984 resultados para 196-808


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The pressure dependence of critical parameters xc, Tc, and β have been analysed in four systems namely cyclohexane + acetic anhydride, n-heptane + acetic anhydride, methanol + n-heptane, and carbon disulphide + acetonitrile. The separation temperature was found to increase linearly with pressure the value of dTc/dP being 28 mK, 11 mK, 22 mK, and 25 mK respectively. These are in fair agreement with earlier measurements available for two systems. For the methanol + n-heptane system dTc/dP is apparently not consistent with the value predicted from the specific heat and thermal expansion data.Die Druckabhängigkeit der kritischen Parameter xc, Tc und β ist in den vier Systemen Cyclohexan + Essigsäureanhydrid, n-Heptan + Essigsäureanhydrid, Methanol + n-Heptan und Schwefelkohlenstoff + Acetonitril analysiert worden. Es wurde gefunden, daß die kritische Temperatur linear mit dem Druck ansteigt. Die Werte für dTc/dP betragen 28 mK, 11 mK, 22 mK und 25 mK. Sie sind in guter überein-stimmung mit früheren Messungen an zweien dieser Systeme. Für Methanol + n-Heptan stimmt der Wert für dT/dP offensichtlich nicht mit Werten, die mit Hilfe von Daten für die spezifische Wärme und die thermische Ausdehnung vorhergesagt wurden, überein.


