941 resultados para Absorption and emission cross-section
The fundamental goal of this thesis is the determination of the isospin dependence of the Ar+Ni fusion-evaporation cross section. Three Ar isotope beams, with energies of about 13AMeV, have been accelerated and impinged onto isotopically enriched Ni targets, in order to produce Pd nuclei, with mass number varying from 92 to 104. The measurements have been performed by the high performance 4pi detector INDRA, coupled with the magnetic spectrometer VAMOS. Even if the results are very preliminary, the obtained fusion-evaporation cross sections behaviour gives a hint at the possible isospin dependence of the fusion-evaporation cross sections.
This thesis is about three major aspects of the identification of top quarks. First comes the understanding of their production mechanism, their decay channels and how to translate theoretical formulae into programs that can simulate such physical processes using Monte Carlo techniques. In particular, the author has been involved in the introduction of the POWHEG generator in the framework of the ATLAS experiment. POWHEG is now fully used as the benchmark program for the simulation of ttbar pairs production and decay, along with MC@NLO and AcerMC: this will be shown in chapter one. The second chapter illustrates the ATLAS detectors and its sub-units, such as calorimeters and muon chambers. It is very important to evaluate their efficiency in order to fully understand what happens during the passage of radiation through the detector and to use this knowledge in the calculation of final quantities such as the ttbar production cross section. The last part of this thesis concerns the evaluation of this quantity deploying the so-called "golden channel" of ttbar decays, yielding one energetic charged lepton, four particle jets and a relevant quantity of missing transverse energy due to the neutrino. The most important systematic errors arising from the various part of the calculation are studied in detail. Jet energy scale, trigger efficiency, Monte Carlo models, reconstruction algorithms and luminosity measurement are examples of what can contribute to the uncertainty about the cross-section.
In dieser Arbeit wurde die Elektronenemission von Nanopartikeln auf Oberflächen mittels spektroskopischen Photoelektronenmikroskopie untersucht. Speziell wurden metallische Nanocluster untersucht, als selbstorganisierte Ensembles auf Silizium oder Glassubstraten, sowie ferner ein Metall-Chalcogenid (MoS2) Nanoröhren-Prototyp auf Silizium. Der Hauptteil der Untersuchungen war auf die Wechselwirkung von fs-Laserstrahlung mit den Nanopartikeln konzentriert. Die Energie der Lichtquanten war kleiner als die Austrittsarbeit der untersuchten Proben, so dass Ein-Photonen-Photoemission ausgeschlossen werden konnte. Unsere Untersuchungen zeigten, dass ausgehend von einem kontinuierlichen Metallfilm bis hin zu Clusterfilmen ein anderer Emissionsmechanismus konkurrierend zur Multiphotonen-Photoemission auftritt und für kleine Cluster zu dominieren beginnt. Die Natur dieses neuen Mechanismus` wurde durch verschiedenartige Experimente untersucht. Der Übergang von einem kontinuierlichen zu einem Nanopartikelfilm ist begleitet von einer Zunahme des Emissionsstroms von mehr als eine Größenordnung. Die Photoemissions-Intensität wächst mit abnehmender zeitlicher Breite des Laserpulses, aber diese Abhängigkeit wird weniger steil mit sinkender Partikelgröße. Die experimentellen Resultate wurden durch verschiedene Elektronenemissions-Mechanismen erklärt, z.B. Multiphotonen-Photoemission (nPPE), thermionische Emission und thermisch unterstützte nPPE sowie optische Feldemission. Der erste Mechanismus überwiegt für kontinuierliche Filme und Partikel mit Größen oberhalb von mehreren zehn Nanometern, der zweite und dritte für Filme von Nanopartikeln von einer Größe von wenigen Nanometern. Die mikrospektroskopischen Messungen bestätigten den 2PPE-Emissionsmechanismus von dünnen Silberfilmen bei „blauer“ Laseranregung (hν=375-425nm). Das Einsetzen des Ferminiveaus ist relativ scharf und verschiebt sich um 2hν, wenn die Quantenenergie erhöht wird, wogegen es bei „roter“ Laseranregung (hν=750-850nm) deutlich verbreitert ist. Es zeigte sich, dass mit zunehmender Laserleistung die Ausbeute von niederenergetischen Elektronen schwächer zunimmt als die Ausbeute von höherenergetischen Elektronen nahe der Fermikante in einem Spektrum. Das ist ein klarer Hinweis auf eine Koexistenz verschiedener Emissionsmechanismen in einem Spektrum. Um die