445 resultados para verbo apresentacional


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El título de este trabajo sugiere que su texto fue preparado para que pudiera servir de ayuda al profesor novel. De hecho puede ser útil a quien quiera que se dedique a la profesión docente. El fenómeno fundamental que tiene lugar en las aulas es la adquisición de conocimientos por parte del alumno. El verbo que denota esta actividad se representa con la palabra aprender. La contribución del profesor consiste en conseguir que se aprenda de una forma selectiva, con “gusto” y eficacia. Se han de aprender unas cosas y no otras, se ha disfrutar de lo que se hace y no se ha de perder tiempo. Aunque la única actividad realmente importante es el aprender de los alumnos, los que hablan del asunto, que son los que saben hablar, como profesores, pedagogos, administradores y políticos, casi siempre han examinado el proceso desde su óptica y la denominan enseñar. Así, al proceso que tiene lugar lo llaman enseñanza. Este punto de vista es tan acentuado que ni siquiera existe la palabra aprendanza y ya va siendo hora que alguien la invente. La palabra aprendizaje se usa cuando lo que se aprende es una acción como leer, escribir, correr, nadar, etc. En este trabajo el lector puede encontrar 70 consejos que pueden servir de ayuda al novel profesor en su labor de dirigir la aprendanza de sus alumnos, contando con un bagaje algo más amplio que la simple intuición. En el ejercicio de la docencia todos nos hemos encontrado en situaciones apuradas. Para salir de ellas hemos tenido que optar por utilizar métodos más allá del dominio de la materia. En este trabajo se ofrecen algunos ejemplos de estos métodos que pueden ser utilizados con ventaja. Hay más. Confío que figurarán en sucesivas ediciones. Cada lector tendrá que decidir cuales son los más adecuados a su situación. A lo largo de los 70 consejos existe un talante inspirador. Algo así como si los autores siguieran un meta-consejo que les guíara y se reflejara en todas partes, sin deletrearse en ninguna. Me voy a tomar la libertad de hacerlo yo, sin su permiso. Consejo 0.1 Enamórate de tu profesión. Es preciosa. No hay espectáculo más fabuloso que ver como la mente de un alumno se va abriendo como una flor en primavera y es una gozada saberse parte del proceso. José Miró Nicolau Palma de Mallorca, Junio de 2005.


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O presente estudo pretende articular conhecimentos entre a Terapia da Fala e a Linguística, através de uma investigação observacional. Tendo por componente empírica uma amostra constituída por 150 crianças em idade escolar (dos 5 anos e 7 meses aos 10 anos), sem dificuldades no desenvolvimento da linguagem e que frequentam escolas públicas do concelho do Funchal da ilha da Madeira, selecionadas de acordo com a localização, número total de alunos e ranking, procura-se avaliar o seu desempenho linguístico, através da aplicação da Grelha de Avaliação da Linguagem, nível escolar (GOL-E). Os resultados da análise quantitativa mostram que o desenvolvimento da linguagem das crianças madeirenses não se distancia dos valores percentuais observados em crianças continentais, nos vários domínios considerados na GOL-E - semântico, morfossintático e fonológico. Do ponto de vista qualitativo, constata-se o uso significativo de variantes linguísticas não padrão em português (verbo ir na 3ª pessoa do singular no presente do indicativo, assim como o uso do clítico se). Relativamente aos fatores que poderão influenciar o desenvolvimento da linguagem, podemos observar que a idade da criança, as habilitações literárias dos pais e o número de membros do agregado familiar são os mais importantes na variação do desenvolvimento da linguagem. Já no que concerne às variáveis não ordinais, nota-se significância estatística da influência do tipo de família, naturalidade do Professor e localização da escola.


