986 resultados para viral genome


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The use of genome-scale metabolic models has been rapidly increasing in fields such as metabolic engineering. An important part of a metabolic model is the biomass equation since this reaction will ultimately determine the predictive capacity of the model in terms of essentiality and flux distributions. Thus, in order to obtain a reliable metabolic model the biomass precursors and their coefficients must be as precise as possible. Ideally, determination of the biomass composition would be performed experimentally, but when no experimental data are available this is established by approximation to closely related organisms. Computational methods however, can extract some information from the genome such as amino acid and nucleotide compositions. The main objectives of this study were to compare the biomass composition of several organisms and to evaluate how biomass precursor coefficients affected the predictability of several genome-scale metabolic models by comparing predictions with experimental data in literature. For that, the biomass macromolecular composition was experimentally determined and the amino acid composition was both experimentally and computationally estimated for several organisms. Sensitivity analysis studies were also performed with the Escherichia coli iAF1260 metabolic model concerning specific growth rates and flux distributions. The results obtained suggest that the macromolecular composition is conserved among related organisms. Contrasting, experimental data for amino acid composition seem to have no similarities for related organisms. It was also observed that the impact of macromolecular composition on specific growth rates and flux distributions is larger than the impact of amino acid composition, even when data from closely related organisms are used.


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La batata se ubica en el séptimo lugar como cultivo destinado a la alimentación humana, y en el quinto luego de arroz, trigo, maíz y mandioca. Globalmente, existen 8 millones de hectáreas plantadas con batata y, aproximadamente el 95% de esa superficie se ubica en más de un centenar de países en desarrollo. En Argentina, la región pampeana (Buenos Aires, Córdoba y Santa Fe) y el NEA representan el 83% de la superficie plantada. Córdoba y Buenos Aires constituyen las principales provincias productoras. A pesar de su importancia potencial en la alimentación humana y animal, como producto exportable y para industrialización, se viene registrando una marcada reducción en el área cultivada con esta hortícola y, entre las causas más relevantes que determinan este fenómeno, se encuentran las enfermedades virales. Históricamente estas patologías han sido la principal limitante en la producción de este cultivo en Argentina y, especialmente en Córdoba. Recientemente y, tras brindar solución al grave problema ocasionado por el “enanismo clorótico” (Sweet potato chlorotic dwarf disease), virosis que afectó al cv Morada INTA en la década del 90, se observó, en nuestra provincia, la aparición de una severa sintomatología viral en lotes de producción implantados con el cv Arapey INIA, genotipo de creciente difusión en el cultivo por sus buenas características agronómicas. En virtud de dicha sintomatología, se sugiere que en la nueva patología viral se halla involucrado más de un agente etiológico y que la misma produce daños económicos en la producción de Arapey INIA. Por otra parte, la identificación de el/los virus presentes en la nueva patología es el primer eslabón para la búsqueda de resistencia a los mismos. Se supone, además, que, en germoplasma selecto de batata existen fuentes de resistencia a el/los virus involucrados y, que, al menos uno de los agentes patógenos de esta virosis de Arapey INIA, es transmitido por moscas blancas. Se propone, como paso inicial para el control de la nueva etiología: caracterizar biológica, serológica y molecularmente a el/los virus involucrados en ella; preparar reactivos de diagnóstico para los mismos y evaluar la gravedad de esta virosis a través de la estimación de su incidencia, prevalencia y severidad y de los daños que provoca sobre los componentes de rendimiento, en zonas productoras de la provincia de Córdoba. Por otra parte y, debido a que una de las principales formas de control de estas enfermedades es a través del empleo de germoplasma resistente y, considerando que la mayoría de los cultivares comerciales de batata, incluído Arapey INIA poseen escasa variabilidad genética por ser monoclonales, se pretende explorar molecularmente para genes de resistencia en aproximadamente 30 genotipos (clones) promisorios procedentes de la EEA INTA San Pedro ( Bs.As.), empleados como parentales en policruzamientos, además de hacerlo en el genotipo bajo estudio (Arapey INIA).


