951 resultados para Agroecological cropping


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Aflatoxins are a family of fungal toxins that are carcinogenic to man and cause immunosuppression, cancer and growth reduction in animals. We conducted a cross-sectional study among 480 children (age 9 months to 5 years) across 4 agroecological zones (SS, NGS, SGS and CS) in Benin and Togo to identify the effect of aflatoxin exposure on child growth and assess the pattern of exposure. Prior reports on this study [Gong, Y.Y., Cardwell, K., Hounsa, A., Egal, S., Turner, Hall, A.J., Wild, C.P., 2002. Dietary aflatoxin exposure and impaired growth in young children from Benin and Togo: cross sectional study. British Medical Journal 325, 20-21, Gong, Y.Y., Egal, S., Hounsa, A., Turner, P.C., Hall, A.J., Cardwell, K., Wild, C.P., 2003. Determinants of aflatoxin exposure in young children from Benin and Togo, West Africa: the critical role of weaning and weaning foods. International Journal of Epidemiology, 32, 556-562] showed that aflatoxin exposure among these children is widespread (99%) and that growth faltering is associated with high blood aflatoxinalbumin adducts (AF-alb adducts), a measure of recent past exposure. The present report demonstrates that consumption of maize is an important source of aflatoxin exposure for the survey population. Higher AF-alb adducts were correlated with higher A. flavus (CFU) infestation of maize (p=0.006), higher aflatoxin contamination (ppb) of maize (p<0.0001) and higher consumption frequencies of maize (p=0.053). The likelihood of aflatoxin exposure from maize was particularly high in agro-ecological zones where the frequency of maize consumption (SGS and CS), the presence of allatoxin in maize (SGS) or the presence of A. flavus on maize (NGS and SGS) was relatively high. Socio-economic background did not affect the presence of A. flavus and aflatoxin in maize, but better maternal education was associated with lower frequencies of maize consumption among children from the northernmost agro-ecological zone (SS) (p=0.001). The impact of groundinit consumption on aflatoxin exposure was limited in this population. High AF-alb adduct levels were correlated with high prevalence of A. flavus and aflatoxin in groundinit, but significance was weak after adjustment for weaning status, agro-ecological zone and maternal socio-economic status (resp. p = 0.091 and p = 0.083). Ingestion of A. flavus and aflatoxin was high in certain agro-ecological zones (SS and SGS) and among the higher socio-economic strata due to higher frequencies of groundnut consumption. Contamination of groundnuts was similar across socio-economic and agroecological boundaries.

In conclusion, dietary exposure to aflatoxin from groundnut was less than from maize in young children from Benin and Togo. Intervention strategies that aim to reduce dietary exposure in this population need to focus on maize consumption in particular, but they should not ignore consumption of groundnuts. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study reports on the geochemical and mineralogical characterization of a lateritic profile cropping out in the Balkouin area, Central Burkina Faso, aimed at obtaining a better understanding of the processes responsible for the formation of the laterite itself and the constraints to its development. The lateritic profile rests on a Paleoproterozoic basement mostly composed of granodioritic rocks related to the Eburnean magmatic cycle passing upwards to saprolite and consists of four main composite horizons (bottom to top): kaolinite and clay-rich horizons, mottled laterite and iron-rich duricrust. In order to achieve such a goal, a multi-disciplinary analytical approach was adopted, which includes inductively coupled plasma (ICP) atomic emission and mass spectrometries (ICP-AES and ICP-MS respectively), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS) and micro-Raman spectroscopy.

The geochemical data, and particularly the immobile elements distribution and REE patterns, show that the Balkouin laterite is the product of an in situ lateritization process that involved a strong depletion of the more soluble elements (K, Mg, Ca, Na, Rb, Sr and Ba) and an enrichment in Fe; Si was also removed, particularly in the uppermost horizons. All along the profile the change in composition is coupled with important changes in mineralogy. In particular, the saprolite is characterized by occurrence of abundant albitic plagioclase, quartz and nontronite; kaolinite is apparently absent. The transition to the overlying lateritic profile marks the breakdown of plagioclase and nontronite, thus allowing kaolinite to become one of the major components upwards, together with goethite and quartz. The upper part of the profile is strongly enriched in hematite (+ kaolinite). Ti oxides (at least in part as anatase) and apatite are typical accessory phases, while free aluminum hydroxides are notably absent. Mass change calculations emphasize the extent of the mass loss, which exceeds 50 wt% (and often 70 wt%) for almost all horizons; only Fe was significantly concentrated in the residual system.