Größenabhängigkeit des Emissionsverhaltens theoretisch zu verstehen, wurde ein statistischer Zugang zur Lichtabsorption kleiner Metallpartikel abgeleitet und diskutiert. Die Elektronenemissionseigenschaften bei Laseranregung wurden in zusätzlichen Untersuchungen mit einer anderen Anregungsart verglichen, der Passage eines Tunnelstroms durch einen Metall-Clusterfilm nahe der Perkolationsschwelle. Die elektrischen und Emissionseigenschaften von stromtragenden Silberclusterfilmen, welche in einer schmalen Lücke (5-25 µm Breite) zwischen Silberkontakten auf einem Isolator hergestellt wurden, wurden zum ersten Mal mit einem Emissions-Elektronenmikroskop (EEM) untersucht. Die Elektronenemission beginnt im nicht-Ohmschen Bereich der Leitungsstrom-Spannungskurve des Clusterfilms. Wir untersuchten das Verhalten eines einzigen Emissionszentrums im EEM. Es zeigte sich, dass die Emissionszentren in einem stromleitenden Silberclusterfilm Punktquellen für Elektronen sind, welche hohe Emissions-Stromdichten (mehr als 100 A/cm2) tragen können. Die Breite der Energieverteilung der Elektronen von einem einzelnen Emissionszentrum wurde auf etwa 0.5-0.6 eV abgeschätzt. Als Emissionsmechanismus wird die thermionische Emission von dem „steady-state“ heißen Elektronengas in stromdurchflossenen metallischen Partikeln vorgeschlagen. Größenselektierte, einzelne auf Si-Substraten deponierte MoS2-Nanoröhren wurden mit einer Flugzeit-basierten Zweiphotonen-Photoemissions-Spektromikroskopie untersucht. Die Nanoröhren-Spektren wiesen bei fs-Laser Anregung eine erstaunlich hohe Emissionsintensität auf, deutlich höher als die SiOx Substratoberfläche. Dagegen waren die Röhren unsichtbar bei VUV-Anregung bei hν=21.2 eV. Eine ab-initio-Rechnung für einen MoS2-Slab erklärt die hohe Intensität durch eine hohe Dichte freier intermediärer Zustände beim Zweiphotonen-Übergang bei hν=3.1 eV.
In this thesis, interactions of folic acid with tea and tea components at the level of intestinal absorption have been investigated. Firstly, the interaction between folic acid and tea as well as tea catechins was studied in vitro, using Caco-2 cell monolayers and secondly, a clinical trial was designed and carried out. In addition, targeting of folic acid conjugated nanoparticles to FR expressing Caco-2 cells was studied in order to evaluate the principle of nutrient-receptor-coupled transport for drug targeting. In the first part of this work, it was shown that EGCG and ECG (gallated catechins) inhibit folic acid uptake (IC50 of 34.8 and 30.8 µmol/L) comparable to MTX (methotrexate) under these experimental conditions. Moreover, commercial green and black tea extracts inhibited folic acid uptake with IC50 values of approximately 7.5 and 3.6 mg/mL, respectively. These results clearly indicate an interaction between folic acid and green tea catechins at the level of intestinal uptake. The mechanism responsible for the inhibition process might be the inhibition of the influx transport routes for folates such as via RFC and/or PCFT. For understanding the in vivo relevance of this in vitro interaction, a phase one, open-labeled, randomized, cross-over clinical study in seven healthy volunteers was designed. For the 0.4 mg folic acid dose, the mean Cmax decreased by 39.2% and 38.6% and the mean AUC0 decreased by 26.6% and 17.9% by green tea and black tea, respectively. For the 5 mg folic acid dose, the mean Cmax decreased by 27.4% and mean AUC0 decreased by 39.9% when taken with green tea. The results of the clinical study confirm the interaction between tea and folic acid in vivo leading to lower bioavailabilities of folic acid. In the second part of the thesis, targeting studies using folic acid conjugated nanoparticles were conducted. Folic acid conjugated nanoparticles were shown to be internalized by the cell via FR (folate receptor) mediated endocytosis. DNA block copolymer micelles equipped with 2, 11 and 28 folic acid units respectively were applied on FR expressing Caco-2 cells. There was a direct proportion in the amount of internalized nanoparticle and the number of folic acid units on the periphery of the nanoparticle. To sum up, throughout this thesis, the importance of folic acid for nutrition and nutrient and drug related interactions of folic acid at intestinal level was shown. Furthermore, significance of FRs in targeting for cancer chemotherapy was demonstrated in in vitro cell culture experiments. Folic acid conjugated DNA block copolymer micelles were suggested as efficient nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery.