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En nuestro dialecto se registra un fenómeno con algunos verbos; consiste en que un verbo ditransitivo pasa a comportarse como transitivo, más precisamente, el primer objeto (OD) se elide y el segundo (OI) se expresa en acusativo: 1) Le robaron dinero a Juan; 2) Lo robaron a Juan. La hipótesis que formulamos para intentar explicar este cambio tiene varios aspectos: Se trata de un fenómeno que se presenta en nuestro dialecto debido a que admite doblado de clíticos acusativos. Se produciría un cambio en la estructura argumental del verbo, dando lugar a dos elementos léxicos distintos. Desde el punto de vista de Jaume Mateu i Fontanals (2002)1 tendríamos dos constructos semánticos con diferencias sintácticas y semánticas. Cambia el grado de afectación de los argumentos, si consideramos que el evento expresado por los verbos ditransitivos relaciona tres entidades, una entidad Causante, una afectada directamente y una tercera afectada en forma indirecta. Este cambio se origina en el hecho de que en español solo la 3ra. persona tiene marca de caso para acusativo (lo/la) distinta del dativo (le), mientras que en 1ra. y 2da. persona la misma forma expresa ambos casos, me y te, respectivamente. 3) Me/te robaron dinero; 4) Me/te robaron


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Observaciones acerca de algunas palabras de uso frecuente.--Pléyade.--Un nuevo libro de don Ricardo Palma [Dos mil setecientas voces que hacen falta en el Diccionario]--Una lección sobre diminutivos.--Las metáforas i el Diccionario.--Réjimen del verbo ocuparse.--Decadencia del estudio de la gramática castellana.


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Ao clarão dos obuzes.--O verbo.--O desertor.--O coveiro.--O vóto.--Trophéos.--A agonia do Christo.--A flor das Tulherias.--O triduo da morte.--A primeira aula.--A fronteira.--A cruz de guerra.--O crime do soldado.--O ultimo disparo.--A guerra.--Os dois mensageiros.--Olhos do coração.--As cegonhas.--As rosas de Malmaison.--A bandeira.--Gethsemani.--Adeus.--Edith Cavell.


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Contiene: Elenchi Dictionum, quae enodantur in Libris Quatuor De Verbo. Signifi. Do. Andreae Alcia. Iure Con. ...


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Each volume has also special t. p.


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En nuestro dialecto se registra un fenómeno con algunos verbos; consiste en que un verbo ditransitivo pasa a comportarse como transitivo, más precisamente, el primer objeto (OD) se elide y el segundo (OI) se expresa en acusativo: 1) Le robaron dinero a Juan; 2) Lo robaron a Juan. La hipótesis que formulamos para intentar explicar este cambio tiene varios aspectos: Se trata de un fenómeno que se presenta en nuestro dialecto debido a que admite doblado de clíticos acusativos. Se produciría un cambio en la estructura argumental del verbo, dando lugar a dos elementos léxicos distintos. Desde el punto de vista de Jaume Mateu i Fontanals (2002)1 tendríamos dos constructos semánticos con diferencias sintácticas y semánticas. Cambia el grado de afectación de los argumentos, si consideramos que el evento expresado por los verbos ditransitivos relaciona tres entidades, una entidad Causante, una afectada directamente y una tercera afectada en forma indirecta. Este cambio se origina en el hecho de que en español solo la 3ra. persona tiene marca de caso para acusativo (lo/la) distinta del dativo (le), mientras que en 1ra. y 2da. persona la misma forma expresa ambos casos, me y te, respectivamente. 3) Me/te robaron dinero; 4) Me/te robaron


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En nuestro dialecto se registra un fenómeno con algunos verbos; consiste en que un verbo ditransitivo pasa a comportarse como transitivo, más precisamente, el primer objeto (OD) se elide y el segundo (OI) se expresa en acusativo: 1) Le robaron dinero a Juan; 2) Lo robaron a Juan. La hipótesis que formulamos para intentar explicar este cambio tiene varios aspectos: Se trata de un fenómeno que se presenta en nuestro dialecto debido a que admite doblado de clíticos acusativos. Se produciría un cambio en la estructura argumental del verbo, dando lugar a dos elementos léxicos distintos. Desde el punto de vista de Jaume Mateu i Fontanals (2002)1 tendríamos dos constructos semánticos con diferencias sintácticas y semánticas. Cambia el grado de afectación de los argumentos, si consideramos que el evento expresado por los verbos ditransitivos relaciona tres entidades, una entidad Causante, una afectada directamente y una tercera afectada en forma indirecta. Este cambio se origina en el hecho de que en español solo la 3ra. persona tiene marca de caso para acusativo (lo/la) distinta del dativo (le), mientras que en 1ra. y 2da. persona la misma forma expresa ambos casos, me y te, respectivamente. 3) Me/te robaron dinero; 4) Me/te robaron


