444 resultados para 1220
The reconstructed cellular metabolic network of Mus musculus, based on annotated genomic data, pathway databases, and currently available biochemical and physiological information, is presented. Although incomplete, it represents the first attempt to collect and characterize the metabolic network of a mammalian cell on the basis of genomic data. The reaction network is generic in nature and attempts to capture the carbon, energy, and nitrogen metabolism of the cell. The metabolic reactions were compartmentalized between the cytosol and the mitochondria, including transport reactions between the compartments and the extracellular medium. The reaction list consists of 872 internal metabolites involved in a total of 1220 reactions, whereof 473 relate to known open reading frames. Initial in silico analysis of the reconstructed model is presented.
Esta pesquisa objetivou estudar retrospectivamente por meio de radiografias em norma frontal e modelos de gesso as alterações dentoesqueléticas de pacientes com má oclusão de Classe II, 1ª divisão, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo Tratado, constituído de 28 pacientes, sendo 13 pacientes do sexo masculino e 15 do sexo feminino, tratados com aparelho regulador de função de Fränkel - 2 (RF-2), por um período ativo de 1,5 anos; Grupo Controle: constituído de 28 pacientes, sendo 12 do sexo masculino e 16 do sexo feminino, sem nenhum tipo de tratamento durante o acompanhamento longitudinal de 1,5 anos. A amostra deste estudo consistiu de 112 telerradiografias em norma frontal e 112 pares de modelos de gesso, 56 obtidos ao início (T1) e 56 ao final da observação (T2). Após a análise estatística das mensurações obtidas, concluiu- se que houve como resultado alterações estatisticamente significantes em todas as medidas analisadas e o aparelho RF-2 teve atuação direta nas variáveis: distância intermolares superio res e inferiores (radiografias e modelos),profundidade palatina, largura maxilar e altura facial ântero-inferior.
Em A Demanda do Santo Graal, novela de cavalaria representativa da literatura Arturiana no Portugal da Idade Média, analisamos o modo como é feita a abordagem da presença feminina num universo essencialmente masculino. Aceitando como premissa que a literatura é reflexo da realidade de uma época e, simultaneamente, nela se reflete e deixa a sua influência, iniciámos o estudo, cujo resultado constitui o texto desta dissertação. Após uma referência às circunstâncias prováveis da chegada do primeiro manuscrito a Portugal, e de algumas considerações sobre o propósito pedagógico e legado cultural da obra na sociedade Portuguesa, perspetivamos a posição da mulher na época medieval, analisando e refletindo sobre cada uma das representações do feminino que emanam do texto e que mencionamos através do relato dos vários episódios em que ocorre a presença feminina.
The aim of this study was to develop and characterize an intranasal delivery system for amantadine hydrochloride (AMT). Optimal formulations consisted of a thermosensitive polymer Pluronic® 127 and either carboxymethyl cellulose or chitosan which demonstrated gel transition at nasal cavity temperatures (34 ± 1°C). Rheologically, the loss tangent (Tan δ) confirmed a 3-stage gelation phenomena at 34 ± 1°C and non-Newtonian behavior. Storage of optimized formulation carboxymethyl cellulose and optimal formulation chitosan at 4°C for 8 weeks resulted in repeatable release profiles at 34°C when sampled, with a Fickian mechanism earlier on but moving toward anomalous transport by week 8. Polymers (Pluronic® 127, carboxymethyl cellulose, and chitosan) demonstrated no significant cellular toxicity to human nasal epithelial cells up to 4 mg/mL and up to 1 mM for AMT (IC50: 4.5 ± 0.05 mM). Optimized formulation carboxymethyl cellulose and optimal formulation chitosan demonstrated slower release across an in vitro human nasal airway model (43%-44% vs 79 ± 4.58% for AMT). Using a human nasal cast model, deposition into the olfactory regions (potential nose-to-brain) was demonstrated on nozzle insertion (5 mm), whereas tilting of the head forward (15°) resulted in greater deposition in the bulk of the nasal cavity.
