986 resultados para Ap-3 Adapter Complex


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The near-critical behaviour in complex fluids, comprising electrolyte solutions, polymer solutions and amphiphilic systems, reveals a marked departure from the 3-D Ising behaviour. This departure manifests itself either in terms of a crossover from Ising to mean-field (or classical) critical behaviour, when moving away from a given critical point (Tc), or by the persistence of only mean-field region in the surprisingly close vicinity of Tc. The ilo,non-Ising features of the osmotic compressibility (chi(T,p)) in solutions of electrolytes, that exhibit orle or many liquid-liquid transitions, will be presented. The underlying cause of the breakdown of the anticipated 3-D Ising behaviour in aqueous electrolyte solutions is traced to the structuring induced by the electrolytes. New evidence constituting, measurements of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and the excess molar volume, is advanced to support the thesis of the close relationship, between the structuring and the deviation from the 3-D Ising critical behaviour in aqueous electrolyte solutions.


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Pre-mRNA splicing occurs in spliceosomes whose assembly and activation are critical for splice site selection and catalysis. The highly conserved NineTeen complex protein complex stabilizes various snRNA and protein interactions early in the spliceosome assembly pathway. Among several NineTeen complex-associated proteins is the nonessential protein Bud31/Ycr063w, which is also a component of the Cef1p subcomplex. A role for Bud31 in pre-mRNA splicing is implicated by virtue of its association with splicing factors, but its specific functions and spliceosome interactions are uncharacterized. Here, using in vitro splicing assays with extracts from a strain lacking Bud31, we illustrate its role in efficient progression to the first catalytic step and its requirement for the second catalytic step in reactions at higher temperatures. Immunoprecipitation of functional epitope-tagged Bud31 from in vitro reactions showed that its earliest association is with precatalytic B complex and that the interaction continues in catalytically active complexes with stably bound U2, U5, and U6 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins. In complementary experiments, wherein precatalytic spliceosomes are selected from splicing reactions, we detect the occurrence of Bud31. Cross-linking of proteins to pre-mRNAs with a site-specific 4-thio uridine residue at the -3 position of exon 1 was tested in reactions with WT and bud31 null extracts. The data suggest an altered interaction between a similar to 25-kDa protein and this exonic residue of pre-mRNAs in the arrested bud31 null spliceosomes. These results demonstrate the early spliceosomal association of Bud31 and provide plausible functions for this factor in stabilizing protein interactions with the pre-mRNA.


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The maximal rate of a nonsquare complex orthogonal design for transmit antennas is 1/2 + 1/n if is even and 1/2 + 1/n+1 if is odd and the codes have been constructed for all by Liang (2003) and Lu et al. (2005) to achieve this rate. A lower bound on the decoding delay of maximal-rate complex orthogonal designs has been obtained by Adams et al. (2007) and it is observed that Liang's construction achieves the bound on delay for equal to 1 and 3 modulo 4 while Lu et al.'s construction achieves the bound for n = 0, 1, 3 mod 4. For n = 2 mod 4, Adams et al. (2010) have shown that the minimal decoding delay is twice the lower bound, in which case, both Liang's and Lu et al.'s construction achieve the minimum decoding delay. For large value of, it is observed that the rate is close to half and the decoding delay is very large. A class of rate-1/2 codes with low decoding delay for all has been constructed by Tarokh et al. (1999). In this paper, another class of rate-1/2 codes is constructed for all in which case the decoding delay is half the decoding delay of the rate-1/2 codes given by Tarokh et al. This is achieved by giving first a general construction of square real orthogonal designs which includes as special cases the well-known constructions of Adams, Lax, and Phillips and the construction of Geramita and Pullman, and then making use of it to obtain the desired rate-1/2 codes. For the case of nine transmit antennas, the proposed rate-1/2 code is shown to be of minimal delay. The proposed construction results in designs with zero entries which may have high peak-to-average power ratio and it is shown that by appropriate postmultiplication, a design with no zero entry can be obtained with no change in the code parameters.


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Curcumin (Hcur) as a cellular imaging and PDT agent shows remarkable photocytotoxicity in HeLa cells in visible light of 400-700 nm giving IC50 = 8.2 +/- 0.2 mu M and its degradation is arrested on formation of photocytotoxic dipyridophenazine (dppz) complex VO(cur)(dppz)Cl] (IC50 = 3.3 +/- 0.4 mu M), while both are less toxic in the dark.