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This research aims at studying the use of greeting cards, here understood as a literacy practice widely used in American society of the United States. In American culture, these cards become sources of information and memory about people‟s cycles of life, their experiences and their bonds of sociability enabled by means of the senses that the image and the word comprise. The main purpose of this work is to describe how this literacy practice occurs in American society. Theoretically, this research is based on studies of literacy (BARTON, HAMILTON, 1998; BAYHAM, 1995; HAMILTON, 2000; STREET, 1981, 1984, 1985, 1993, 2003), the contributions of social semiotics, associated with systemic-functional grammar (HALLIDAY; HASAN 1978, 1985, HALLIDAY, 1994, HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004), and the grammar of visual design (KRESS; LEITE-GARCIA, VAN LEEUWEN, 1997, 2004, 2006; KRESS; MATTHIESSEN, 2004). Methodologically, it is a study that falls within the qualitative paradigm of interpretative character, which adopts ethnographic tools in data generation. From this perspective, it makes use of “looking and asking” techniques (ERICKSON, 1986, p. 119), complemented by the technique of "registering", proposed by Paz (2008). The corpus comprises 104 printed cards, provided by users of this cultural artifact, from which we selected 24, and 11 e-cards, extracted from the internet, as well as verbalizations obtained by applying a questionnaire prepared with open questions asked in order to gather information about the perceptions and actions of these cards users with respect to this literacy practice. Data analysis reveals cultural, economic and social aspects of this practice and the belief that literacy practice of using printed greeting cards, despite the existence of virtual alternatives, is still very fruitful in American society. The study also allows users to comprehend that the cardholders position themselves and construct identities that are expressed in verbal and visual interaction in order to achieve the desired effect. As a result, it is understood that greeting cards are not unintentional, but loaded with ideology and power relations, among other aspects that are constitutive of them.


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Portuguese language textbooks, according to what has been preconized on the official document to education, have been configured on discursive genres imported from diverse spheres of human activity. Adverts, genre of ample social circulation, spread from the Advertising sphere to the schools and started being approached by these collectaneas as an object and a tool for teaching. Therefore, this research deals with the approach of ads in Portugese textbooks. These discursive practices matter for the impact or appeal they exert over the (new) consumers, among which High School students; for their representation in the capitalist system, which guides us on our relationships and social practices; and for the mix of languages that end up at their composition, once they encapsulate the spirit of our time, par excellence, the one from the verbal-visual genres. To understand the treatment given to these advertising pieces, from questions/commentaries related to them, two collections were selected by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático – Textbook National Program (PNLD 2012) among the ones more used by public High Schools in Natal/RN. From Applied Linguistics, from mestizo, nomadic and inter/transdisciplinary identity (MOITA LOPES, 2009), this study falls within the discursive chain of the interpretive tradition of historical-cultural approach (FREITAS, 2010) and names the Bakhtin Circle and its language‟s dialogical conception as inescapable partners. The data of the colletaneas show that the genre approach can happen as concrete utterance, as linguistic artifact and as hybrid, at work with questions and without questions, with the predominance of its occurrence in the portion of the volume devoted to the study of grammar. In the literature chapters and production/interpretation of compositions, it insert is incipient or it doesn‟t happen in the volume. Such a provision has implications for multiliteracies (ROJO, 2012) of the citizen student, once the lack or the abundance of critical reading proposals for this genre, that demand from the student the exercise of knowledge that is necessary to the construction of linguistic and social meanings, can be responsible for guide to a more conscious consumerism (material and cultural) by the chief customers of the work under review. The approaches of the genres seems to indicate a gradual transition that such material have undergone, which means, from the focus on clauses to the focus on utterances, or even the approach as linguistic artifact to hybrid and the concrete utterance, in search of overcoming the traditional tendency of taking advantage of formal aspects of the language, to the detriment of enunciative ones, and for coming into harmony with the guidelines and parameters of teaching in contemporary times, bringing the school duties close to the rights in life.


