977 resultados para webbaserat stöd


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Internationella tester av elevers kunskapsresultat har bidragit till att kraftigt öka intresset för hur elevers studieprestationer kan förbättras. En samstämmig forskning placerar lärares undervisning högt upp på listan av faktorer som är betydelsefulla för att förbättra elevers lärande. En metod som visat sig användbar för att utveckla lärares undervisningsförmåga är learning study som framför allt använts av lärare som undervisar elever i lägre åldrar. Vi visar i den här artikeln, med stöd av en fallstudie, att det även är möjligt att framgångsrikt använda learning study-metoden för att utveckla lärare i gymnasieskolans yrkesutbildning och deras förmåga att undervisa där ämnesinnehållet ofta avser tyst yrkeskunskap och icke-kognitiva förmågor.


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Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 2 är en endokrin sjukdom och är en av de största folksjukdomarna i världen. Förhöjda blodsockervärden gör att både små och stora blodkärl tar skada och detta leder till olika komplikationer såsom hjärtinfarkt, stroke och njurskador. Med hjälp av viktnedgång, kostreglering, regelbundet fysisk aktivitet och övervakning av blodglukosnivåerna kan risken för komplikationer förebyggas. Genom att förebygga komplikationer kan livskvaliteten främja patientens dagliga liv. En del av diabetesvården består av egenvårdsprogram där patienten får stöd och rådgivning att hantera sin diabetes. Syfte: Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att studera vilka faktorer i egenvårdsprogram som främjar livskvaliteten hos patienter med diabetes typ 2. Metod: Litteraturstudie, artiklarna söktes i databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och Web of Science. 14 kvantitativa artiklar inkluderades. Resultat: Resultatet visade att information, individuell målsättning och uppföljning var viktiga faktorer i egenvårdsprogrammen för att främja livskvaliteten hos patienter med diabetes typ 2. Slutsats: Att leva med diabetes typ 2 kräver noggrannhet och planering i det dagliga livet. Egenvårdsprogram kan minska risken för komplikationer där följsamhet till egenvården främjas och livskvaliteten gynnas.


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Bakgrund Evidensbaserad vård (EBV) är ett välkänt begrepp som används för att tillförsäkra patienter en säker vård som vilar på bästa tillgängliga bevis, beprövad erfarenhet och patientens individuella preferenser. Många studier har tidigare undersökt hinder för sjuksköterskor att bedriva och/eller implementera EBV för att förklara gapet som kan uppstå mellan teori och praktik. Färre studier har undersökt vilka faktorer som främjar sjuksköterskors användande av EBV. Syfte Att genom en litteraturöversikt beskriva vilka faktorer som främjar sjuksköterskors möjligheter att bedriva en evidensbaserad vård. Metod Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och Web of Science genomsöktes och 15 artiklar valdes ut (8 kvalitativa, 4 kvantitativa och 3 mixedmethod). Resultat Fem kategorier identifierades som främjande faktorer för sjuksköterskor att bedriva och/eller implementera EBV; arbetsmiljö, stöd, kunskap, sjuksköterskans inställning och organisation. Stöd i form utav underlättare var den mest framträdande faktorn. Slutsats Sjuksköterskan har ett individuellt ansvar att bedriva EBV och kan genom sin egen inställning påverka att en sådan vård bedrivs. De flesta främjande faktorer som framkom var dock tydligare kopplade till ledningen och chefens del i att främja användandet av EBV.