The field of free radical biology and medicine continues to move at a tremendous pace, with a constant flow of ground-breaking discoveries. The following collection of papers in this issue of Biochemical Society Transactions highlights several key areas of topical interest, including the crucial role of validated measurements of radicals and reactive oxygen species in underpinning nearly all research in the field, the important advances being made as a result of the overlap of free radical research with the reinvigorated field of lipidomics (driven in part by innovations in MS-based analysis), the acceleration of new insights into the role of oxidative protein modifications (particularly to cysteine residues) in modulating cell signalling, and the effects of free radicals on the functions of mitochondria, extracellular matrix and the immune system. In the present article, we provide a brief overview of these research areas, but, throughout this discussion, it must be remembered that it is the availability of reliable analytical methodologies that will be a key factor in facilitating continuing developments in this exciting research area.
The problem of transit points arrangement is presented in the paper. This issue is connected with accuracy of tariff distance calculation and it is the urgent problem at present. Was showed that standard method of tariff distance discovering is not optimal. The Genetic Algorithms are used in optimization problem resolution. The UML application class diagram and class content are showed. In the end the example of transit points arrangement is represented.
A magyar gazdaságpolitikát negyed évszázada kritikusan befolyásolja a nemzetközi finanszírozási helyzet, a pénzügyi piacokhoz és a nemzetközi pénzintézetekhez fűződő viszony. A 2010-től folytatott magyar politika fontos vonatkozásokban eltér a nemzetközi szervezetek ajánlásaitól. Európában a recesszió alatt a gazdaságpolitikák sokfélesége mutatkozott meg: a korábbi doktrinális egyöntetűség helyébe a gazdasági felfogások pluralizálódása lépett, gyakoribbak az aktivista kormánypolitikák. A recessziós időszak után azonban nem állt vissza a status quo, hanem elnyúló konszolidációs szakasz következett, amelynek során a nemzetközi pénzügyi piacok már kritikusabbak a nem szabványos kormányzati megoldásokkal szemben. Az európai intézményrendszer pedig a közös szabályok által kikényszerített, pénzügyi fegyelem irányába mozdult el 2009 után. Mindezek következtében az ideiglenesen tágabbá váló magyar gazdaságpolitikai mozgástér ismét visszaszűkülhet az európai konszolidációs erőfeszítések miatt.
Documented reports of day-to-day decision-making in food service tend to emphasize technical aspects. However, this view does not represent completely the decision-making process managers go through. The author reports on the effect of the manager-customer relationship in decision-making by managers.
Vol. 20, Issue 65, 8 pages
This study examined the relationship between the Turkish Islamic movements and the present government of the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi, AK Party). Since the AK Party came to power in 2002 it implemented unparalleled political reforms and pursued to improve Turkey’s relations with the EU. Opponents argued that because of the dominance of the secular military in Turkish politics, the AK Party is forced to secretly advance its Islamic agenda using the language and symbolism of democracy and human rights. This study argued that the ideas of the AK Party show similarities with the “Ottomanist” thought of the late Ottoman era. With special reference to the preservation of the Ottoman State, Ottomanism in an eclectic way was able to incorporate Islamic principles like freedom, justice and consultation into the political arena which was increasingly dominated by the secular European concepts. Literature on Islam and politics in Turkey, however, disregards the Ottoman roots of freedom and pluralism and tends to reduce the relationship between religion and state into exclusively confrontational struggles. This conceptualization of the political process relies on particular non-Turkish Muslim experiences which do not necessarily represent Islam’s venture in Turkey. Contrary to the prevailing scholarship, Islamic movements in Turkey, namely, Naqshbandi, National View and Nur, which are discussed in detail in this study, are not monolithic. They all uphold the same creedal tenets of Islam but they have sharp differences in terms of how they conceptualize the role of religious agency in politics. I argue that this diversity is a result of three distinct methodologies of Islamic religious life which are the Tariqah (Tarikat), Shariah (Şeriat), and Haqiqah (Hakikat). The differences between these three approaches represent a typological hierarchy in the formation of the Muslim/believer as an agent of Islamic identity. Through these different if not conflicting modes, the AK Party reconnected itself with Turkey’s Ottoman heritage in a post-Ottoman, secular setting and was able to develop an eclectic political identity of Neo-Ottomanism that is evident in the flexibility if not inconsistency of its domestic and foreign policy preferences.