The geochemical and mineralogical features suggest that the lateritic profile is the product of a continuous process that gradually developed from the bedrock upwards, in agreement with the Schellmann classic genetic model. The laterite formation must have occurred at low pH (? 4.5) and high Eh (? 0.4) values, i.e., under acidic and oxidizing environments, which allowed strongly selective leaching conditions. The lack of gibbsite and bohemite is in agreement with the compositional data: the occurrence of quartz (± amorphous silica) all along the profile was an inhibiting factor for the formation of free aluminum hydroxides.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Agricultura Sustentável, apresentada na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.


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A utilização insustentável de pesticidas, especialmente em zonas com elevado valor ecológico constitui uma ameaça à integridade dos ecossistemas. Sendo um problema à escala mundial, e também no contexto nacional, o presente trabalho pretende ser um contributo para a avaliação dos efeitos de pesticidas em organismos não alvo terrestres e, principalmente, aquáticos, em contextos de progressiva relevância ecológica. Neste sentido, o estudo foi direccionado para áreas (A1 e A2) integradas numa zona agrícola extensa em Portugal, utilizada para a produção de milho e, principalmente, de arroz (Baixo Mondego), a qual sustenta uma elevada biodiversidade. O estudo teve início na área A1, onde a monitorização físico-química e os ensaios com amostras naturais (ensaios WET - whole effluent tests) provenientes desta área evidenciaram que, apesar da ausência de pesticidas, as amostras de água colhidas no canal que atravessava os arrozais foram as mais nocivas para o crescimento de Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata e Chlorella vulgaris. Uma vez que outras fontes de contaminação (produção de gado) actuavam em A1, o estudo prosseguiu apenas na área A2. Assim, em A2, começou-se por determinar a toxicidade individual e da mistura de dois herbicidas formulados aplicados nos campos de arroz (Viper®) e milho (Mikado®) em condições laboratoriais. Viper® foi o herbicida mais tóxico, tanto para o crescimento de P. subcapitata e C. vulgaris, como para a sobrevivência, reprodução e crescimento de Daphnia longispina e Daphnia magna. Adicionalmente, estimou-se que a mistura Viper®/Mikado® induz efeitos antagonistas no crescimento de P. subcapitata e efeitos sinérgicos no crescimento de C. vulgaris e na sobrevivência dos dafnídeos. A avaliação da toxicidade destes herbicidas formulados e seus ingredientes activos no comportamento de minhocas terrestres (Eisenia andrei), usando solos naturais, demonstrou que Viper® e penoxsulam causaram uma % de evitamento superior nos organismos expostos. Contudo, o risco para E. andrei será à partida reduzido se as taxas de aplicação dos herbicidas forem respeitadas. Ensaios WET foram novamente usados para testar amostras naturais da área A2. Verificou-se que a qualidade do sistema aquático e do arrozal diminuiu durante a estação agrícola, em paralelo com a presença de nutrientes e pesticidas. O crescimento algal foi inibido, apesar dos parâmetros de história de vida dos dafnídeos terem sido estimulados. O resultado desta avaliação subestimou, em certos casos, os impactos reais causados pela aplicação de pesticidas. A avaliação in situ simultânea à aplicação de herbicidas nos arrozais demonstrou que os efeitos registados foram de facto restritos aos pulsos de herbicidas. A inibição das taxas de alimentação de D. longispina e D. magna forneceram um sinal precoce de alterações no sistema, seguido pela diminuição da sua sobrevivência e do crescimento de P. subcapitata. Em suma, as diferentes fases da avaliação efectuada confirmaram a existência de condições desfavoráveis devido às práticas agrícolas, reforçando a necessidade de se conjugar ensaios laboratoriais com avaliações in situ de maior relevância ecológica, para reduzir o grau de incerteza aliado à determinação dos riscos.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Ecohidrologia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos, 26 Fevereiro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa Para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energia e Bioenergia