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Bakgrund: Att förlora en anhörig är något som är väldigt traumatiskt och omtumlande. Reaktioner på krisen brukar visa sig enligt olika faser, dessa är chockfasen, reaktionsfasen, bearbetning- och reperationsfasen samt nyorienteringsfasen. Det är viktigt att kommunikationen är ärlig och ska alltid vara hjälpande för patienten eller anhöriga. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att sammanställa befintliga vetenskapliga artiklar för att belysa situationen för anhöriga och personal vid plötsligt dödsfall. Metod: En litteraturstudie gjordes som baserades på 13st vetenskapliga artiklar. Litteratursökningen gjordes med hjälp av databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Resultat: Resultatet av studien visade på att anhöriga behövde olika stöd i olika stadier och att informationen gavs på ett så rakt och ärligt sätt. Personalen upplevde att utbildning var viktigt för hantering av omhändertagande och att de sökte stöd och kunskap hos mer erfarna kollegor. Slutsats: Informationen om dödsorsaken till de anhöriga var mycket viktig och att personalen var öppna och ärliga. Anhöriga uppskattade att personalen fanns tillgängliga. Att som sjuksköterska ha tillräcklig utbildning gör att självförtroende ökar och hanteringen av svåra situationer underlättas samt kunskapen hjälper att kunna stödja anhöriga bättre.


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Syftet med denna studie var att i två skolor i en kommun undersöka vilka möjligheter nyanlända elever har att utveckla sina språk- och ämneskunskaper utifrån hur skolorna och lärarna väljer att forma undervisningen för dessa elever, samt att undersöka hur lärares kunskaper om språk- och kunskapsfrämjande arbete kan påverka utformningen av undervisningen. Då modersmålet även har en central roll i nyanlända elevers kunskapsutveckling fokuseras även detta i denna studie. För att uppnå syftet har en kvalitativ studie genomförts, där åtta lärare som undervisar i årskurs 1-6 har intervjuats. I arbetet diskuteras skolans organisation av modersmålsundervisning, studiehandledning, SVA-undervisning och utvecklingsarbete som en god grund för språk- och kunskapsutveckling för nyanlända elever. Vidare diskuteras i vilken mån lärarnas undervisning i olika klassrum, samt kunskaper om undervisning av nyanlända elever, möjliggör en god språk- och kunskapsutveckling för dessa elever. Studien indikerar att nyanlända elevernas möjligheter till språk- och kunskapsutveckling skiljer mellan olika skolor, även om dessa ligger inom samma kommun. Detta verkar till stor del bero på vilken satsning på mottagande av nyanlända elever och svenska som andraspråk som görs i skolan. Stora skillnader förekom både i form av kompetensutveckling, undervisningens utformning och i form av organisering av stöd på elevens modersmål.


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As redes ATM têm se constituído na solução tecnológica ideal para o desenvolvimento da RDSI-FL. O ATM foi desenvolvido para dar suporte, com altas velocidades e com garantia de qualidade, a uma ampla variedade de serviços. A demanda por serviços de comunicação de dados, em velocidades maiores do que as redes de pacotes atuais são capazes de oferecer, tem crescido rapidamente, estimulando o desenvolvimento da tecnologia ATM, que tem sido muito promissora, devida a sua flexibilidade e eficiência. Para dar suporte à comunicação de dados em redes ATM, foram desenvolvidas soluções, como a emulação de redes locais (LANE), a interconexão de redes locais (LAN) e metropolitanas (MAN), e o protocolo IP sobre ATM. O ATM utiliza multiplexação estatística (assíncrona) para inserir os dados nos canais de comunicação de forma otimizada. Esta técnica, permite atender uma quantidade maior de fontes heterogêneas sob num único canal, porém, pode causar congestionamento na rede. O uso da multiplexação estatística, aliada à necessidade de garantir níveis de qualidade diferentes, para cada tipo de serviço, torna necessária a adoção de uma combinação de técnicas de controle de tráfego e congestionamento. Com este propósito, foram desenvolvidos diversas funções e mecanismos, como, por exemplo, controle de acesso (CAC), controle dos parâmetros de uso (UPC), descarte seletivo de células e conformação de tráfego (TS), os quais necessitam conhecer as características do tráfego emitido pela fonte. Por esta razão, toda e qualquer conexão ATM está associada a um contrato de tráfego, que especifica as exigências do usuário, quanto à qualidade de serviço (QoS) a ser oferecida pela rede, através de um descritor de tráfego. O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação, tem por objetivo propor uma metodologia capaz de discriminar um fluxo de células ATM arbitrário, visando a obter os parâmetros descritores de UPC do mesmo. A discriminação de tráfego é relevante à medida que todos os usuários de redes ATM necessitam, de alguma forma, determinar os parâmetros que caracterizam seu fluxo, para poder negociar o contrato de trafego. Infelizmente, a maioria das aplicações ATM, não tem condições prévias de fornecer dados sobre o comportamento do fluxo que geram. Para estas situações, estamos propondo um Discriminador de Tráfego ATM (DTA), que infere a partir de uma amostra inicial do fluxo um conjunto mais provável de parâmetros, os quais constituirão o descritor de tráfego da fonte (STD).