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Argentina es el tercer exportador mundial de maíz luego de Estados Unidos y Brasil. La estimación de la campaña 2009/10 indica que la producción mundial de maíz alcanzaría los 832,37 millones de toneladas, cerca de 23 millones de toneladas más que lo cosechado durante la campaña anterior y 21 millones de toneladas mas que lo cosechado en la campaña récord de 2007/08 (USDA, 2010). La cosecha de maíz 2009/10 en Argentina sería récord, llegando a los 22,5 millones de toneladas lo que significaría un incremento de 53% respecto de la campaña anterior, igualando el récord de la campaña 2006/07. El aumento de la potencialidad de rendimiento se concibe desde un cultivo sin incidencia de enfermedades. La predicción de la ocurrencia y del riesgo de daño asociado a las enfermedades de los cultivos a gran escala, la determinación del riesgo de distribución de pestes exóticas o emergentes en la agricultura sustentable, la evaluación de riesgo/beneficio del control biológico y la evaluación de enfermedades asociadas con el calentamiento global o el cambio de prácticas culturales son tópicos importantes en la ciencia agropecuaria moderna. Las enfermedades del maíz, en especial las producidas por virus y mollicutes se han incrementado en los últimos años debido, entre otras causas, al cultivo continuo desde el norte del país y países vecinos desde donde migran los vectores, a los cultivares de alto rendimiento que en muchos casos son susceptibles a estos patógenos y en gran medida a los cambios climáticos globales que generan que virosis de zonas tropicales y subtropicales se extiendan a zonas templadas. El principal enfoque para el control es el conocimiento del ciclo epidemiológico de la enfermedad ubicado para cada ambiente. En este marco es que desde el Departamento de Graduados de la Fac. de Cs. Agropecuarias, junto con la Secretaría de Extensión surgió la necesidad de la transferencia de los resultados de la investigación. Los conocimientos adquiridos en investigación hasta el presente, en toda la extensión de la Provincia de Córdoba, servirán a profesionales asesores, empresas semilleras y de insumos agropecuarios, productores y estudiantes próximos a graduarse a conocer estas enfermedades, sus vectores, las condiciones predisponentes y tener acceso a información actualizada para lograr su manejo con medidas preventivas desde el momento de la compra de los insumos agropecuarios, el sistema de labranza y de las fechas de siembra. Entrenar al productor para que adquiera esta habilidad le permitirá escapar a pérdidas de hasta 60% del lote, como son las producidas en la Provincia por algunas virosis como el Mal de Río Cuarto (March et al., 1993, Gaceta agronómica 76: 384), o pérdidas no perceptibles pero reales, de 14% en plantas con esta enfermedad respecto a plantas sanas (Ornaghi et a., 1995, IX J. Fitosanitarias Argentinas: 84). Otras virosis, como el mosaico común, no producen grandes epidemias sino son incidiosas, están presentes todos los años con pérdidas de producción a niveles tan significativos como 5,5 qq/ha e incidencias de hasta 44% en la Provincia (Lenardón y Giolitti, 1999, Proyecto de Investig. en Fitovirología INTA-JICA) y requiere certificación sanitaria para la exportación del grano pues se transmite por semilla. Por su parte, mollicutes emergentes como el Corn stunt spiroplasma, se han detectado en Córdoba con incidencias de 61% en lotes de Justiniano Posse y de 80% en Sarmiento, habiéndose detectado en la campaña 2009/10 en 4 localidades de la Provincia. Virosis re-emergentes como el MCMV, que produce necrosis letal del maíz en sinergismo con otras virosis, han hecho su reaparición con niveles de hasta 18% de infección. Reconocer sus síntomas y conocer las formas de dispersión y transmisión permitirá al profesional y al productor la evaluación del problema y tomar medidas de prevención y manejo de estas enfermedades para lograr los rendimientos esperados.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2011


