mini-cuttings in these native fruit trees, according to the time of collection, the mini-cutting length and concentration of IBA, as well as, it to relate the results of rooting with tryptophan extracted at certain times. The work was carried out at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, Brazil. The samples were collected each two months. The mini-cutting were prepared with 6 or 8 cm, with a pair of leaves reduced to 25% of the original size. The mini-cuttings had their base immersed in liquid solution of indole-butyric acid (IBA) in the concentrations of 0, 3000 and 6000 mg L-1 and then were placed in tubes containing commercial substrate. The experimental design was completely randomized with factorial 2 x 3 x 6 (mini-cutting length x IBA concentration x time of collection), with four replications, it being each plot varied according to the amount of shoots obtained by period time. After 120 days, the rooting and callus formation (%), average number of roots per mini-cutting and the average length of the roots were evaluated. After 60 days of these evaluations, the survival of mini-cuttings rooted after transplant was evaluated. It was evaluated also the production of mini-cuttings of each size in each period time. At the end of the experiment it was evaluated the percentage of survival of mother plantlets. For analysis of tryptophan was used materials branches, leaves and twigs with leaves, taken from the materials used for the production of mini-cutting. It was recommended for hybrid jabuticaba tree the use mini-cutting with eight cm, treated with 6000 mg L-1 of IBA and collected in June. For jabuticaba tree of cabinho and araça amarelo tree the period for propagation by mini-cuttings should be in August, regardless of IBA concentration and length of the mini-cutting. In the jabuticaba tree sabara and sete capote tree is important to obtain more satisfactory results realized the collect in October or December, with the same independence of other levels tested in other factors. However, for sete capote tree should test other techniques to increase the efficiency of propagation. And with pitanga tree recommended to the collection in June, but with 6cm the application of 3000 mg L-1 of IBA and 8 cm with 6000 mg L-1 of IBA.


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The instability of environment between years in climates of subtropical regions difficult to obtain peach trees genotypes with wide adaptation and stable production, contributing to poor crop. The climate instability can affect development stages as flower bud and vegetative bud formation. The factors understanding that control the bud formation, presents elementary importance for effective solutions search to these problems. The objective this work is verify the temperature effect, relative humidity and rainfall on bud density and length shoot (Brindilas) and identify genotypes with more adaptability and stability for this character. Was used 12 peach trees genotypes growing in experimental orchard in the Technology Federal of Paraná State University, Campus Pato Branco with Cfa Köppen climate according to the classification. Data of rainfall, hourly temperature were collected by the weather station of Simepar. They were used three plants for genotype (rehearsal), identify five shoots per tree, in May of each year. Were carried analyzes of length shoot CR (cm), count number of flower bud (GF) and vegetative bud (GV). Also calculated the relationship between GF/GV and flower bud density and vegetative bud density. Evaluations were performer annual 2007-2014. With these data adaptability and stability analyzes were performed using Biplot methodology and correlations analyzes (Pearson) with climates variables. They used the weather data to calculate the sums of hours with temperatures below 20 °C, temperatures between 20-25 °C, temperature between 25-30 °C and temperature above 30 °C, considering the period of August 1fst of the previous period to February 28 of the following year. Pearson correlation coefficients were used for path analysis, GF and DGF as basic variables. For CR, GV and GF the highest average occurred in 2009/10 period. The genotypes ‘BRS Kampai’ and ‘BRS Libra’ highest CR. They are considered stable and adapted as the CR genotypes ‘Casc. 967’ and ‘BRS Kampai’. There was negative correlation between CR and GV for Σh <20 ° C, Σh> 30 °C and Σh with URA <50% and positive correlation between these variables and Σh 25-30 °C and Σh with URA> 70%. The evaluation of GV ‘Cons. 681’ and ‘Casc. 1055’ can be considered adapted and stable. The lowest average was presented by the genotype ‘Sta. Áurea’ though the genotype is also stable. In GF evaluation genotypes are considered adapted ‘BRS Bonão’, ‘Casc. 1055’, ‘Cons. 681’ with adaptability to all evaluated period. In path analysis was direct effect Σh 25-30 °C on flower bud density. In evaluating DGV and DGF and the variations are due to genetic effect. The most adapted and stable genotypes for DGV were ‘T. Beauty’, ‘T. Snow’, ‘Casc. 1055’ and ‘Cons. 681’. CR and GV variables are strongly affected by environment. GF is strongly affected by genetic conditions and moderately affected by environment. DGV and DGF are affected basically by genetic conditions.