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The Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Complex is composed of granite-greenstone cratonic rocks reworked by a Neoarchean high-grade tectono-metamorphic event. Petrographic and mineral chemical characterization of an Al-Mg granulite from this zone is presented here. The granulite has a gneissic fabric with distinct Al-rich and Si-rich layers, with the former preserving the unusual lamellar (random and regular subparallel) intergrowths of corundum and symplectic intergrowth of spinel with orthopyroxene. The Al-rich layer preserves mineral assemblages such as rutile with orthopyroxene + sillimanite +/- A quartz, Al-rich orthopyroxene (similar to 11 wt%), spinel + quartz, and corundum in possible equilibrium with quartz, while the Si-rich layer preserves antiperthites and orthopyroxene + sillimanite +/- A quartz, all considered diagnostic of ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism. Application of Al-in-opx thermometry, ternary feldspar thermometry and construction of suitable pressure-temperature phase diagrams, compositional and model proportion isopleth results indicate P-T conditions as high as similar to 1,050-1,100 A degrees C, and similar to 10-12 kbars for the Al-Mg granulite. Our report of ultrahigh-temperature conditions is significant considering that the very high temperature was reached during decompression of an otherwise high-pressure granulite complex (clockwise P-T path), whereas most other ultrahigh-temperature granulites are linked to magma underplating at the base of the crust (counterclockwise P-T path).


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The synthesis, molecular structure, DNA binding and nuclease activity of Cu4O4 open-cubane tetranuclear copper(II) complex with 3-2-(ethyl amino)ethyl]imino]-2-butanoneoxime (HL) are reported for the first time. The neutral tetranuclear Cu4L4(ClO4)(4)] complex crystallizes in tetragonal space group P (4) over bar2(1)c with the unit cell parameters; a = 13.798(4) angstrom, b = 13.798(4) angstrom, c = 14.119(6) angstrom, V = 2688(16) angstrom(3), Z = 8, R = 0.0636. Symmetrically equivalent copper atoms exhibit a CuN3O3 elongated distorted octahedral coordination environment, with three nitrogen atoms of the L ligand and one oxime-oxygen atom of second L ligand at equatorial positions, one oxime-oxygen atom of the third L ligand and perchlorate oxygen at axial positions. The complex shows quasireversible cyclic voltammetric response at 0.805 V (Delta E-p = 277 mV) at 100 mV s (1) in DMF for the Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox couple. The binding study of the complex with calf-thymus DNA has been investigated using absorption spectrophotometry. The complex shows strong nuclease activity on stranded pBR 322 plasmid DNA in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and marginal nuclease activity in the presence of reducing agent (dithiothreitol). (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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We present a detailed study of a 3+2+1] cascade cyclisation of vinylcyclopropanes (VCP) catalysed by a bromenium species (Brd+?Xd-) generated in situ, which results in the synthesis of chiral bicyclic amidines in a tandem one-pot operation. The formation of amidines involves the ring-opening of VCPs with Br?X, followed by a Ritter-type reaction with chloramine-T and a tandem cyclisation. The reaction has been further extended to vinylcyclobutane systems and involves a 4+2+1] cascade cyclisation with the same reagents. The versatility of the methodology has been demonstrated by careful choice of VCPs and VCBs to yield bicyclo4.3.0]-, -4.3.1]- and -4.4.0]amidines in enantiomerically pure form. On the basis of the experimental observations and DFT calculations, a reasonable mechanism has been put forth to account for the formation of the products and the observed stereoselectivity. We propose the existence of a p-stabilised homoallylic carbocation at the cyclopropane carbon as the reason for high stereoselectivity. DFT studies at B3LYP/6-311+G** and M06-2X/6-31+G* levels of theory in gas-phase calculations suggest the ring-opening of VCP is initiated at the p-complex stage (between the double bond and Br?X). This can be clearly perceived from the solution-phase (acetonitrile) calculations using the polarisable continuum model (PCM) solvation model, from which the extent of the ring opening of VCP was found to be noticeably high. Studies also show that the formation of zero-bridge bicyclic amidines is favoured over other bridged bicyclic amidines. The energetics of competing reaction pathways is compared to explain the product selectivity.


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A temperature dependent neutron powder diffraction study, in conjunction with dielectric and ferroelectric characterization, of slightly Ca modified Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT) revealed an instability with regard to a non-polar orthorhombic (Pbnm) distortion above room temperature. This intermediate orthorhombic phase has earlier been reported for unmodified NBT by electron diffraction studies, but has never been captured by global (x-ray/neutron) diffraction techniques. Calcium substitution seems to amplify the magnitude of this intermediate orthorhombic distortion thereby making the corresponding superlattice reflections become visible in the neutron diffraction pattern. The study revealed the following sequence of very complex structural evolution with temperature: Cc -> Cc + Pbnm -> Pbnm + P4/mbm -> P4/mbm -> Pm (3) over barm.