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Quantitative method of viral pollution determination for large volume of water using ferric hydroxide gel impregnated on the surface of glassfibre cartridge filter. The use of ferric hydroxide gel, impregnated on the surface of glassfibre cartridge filter enable us to recover 62.5% of virus (Poliomylitis type I, Lsc strain) exsogeneously added to 400 liters of tap-water. The virus concentrator system consists of four cartridge filters, in which the three first one are clarifiers, where the contaminants are removed physically, without significant virus loss at this stage. The last cartridge filter is impregnated with ferric hydroxide gel, where the virus is adsorbed. After the required volume of water has been processed, the last filter is removed from the system and the viruses are recovered from the gel, using 1 liter of glycine/NaOH buffer, at pH 11. Immediately the eluate is clarified through series of cellulose acetate membranes mounted in a 142mm Millipore filter. For the second step of virus concentration, HC1 1N is added slowly to the eluate to achieve pH 3.5-4. MgC1, is added to give a final concentration of 0.05M and the viruses are readsorbed on a 0.45 , porosity (HA) cellulose acetate membrane, mounted in a 90 mm Millipore filter. The viruses are recovered using the same eluent plus 10% of fetal calf serum, to a final volume of 3 ml. In this way, it was possible to concentrate virus from 400 liters of tap-water, into 1 liter in the first stage of virus concentration and just to 3 ml of final volume in a second step. The efficiency, simplicity and low operational cost, provded by the method, make it feasible to study viral pollution of recreational and tap-water sources.


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Toddia França, 1912 under the light microscope occurs as inclusion corpuscles in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes of cold-blooded vertebrates sometimes accompanied by crystalloid bodies. Its position among the protozoans or the viruses has been discussed by some authors, but remained unclear. To elucidate this problem we studied Toddia from a Brazilian frog (Leptodactylus ocellatus) by electron microscopy. In the cytoplasm of the infected cells we found no protozoan, but rather virus-like particles often hexagonal in outline, averaging 195 nm excluding their two involving membranes, and presenting a central area of variable electron density. Particles at different stages of development were generally found around or on area lighter density than the cytoplasm. which resembled a virus synthesis site. At high magnification, the nuclear or cytoplasmic crystals allied to Toddia resembled the crystalline lattice of the inclusion bodies associated with the polyhedrosis viruses and poxviruses from insects, of the capsules of granulosis viruses and of other protein crystals in ultrathin sections. Cytochemical tests in Toddia corpuscles displayed exclusively the presence of deoxyribonucleic acid. These findings indicate that Toddia is not a protozoan and demonstrate that it is in all probability a viral inclusion corpuscle. Taking into account the nucleic acid type found in its structure (DNA) and the hexagonal shape usually shown in ultrathin sections by its component particles, which have a cytoplasmic site of synthesis and assembly, we tentatively relate Toddia with the so-called "Icosahedral Cytoplasmic Deoxyriboviruses". We believe that the present paper gives the first report of virus-like particles in L. ocellatus.


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Particles morphologically identical to rotaviruses were found in the faeces of a nine week-old child with gastroenteritis. Analysis of the viral RNA genome by polyacrylamine gel electrophoresis revealed 10 bands (probably 11 segments) some of wich differed in migration rate from those of the great majority of rotaviruses infecting man and other animal hosts. The virus was not detected by a highly sensitive enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and therefore probably lacked the crossreactive antigen(s) shared by the majority rotaviruses. This was the only strain with such behaviour among 230 rotaviruses of human origin examined in this laboratory since 1979. The implications of the existence of non-crossreactive rotaviruses are discussed.


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The first extensive catalog of structural human variation was recently released. It showed that large stretches of genomic DNA that vary considerably in copy number were extremely abundant. Thus it is conceivable that they play a major role in functional variation. Consistently, genomic insertions and deletions were shown to contribute to phenotypic differences by modifying not only the expression levels of genes within the aneuploid segments but also of normal copy-number neighboring genes. In this report, we review the possible mechanisms behind this latter effect.