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In this thesis I explore how the material properties of plant seed enter the political discourses of the international peasant coalition the Via Campesina and coalition member the National Fanners Union of Canada (NFU), querying how this process might be employed as a resource for a transformative eco-social politics. I employ several post-structural theoretical constructs, configuring them together as a "minor theory". This minor theory provides the basis for a "minor" reading of three sets of Via Campesina and NFU texts. The aim of these readings is to track the movement of seed from a local agricultural concern to a transitive political one, across both the material and discursive registers. In surfacing the presence of the seed's physical properties in the three texts, I highlight the distinctions between the constraining seed of corporate industrial agriculture, and the social and agroecological opportunities resulting from what I call a "Seed Event".


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Intercropping systems are seen as advantageous as they can provide higher crop yield and diversity along with fewer issues related to pests and weeds than monocultures. However, plant interactions in intercropped crop species and between crops and weeds in these systems are still not well understood. The main objective of this study was to investigate interactions between onion (Allium cepa) and yellow wax bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in monocultures and intercropping with and without the presence of a weed species, either Chenopodium album or Amaranthus hybridus. Another objective of this study was to compare morphological traits of C. album from two different populations (conventional vs. organic farms). Using a factorial randomized block design, both crop species were planted either in monoculture or intercropped with or without the presence of one of the two weeds. The results showed that intercropping onion with yellow wax bean increased the growth of onion but decreased the growth of yellow wax bean when compared to monocultures. The relative yield total (RYT) value was 1.3. Individual aboveground dry weight of both weed species under intercropping was reduced about 5 times when compared to the control. The poor growth of weeds in intercropping might suggest that crop diversification can help resist weed infestations. A common garden experiment indicated that C. album plants from the conventional farm had larger leaf area and were taller than those from the organic farm. This might be associated with specific evolutionary adaptation of weeds to different farming practices. These findings contribute to the fundamental knowledge of crop-crop interactions, crop-weed competition and adaptation of weeds to various conditions. They provide insights for the management of diversified cropping systems and integrated weed management as practices in sustainable agriculture.


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La fertilisation phosphatée est très répandue dans les pratiques agricoles Nord-Américaines. Bien que généralement très efficace pour augmenter la production végétale, son utilisation peut engendrer certaines contaminations environnementales. Afin de diminuer ce problème, plusieurs pratiques de gestion sont envisagées. Parmi celles-ci, on retrouve l’intéressante possibilité de manipuler la flore microbienne car cette dernière est reconnue pour son implication dans bons nombres de processus fondamentaux liés à la fertilité du sol. Cette étude a démontré que lors d’essais en champs, la forme de fertilisant ajouté au sol ainsi que la dose de phosphore (P) appliquée avaient un impact sur la distribution des microorganismes dans les différentes parcelles. Une première expérience menée sur une culture de luzerne en prairie semi-aride a montré que les échantillons provenant de parcelles ayant reçu différentes doses de P présentaient des différences significatives dans leurs communautés bactériennes et fongiques. La communauté de CMA est restée similaire entre les différents traitements. Une deuxième expérience fut menée pendant trois saisons consécutives afin de déterminer l’effet de différentes formes de fertilisation organiques et minérale ajustées selon une dose unique de P sur les populations bactériennes et fongiques d’une culture intensive de maïs en rotation avec du soja. Les résultats des analyses ont montrés que les populations varient selon le type de fertilisation reçu et que les changements sont indépendants du type de végétaux cultivé. Par contre, les populations microbiennes subissent une variation plus marquée au cours de la saison de culture. La technique de DGGE a permis d’observer les changements frappant la diversité microbienne du sol mais n’a permis d’identifier qu’une faible proportion des organismes en cause. Parallèlement à cette deuxième étude, une seconde expérience au même site fut menée sur la communauté de champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules (CMA) puisqu’il s’agit d’organismes vivant en symbiose mutualiste avec la majorité des plantes et favorisant la nutrition de même que l’augmentation de la résistance aux stress de l’hôte. Ceci permit d’identifier et de comparer les différents CMA présents dans des échantillons de sol et de racines de maïs et soja. Contrairement aux bactéries et aux champignons en général, les CMA présentaient une diversité très stable lors des différents traitements. Par contre, au cours des trois années expérimentales, il a été noté que certains ribotypes étaient significativement plus liés au sol ou aux racines. Finalement, l’ensemble de l’étude a démontré que la fertilisation phosphatée affecte la structure des communautés microbiennes du sol dans les systèmes évalués. Cependant, lors de chaque expérience, la date d’échantillonnage jouait également un rôle prépondérant sur la distribution des organismes. Plusieurs paramètres du sol furent aussi mesurés et ils présentaient aussi une variation au cours de la saison. L’ensemble des interactions possibles entre ces différents paramètres qui, dans certains cas, variaient selon le traitement appliqué, aurait alors probablement plus d’impact sur la biodiversité microbienne que la seule fertilisation.