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O presente trabalho, procura discutir o papel que a institucionalização de sistemas de avaliação de programas e políticas públicas podem desempenhar na criação ou aperfeiçoamento de mecanismos de accountability na gestão pública. Mais especificamente, se procura a analisar as relações entre o fortalecimento da função e da capacidade avaliadora do governo e a promoção de níveis crescentes de difusão de informação e criação de mecanismos de accountability. Analisando os casos do Sistema de Avaliação de Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo (SARESP) e Sistema de Monitoramento e avaliação do Programa Estadual de DST/AIDS (PE ¿ DST/AIDS) arriscamos uma hipótese para os diferentes graus de accountability proporcionados por tais mecanismos de avaliação; a saber, os diferentes níveis de transparência e responsabilização proporcionados pelos sistemas e mecanismos de avaliação parecem relacionar-se mais diretamente com o desenho institucional no qual se insere a política ou programa governamental e com os atores interessados (stakeholders) na sua gestão do que propriamente com as características intrínsecas às pesquisas ou sistemas de avaliação das políticas públicas


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O primeiro artigo desta tese procura medir o impacto do programa Bolsa Familia sobre a gravidez juvenil, discutindo também a utilização de programas de transferência condicional de renda para a diminuição da fecundidade em áreas de pobreza. O segundo artigo realiza um exercício contrafactual para estimar o impacto de aumentos no investimento em educação sobre o consumo, considerando não só o aumento da produtividade, mas também o impacto da nova educação sobre a fecundidade das pessoas.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the health care of HIV/AIDS Reference Center for treatment of AIDS in Natal/RN for professionals and service users. Methods: This is an evaluative study with a quantitative approach, performed in the outpatient Giselda Trigueiro Hospital, in Natal (RN). The target population consisted of 313 patients with HIV and 34 professionals of the center. Data collection occurred from august 2007 to july 2008, with a structured form of interview, validated through a pilot study. The data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The evaluation of the service was considered unsatisfactory by 85.6% users. However, 58.8% of professionals considered it satisfactory. There was difference in the evaluation of the following indicators: the relationship professional users, offering support, timeliness of professional guidelines on the treatment. There was similarity in the following indicators: physical structure, respect for privacy, opportunity to make complaints, hospitality, convenience of schedules, availability of ARVs and laboratory tests, and ease of access. Conclusion: The results point to dissatisfaction of the users and professional satisfaction with the health care of people with HIV / AIDS in the service searched. It was found that the indicators used in this study may be considered relevant to evaluate the service in question, as well as monitoringparameters provide acceptable quality of health care by the National STD/AIDS


