998 resultados para Alciati, Andrea, 1492-1550.


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The relationship between population and government in the City of Buenos Aires is analyzed, focusing on the tensions generated by the arrival of new individuals, a local elite with great interests in commerce and in charge of community affairs, and Spanish functionaries that progressively adopted the ideals of the Bourbon Dynasty, despite also being implicated in local logics. It interests us to observe the governors’ perspectives with respect to everyday developments in the city, their preoccupations and interests, and how they would vary the mechanisms to which they resorted in order to organize daily life, in the period defined between 1740 and 1776.


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La berenjena (Solanum melongena L.) es una planta solanácea de múltiples variedades, cuyos ancestros salvajes se sitúan en Indochina y el este de África. Su cultivo fue muy temprano en zonas de China e India. Aun así, no se extendió al Occidente antiguo ni apenas se conoció, de ahí su ausencia en los textos clásicos de botánica y farmacología. Fueron los árabes quienes llevaron el cultivo de la planta por el Norte de África y Al-Andalus, de donde pasó ya a Europa. Los primeros testimonios occidentales de la berenjena aparecen en traducciones latinas de textos árabes, para incorporarse luego a la literatura farmacológica medieval y, más tarde ya, a la del Renacimiento, que empezó a tratar de ella por su posible parecido con una especie de mandrágora. Pese a que se le reconocían algunas virtudes medicinales, siempre se la tuvo bajo sospecha por ser de sabor poco agradable, indigesta y causante de algunas afecciones. Solo los botánicos de finales del Renacimiento describirían la planta y sus variedades con criterios más «científicos» y botánicos, ya sin apenas intereses farmacológicos.


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The production of artistic prints in the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Netherlands was an inherently social process. Turning out prints at any reasonable scale depended on the fluid coordination between designers, platecutters, and publishers; roles that, by the sixteenth century, were considered distinguished enough to merit distinct credits engraved on the plates themselves: invenit, fecit/sculpsit, and excudit. While any one designer, plate cutter, and publisher could potentially exercise a great deal of influence over the production of a single print, their individual decisions (Whom to select as an engraver? What subjects to create for a print design? What market to sell to?) would have been variously constrained or encouraged by their position in this larger network (Who do they already know? And who, in turn, do their contacts know?) This dissertation addresses the impact of these constraints and affordances through the novel application of computational social network analysis to major databases of surviving prints from this period. This approach is used to evaluate several questions about trends in early modern print production practices that have not been satisfactorily addressed by traditional literature based on case studies alone: Did the social capital demanded by print production result in centralized, or distributed production of prints? When, and to what extent, did printmakers and publishers in the Low countries favor international versus domestic collaborators? And were printmakers under the same pressure as painters to specialize in particular artistic genres? This dissertation ultimately suggests how simple professional incentives endemic to the practice of printmaking may, at large scales, have resulted in quite complex patterns of collaboration and production. The framework of network analysis surfaces the role of certain printmakers who tend to be neglected in aesthetically-focused histories of art. This approach also highlights important issues concerning art historians’ balancing of individual influence versus the impact of longue durée trends. Finally, this dissertation also raises questions about the current limitations and future possibilities of combining computational methods with cultural heritage datasets in the pursuit of historical research.


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The efficient generation of second-harmonic light and squeezed light requires non-linear crystals that have low absorption at the fundamental and harmonic wavelengths. In this work the photo-thermal self-phase modulation technique is exploited to measure the absorption coefficient of periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) at 1,550 nm and 775 nm. The measurement results are (84 +/- 40) ppm/cm and (127 +/- 24) ppm/cm, respectively. We conclude that the performance of state-of-the-art frequency doubling and squeezed light generation in PPKTP is not limited by absorption.


