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Recurso para que los alumnos de secundaria desarrollen una comprensión de los factores que causan la migración, antes de examinar sus efectos sobre los salida de los migrantes e inmigrantes de los lugares de origen y las zonas que los reciben. La migración rural-urbana en China y la inmigración ilegal en los Estados Unidos son dos de los ejemplos a explorar por los estudiantes, antes de culminar el tema con la elaboración de un cartel sobre la migración en su área local.
Recurso para el profesor para la etapa clave 3 (Key Stage 3). Se centra en lugares reales, espacios reales y en investigaciones reales. Proporciona todo el apoyo necesario para asegurar a los estudiantes la exploración de la migración de una manera, dinámica y activa. Incluye planes de lecciones, hojas de actividades, presentaciones en PowerPoint, fotografías, actividades interactivas y video clips.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Hacia una educación inclusiva y personalizada mediante el uso de los sistemas de diálogo multimodal.
Los continuos avances en el desarrollo de tecnologías de la información han dado lugar actualmente a la posibilidad de acceder a los contenidos educativos desde cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento y de forma casi instantánea. Sin embargo, la accesibilidad no es siempre considerada como criterio principal en el diseño de aplicaciones educativas, especialmente para facilitar su utilización por parte de personas con discapacidad. Diferentes tecnologías han surgido recientemente para fomentar la accesibilidad a las nuevas tecnologías y dispositivos móviles, favoreciendo una comunicación más natural con los sistemas educativos. En este artículo se describe el uso innovador de los sistemas de diálogo multimodales en el campo de la educación, con un especial énfasis en la descripción de las ventajas que ofrecen para la creación de aplicaciones educativas inclusivas y adaptadas a la evolución de los estudiantes.
Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: "La investigaci??n sobre la identidad profesional del profesorado en Europa
An overview is given on a study which showed that not only in chemical reactions but also in the favorable case of nontotally symmetric vibrations where the chemical and external potentials keep approximately constant, the generalized maximum hardness principle (GMHP) and generalized minimum polarizability principle (GMPP) may not be obeyed. A method that allows an accurate determination of the nontotally symmetric molecular distortions with more marked GMPP or anti-GMPP character through diagonalization of the polarizability Hessian matrix is introduced
RESUMO:O hábito de ler é decorrente do exercício e nem sempre se constitui num ato prazeroso, porém, sempre necessário. Por este motivo se deve recorrer a estímulos para criar o hábito de leitura em nossos alunos. Desta forma, a disciplina de Educação Física pode também contribuir para este processo. Por ser uma disciplina que envolve a dimensão motora, cognitiva e expressionista, a sua relação com a leitura é quase que intrínseca, porém, viabilizada de formas diferentes. É certo que a criança não conseguirá na sua totalidade, uma absorção intelectual explícita da leitura para construir uma realidade virtual e representar em gestos corporais, a partir de um conjunto léxico de significantes e significados correspondentes à postura física. No entanto, o exercício da leitura desenvolve na criança capacidades cognitivas de mais valia que lhe possibilita níveis satisfatórios de representatividade corporal. As atividades recreativas oferecem, sem dúvida, um processo excepcional para fazer as crianças tomarem parte ativamente no processo do ensino, como participantes, em vez de meros espectadores. A proposta deste trabalho de intervenção busca auxiliar o professor de Educação Física no campo de atuação profissional do pesquisador, tendo como delimitação do campo de investigação o Centro de Educação Básica Governador Freitas Neto, escola da rede municipal de Educação de Teresina e, Colégio Lerote, da rede particular de Teresina. Deste modo, os objetivos do presente estudo consistem em analisar as contribuições da disciplina de Educação Física para a aprendizagem do ensino da prática de leitura com crianças do Ensino Fundamental, nas séries iniciais com escolas da rede municipal e particular da cidade de Teresina – Piauí. Concluiu-se que com um trabalho integrado da Educação Física com o processo de alfabetização nas primeiras séries do Ensino Fundamental, essa etapa pode ser vista de forma rica e ampla. Assim, com essa contribuição, aprender a ler e escrever pode, pois, se tornar mais natural e mais divertido. ABSTRACT: The habit of reading is a result of exercise and is not always a pleasurable act, but always necessary. For this reason one should resort to incentives to create the reading habit in our students. Thus, the discipline of Physical Education can also contribute to this process. Because it is a discipline that involves the size motor, cognitive and expressionistic, their relationship with reading that is almost inherent, however, made possible in different ways. It is true that the child can not in its entirety, an explicit intellectual absorption of reading to construct a virtual reality and represented body gestures from a whole lexicon of signifiers and meanings corresponding to the physical posture. However, the exercise of reading the child develops cognitive abilities that enables him to gain more satisfactory levels of representative body. The recreational activities offer, no doubt, an exceptional procedure to make the children take part actively in the process of education, as participants rather than spectators. The purpose of this intervention work intends to help the physical education teacher in the professional field of research, with the delimitation of the field of research the Centre for Basic Education Governador Freitas Neto, the municipal school of Teresina and Education, College Lerote, from private Teresina. Thus, the objectives of this study are to analyze the contributions of physical education for learning the practice of teaching reading with children of elementary school, in the early grades with municipal schools and particularly the city of Teresina - Piauí. It was concluded that with an integrated physical education with the acquisition of literacy in the early grades of elementary school, this step can be seen in a rich and broad. So, with this contribution, learning to read and write may therefore become more natural and fun.