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The mutualistic symbiosis involving Glomeromycota, a distinctive phylum of early diverging Fungi, is widely hypothesized to have promoted the evolution of land plants during the middle Paleozoic. These arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) perform vital functions in the phosphorus cycle that are fundamental to sustainable crop plant productivity. The unusual biological features of AMF have long fascinated evolutionary biologists. The coenocytic hyphae host a community of hundreds of nuclei and reproduce clonally through large multinucleated spores. It has been suggested that the AMF maintain a stable assemblage of several different genomes during the life cycle, but this genomic organization has been questioned. Here we introduce the 153-Mb haploid genome of Rhizophagus irregularis and its repertoire of 28,232 genes. The observed low level of genome polymorphism (0.43 SNP per kb) is not consistent with the occurrence of multiple, highly diverged genomes. The expansion of mating-related genes suggests the existence of cryptic sex-related processes. A comparison of gene categories confirms that R. irregularis is close to the Mucoromycotina. The AMF obligate biotrophy is not explained by genome erosion or any related loss of metabolic complexity in central metabolism, but is marked by a lack of genes encoding plant cell wall-degrading enzymes and of genes involved in toxin and thiamine synthesis. A battery of mycorrhiza-induced secreted proteins is expressed in symbiotic tissues. The present comprehensive repertoire of R. irregularis genes provides a basis for future research on symbiosis-related mechanisms in Glomeromycota.


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Metabolic traits are molecular phenotypes that can drive clinical phenotypes and may predict disease progression. Here, we report results from a metabolome- and genome-wide association study on (1)H-NMR urine metabolic profiles. The study was conducted within an untargeted approach, employing a novel method for compound identification. From our discovery cohort of 835 Caucasian individuals who participated in the CoLaus study, we identified 139 suggestively significant (P<5×10(-8)) and independent associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and metabolome features. Fifty-six of these associations replicated in the TasteSensomics cohort, comprising 601 individuals from São Paulo of vastly diverse ethnic background. They correspond to eleven gene-metabolite associations, six of which had been previously identified in the urine metabolome and three in the serum metabolome. Our key novel findings are the associations of two SNPs with NMR spectral signatures pointing to fucose (rs492602, P = 6.9×10(-44)) and lysine (rs8101881, P = 1.2×10(-33)), respectively. Fine-mapping of the first locus pinpointed the FUT2 gene, which encodes a fucosyltransferase enzyme and has previously been associated with Crohn's disease. This implicates fucose as a potential prognostic disease marker, for which there is already published evidence from a mouse model. The second SNP lies within the SLC7A9 gene, rare mutations of which have been linked to severe kidney damage. The replication of previous associations and our new discoveries demonstrate the potential of untargeted metabolomics GWAS to robustly identify molecular disease markers.


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Dramatic improvements in DNA sequencing technologies have led to amore than 1,000-fold reduction in sequencing costs over the past five years.Genome-wide research approaches can thus now be applied beyond medicallyrelevant questions to examine the molecular-genetic basis of behavior,development and unique life histories in almost any organism. A first step foran emerging model organism is usually establishing a reference genomesequence. I offer insight gained from the fire ant genome project. First, I detailhow the project came to be and how sequencing, assembly and annotationstrategies were chosen. Subsequently, I describe some of the issues linked toworking with data from recently sequenced genomes. Finally, I discuss anapproach undertaken in a follow-up project based on the fire ant genomesequence.