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Rezension von: Andrea Goldenbaum: Innovationsmanagement in Schulen. Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Implementation eines Sozialen Lernprogramms. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2012 (320 S.; ISBN 978- 3-531-19424-0)


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En la “Storia di Ugho da Vernia de Andrea da Barberino: Edición crítica” se ha querido replantear el estudio de un escritor toscano a caballo entre los siglos XIV y XV cuya producción tuvo mucha difusión y aceptación en su tiempo, y del que algunas de sus obras siguen interesando en nuestros días. Para ello el objetivo principal ha sido el de esbozar un análisis de una de sus obras más peculiares, la Storia di Ugho da Vernia, peculiar porque en ella se reúnen aspectos importantes de las chansons de geste francesas, de las novelas caballerescas y de los libros de caballerías; especialmente de la chanson se puede destacar que el protagonista pertenece al linaje de Garin de Monglane le fier o narbonnais que, como sus parientes, lucha contra los sarracenos y es un buen vasallo ―no se rebela ante la absurda petición de su señor de ir al infierno e incluso soporta las burlas de este―; de los libros de caballería podrían proceder los seres irreales contra los que se enfrenta como dragones, serpientes enormes, gigantes, etc., a los que indefectiblemente vence y, por último, de las novelas caballerescas, la pátina de realidad que se desprende del modo de narrar y de algunos lugares evocados en los que se desarrolla la acción, como Santiago de Compostela, Roma, Jerusalén, Calabria, Grecia, etc., donde los tres primeros son los principales puntos de peregrinación occidentales. En lo que concierne al texto, se ha tratado de ofrecer una edición crítica que dé inicio a posteriores investigaciones desde las distintas perspectivas de análisis que el texto exige; hay que tener en cuenta que en 1882 F. Zambrini y A. Bacchi della Lega editaron la obra, pero se limitaron a transcribirla, como ellos mismos comentan en la introducción; es más, siguieron la copia que había transcrito un bibliotecario de la Biblioteca Magliabechiana. En 1968 se realizó una reimpresión del texto sin aportar nada nuevo y en 2013 se ha incorporado a la red siguiendo los formatos MLA y APA, cuya diferencia radica en la forma de presentar los textos...


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IntroducciónMucho se ha escrito desde las más diversas ópticas y más se escribirá aún en torno al V Centenario de la llegada de los europeos a Abya- yalaNo es para menos, Un hecho histórico de tal envargadura y sus múltiples consecuencias así como lo ha requerido. en el año de 1492 se produjo una expansión europea a razón del mercantilismo del renacimiento. Un "nuevo mundo" -para Europea fue "nuevo" -sin lugar a dudas vino a cambiar lo cotidiano y geopolíticamente la vida y pensamiento de todos los europeos y de todos los pueblos impactados en el seno de Abya-yala...


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IntroducciónEl reciente libro publicado por el Dr. Juan Rafael Quesada América Latina. Memoria e Identidad (1492-1992). San José. Editorial Respuesta, 1993, explora la rica y aún poco tratada "veta" de las mentalidades colectivas por parte de los historiadores costarricenses.El autor, formado inicialmente en la historia económica, como era propio de la historiografía costarricense en la década del 70, se ha preocupado ya a partir de la década del 80 por los procesos poco esutdiados de la hostoriografía costarricense así como por el papel que en la historia social juegan las cosmovisiones y discursos ideológicos formados y construidos a partir de la jerarquización y estratificación de la sociedad


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Il segreto di Pietramala (La nave di Teseo, 2018) è il primo romanzo di Andrea Moro e si caratterizza per la discussione di teorie linguistiche all’interno di una veste narrativa. A partire dai contenuti del romanzo, i cinque capitoli in cui si articola l’elaborato propongono una riflessione sul ruolo che la linguistica riveste e sul modo in cui emerge nella narrazione, sui principi di analogia e anomalia e sul rapporto tra sintassi e cervello, sull’acquisizione del linguaggio e sull’ipotesi di una lingua primigenia, sulla linguistica come scienza empirica e sulla natura della sintassi, sull’impossibilità di stilare graduatorie di valore delle lingue.


