793 resultados para Audio-visual education.
Admitindo a produção estética como uma importante condição da existência humana, não é difícil entender a importância de se dar voz à juventude que tem uma produção poética rica, ainda desconhecida e pouco explorada à seu favor. Dar voz, aqui, sobretudo às suas imagens visuais, criar oportunidades de explorar a eloquência e as significações dessa literacia visual específica (Gil, 2011) e dar ouvidos ao que nos gritam tais imagens. A pagada aqui defendida se estende aos gadgets, às telas de celular, computadores, videoclipes, games, mangás, entre tantas outras fontes visuais e comportamentais. Assim, no permanente processo de ressignificação da escola, nos parece promissor o máximo aproveitamento das imagens que constituem a cultura visual que envolve o cotidiano dos estudantes. Esperamos que esta pesquisa mostre um pouco da riqueza, força ou energia cultural que existe no universo da pichação e a pertinência de sua reflexão em sala de aula como um caminho de elucidação não apenas dos seus aspectos estéticos e plásticos mas, também redefinir o papel político da afirmação de padrões estético-culturais e assim fortalecer o diálogo com os jovens estudantes periferizados
Parte da hipótese que a obra poética, artística ou não, tem força para além da mediação da palavra, ou seja, da afirmação de sentidos que obliterariam a eloquência da presença. Busca discorrer sobre a teoria da presença e sua importância na interlocução com a produção poética nas artes visuais contemporâneas. Aponta a utilidade dessa argumentação como perspectiva para problematizar a Cultura Visual e defender o investimento na elucidação do universo das imagens visuais como elemento de formação humana em sintonia com as questões da alteridade e com os tempos de hoje. Entende que o estudo equalizador entre as imagens visuais e as obras de arte visual favorece a autonomia dos indivíduos e o melhor aproveitamento do mundo das artes com menor risco de sujeição às hegemonias culturais
Visual search data are given a unified quantitative explanation by a model of how spatial maps in the parietal cortex and object recognition categories in the inferotemporal cortex deploy attentional resources as they reciprocally interact with visual representations in the prestriate cortex. The model visual representations arc organized into multiple boundary and surface representations. Visual search in the model is initiated by organizing multiple items that lie within a given boundary or surface representation into a candidate search grouping. These items arc compared with object recognition categories to test for matches or mismatches. Mismatches can trigger deeper searches and recursive selection of new groupings until a target object io identified. This search model is algorithmically specified to quantitatively simulate search data using a single set of parameters, as well as to qualitatively explain a still larger data base, including data of Aks and Enns (1992), Bravo and Blake (1990), Chellazzi, Miller, Duncan, and Desimone (1993), Egeth, Viri, and Garbart (1984), Cohen and Ivry (1991), Enno and Rensink (1990), He and Nakayarna (1992), Humphreys, Quinlan, and Riddoch (1989), Mordkoff, Yantis, and Egeth (1990), Nakayama and Silverman (1986), Treisman and Gelade (1980), Treisman and Sato (1990), Wolfe, Cave, and Franzel (1989), and Wolfe and Friedman-Hill (1992). The model hereby provides an alternative to recent variations on the Feature Integration and Guided Search models, and grounds the analysis of visual search in neural models of preattentive vision, attentive object learning and categorization, and attentive spatial localization and orientation.
A project within a computing department at the University of Greenwich, has been carried out to identify whether podcasting can be used to help understanding and learning of a subject (3D Animation). We know that the benefits of podcasting in education (HE) can be justified, [1]; [2]; [3]; [4]; [5]; [6] and that some success has been proven, but this paper aims to report the results of a term-long project that provided podcast materials for students to help support their learning using Xserve and Podcast Producer technology. Findings in a previous study [6] identified podcasting as a way to diversify learning and provde a more personalised learning experience for students, as well as being able to provide access to a greater mix of learning styles [7]. Finally this paper aims to present the method of capture and distribution, the methodologies of the study, analysis of results, and conclusions that relate to podcasting and enhanced supported learning.