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Les virus exploitent la machinerie cellulaire de l'hôte pour se répliquer. Ils doivent s'adapter pour infecter la cellule hôte de manière optimale tout en échappant à la vigilance du système de défense de l'hôte. Ainsi l'hôte et les virus se livrent à de constantes batailles évolutives. Mon travail de thèse a porté sur l'étude des signatures évolutives de facteurs de l'hôte agissant comme des 'facteurs de restriction' en bloquant la réplication rétrovirale chez les primates. Plus spécifiquement, mon travail a visé à utiliser des données évolutives pour renseigner les analyses fonctionnelles et la biologie. Nous avons étudié le facteur anti-VIH-1 nommé TRIM5a (i) chez les prosimiens pour mieux comprendre son rôle dans le contrôle d'un lentivirus endogène, (ii) dans son activité contre d'autres anciennes infections représentées par des rétrovirus endogènes humains et (iii) en tant que protéine capable de générer des mutants de la capside. Premièrement nous nous sommes intéressés à TRIM5a chez deux espèces de lémuriens dont Microcebus murinus qui porte le lentivirus endogène PSIV dans son génome depuis plusieurs millions d'années,. Nous avons observé que TRIM5a chez M. murinus a un spectre d'activité antivirale réduit à l'opposé de TRIM5a chez le Lemur catta - non porteur du PSIV endogène - qui bloque une large variété de rétrovirus dont le PSIV. De ce fait TRIM5a aurait pu contribuer à protéger certaines espèces de lémuriens vis-à-vis d'anciennes infections par le PSIV. A l'inverse du PSIV, des virus dérivés des rétrovirus endogènes humains HERV-K and HERV-H se sont révélés largement résistants à l'inhibition par TRIM5a. Ces données illustrent une absence de protection par TRIM5a face à d'autres anciennes infections rétrovirales. Puis, pour évaluer l'impact de la protéine TRIM5a humaine sur le VIH-1, nous avons testé l'effet de mutations des résidues sous sélection positive dans la capside du VIH-1 sur l'inhibition par TRIM5a. Nos résultats montrent que TRIM5a ne jouerait pas un rôle significatif dans l'évolution de la capside du VIH-1. Enfin notre travail a porté sur le facteur anti-VIH-1 SAMHD1 récemment découvert, que nous avons séquencé chez 25 espèces de primates. L'analyse évolutive des sites sous sélection positive et des expériences fonctionnelles ont permis d'identifier le domaine de SAMHD1 interagissant avec la protéine lentivirale Vpx. De même que d'autres protéines virales contrecarrent les facteurs de restriction en les menant à la dégradation, nous avons observé que Vpx induit la dégradation de SAMHD1 de manière spécifique à l'espèce. Ces découvertes contribuent à comprendre comment les facteurs de restriction et les virus co-évoluent pour se neutraliser l'un l'autre. - Viruses hijack the host cellular machinery to replicate. They adapt to infect optimally host cells while escaping host defense systems. Viruses and the host coevolve in an evolutionary struggle. My thesis work has been devoted to study the evolutionary signatures of host factors acting as restriction factors that block retroviral replication in primates. Specifically, my work aimed at using evolutionary data to inform functional analyses and biology. We studied the anti-HIV-1 factor TRIM5a (i) in prosimians to better understand its possible role in the control of an endogenous lentivirus, (ii) in its activity against other ancient infections - as represented by HERVs, and (iii) as a protein capable of generating escape mutants in the viral capsid. First, my work focused on two lemur species, one of which was the gray mouse lemur that carries the endogenous lentivirus PSIV integrated in its genome for several million years. TRIM5a from gray mouse lemur exhibited a limited antiviral spectrum as opposed to TRIM5a from ring-tailed lemur - not a host of PSIV - that is able to block diverse retroviruses notably PSIV. These results support the possible contribution of TRIM5a in protecting lemur species from ancient infection by PSIV. In contrast, chimeric viruses derived from two human endogenous retroviruses were broadly resistant to TRIM5a-mediated restriction, suggesting TRIM5a lack of activity against other types of ancient infections. To evaluate the recent impact of human TRIM5a on HIV-1 evolution, we tested whether variants at positively selected sites in the HIV-1 capsid affected the ability of human TRIM5a alleles to restrict HIV-1. Our results indicate that TRIM5a does not play a significant role in the evolution of HIV1 capsid. At last, our work concentrated on the newly discovered anti-HIV-1 restriction factor SAMHD1. We determined its coding sequence in a panel of 25 species of primates. Evolutionary analyses of positively selected sites in SAMHD1 domains and functional assays identified the domain of SAMHD1 interacting with the lentiviral protein Vpx. Similar to other viral countermeasures targeting cellular restriction factors, Vpx was responsible of the degradation of SAMHD1 orthologs in a species-specific manner. These findings contributed to understanding how restriction factors and viruses evolve to counteract each other.