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Una delle domande che ha da sempre profondamente interessato l’ambito degli studi linguistici è se sia la lingua a riflettere la società dei parlanti o se sia la società dei parlanti a essere plasmata dalla lingua. O, ancora, se esse non siano direttamente coinvolte in una dinamica di reciproca influenza che permette loro di modellarsi a vicenda. Qualunque sia la risposta, certo è che negli ultimi tempi la società ha cambiato radicalmente il proprio modo di pensare e approcciarsi ad alcune tematiche, quali, ad esempio, la questione dell’identità di genere e dei diritti delle comunità LGBTQ+. È dunque inevitabile che il linguaggio che ha a che fare con tale ambito della società rimanga inalterato e non subisca cambiamenti in termini di usi e caratteristiche. L’obiettivo di queste pagine è quello di esplorare le problematiche legate all’uso improprio del linguaggio in relazione alle identità di genere non binarie, facendo riferimento in particolare al testo poetico e alla sua traduzione e fornendo, infine, un esempio pratico di come poche accortezze possano rendere il linguaggio totalmente inclusivo e più accomodante per coloro che attraversano i confini del binarismo di genere.


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Protocols for the generation of dendritic cells (DCs) using serum as a supplementation of culture media leads to reactions due to animal proteins and disease transmissions. Several types of serum-free media (SFM), based on good manufacture practices (GMP), have recently been used and seem to be a viable option. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of the differentiation, maturation, and function of DCs from Acute Myeloid Leukemia patients (AML), generated in SFM and medium supplemented with autologous serum (AS). DCs were analyzed by phenotype characteristics, viability, and functionality. The results showed the possibility of generating viable DCs in all the conditions tested. In patients, the X-VIVO 15 medium was more efficient than the other media tested in the generation of DCs producing IL-12p70 (p=0.05). Moreover, the presence of AS led to a significant increase of IL-10 by DCs as compared with CellGro (p=0.05) and X-Vivo15 (p=0.05) media, both in patients and donors. We concluded that SFM was efficient in the production of DCs for immunotherapy in AML patients. However, the use of AS appears to interfere with the functional capacity of the generated DCs.


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Previous results provided evidence that Cratylia mollis seed lectin (Cramoll 1,4) promotes Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes death by necrosis via a mechanism involving plasma membrane permeabilization to Ca(2+) and mitochondrial dysfunction due to matrix Ca(2+) overload. In order to investigate the mechanism of Ca(2+) -induced mitochondrial impairment, experiments were performed analyzing the effects of this lectin on T. cruzi mitochondrial fraction and in isolated rat liver mitochondria (RLM), as a control. Confocal microscopy of T. cruzi whole cell revealed that Cramoll 1,4 binding to the plasma membrane glycoconjugates is followed by its internalization and binding to the mitochondrion. Electrical membrane potential (∆Ψm ) of T. cruzi mitochondrial fraction suspended in a reaction medium containing 10 μM Ca(2+) was significantly decreased by 50 μg/ml Cramoll 1,4 via a mechanism insensitive to cyclosporine A (CsA, membrane permeability transition (MPT) inhibitor), but sensitive to catalase or 125 mM glucose. In RLM suspended in a medium containing 10 μM Ca(2+) this lectin, at 50 μg/ml, induced increase in the rate of hydrogen peroxide release, mitochondrial swelling, and ∆Ψm disruption. All these mitochondrial alterations were sensitive to CsA, catalase, and EGTA. These results indicate that Cramoll 1, 4 leads to inner mitochondrial membrane permeabilization through Ca(2+) dependent mechanisms in both mitochondria. The sensitivity to CsA in RLM characterizes this lectin as a MPT inducer and the lack of CsA effect identifies a CsA-insensitive MPT in T. cruzi mitochondria.


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The scope of this paper is to analyze the self-declared symptoms and state of well-being of participants in the Yoga and Promotion of Health program, which consisted of hatha yoga lessons. It includes body exercises and breathing techniques, as well as ethical and philosophical content, administered to two groups of lecturers, workers and students of a public university in the State of São Paulo from August to December 2011 and March to June 2012. The participants filled out the adapted version of the Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile form at the beginning and end of the program. Of the 20 participants in Group 1, eight filled out the form and half of them reported the improvement of self-declared symptoms; as regards the state of well being, three of them felt they had improved. In Group 2, which also had 20 participants, nine completed the program and all of them reported improvements of self-declared symptoms and well-being. In conclusion, yoga is a mind-body practice which exerts an important therapeutic effect on most practitioners and also promotes health for the majority of them, expanding their capacity of self perception and self care. However, it should be noted that it doesn't achieve the same positive effect for all practitioners as some yoga traditions advocate.