In this thesis three measurements of top-antitop differential cross section at an energy in the center of mass of 7 TeV will be shown, as a function of the transverse momentum, the mass and the rapidity of the top-antitop system. The analysis has been carried over a data sample of about 5/fb recorded with the ATLAS detector. The events have been selected with a cut based approach in the "one lepton plus jets" channel, where the lepton can be either an electron or a muon. The most relevant backgrounds (multi-jet QCD and W+jets) have been extracted using data driven methods; the others (Z+ jets, diboson and single top) have been simulated with Monte Carlo techniques. The final, background-subtracted, distributions have been corrected, using unfolding methods, for the detector and selection effects. At the end, the results have been compared with the theoretical predictions. The measurements are dominated by the systematic uncertainties and show no relevant deviation from the Standard Model predictions.
The dominant process in hard proton-proton collisions is the production of hadronic jets.rnThese sprays of particles are produced by colored partons, which are struck out of their confinement within the proton.rnPrevious measurements of inclusive jet cross sections have provided valuable information for the determination of parton density functions and allow for stringent tests of perturbative QCD at the highest accessible energies.rnrnThis thesis will present a measurement of inclusive jet cross sections in proton-proton collisions using the ATLAS detector at the LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV.rnJets are identified using the anti-kt algorithm and jet radii of R=0.6 and R=0.4.rnThey are calibrated using a dedicated pT and eta dependent jet calibration scheme.rnThe cross sections are measured for 40 GeV < pT <= 1 TeV and |y| < 2.8 in four bins of absolute rapidity, using data recorded in 2010 corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 pb^-1.rnThe data is fully corrected for detector effects and compared to theoretical predictions calculated at next-to-leading order including non-perturbative effects.rnThe theoretical predictions are found to agree with data within the experimental and theoretic uncertainties.rnrnThe ratio of cross sections for R=0.4 and R=0.6 is measured, exploiting the significant correlations of the systematic uncertainties, and is compared to recently developed theoretical predictions.rnThe underlying event can be characterized by the amount of transverse momentum per unit rapidity and azimuth, called rhoue.rnUsing analytical approaches to the calculation of non-perturbative corrections to jets, rhoue at the LHC is estimated using the ratio measurement.rnA feasibility study of a combined measurement of rhoue and the average strong coupling in the non-perturbative regime alpha_0 is presented and proposals for future jet measurements at the LHC are made.