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We report a single C-13 spin edited selective proton-proton correlation experiment to decipher overcrowded 13C coupled proton NMR spectra of weakly dipolar coupled spin systems. The experiment unravels the masked C-13 satellites in proton spectrum and permits the measurement of one bond carbon-proton residual dipolar couplings in I3S and for each diastereotopic proton in I2S groups. It also provides all the possible homonuclear proton-proton residual couplings which are otherwise difficult to extract from the broad and featureless one dimensional H-1 spectrum, in addition to enantiodifferentiation in a chiral molecule. Employment of heteronuclear (C-13) decoupling in the evolution period results in complete demixing of overlapped signals from enantiomers. The observed anomalous intensity pattern in strongly dipolar coupled methyl protons in methyl selective correlation experiment has been interpreted using polarization operator formalism. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidaasi (NAGaasi) on glykosidaaseihin kuuluva, solujen lysosomeissa esiintyvä entsyymi, jota vapautuu maitoon utaretulehduksen aikana vaurioituneista utareen epiteelisoluista, neutrofiileistä ja makrofageista. NAGaasientsyymiaktiivisuuden on useissa tutkimuksissa havaittu korreloivan utareen tulehdustilan ja maidon soluluvun (SCC) kanssa ja sitä on ehdotettu käytettäväksi utareen epiteelisolutuhon mittaamiseen yksinään tai yhdistettynä SCC:n määritykseen. Koska saostuminen ei häiritse NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden mittausta maidosta, entsyymiaktiivisuus ei muutu maitoa säilytettäessä ja entsyymin mittaaminen on melko yksinkertaista ja nopeaa, menetelmä vaikuttaisi sopivan hyvin seulontatestiksi piileville utaretulehduksille. NAGaasin käyttö on toistaiseksi rajoittunut tutkimuskäyttöön. Sen hyödyntämistä vaikeuttaa se, että terveille lehmille eri tutkimuksissa määritetyissä NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden viitearvoissa on suurta vaihtelua. NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus maidossa on useiden tutkimusten mukaan korkeampi silloin, kun tulehduksen on aiheuttanut jokin merkittävä patogeeni kuin silloin, kun tulehduksen taustalla on vähäpätöinen patogeeni. Lypsykauden vaiheen on havaittu vaikuttavan maidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuteen siten, että aktiivisuudet ovat korkeampia heti poikimisen jälkeen ja lypsykauden lopulla. On myös havaittu, että normaalimaidossa NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus on hieman korkeampi loppumaidossa kuin alkumaidossa. Poikimakerran vaikutuksista NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuteen on ristiriitaisia tutkimustuloksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli määrittää NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden viitearvot terveen sekä utaretulehdusta sairastavan lypsylehmän maidossa, sekä selvittää tulehduksen voimakkuuden, aiheuttajapatogeenin, poikimakerran ja lypsykauden vaiheen vaikutusta kyseisen entsyymin aktiivisuuteen maidossa. Tutkimusaineistossa oli mukana kaikkiaan 838 vuosina 2000–2010 otettua maitonäytettä 62 eri lypsykarjatilalta Suomesta ja Virosta. Normaalimaidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden viitearvot määritettiin yhdeksältä suomalaiselta lypsykarjatilalta kerätyistä 196 maitonäytteestä, jotka täyttivät asettamamme normaalimaidon kriteerit. Normaalimaidon kriteerit olivat seuraavat: SCC < 100 000, lehmällä ei ole utaretulehduksen oireita, poikimisesta on kulunut aikaa yli 30 vuorokautta ja edellisestä lypsystä yli 6 tuntia. NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus mitattiin modifioidulla Mattilan menetelmällä (Mattila 1985) vakioiduissa olosuhteissa. Aineisto analysoitiin käyttäen Stata Intercooler tilasto-ohjelman versiota 11.0 (Stata Corporation, Texas, USA). Maidon NAGaasientsyymiaktiivisuuteen terveessä neljänneksessä vaikuttavia tekijöitä tutkittiin lineaarisella sekamallilla, jossa sekoittavana tekijänä oli tila. SCC:n ja NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden korrelaatiota arvioitiin terveillä lehmillä, piilevää utaretulehdusta sairastaneilla lehmillä ja koko aineistossa. Korrelaatiot laskettiin Pearsonin korrelaatiokertoimella. Tilastollisesti merkitsevänä raja-arvona kaikissa analyyseissä pidettiin p < 0.05. Normaalimaidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden viitearvoiksi lehmillä, joilla poikimisesta oli kulunut yli 30 vrk, saatiin 0,09–1,04 pmol/min/μl maitoa. Verrattuna normaalimaidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuksien keskiarvoon (0,56) ja piilevää utaretulehdusta sairastaneiden lehmien NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuksien keskiarvoon (2,49), kliinistä utaretulehdusta sairastavien lehmien maidon NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus oli keskimäärin selvästi korkeampi (16,65). Keskiarvoissa oli selvä ero paikallisoireisten (12,24) ja yleisoireisten (17,74) lehmien välillä. Terveiden neljännesten maitonäytteistä määritetyn NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden ja SCC:n välillä ei havaittu korrelaatiota. Piilevässä utaretulehduksessa havaittiin positiivinen korrelaatio (0,74) maidon NAGaasientsyymiaktiivisuuden ja SCC:n välillä. NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuteen vaikuttivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi SCC, poikimisesta kulunut aika ja poikimakerta. Eri patogeeniryhmien osalta havaitsimme, että neljänneksissä, joista eristettiin vähäpätöinen patogeeni, NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuus oli selvästi matalampi kuin neljänneksissä, joista eristettiin merkittävä patogeeni. NAGaasi-entsyymiaktiivisuuden keskiarvoksi vähäpätöisille patogeeneille (KNS, koryneformi) saatiin 2,82 ja merkittäville patogeeneille (S. aureus, Str. uberis, Str, agalactiae, Str. dysgalactiae, E.coli) 16,87.


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An oscillating droplet method combined with electromagnetic levitation has been applied to determine the surface tensions of liquid pure iron, nickel and iron-nickel alloys as a function of the temperature. The natural frequency of the oscillating droplet is evaluated using a Fourier analyser. The theoretical background of this method and the experimental set-up were described, and the influence of magnetic field strength was also discussed. The experimental results were compared with those of other investigators and interpreted using theoretical models (Butler's equation, subregular and perfect solution model for the surface phase).


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We review work initiated and inspired by Sudarshan in relativistic dynamics, beam optics, partial coherence theory, Wigner distribution methods, multimode quantum optical squeezing, and geometric phases. The 1963 No Interaction Theorem using Dirac's instant form and particle World Line Conditions is recalled. Later attempts to overcome this result exploiting constrained Hamiltonian theory, reformulation of the World Line Conditions and extending Dirac's formalism, are reviewed. Dirac's front form leads to a formulation of Fourier Optics for the Maxwell field, determining the actions of First Order Systems (corresponding to matrices of Sp(2,R) and Sp(4,R)) on polarization in a consistent manner. These groups also help characterize properties and propagation of partially coherent Gaussian Schell Model beams, leading to invariant quality parameters and the new Twist phase. The higher dimensional groups Sp(2n,R) appear in the theory of Wigner distributions and in quantum optics. Elegant criteria for a Gaussian phase space function to be a Wigner distribution, expressions for multimode uncertainty principles and squeezing are described. In geometric phase theory we highlight the use of invariance properties that lead to a kinematical formulation and the important role of Bargmann invariants. Special features of these phases arising from unitary Lie group representations, and a new formulation based on the idea of Null Phase Curves, are presented.