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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo mostrar los factores de éxito del programa de Responsabilidad Social de la Fundación Cardioinfantil, teniendo en cuenta que esta institución se ha convertido en un referente de compromiso social y sostenibilidad en el sector salud y en las instituciones de cuarto nivel de complejidad. Para alcanzar este objetivo se realizaron visitas y se aplicó un instrumento en la Fundación Cardioinfantil y en cuatro instituciones más del mismo nivel de atención en las ciudades de Bogotá, Cali y Medellín, donde generosamente aportaron información acerca del desarrollo de sus programas de Responsabilidad Social y de la aplicación de los tópicos contenidos en la ISO 26000 dentro de sus instituciones. Así mismo dentro de la Fundación Cardioinfantil se realizó una entrevista con la persona encargada de desarrollar el programa, quien manifestó los detalles del funcionamiento de este y los esfuerzos realizados para lograr la diferenciación en el sector salud. A través de este recorrido por las diferentes instituciones de salud consultadas y de la investigación realizada en la fundación Cardioinfantil se realizó una matriz DOFA que nos reveló la falta de comunicación en las mejoras realizadas en las diferentes organizaciones de salud, una vez han detectado las fallas en inherentes a su actuación con los grupos de interés. La adopción de estándares internacionales para la gobernanza y aplicación de los programas de RSE aún es incipiente en el sector salud en general. También es posible resaltar el hecho de que programas de RSE desarrollados a nivel de la fundación Cardioinfantil evolucionan hacia la innovación en la calidad de la atención y la trasformación de sus organizaciones hacia la mejora continua.


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Este trabajo exploratorio estudia al movimiento político Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD), creada con el fin de oponerse la Gobierno socialista existente en venezuela. La crítica que este documento realiza, parte desde el punto de vista de la Ciencia de la Complejidad. Algunos conceptos clave de sistemas complejos han sido utilizados para explicar el funcionamiento y organización de la MUD, esto con el objetivo de generar un diagnóstico integral de los problemas que enfrenta, y evidenciar las nuevas percepciones sobre comportamientos perjudiciales que el partido tiene actualmente. Con el enfoque de la complejidad se pretende ayudar a comprender mejor el contexto que enmarca al partido y, para, finalmente aportar una serie de soluciones a los problemas de cohesión que presen


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Biophysical and meteorological variables as well as radiometric canopy temperatures were collected in an intensive orchard near Évora, Portugal, with 28% ground cover by canopy and combined in a simplified two-source energy balance model (STSEB) to independently calculate the olive tree transpiration (T_STSEB) component of the total evapotranspiration (ETc). Sap flow observations were simultaneously taken in the same orchard allowing also for independent calculations of tree transpiration (T_SF). Model water use results were compared with water use estimates from the sap flow measurements. Good agreement was observed (R2=0.86, RMSE=0.20 mm d-1), with an estimation average absolute error (AAE) of 0.17 mm d-1. From June to August, on average olive water use were 1.92 and 1.89 mm d-1 for sap flow and STSEB model respectively, and 1.38 and 1.58 mm d-1 for the month of September. Results were also used to assess the olive basal crop coefficients (Kcb). Kcb estimates of 0.33 were obtained for sap flow and STSEB model, respectively, for June to August, and of 0.44 and 0.53 for the month of September. Basal crop coefficients were lower than the suggested FAO56 average Kcb values of 0.65 for June to August, the crop mid-season growth stage, and of 0.65 for the month of September, the end-season.


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Record-breaking rainfall amounts and intensities were observed at several raingauges in central Europe during the first half of August 2002 (Fig. 1). They produced flash floods in small rivers in the Erz Mountains, the Bohemian Forest and in Lower Austria (see Fig. 2), followed by record-breaking floods of larger rivers fed from these areas. The Vltava submerged parts of the city of Prague on 13± 15 August, and subsequently the Elbe flooded parts of Dresden and further villages and towns located downstream. The gauge level of 9.40m measured at Dresden on 17 August 2002 is the highest level since 1275, exceeding the former maximum level of 8.77m recorded in 1845 (Grollmann and Simon 2002). Parts of the Danube catchment were also affected by severe flooding. There were 100 fatalities connected with the floods in central Europe, and the economic loss is estimated at 9 billion Euros for Germany (German government’s estimate), 3 billion Euros for Austria, and 2.5 billion Euros for the Czech Republic (estimates from Boyle 2002). The event thus replaced the European winter storm Lothar of December 1999 (Ulbrich et al. 2001) as the most expensive weather-related catastrophe in Europe in recent decades (see Cornford 2002). In this study, we give an overview of the exceptional rainfall experienced over wide areas on 12/13 August 2002, and the resulting floods. Further events during early August 2002, in particular the event on 6/7 August in Lower Austria, are briefly mentioned.


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Handwritten letter sent by Joseph Moody, schoolmaster in York, to Harvard Tutor Nathan Prince recommending student Amos Main for acceptance to the College. In the letter, Moody requests Prince give Main an examination for admission, with the caveat that though Main has been studying Latin and Greek he has a difficult home life and is "somewhat Raw; yet I hope you'l wink at it." The letter, dated July 2, 1725, is written on a folded folio-sized leaf; there are handwritten notes about Massachusetts towns on the verso.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The address was by Walter A. Montgomery, the poem by Tasker Polk.