One of the most precisely measured quantities in particle physics is the magnetic moment of the muon, which describes its coupling to an external magnetic field. It is expressed in form of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon a_mu=(g_mu-2)/2 and has been determined experimentally with a precision of 0.5 parts per million. The current direct measurement and the theoretical prediction of the standard model differ by more than 3.5 standard deviations. Concerning theory, the contribution of the QED and weak interaction to a_mu can be calculated with very high precision in a perturbative approach.rnAt low energies, however, perturbation theory cannot be used to determine the hadronic contribution a^had_mu. On the other hand, a^had_mu may be derived via a dispersion relation from the sum of measured cross sections of exclusive hadronic reactions. Decreasing the experimental uncertainty on these hadronic cross sections is of utmost importance for an improved standard model prediction of a_mu.rnrnIn addition to traditional energy scan experiments, the method of Initial State Radiation (ISR) is used to measure hadronic cross sections. This approach allows experiments at colliders running at a fixed centre-of-mass energy to access smaller effective energies by studying events which contain a high-energetic photon emitted from the initial electron or positron. Using the technique of ISR, the energy range from threshold up to 4.5GeV can be accessed at Babar.rnrnThe cross section e+e- -> pi+pi- contributes with approximately 70% to the hadronic part of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon a_mu^had. This important channel has been measured with a precision of better than 1%. Therefore, the leading contribution to the uncertainty of a_mu^had at present stems from the invariant mass region between 1GeV and 2GeV. In this energy range, the channels e+e- -> pi+pi-pi+pi- and e+e- -> pi+pi-pi0pi0 dominate the inclusive hadronic cross section. The measurement of the process e+e- -> pi+pi-pi+pi- will be presented in this thesis. This channel has been previously measured by Babar based on 25% of the total dataset. The new analysis includes a more detailed study of the background contamination from other ISR and non-radiative background reactions. In addition, sophisticated studies of the track reconstruction as well as the photon efficiency difference between the data and the simulation of the Babar detector are performed. With these auxiliary studies, a reduction of the systematic uncertainty from 5.0% to 2.4% in the peak region was achieved.rnrnThe pi+pi-pi+pi- final state has a rich internal structure. Hints are seen for the intermediate states rho(770)^0 f_2(1270), rho(770)^0 f_0(980), as well as a_1(1260)pi. In addition, the branching ratios BR(jpsi -> pi+pi-pi+pi-) and BR(psitwos -> jpsi pi+pi-) are extracted.rn
The aim of this work is to provide a precise and accurate measurement of the 238U(n,gamma) reaction cross-section. This reaction is of fundamental importance for the design calculations of nuclear reactors, governing the behaviour of the reactor core. In particular, fast neutron reactors, which are experiencing a growing interest for their ability to burn radioactive waste, operate in the high energy region of the neutron spectrum. In this energy region inconsistencies between the existing measurements are present up to 15%, and the most recent evaluations disagree each other. In addition, the assessment of nuclear data uncertainty performed for innovative reactor systems shows that the uncertainty in the radiative capture cross-section of 238U should be further reduced to 1-3% in the energy region from 20 eV to 25 keV. To this purpose, addressed by the Nuclear Energy Agency as a priority nuclear data need, complementary experiments, one at the GELINA and two at the n_TOF facility, were scheduled within the ANDES project within the 7th Framework Project of the European Commission. The results of one of the 238U(n,gamma) measurement performed at the n_TOF CERN facility are presented in this work, carried out with a detection system constituted of two liquid scintillators. The very accurate cross section from this work is compared with the results obtained from the other measurement performed at the n_TOF facility, which exploit a different and complementary detection technique. The excellent agreement between the two data-sets points out that they can contribute to the reduction of the cross section uncertainty down to the required 1-3%.
Top quark studies play an important role in the physics program of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The energy and luminosity reached allow the acquisition of a large amount of data especially in kinematic regions never studied before. In this thesis is presented the measurement of the ttbar production differential cross section on data collected by ATLAS in 2012 in proton proton collisions at \sqrt{s} = 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb^{−1}. The measurement is performed for ttbar events in the semileptonic channel where the hadronically decaying top quark has a transverse momentum above 300 GeV. The hadronic top quark decay is reconstructed as a single large radius jet and identified using jet substructure properties. The final differential cross section result has been compared with several theoretical distributions obtaining a discrepancy of about the 25% between data and predictions, depending on the MC generator. Furthermore the kinematic distributions of the ttbar production process are very sensitive to the choice of the parton distribution function (PDF) set used in the simulations and could provide constraints on gluons PDF. In particular in this thesis is performed a systematic study on the PDF of the protons, varying several PDF sets and checking which one better describes the experimental distributions. The boosted techniques applied in this measurement will be fundamental in the next data taking at \sqrt{s}=13 TeV when will be produced a large amount of heavy particles with high momentum.