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réalisé en cotutelle avec la Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Université Tunis El Manar.


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Women participating in work outside home and the resultant change in Labour market structure placeing female labour as a strong component were breakthrough of twentieth centry. The major share of women labourers in India is crowding in agriculture, household industries and other traditional sectors. Shift in cropping pattern has adverse impacts on female labour. Female labour lost opportunities in the labour market this has adverse impact on family consumption. The study is directed to investigate the impact of female labour saving shift in cropping on female labour force participation and the resultant change in household consumption pattern the specific objectives this study are impact of change in the cropping pattern on employment, change female employment, family consumption pattern and changing situations of womenlabour in agriculture sector.


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The present study on the dynamics of land use in recently settled forest areas. In the course of events, tribals lost their land; the demographic structure of Attappady changed; the cropping pattern got diversified; traditional techniques of production were ruined; new crops and new techniques of cultivation came to stay; and the entire cost and return structure of production underwent radical change. Migration to Attappady is essentially a continuation of the Malabar migration process from Travancore, through, some people from Tamil Nadu also had migrated to this region earlier. The demographic structure, along with land structure, has changed in favour of the settlers within a short span of time. Lack of security of ownership has acted as a strong reason for wanton exploitation of land resources. The major influencing factors on crop choices among settlers were labour endowment, date of settlement and education. Attappady is an unique ecosystem in Kerala characterized by many interdependables. The latest hand of environmental degradation is a grave danger especially on sloppy terrains,which are under cultivation of tapioca and dry annual crops like groundnuts, cotton, grams etc. Soil erosion as a result of the unplanned cultivation of these crops has resulted in dramatic decline in soil fertility and hence low crop productivity. This calls for a watershed management approach for the sustainable development of the region. A progressive agrarian transformation is warranted to maintain the homegarden as a sustainable production system in ecological and socio-economic terms.