The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set includes properties of seawater, particulate matter and dissolved matter from physical, optical and imaging sensors mounted on a vertical sampling system (Rosette) used during the 2009-2013 tara Oceans Expedition. It comprised 2 pairs of conductivity and temperature sensors (SEABIRD components), and a complete set of WEtLabs optical sensors, including chrorophyll and CDOM fluorometers, a 25 cm transmissiometer, and a one-wavelength backscatter meter. In addition, a SATLANTIC ISUS nitrate sensor and a Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP) were mounted on the rosette. In the Arctic Ocean and Arctic Seas (2013), a second oxygen sensor (SBE43) and a four frequency Aquascat acoustic profiler were added. The system was powered on specific Li-Ion batteries and data were self-recorded at 24HZ. Sensors have all been factory calibrated before, during and after the four year program. Oxygen was validated using climatologies (WOA09). Nitrate and Fluorescence data were adjusted with discrete measurements from Niskin bottles mounted on the Rosette, and optical darks were performed monthly on board. A total of 839 quality checked vertical profiles were made during the tara Oceans expedition 2009-2013.
Lo scopo del lavoro di tesi è l’analisi stratigrafica e vulcanologica dei depositi della successione piroclastica di Rocche Rosse relativi all’ultima fase di attività esplosiva in età olocenica dell’isola di Lipari (Isole Eolie). L’attività di Rocche Rosse si caratterizza per l’emissione di una colata riolitica ossidianacea ben nota nella letteratura vulcanologica, che viene preceduta da un episodio di attività esplosiva a bassa magnitudo tale da costituire un basso cratere piroclastico sulla sommità dell’edificio di Monte Pilato, nel settore NE di Lipari (Forni et al., 2013). L’attività eruttiva di Rocche Rosse è datata in età Medievale (1220 AD). Recentemente è stata proposta la correlazione con l’unità di Rocche Rosse di un tefra affiorante all’interno della sequenza stratigrafica del cono di La Fossa di Vulcano, utilizzato come elemento cronostratigrafico per la ricostruzione della storia eruttiva di tale edificio (Fusillo et al, 2015). Anche alla luce di questa ipotesi, l’analisi stratigrafica e vulcanologica di dettaglio della successione piroclastica di Rocche Rosse può consentire di evidenziarne lo stile eruttivo, i meccanismi di trasporto e deposizione e la capacità di dispersione. Lo studio è stato effettuato in tre sezioni stratigrafiche puntuali descritte in aree prossimali e medio-prossimali, in corrispondenza del bordo del cratere di Rocche Rosse, sul bordo ed all’esterno del cratere di Monte Pilato. Sono state inoltre effettuate diverse osservazioni in altre sezioni lungo gran parte del settore centro-settentrionale dell’isola di Lipari, evidenziando l’assenza di depositi riconducibili alla successione di Rocche Rosse. Nell’insieme si propone uno studio stratigrafico della successione di Rocche Rosse suddivisa in diverse unità deposizionali ed una valutazione generica della dispersione di questi depositi.
Barite accumulation rates (BAR) have been measured from 12 DSDP/ODP site globally (DSDP site 525, 549 and ODP site 690, 738, 1051, 1209, 1215, 1220, 1221, 1263,1265 and 1266A) to reconstruct the export production across Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) around 55.9 million year ago. Our results suggesting a general increase in export productivity. We propose that changes in marine ecosystems, resulting from high atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 and ocean acidification, led to enhanced carbon export from the photic zone to depth, thereby increasing the efficiency of the biological pump. We estimate that an annual carbon export flux out of the euphotic zone and into the deep ocean waters could have amounted to about 15 Gt during the PETM. About 0.4% of this carbon is expected to have entered the refractory dissolved organic pool, where it could be sequestered from the atmosphere for tens of thousands of years. Our estimates are consistent with the amount of carbon redistribution expected for the recovery from the PETM.