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Cette recherche décrit la représentation discursive que la présidente Dilma Rousseff fait de soi-même, dans son discours devant le Congrès National, lors de la journée d’investiture, le 1/1/2011. Notre travail se situe dans le domaine théorique et méthodologique de la linguistique du texte et, plus spécialement, dans la perspective de l’Analyse Textuelle des Discours – ATD (ADAM, 2011 [2008a]), qui se définit comme « une théorie de la production co(n)textuelle de sens qui doit se fonder sur l’analyse de textes concrets ». Elle nous fournit la notion théorique et analytique de « représentation discursive », qui se focalise sur la dimension sémantique du texte. Nous nous appuyons, aussi, sur des travaux récents sur les représentations discursives, réalisés dans la recherche brésilienne sur l’ATD (RODRIGUES, PASSEGGI, SILVA NETO, 2010, 2012; RAMOS, 2011; OLIVEIRA, 2013; QUEIROZ, 2013; ZAMBLANO-OLIVEIRA, PASSEGGI, 2013). Les principales opérations sémantiques de construction de la représentation discursive utilisées dans notre travail sont la Référenciation et la Prédication. L’approche méthodologique est, en même temps, qualitative et quantitative, priorisant l’identification des occurrences, ainsi que la description détaillée de leurs valeurs sémantiques et textuelles. Les résultats de la recherche sont de trois ordres : méthodologique, théorique et descriptif-interprétatif. Méthodologique : nous proposons une approche que nous désignons comme « marquage textuel » (ou « mappage textuel ») qui permet de marquer (étiqueter) les valeurs sémantiques des formes linguistiques, permettant leur identification dans le flux textuel, c.-à-d., dans la dimension séquentiellecompositionnelle du texte. Théorique : nous introduisons la notion de « domaines de la représentation discursive » qui organisent et articulent les différents éléments qui composent la représentation discursive de la présidente. Quant aux résultats descriptifsinterprétatifs du discours de l’investiture, ils indiquent que la représentation discursive de la présidente se configure au moyen de différents domaines conceptuels, explicités par les référenciations et les prédications. Ils mettent en relief les désignations et les actions / états, aussi bien de la femme – domaine du genre – que de la présidente – domaine du rôle politique et institutionnel. La présidente se représente explicitement et avec emphase comme l’agent responsable par les actions exprimées par les prédications verbales (verbes d’action), consciente de l’importance de son rôle politique et social. Les prédications nominales signalent clairement une représentation discursive qui englobe les domaines conceptuels politique, moral, éthique, comportemental et émotionnel (forte, accueillante, pionnière, consolidatrice, infatigable, humble, engagée, démocrate, victorieuse et courageuse). Le discours d’investiture réalise, donc, des désignations positives de la présidente, lesquelles se situent dans un temps présent et prospectif – avec des perspectives de futur – comme leader politique du Brésil, avec une participation active dans la transformation du pays, tenant compte aussi de son histoire de vie, sa biographie de luttes. Ainsi, la description empirique et l’interprétation de ce discours particulier contribue à l’analyse textuelle des représentations discursives dans le discours politique brésilien contemporain. Elle soulève, aussi, des questions théoriques et méthodologiques qui nous semblent pertinentes pour le développement de cette aproche.


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In this dissertation, under the light of a sociofunctionalist approach (TAVARES, 2003; 2013; GORSKI; TAVARES, 2013), I analyze 378 data of pronouns tu and você extracted from 12 conversations belonging to Natal Conversational Data Base (CUNHA, 2010). I have the following objectives: (i) mapping linguistic and extralinguistic specialization trends of second person singular subject pronouns tu and você in the speech of Natal (RN); (ii) assessing the role of the principle of persistence (HOPPER, 1991) as a possible motivating factor of specialization trends of pronouns tu and você; (iii) identify in which of the six pronouns subsystems proposed by Scherre et al. (2009) is situated the speech community of Natal portrayed in this study. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, I submitted the data to multivariate statistical analysis, which have provided frequencies and relative weights.I obtained, as relevant factor groups, according to the statistical analysis, the nature of the relationship between the interlocutors (if the relationship is asymmetric, less intimate, and more formal, the use of você is favored; if the relationship is symmetrical, intimate and informal, the use of tu is favored); the degree of formality of the environment in which the conversation takes place (in more informal environments tu was favored; in more formal environments você were favored); and the type of discourse (reported / not reported) (tu was favored in not reported discourse and você was favored in reported discourse). Based on results regarding to these factors groups, I organized a panorama of specializations of pronouns tu and você, noting that tu seems specialized for more informal contexts of use than those for which você seems specialized. The motivation underlying these trends of specialization may be the principle of persistence, since along its historical development, você carries a trace of greater formality or, at least, less intimacy, when contrasted to tu. Finally, I concluded that, of the six pronoun subsystems proposed by Scherre et al. (2009), the speech community of Natal can be framed in the fifth, characterized by variable use of subject pronouns tu and você, with more frequent use of você than tu, and rare occurrence of agreement of tu with second-person singular verb.