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The design and synthesis of an intensely blue rhodium(III) complex 3]+ of a new N,N-donor ligand, 8-(quinolin-8-ylamino)pyrido2,1-c]1,2,4]benzotriazin-11-ium, 2]+, which contains a planar pendant triazinium arm, is described. Structural characterization for 3]+ was carried out by using various spectroscopic techniques and single-crystal X-ray crystallography. The organometallic rhodium(III) compound shows a ligand-based reversible reduction at 0.65 V. The electrochemically reduced compound displays a single-line EPR spectrum that signifies the formation of ligand-based free radicals. Compound 3]+ shows a binding propensity to calf thymus DNA to give a Kapp value of 6.05X105 M1. The parent triazinium salt, pyrido2,1-c]1,2,4]benzotriazin-11-ium 1]+ and the ligand salt 2]+ exhibit photoinduced cleavage of DNA in UV-A light, whereas the reference Rh complex 3]+ photocleaves DNA with red light (647.1 nm). The compounds show photonuclease activities under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Mechanistic investigations under aerobic conditions with several inhibitors indicate the formation of hydroxyl radicals by means of a photoredox pathway. Under anaerobic conditions, it is believed that a photoinduced oxidation of DNA mechanism is operative. Compound 3]+ exhibits photocytotoxicity in HeLa cervical cancer cells to give IC50 values of (12+/-0.9) mu M in UV-A light at 365 nm and (31.4+/-1.1) mu M in the dark.


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Lanthanide(III) complexes Ln(R-tpy)(cur)(NO3)(2)] (Ln = La(III) in 1, 2; Gd(III) in 5, 6) and Ln(R-tpy)(scur)(NO3)(2)] (Ln = La(III) in 3, 4; Gd(III) in 7, 8), where R-tpy is 4'-phenyl-2,2':6',2 `'-terpyridine (ph-tpy in 1, 3, 5, 7), 4'-(1-pyrenyl)-2,2':6',2 `'-terpyridine (py-tpy in 2, 4, 6, 8), Hcur is curcumin (in 1, 2, 5, 6) and Hscur is diglucosylcurcumin (in 3, 4, 7, 8), were prepared and their DNA photocleavage activity and photocytotoxicity studied. Complexes La(ph-tpy)(cur)(NO3)(2)] (1) and Gd(ph-tpy)(cur)(NO3)(2)] (5) were structurally characterized. The complexes in aqueous-DMF showed an absorption band near 430 nm and an emission band near 515 nm when excited at 420 nm. The complexes are moderate binders to calf-thymus DNA. They cleave plasmid supercoiled DNA to its nicked circular form in UV-A (365 nm) and visible light (454 nm) via O-1(2) and (OH)-O-center dot pathways. The complexes are remarkably photocytotoxic in HeLa cells in visible light (lambda = 400-700 nm) and are non-toxic in the dark. FACScan analysis of the HeLa cells treated with 2 and 4 showed cell death via an apoptotic pathway. Nuclear localization of 1-4 is evidenced from confocal imaging on HeLa cells. The hydrolytic instability of curcumin gets significantly reduced upon binding to the lanthanide ions while retaining its photocytotoxic potential.


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Ternary copper(II) complex Cu(a-lipo)(phen)(Cl)](NO3) where a-lipo = a-lipoic acid, phen is N, N-donor heterocyclic base, 1,10-phenanthroline was synthesized, characterized, and its DNA binding and cleavage activity were studied. Binding interactions of the complex with calf thymus (CT) DNA has been investigated by emission, viscosity, and DNA melting studies. The complex shows efficient oxidative cleavage of SC-DNA in the presence of 3-mercaptopropionic acid involving hydroxyl radical species, and results of control experiments exhibit the inhibition of DNA cleavage in the presence of hydroxyl radical scavengers, viz. DMSO and KI.


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Oximato bridged dinuclear copper(II) complex Cu(L)(CH3OH)](2)(ClO4)(2) with an oxime-Schiff base ligand, viz. 3-2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]imino]-2-butanoneoxime (HL), has been synthesized and structurally characterized. The dinuclear copper(II) complex crystallizes in monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with the unit cell parameters, a = 13.3564(9) angstrom, b = 12.0821(8) angstrom, c = 17.5045(11) angstrom, beta = 90.097, V = 2824.8(3) angstrom(3), Z = 4, R = 0.0769. The complex shows quasi-reversible cyclic voltammetric response at 0.844V (Delta E-p = 276 mV) at 100 mVs(-1). The binding studies of the complex with calf thymus DNA has been investigated using absorption spectrophotometry. Cleavage activity of the complex has been carried out on double stranded pBR 322 plasmid DNA by using gel electrophoresis experiments in the absence and in the presence of the oxidant, viz., H2O2.