This article focuses on the reading of audiovisual productions of contemporary art as a creative process, seeking to analyse which effects of meaning the articulations between the visual and sound systems produce, and the meaning that children give to then. It describes a video art, identifying the languages that compose it and the relationships that link them. Such reading exercise had as corpus of analysis the Chair video art, by Masaru Ozaki, and counted with the theoretical and methodological support of the discourse semiotics, especially with studies on assembly procedures that articulate visual and auditory languages. Also, it presents a focal study with the meanings that a group of children gave to the video art. The findings indicate the importance of including the reading of audiovisual productions of contemporary art at school through the problematization of effects of meaning produced by the interrelation between different languages. And they suggest some subsidies that allow teachers from different areas of knowledge to reflect about the visuality in their pedagogical practice; the choice of the audiovisual materials taken to the classroom and other ways of seeing these texts edited.
The sense of vision is people’s main source of information acquisition, hence the importance of a right diagnosis and correction, if necessary, of any faults for proper learning, especially in the early years of schooling. This article discusses the results of a survey of teachers in Andalusian schools that aimed at highlighting their knowledge of their students’ possible visual deficiencies, and its possible impact on school performance. The results indicate that such knowledge is generally limited to the type of refractive anomalies, and that they think that such anomalies are well treated in their students. Despite the importance they attach to these deficiencies on school learning, they think that other factors may have a greater role. They also consider that better training on this topic is necessary.
The contemporary dominance of visuality has turned our understanding of space into a mode of unidirectional experience that externalizes other sensual capacities of the body while perceiving the built environment. This affects not only architectural practice but also architectural education when an introduction to the concept of space is often challenging, especially for the students who have limited spatial and sensual training. Considering that an architectural work is not perceived as a series of retinal pictures but as a repeated multi-sensory experience, the problem definitions in the design studio need to be disengaged from the dominance of a ‘focused vision’ and be re-constructed in a holistic manner. A method to address this approach is to enable the students to refer to their own sensual experiences of the built environment as a part of their design processes. This paper focuses on a particular approach to the second year architectural design teaching which has been followed in the Department of Architecture at Izmir University of Economics for the last three years. The very first architectural project of the studio and the program, entitled ‘Sensing Spaces’, is conducted as a multi-staged design process including ‘sense games, analyses of organs and their interpretations into space’. The objectives of this four-week project are to explore the sense of space through the design of a three-dimensional assembly, to create an awareness of the significance of the senses in the design process and to experiment with re-interpreted forms of bodily parts. Hence, the students are encouraged to explore architectural space through their ‘tactile, olfactory, auditory, gustative and visual stimuli’. In this paper, based on a series of examples, architectural space is examined beyond its boundaries of structure, form and function, and spatial design is considered as an activity of re-constructing the built environment through the awareness of bodily senses.
Though much recent scholarship has investigated the potential of writing in creative practice (including visual arts, drama, even choreography), there are few models in the literature which discuss writing in the context of architectural education. The paper presented here aims to address this dearth of pedagogical research, analysing the cross-disciplinary Writing Architecture Project based in the undergraduate course of the School of Architecture at QUB. Over the course of four years, teaching staff, in partnership with the university's Learning Development Service, technicians and specialist librarians, have addressed an unfortunately persistent struggle for both architecture students and professionals alike to research and construct argument in written form. The paper examines the current problem as identified in the literature before analysing the efficacy of the variety of teaching methods used in the Writing Architecture Project, with conclusions about the project’s success and continuing challenges.
Benefiting from design in theory learning is not common in architecture schools. The general practice is to design in studio and to theorise in lectures. In the undergraduate module History and Theory in Architecture II at Queen’s University Belfast, students attend interactive lectures, participate in reading group discussions, design TextObjects, and write essays. TextObjects contain textual, audio and/or graphic representations that highlight a single concept or a complex set of issues derived from readings. Students experiment with diverse media, such as filmmaking, photography, and graphic design, some of which they experience for the first time. Lectures and readings revolve around theories of architectural representation, media and communication, which are practiced through TextObjects. This is a new way to link theory and practice in architectural education. Through action research, this study analyses this innovative teaching method called TextObject, which brings design and practice into architectural theory education to stimulate students towards critical thinking. The pedagogical research of architectural theoretician Necdet Teymur (1992, 1996, 2002) underlies the study.