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Farm communication and extension programs are vital part of the farm development attempts. Electronic media plays a major role in farm extension activities. Kerala, the consumer state, which was a complete agricultural state in pre-independence period, is the sprouting land of agricultural extension and publication activities in print media. Later AIR (All India Radio) farm programs and farm broadcasting of Doordarshan enriched the role of electronic media in farm extension activities. The media saturated southern state of India received this new electronic media farm communication revolution whole heartedly. However, after 1990, Kerala witnessed a flood of private T V channels and currently there are 24 channels in this regional language, named Malayalam. All major news and entertainment channels are broadcasting farm programs. Farm programs of AIR and Doordarshan, broadcasted in Malayalam language, have been well accepted to the farmers‘ in Kerala. However, post-independence period, witnessed the formation of Kerala state in Indian Union and the first ballot-elected communist Government started its administration. After the land reform bills, the state witnessed a gradual decrease in agricultural production. Even if it is not reflected much in the attitude and practices of farm community and farm broadcast of traditional electronic broadcasting, a change is observable after the post-liberalization era of India. Private Television channels, which were focused on entertainment value of programs, started broadcasting farm programs and the parameters of program production went through certain changes. In this situation, there is ample relevance for a study about the farm programs of electronic media in terms of a comparative study of audience perception. The study is limited in the state of Kerala as it is the most media saturated state in India. The study analyzes the rate, nature and scope of adoption of farming methods transmitted through electronic media (T.V. and Radio) in Malayalam language.All kinds of Farm programs including comprehensive program serials, success stories, seasonal cropping methods, experts opinion, been analyzed on the basis of the following objectives.  To find whether propagating new farm methods through farm programs in electronic media or the availability of adequate infrastructure and economic factors make a farmer to adopt a new farming method.  To find which electronic media has more influence on farmers to adopt agricultural programs.  To find which form of electronic media gets better feedback from farmers  To find out whether the programs of T.V. or Radio is more acceptable to farmers than the print media.  To find whether farmers gets the message through their preferred medium for the message. The researcher recorded opinions from a panel of agricultural officers, farm Information officers, agro extension researchers and experts. According to their opinions and guidelines, a pilot study is designed and conducted in Kanjikuzhy Panchayath, in Alappuzha district, Kerala. The Panchayath is selected by considering its ideal nature of being the sample for a social Science research. Besides, the nature of farming in the Panchayath, which devoid of the cultivation of cash crops also supported its sample value. As per the observations from the pilot study, researcher confirmed the Triangulation method as the methodology of research. The questionnaire survey, being the primary part contained 42 Questions with 6 independent and 32 dependent variables. The survey is conducted among 400 respondents in Idukki, Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta districts considering geographical differences and distribution of different types of crops. The response from a total of 360 respondents, 120 from each district, finally selected for tabulation and data analysis.The data analysis, based on percentage analysis, along with the results from focus group discussion among a selected group of 20 farmers, together produced the results as follows. Farmers, who are the audience of farm programs, have a very serious approach towards the medium. They are maintaining a critical point of view towards the content of the programs. Farmers are reasonably aware about the financial side of the programs and the monitory aspirations of both private and Government owned Television channels. Even though, the farmers are not aware on the technical terminology and jargons, they have ideas about success stories, program serials and they are even informed about channels are not maintaining an audience research section like AIR. Though the farmers accept Doordarshan as the credential source of farm information and methods, they are inclined to the entertainment value of programs too. They prefer to have more entertainment value for the programs of Doordarshan. Surprisingly, they have very solid suggestions on even about the shots which add entertainment value to the farm broadcasting methods of Doordarshan. Farmers are very much aware about the fact that media is just an instrument for inspiration and persuasion. They strongly believe that the source of information and new methods is agricultural research and an effective change happens only when there are adequate infrastructure and marketing facilities, along with the proper support from Government agricultural guideline and support systems like Krishi Bhavans. They strongly believe that media alone cannot create any magic in increasing agricultural production. Farmers are pointing out the lack of response to the feedback and queries of farmers on farming methods, as an evidence for the difference in levels of commitment of Government and private owned Television channels.Farmers are still perceiving AIR farm programs are far more committed to farmers and farming than any other electronic medium. However, they are seriously lacking Radio receivers with medium wave reception facility. Farmers perceive that the farming methods on new crops are more adoptable than the farming methods of traditional crops in both private and Government owned Television channels. There are multiple factors behind this observation from farmers. Farmers changed in terms of viewing habits and they prefer success stories, which are totally irrelevant and they even think that such stories encourage people to go for farming and they opined that such stories are good sources of inspiration. However, they are all very much sure about the importance and particular about the presence of entertainment factor even in farm programs. Farmers expect direct interaction of any expert of the new farming method to implement the method in their agriculture practices. Though introduction of a new idea in the T.V. is acceptable, farmers need the direct instruction of expert on field to start implementing the new farming practices Farmers still have an affinity towards print media reports and agricultural pages and they have complaints to print media on the removal of agricultural information pages from news papers. They prefer the reports in print media as it facilitates them to collect and refer articles when they need it. Farmers are having an eye of doubt about the credibility of farm programs by private T.V. channels. Even if they prefer private Television channels for listening and adopting new farming methods and other farm information, they scrutinize programs to know whether they are sponsored programs by agrochemical or agro-fertilizer manufacturer.


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This study is an attempt to present an integrated picture of the economic changes that have taken place in the rural economy of Kerala. Its limited purpose is to draw the attention of researchers and policymakers to an important but neglected dimension in rural analysis and planning.The thesis aims to identify changes in income, employment-and population. and analyses the structural change in land ownership and other assets of the rural population. The thesis also studies the changes in agriculture, especially with reference to land use and cropping pattern and examines the extend of rural indebtedness. These aspects are studied with reference to three Panchayats - Thazhava, Pananchery, Muttil – which are taken as case studies.