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In this manuscript, rotational spectra of four new isotopologues of the S-H center dot center dot center dot pi bonded C2H4 center dot center dot center dot H2S complex, i.e., C2D4 center dot center dot center dot H2S, C2D4 center dot center dot center dot D2S, C2D4 center dot center dot center dot HDS, and (CCH4)-C-13 center dot center dot center dot H2S have been reported and analyzed. All isotopologues except C2D4 center dot center dot center dot HDS show a four line pattern whereas a doubling of the transition frequencies was observed for C2D4 center dot center dot center dot HDS. These results together with our previous report on the title complex M. Goswami, P. K. Mandal, D. J. Ramdass, and E. Arunan, Chem. Phys. Lett. 393(1-3), 22-27 (2004)] confirm that both subunits (C2H4 and H2S) are involved in large amplitude motions leading to a splitting of each rotational transition to a quartet. Further, the results also confirm that the motions which are responsible for the observed splittings involve both monomers. Molecular symmetry group analysis, considering the interchange of equivalent H atoms in H2S and C2H4 could explain the observed four line pattern and their intensities in the microwave spectrum. In addition, hydride stretching fundamentals of the complex were measured using coherence-converted population transfer Fourier Transform Microwave-infrared (IR-MW double resonance) experiments in the S-H and C-H stretch regions. Changes in the tunneling splittings upon vibrational excitation are consistent with the isotopic dependence of pure rotational transitions. A complexation shift of 2.7-6.5 cm(-1) has been observed in the two fundamental S-H stretching modes of the H2S monomer in the complex. Vibrational pre-dissociation in the bound S-H stretch has been detected whereas the instrument-limited line-shapes in other S-H and C-H stretches indicate slower pre-dissociation rate. Some local perturbations in the vibrational spectra have been observed. Two combination bands have been observed corresponding to both the S-H stretching fundamentals and what appears to be the intermolecular stretching mode at 55 cm(-1). The tunneling splitting involved in the rotation of C2H4 unit has been deduced to be 1.5 GHz from the IR-MW results. In addition, ab initio barrier heights derived for different motions of the monomers support the experimental results and provide further insight into the motions causing the splitting. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Ellipsometric measurements in a wide spectral range (from 0.05 to 6.5 eV) have been carried out on the organic semiconducting polymer, poly2-methoxy-5-(3',7'-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylene-vinylene] (MDMO-PPV), in both undoped and doped states. The real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function and the refractive index are determined accurately, provided that the layer thickness is measured independently. After doping, the optical properties show the presence of new peaks, which could be well-resolved by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Also for the doped material, the complex refractive index, with respect to the dielectric function, has been determined. The broadening of the optical transitions is due to the delocalization of polarons at higher doping level. The detailed information about the dielectric function as well as refractive index function obtained by spectroscopic ellipsometry allows not only qualitative but also quantitative description of the optical properties of the undoped/doped polymer. For the direct characterization of the optical properties of MDMO-PPV, ellipsometry turns out to be advantageous compared to conventional reflection and transmission measurements.


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In this article we present the syntheses, characterizations, magnetic and luminescence properties of five 3d-metal complexes, Co(tib)(1,2-phda)](n)center dot(H2O)(n) (1), Co-3(tib)(2)(1,3-phda)(3)(H2O)](n)center dot(H2O)(2n) (2), Co-5(tib)(3)(1,4-phda)(5)(H2O)(3)](n)center dot(H2O)(7n) (3), Zn-3(tib)(2)(1,3-phda)(3)](n)center dot(H2O)(4n) (4), and Mn(tib)(2)(H2O)(2)](n)center dot(1,4-phdaH)(2n)center dot(H2O)(4n) (5), obtained from the use of isomeric phenylenediacetates (phda) and the neutral 1,3,5-tris(1-imidazolyl)benzene (tib) ligand. Single crystal X-ray structures showed that 1 constitutes 3,5-connected 2-nodal nets with a double-layered two-dimensional (2D) structure, while 2 forms an interpenetrated 2D network (3,4-connected 3-nodal net). Complex 3 has a complicated three-dimensional structure with 10-nodal 3,4,5-connected nets. Complex 4, although it resembles 2 in stoichiometry and basic building structures, forms a very different overall 2D assembly. In complex 5 the dicarboxylic acid, upon losing only one of the acidic protons, does not take part in coordination; instead it forms a complicated hydrogen bonding network with water molecules. Magnetic susceptibility measurements over a wide range of temperatures revealed that the metal ions exchange very poorly through the tib ligand, but for the Co(II) complexes the effects of nonquenched orbital contributions are prominent. The 3d(10) metal complex 4 showed strong luminescence with lambda(max) = 415 nm (lambda(ex) = 360 nm).