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It is found that the inclusion of higher derivative terms in the gravitational action along with concepts of phase transition and spontaneous symmetry breaking leads to some novel consequence. The Ricci scalar plays the dual role, like a physical field as well as a geometrical field. One gets Klein-Gordon equation for the emerging field and the corresponding quanta of geometry are called Riccions. For the early universe the model removes singularity along with inflation. In higher dimensional gravity the Riccions can break into spin half particle and antiparticle along with breaking of left-right symmetry. Most tantalizing consequences is the emergence of the physical universe from the geometry in the extreme past. Riccions can Bose condense and may account for the dark matter.


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The neuronal sodium channels are responsible for the rising phase of action potential and are composed of three subunits, of which the alpha-subunit has been shown to be adequate for most of its functional properties. We have stably expressed the rat brain type IIA sodium channel alpha-subunit in CHO cell tine using a CMV promoter-based vector. The expression was confirmed by detecting a 6.5 kb RNA corresponding to sodium channel alpha-subunit using Northern hybridization. The cells stably expressing the alpha-subunit, yield isolated sodium currents of amplitudes greater than 4nA when studied in whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. The sodium currents are characterized by activation and inactivation properties similar to neuronal sodium channels, and are blocked by the voltage gated sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX).


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The spinning sidebands observed in the C-13 MAS NMR spectra of cis,cis-mucononitrile oriented in liquid-crystalline media and of the neat sample in the solid state are studied. There are differences in the sideband intensity patterns in the two cases. These differences arise because the order parameters which characterize the orientation of the solute in the liquid-crystalline media differ for different axes. It is shown that, in general, the relative intensities of the sidebands contain information on the sign and magnitude of an effective chemical-shift parameter which is a function of the sum of the products of the principal components of the chemical-shift tensor and the corresponding order parameters with respect to the director. A method for obtaining the orientation of the carbon chemical-shift tensor is proposed. The carbon chemical-shift tensors obtained from gauge-including atomic orbital calculations are also presented for comparison. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.


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Diabetes is a long-term disease during which the body's production and use of insulin are impaired, causing glucose concentration level to increase in the bloodstream. Regulating blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible leads to a substantial decrease in long-term complications of diabetes. In this paper, an intelligent online feedback-treatment strategy is presented for the control of blood glucose levels in diabetic patients using single network adaptive critic (SNAC) neural networks (which is based on nonlinear optimal control theory). A recently developed mathematical model of the nonlinear dynamics of glucose and insulin interaction in the blood system has been revised and considered for synthesizing the neural network for feedback control. The idea is to replicate the function of pancreatic insulin, i.e. to have a fairly continuous measurement of blood glucose and a situation-dependent insulin injection to the body using an external device. Detailed studies are carried out to analyze the effectiveness of this adaptive critic-based feedback medication strategy. A comparison study with linear quadratic regulator (LQR) theory shows that the proposed nonlinear approach offers some important advantages such as quicker response, avoidance of hypoglycemia problems, etc. Robustness of the proposed approach is also demonstrated from a large number of simulations considering random initial conditions and parametric uncertainties. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Intramolecular gamma-hydrogen abstraction reactions were examined in pentane-2-one and 2-methyl-1-pentene in their lowest triplet states using the AM1 semi-empirical molecular orbital method with the complete geometry optimization in the unrestricted Hartree-Fock frame. The results reveal that the oxygen atom of the carbonyl group and the end carbon atom of the olefinic bond acquire high free valence and spin density indices in their respective lowest triplet states, leading to abstraction of hydrogen from the gamma-position relative to the carbonyl and olefinic bonds. The theoretical energy profiles fit with a polynomial and the probability of tunneling of hydrogen was estimated by the WKB (Wentzel, Kramer and Brillouin) method. The results, after thermal averaging of the rate constants, reveal that tunneling of hydrogen is significant at room temperature.