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Rio Grande do Norte is among the Brazilian States where the tourism and sexual violence increasingly grow in the country, occupying 4th place in 2004. Associated to this fact, it comes the problematic one of the contamination of the women by Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Studies in Brazil have presented a considerable increase of the STDs, caused through lack of suitable protection in the sexual relationships. Due to the biological and psychosocial vulnerability, besides failures or inconsistencies in the condom use associated to the raised taxes of sexual activity with different partners, the STDs constitute the main risk of health. Many difficulties are found by the confrontation of this problem. In this context, this project had as aim to evaluate the vulnerability of this population of sexually active women in Natal-RN Ponta Negra neighbourhood to the infections by STDs, such as, Candida sp., Vaginoses Bacterial, Trichomonas Vaginalis and Chlamydia sp., arisen with the explosion of the sex market, showing a current statistical panorama. It was possible to detect vulnerable points in prevention through patient anamnesis, where the study it showed: high number of partners (8,3% with more than five), low age of first relationship and not the use of condoms (31,8% sometimes use and 45,8% had not used in the first relationship). Already consolidated by the preventive cytopathologic examination, these data were strengthened by high incidence of causing agents of STDs (58,6%). In this way, it is clear that the sexuality must to be thought on the context of the deep economic and socio-cultural transformations in which pass societies, and mainly the ones concerning to the sexuality exercise and to the sex market. With the profile change of the infections, new demands are placed in relation to the risk factors. Therefore, it can be concluded that the prevention vulnerable points detected as more important had been the deficiency in self-perception and wareness of the risk existence among the studied women


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As macrófitas, apesar da enorme importância na dinâmica do ambiente aquático, quando formam extensas e densas colonizações, promovem uma série de prejuízos ao ambiente e aos usos múltiplos dos reservatórios. Nessas situações, há necessidade de redução de seu tamanho populacional, seja reduzindo as condições favoráveis ao crescimento, seja por meio do controle direto das plantas. Dentre as macrófitas aquáticas que promovem esses tipos de problema, o aguapé (Eichhornia crassipes) é considerada a mais importante. Seu controle é praticado em todo o mundo. O diquat tem sido bastante utilizado para o controle desta planta, em razão de seu baixo custo, eficácia, rapidez de controle e baixa toxicidade no ambiente aquático. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os possíveis impactos causados pelo controle de Eichhornia crassipes sobre algumas características de qualidade da água em mesocosmos. Para isso, cinco situações experimentais foram estudadas: CPCH - mesocosmo colonizado por aguapé, o qual foi controlado pela aplicação do herbicida diquat; CPCG - mesocosmo colonizado por aguapé, o qual foi morto por congelamento; CPSH - mesocosmo colonizado com aguapé, sem controle; SPCH - mesocosmo sem macrófitas e com aplicação de diquat na superfície da água; e SPSH - mesocosmo sem macrófitas aquáticas e sem aplicação. O herbicida diquat foi utilizado na dose de 7,0 L da formulação comercial Reward/ha. A temperatura foi mais elevada nos mesocosmos sem plantas, devido à maior incidência de raios solares na coluna d'água. As concentrações de oxigênio dissolvido foram menores nos mesocosmos colonizados pelo aguapé e também tiveram rápida queda após o controle das plantas tanto com diquat como por congelamento. O pH da água foi maior nos mesocosmos sem a cobertura da macrófita. Os valores de sólidos totais dissolvidos (STD) e de condutividade elétrica foram maiores nos tratamentos com morte por congelamento e pelo diquat e em mesocosmos colonizados sem controle da macrófita. Esse efeito pode ser devido à presença de material orgânico em suspensão e à maior concentração de nutrientes presentes na água. Comparando os mesocosmos sem plantas, sem e com a aplicação de diquat na superfície da água, os valores das características avaliadas foram estatisticamente similares, levando à conclusão de que as alterações observadas nos fatores analisados decorrem principalmente da decomposição das plantas.