Wetlands in southern Alberta are often managed to benefit waterfowl and cattle production. Effects on other species usually are not examined. I determined the effect of managed wetlands on upland-nesting shorebirds in southern Alberta by comparing numbers of breeding willets (Catoptrophorus semipalmatus), marbled godwits (Limosa fedoa), and long-billed curlews (Numenius americanus) among areas of managed wetlands, natural wetland basins, and no wetland basins from 1995 to 2000. Surveys were carried out at 21 sites three times each year. Nine to ten of these areas (each 2 km2) were searched for nests annually from 1998–2000. Numbers of willets and marbled godwits and their nests were always highest in areas with managed wetlands, probably because almost all natural wetland basins were dry in this region in most years. Densities of willets seen during pre-incubation surveys averaged 2.3 birds/km2 in areas of managed wetlands, 0.4 in areas of natural wetland basins, and 0.1 in areas with no wetland basins. Nest densities of willets (one search each season) averaged 1.5, 0.9, and 0.3 nests/km2 in areas of managed, natural, and no wetland basins, respectively. Similarly, pre-incubation surveys averaged 1.6, 0.6, and 0.2 godwits/km2 in areas of managed, natural, and no wetland basins, and 1.2, 0.3, and 0.1 godwit nests/km2. For long-billed curlews, pre-incubation surveys averaged 0.1, 0.2, and 0.1 birds/km2, and 0, 0.2, and 0 nests/km2. Nest success was similar in areas with and without managed wetlands. Shallow managed wetlands in this region appear beneficial to willets and marbled godwits, but not necessarily to long-billed curlews. Only 8% of marked willets and godwits with nests in the area were seen or heard during surveys, compared with 29% of pre-laying individuals and 42% of birds with broods. This suggests that a low and variable percentage of these birds is counted during breeding bird surveys, likely limiting their ability to adequately monitor populations of these species.
Pairs of counter-propagating Rossby waves (CRWs) can be used to describe baroclinic instability in linearized primitive-equation dynamics, employing simple propagation and interaction mechanisms at only two locations in the meridional plane—the CRW ‘home-bases’. Here, it is shown how some CRW properties are remarkably robust as a growing baroclinic wave develops nonlinearly. For example, the phase difference between upper-level and lower-level waves in potential-vorticity contours, defined initially at the home-bases of the CRWs, remains almost constant throughout baroclinic wave life cycles, despite the occurrence of frontogenesis and Rossby-wave breaking. As the lower wave saturates nonlinearly the whole baroclinic wave changes phase speed from that of the normal mode to that of the self-induced phase speed of the upper CRW. On zonal jets without surface meridional shear, this must always act to slow the baroclinic wave. The direction of wave breaking when a basic state has surface meridional shear can be anticipated because the displacement structures of CRWs tend to be coherent along surfaces of constant basic-state angular velocity, U. This results in up-gradient horizontal momentum fluxes for baroclinically growing disturbances. The momentum flux acts to shift the jet meridionally in the direction of the increasing surface U, so that the upper CRW breaks in the same direction as occurred at low levels
This paper provides a generalisation of the structural time series version of the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) that allows for time-varying coefficients (TVC/AIDS) in the presence of cross-equation constraints. An empirical appraisal of the TVC/AIDS is made using a dynamic AIDS with trending intercept as the baseline model with a data set from the Italian Household Budget Survey (1986-2001). The assessment is based on four criteria: adherence to theoretical constraints, statistical diagnostics on residuals, forecasting performance and economic meaningfulness. No clear evidence is found for superior performance of the TVC/AIDS, apart from improved short-term forecasts.