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Melt spinning of Ti50Ni50 ? xCux (x = 10, 25, 40) alloys showed that the glass-forming ability is good for Cu-rich compositions and poor for Ni-rich compositions. The results of mechanical alloying experiments in the same system showed a reverse trend as far as the glass-forming ability is concerned. These contradictory results are explained in the light of thermodynamic and kinetic considerations. Crystallization results of the melt spun alloys are also presented.


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Crystal structures of six binary salts involving aromatic amines as cations and hydrogen tartrates as anions are presented. The materials are 2,6-xylidinium-L-monohydrogen tartrate monohydrate, C12H18O6.5N, P22(1)2(1), a = 7.283(2) Angstrom, b = 17.030(2) Angstrom, c = 22.196(2) Angstrom, Z = 8; 2,6-xylidinium-D-dibenzoyl monohydrogen tartrate, C26H25O8N, P2(1), a = 7.906(1) Angstrom, b = 24.757(1) Angstrom, c = 13.166(1) Angstrom, beta = 105.01(1)degrees, Z = 4; 2,3-xylidinium-D-dibenzoyl monohydrogen tartrate monohydrate, C26H26O8.5N, P2(1), a = 7.837(1) Angstrom, b = 24.488(1) Angstrom, c = 13.763(1) Angstrom, beta = 105.69(1)degrees, Z = 4; 2-toluidinium-D-dibenzoyl monohydrogen tartrate, C25H23O8N, P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 13.553(2) Angstrom, b = 15.869(3) Angstrom, c = 22.123(2) Angstrom, Z = 8; 3-toluidinium-D-dibenzoyl monohydrogen tartrate (1:1), C25H23O8N, P1, a = 7.916(3) Angstrom, b = 11.467(6) Angstrom, c = 14.203(8) Angstrom, alpha = 96.44(4)degrees, beta = 98.20(5)degrees, = 110.55(5)degrees, Z = 2; 3-toluidinium-D-dibenzoyl tartrate dihydrate (1:2), C32H36O10N, P1, a = 7.828(3) Angstrom, b = 8.233(1) Angstrom, c = 24.888(8) Angstrom, alpha = 93.98 degrees, beta = 94.58(3)degrees, = 89.99(2)degrees, Z = 2. An analysis of the hydrogen-bonding schemes in terms of crystal packing, stoichiometric variations, and substitutional variations in these materials provides insights to design hydrogen-bonded networks directed toward the engineering of crystalline nonlinear optical materials.


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Laser processing of structure sensitive hypereutectic ductile iron, a cast alloy employed for dynamically loaded automative components, was experimentally investigated over a wide range of process parameters: from power (0.5-2.5 kW) and scan rate (7.5-25 mm s(-1)) leading to solid state transformation, all the way through to melting followed by rapid quenching. Superfine dendritic (at 10(5) degrees C s(-1)) or feathery (at 10(4) degrees C s(-1)) ledeburite of 0.2-0.25 mu m lamellar space, gamma-austenite and carbide in the laser melted and martensite in the transformed zone or heat-affected zone were observed, depending on the process parameters. Depth of geometric profiles of laser transformed or melt zone structures, parameters such as dendrile arm spacing, volume fraction of carbide and surface hardness bear a direct relationship with the energy intensity P/UDb2, (10-100 J mm(-3)). There is a minimum energy intensity threshold for solid state transformation hardening (0.2 J mm(-3)) and similarly for the initiation of superficial melting (9 J mm(-3)) and full melting (15 J mm(-3)) in the case of ductile iron. Simulation, modeling and thermal analysis of laser processing as a three-dimensional quasi-steady moving heat source problem by a finite difference method, considering temperature dependent energy absorptivity of the material to laser radiation, thermal and physical properties (kappa, rho, c(p)) and freezing under non-equilibrium conditions employing Scheil's equation to compute the proportion of the solid enabled determination of the thermal history of the laser treated zone. This includes assessment of the peak temperature attained at the surface, temperature gradients, the freezing time and rates as well as the geometric profile of the melted, transformed or heat-affected zone. Computed geometric profiles or depth are in close agreement with the experimental data, validating the numerical scheme.