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We study the health care focused on care in an intercessor and dialogical relationship with the User, which involves the construction of therapeutic projects essential to the quality of the treatment of the user in health services, and it is necessary individual and collective actions. It is intended to acknowledge and analyze the perception of social subjects, users and professionals on the treatment given to a user of a Specialized Outpatient Service (Serviço Ambulatorial Especializado SAE) in STD/HIV/AIDS state reference in Natal, RN. The study is structured in a transdisciplinary vision of science and knowledge, theoretical and methodological principles that give meaning to the expression of the institutional features of care and health care reconnecting them to the social context. As a research strategy we seek the expressions of 56 subjects of social research, which agreed to participate in the sample, from a symbolic map of the attention, coupled with the techniques of observation and semi-structured interview. For the analysis of the results, five categories of analysis were established: the meaning of the service, care perception, process of communication and interaction, treatment perception and organization and evaluation of the service. It is argued that the attention and care are developed in a technical health care assistance to the disease, focusing on attention based on treatment, on diagnostic and drug therapy of antiretroviral drugs, reflecting the traditional biomedical paradigm of attention to the disease. This is also the mode of organization of practical actions in daily SAE: the therapy proves to be fragmented in several specialties, vertical and feeds the same model, generating tension and overload for professionals; showing impersonal care focused on structured and informative technology, unrelated to an interactive dialogic. From the speech of the subjects, the SAE is understood as the place of confrontation with the disease, but also enables greater elaboration of the illness by meeting their peers. Living with HIV and AIDS is living with concern, apprehension and fear, but mainly with the stigma, prejudice and exclusion, which require that the disease is kept in secret. There is a movement of forces and power, expressed in the knowledge-power of those who dominate the technical and administrative capabilities, devices that concentrate the maintenance of the medicalization of care, rapid consultations and with little attention, making it difficult to interact with and listen to, combined with structural failures, organizational and inadequate management of the service. We conclude that there are dimensions that are not considered in the internal dynamics of the care service multiple forms, characterized by care conflicting models, marked by individual interventions related to the disease. The subject is not considered together with his speech as technical discourse is imposed and care production based on material technology is observed


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It is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, and an action-research type, which aimed to analyze the changes of knowledge about contraceptive methods invested to a teenager group attended in Igapó Family Healthcare Unit, in the city of Natal/RN, after consent and institutional assent of Ethics Committee of Rio Grande do Norte Federal University (Protocol No. 131/07). It were researched 16 teenagers of both sexes, with age ranging from 11 to 16 years. We used two structured questionnaires, one in the initial diagnosis and another during the seven meetings of the focus group, in addition to the field notes and the meetings discussions transcriptions. The data-collection was performed in the period of two months by a team composed by a nurse the research coordinator, a dentist, a nursing assistant, a community-based healthcare worker and a nursing academic. The quantitative and qualitative data were organized, tagged and categorized into spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel, being held a thematic analysis of speeches performed by the study participants. The results were presented as tables, graphics, photos, drawings and word clippings. The educational strategy developed in focus group allowed adolescents to discuss, exchange ideas and opinions on several contraceptive methods, providing expansion in knowledge of all contraceptives discussed, especially those natural and surgical, which were less mentioned at the beginning of the study. Among the advantages of the contraceptive methods listed by teenagers, was highlighted avoiding pregnancy and STDs in use of the barrier method of condom. As for the disadvantages more frequently noted by the survey with the misuse of barrier methods, was highlighted get pregnant, acquire STD's and do not prevent STD's in hormonal, natural and surgical methods. Adolescents showed consistency between the advantages and disadvantages and types of contraceptive methods, showing a widening in knowledge among them. It may be said that, in general, those surveyed had a good understanding about the use of the various contraceptive methods. Thus, the study participants had positively evaluated all the criteria used to qualify the meetings in the focus group. The action strategy of the focus group should be encouraged by professionals who work with teenagers, since they prefer to live in groups, one characteristic of adolescence.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper aims to design and develop a control and monitoring system of vending machines, based on a Central Processing Unit with peripheral Internet communication. Coupled with the condom vending machines, a data acquisition module will be connected to the original circuits in order to collect and send, via internet, the information to the healthy government agencies, in the form of charts and reports. In the face of this, such agencies may analyze these data and compare them with the rates of reduction, in medium or long term, of the STD/AIDS in their respective regions, after the implementation of these vending machines, together with the conventional preventing programs. Reading the methodology, this paper is about an explaining and bibliography research, with the aspect of a qualitative-quantitative methodology, presenting a deductive method of approach and an indirect documentation technique research. About the results of the tests and simulations, we concluded that the implementation of this system will have the same success in any other type of dispenser machine