The future goal of modern physics is the discovery of physics beyond the Standard Model. One of the most significant hints for New Physics can be seen in the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon - one of the most precise measured variables in modern physics and the main motivation of this work. This variable is associated with the coupling of the muon, an elementary particle, to an external electromagnetic field and is defined as a = (g - 2)/2, whereas g is the gyromagnetic factor of the muon. The muon anomaly has been measured with a relative accuracy of 0.5·10-6. However, a difference between the direct measurement and the Standard Model prediction of 3.6 standard deviations can be observed. This could be a hint for the existence of New Physics. Unfortunately, it is, yet, not significant enough to claim an observation and, thus, more precise measurements and calculations have to be performed.rnThe muon anomaly has three contributions, whereas the ones from quantum electrodynamics and weak interaction can be determined from perturbative calculations. This cannot be done in case of the hadronic contributions at low energies. The leading order contribution - the hadronic vacuum polarization - can be computed via a dispersion integral, which needs as input hadronic cross section measurements from electron-positron annihilations. Hence, it is essential for a precise prediction of the muon anomaly to measure these hadronic cross sections, σ(e+e-→hadrons), with high accuracy. With a contribution of more than 70%, the final state containing two charged pions is the most important one in this context.rnIn this thesis, a new measurement of the σ(e+e-→π+π-) cross section and the pion form factor is performed with an accuracy of 0.9% in the dominant ρ(770) resonance region between 600 and rn900 MeV at the BESIII experiment. The two-pion contribution to the leading-order (LO) hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to (g - 2) from the BESIII result, obtained in this work, is computed to be a(ππ,LO,600-900 MeV) = (368.2±2.5stat±3.3sys)·10-10. With the result presented in this thesis, we make an important contribution on the way to solve the (g - 2) puzzle.
La sezione d’urto totale adronica gioca un ruolo fondamentale nel programma di fisica di LHC. Un calcolo di questo parametro, fondamentale nell’ambito della teoria delle interazioni forti, non é possibile a causa dell’inapplicabilità dell’approccio perturbativo. Nonostante ciò, la sezione d’urto può essere stimata, o quanto meno le può essere dato un limite, grazie ad un certo numero di relazioni, come ad esempio il Teorema Ottico. In questo contesto, il detector ALFA (An Absolute Luminosity For ATLAS) sfrutta il Teorema Ottico per determinare la sezione d’urto totale misurando il rate di eventi elastici nella direzione forward. Un tale approccio richiede un metodo accurato di misura della luminosità in condizioni sperimentali difficoltose, caratterizzate da valori di luminosità istantanea inferiore fino a 7 ordini di grandezza rispetto alle normali condizioni di LHC. Lo scopo di questa tesi è la determinazione della luminosità integrata di due run ad alto β*, utilizzando diversi algoritmi di tipo Event-Counting dei detector BCM e LUCID. Particolare attenzione è stata riservata alla sottrazione del fondo e allo studio delle in- certezze sistematiche. I valori di luminosità integrata ottenuti sono L = 498.55 ± 0.31 (stat) ± 16.23 (sys) μb^(-1) and L = 21.93 ± 0.07 (stat) ± 0.79 (sys) μb^(-1), rispettivamente per i due run. Tali saranno forniti alla comunità di fisica che si occupa della misura delle sezioni d’urto protone-protone, elastica e totale. Nel Run II di LHC, la sezione d’urto totale protone-protone sarà stimata con un’energia nel centro di massa di 13 TeV per capire meglio la sua dipendenza dall’energia in un simile regime. Gli strumenti utilizzati e l’esperienza acquisita in questa tesi saranno fondamentali per questo scopo.