Human listeners seem to be remarkably able to recognise acoustic sound sources based on timbre cues. Here we describe a psychophysical paradigm to estimate the time it takes to recognise a set of complex sounds differing only in timbre cues: both in terms of the minimum duration of the sounds and the inferred neural processing time. Listeners had to respond to the human voice while ignoring a set of distractors. All sounds were recorded from natural sources over the same pitch range and equalised to the same duration and power. In a first experiment, stimuli were gated in time with a raised-cosine window of variable duration and random onset time. A voice/non-voice (yes/no) task was used. Performance, as measured by d', remained above chance for the shortest sounds tested (2 ms); d's above 1 were observed for durations longer than or equal to 8 ms. Then, we constructed sequences of short sounds presented in rapid succession. Listeners were asked to report the presence of a single voice token that could occur at a random position within the sequence. This method is analogous to the "rapid sequential visual presentation" paradigm (RSVP), which has been used to evaluate neural processing time for images. For 500-ms sequences made of 32-ms and 16-ms sounds, d' remained above chance for presentation rates of up to 30 sounds per second. There was no effect of the pitch relation between successive sounds: identical for all sounds in the sequence or random for each sound. This implies that the task was not determined by streaming or forward masking, as both phenomena would predict better performance for the random pitch condition. Overall, the recognition of familiar sound categories such as the voice seems to be surprisingly fast, both in terms of the acoustic duration required and of the underlying neural time constants.
Before commencement of the academic year 2012/2013 the social sciences, public health and the biomedical sciences were taught to separate modules. This reinforced the idea off separate disciplines certainly for some of the younger students and a failure to appreciate the interconnectedness (whole person) perspective on health; separately modules taught and assessed in separate silos. There was limited understanding by the lecturers of the other areas that they were not teaching to -reflecting perhaps a dis-coordinated approach to health sciences (Mason and Whitehead 2003). As a result of significant discussion and interdisciplinary negotiation the life, social sciences public health/ health education were drawn together in the one module for the academic year 2012/13. The module provides the undergraduate students with an introduction to an understanding of Life Sciences, psychology, sociology and public health and their contribution within the context of nursing and midwifery. Each week’s teaching seeks to reflect against the other module delivered in first year - addressing clinical skills. The teaching is developing innovative e-learning approaches, including the use of a virtual community. The intention is to provide the student with a more integrated understanding and teaching to the individual’s health and to health within a social context (Lin 2001; Iles- Shih 2011). The focus is on health promotion rather than disease management. The module runs in three phases across the student’s first-year and teachers to the field of adult mental health, learning disability, children’s nursing and the midwifery students -progressively building on the student’s clinical experience. The predominant focus of the module remains on health and reflecting aspects of life and social life within N. Ireland. One of the particular areas of interest and an area of particular sensitivity is engaging the students to the context of the Northern Ireland civil unrest (the Troubles); this involves a co-educational initiative with service users, only previously attempted with social work students (Duffy 2012). The service users are represented by WAVE an organisation offering care and support to bereaved, traumatised or injured as a result of the violent civil conflict `the Troubles’. The `Troubles’ had ranged over an extended period and apart from the more evident and visual impact of death and injury, the community is marked by a disproportionate level of civil unrest, the extremes of bereavement, imprisonment, displacement antisocial behaviour and family dysfunction (Coulter et al. 2012). As co-educators with the School of Nursing and Midwifery, WAVE deliver a core lecture (augmented by online material), then followed by tutorials. The tutorials are substantially led by those who had been involved with and experienced loss and trauma as a result of the conflict (Health Service users) as `citizen trainers’ and provide an opportunity for them to share their experience and their recollection of personal interaction with nursing and midwifery students; in improving their understanding of the impact of `The Troubles’ on patients and clients affected by the events (Coulter et al. 2012) and to help better provide a quality of care cognisant of the particular needs of those affected by `the Troubles’ in N.Ireland. This approach is relatively unique to nursing in N. Ireland in that it involves many of those directly involved with and injured by the `Troubles’ as `citizen trainers’ and clearly reflects the School’s policy of progressively engaging with users and carers of nursing and midwifery services as co-educators to students (Repper & Breeze 2006). Only now could perhaps such a sensitive level of training to student nurses and midwives be delivered across communities with potential educative lessons for other communities experiencing significant civil unrest and sectarian conflict.
Experience obtained in the support of mobile learning using podcast audio is reported. The paper outlines design, storage and distribution via a web site. An initial evaluation of the uptake of the approach in a final year computing module was undertaken. Audio objects were tailored to meet different pedagogical needs resulting in a repository of persistent glossary terms and disposable audio lectures distributed by podcasting. An aim of our approach is to document the interest from the students, and evaluate the potential of mobile learning for supplementing revision