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In line with the model of grammar competition (Kroch, 1989; 2001), according to which the change in the syntactic domains is a process that develops via competition between different grammars, we describe and analyze the superficial constructions V2 / V3 in matrices / roots sentences of brazilian personal letters of the 19th and 20th centuries. The corpus, composed by 154 personal letters of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Norte, is divided into three century halves: (i) latter half of the 19th century; (ii) first half of the 20th century; and (iii) latter half of the 20th century. Our focus was the observation of the nature of preverbal constituents in superficial constructions V2 (verb in second position in the sentence) and V3 (verb in third position in the sentence), with a special attention on the position of the subject. Based on the various diachronical studies about the Portuguese ordination standards (Ambar (1992); Ribeiro (1995, 2001); Paixão de Sousa (2004); Paiva (2011), Coelho and Martins (2009, 2012)), our study sought to realize what are empirical ordination standards that involve superficial constructions V2 / V3 and how these patterns structure syntactically within a formal theoretical perspective (Chomsky, 1981; 1986), more specifically, in accordance with studies of Antonelli (2011), and Costa & Galves (2002). The survey results show that the data from the second half of the 19th century – unlike the first and second half of the 20th century data – have a greater balance in relation to the syntactic nature of preverbal constituent (contiguous or not), so that, in this period, the occurrence of orders with the subject in a preverbal position arrives at, at most, 52% (231/444 data); while in the 48% (213/444 data) remaining, the preverbal constituents are represented by a non-subject constituent, almost always an adverbial adjunct. Seen the results, we advocate that the brazilian personal letters of the 19th century have ordination patterns associated with a V2 system and an SV system, configuring, therefore, a possible competition process between different grammars that instantiate or a V2 system or an SV system. In other words, the brazilian letters of the 19th century instantiate a competition between the grammar of Classic Portuguese (a V2 system) and the grammars of Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese (an SV system). Therefore, that period is subject to the completion of two distinct parametric markings: (i) verb moved to the Fin core (grammar of Classic Portuguese) and (ii) verb moved to the T core (grammar of Brazilian Portuguese /European Portuguese). On the other hand, in the personal letters of the 20th century (first and second halves), there is a clear increase in ordenation patterns associated with the SV system, which shows more stable.


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In this work we present the description and analysis of the clitics collocation patterns in prepositional infinitive sentences within the Brazilian writing in the centuries XIX and XX. The corpus in analysis is comprised of letters of newspaper readers and newspaper writers, as well as of advertisements (ads) taken from Brazilian newspapers from different regions / states – Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Ceará and Pernambuco – and written in the Centuries XIX and XX. They belong to the common minimum corpus of the project named Projeto para a História do Português Brasileiro (PHPB or Project to the History of the Brazilian Portuguese, in English). Its analysis is based on theoreticalmethodological postulates of the Theory of Variation and Change (WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 1968[2006]; LABOV, 1972[2008]); on the Theory of Principles and Parameters (CHOMSKY, 1981, 1986) and on the model of Grammar Competition (KROCH, 1989; 2001). By trying to articulate those presuppositions from both the theories we present a proposition of theoretical interface between the Variation Theory and the Grammar one. Concerning the empirical results achieved by means of this research, we could figure that, in the context in which there were prepositional infinitive sentences, the most significant independent variable to the occurrence of the proclisis is the type of preposition that comes before the verb in the infinitive. Before that, we found out that there are prepositions which strongly direct the proclisis, as it is the case of the prepositions in Portuguese sem, por, de and para, with all of them presenting Relative Weights over 0,52. Another important result is the one attested in the data referring the state of Rio de Janeiro (RJ). This state is the only one of the sample which is located in the Southeastern region and also presents itself as the main proclisis conditioner amongst the localities pertaining to the sample. In order to explain those results, we raised the hypothesis that the proclisis implementation may be more advanced in the Southeastern than in the Northeastern Brazil, however that hypothesis must be confirmed or refuted in future works. We also present, in this work, a theoretical explanation about the clitics colocation in prepositional infinitive sentences within the Brazilian writing in the XIX and XX centuries. The theoretical explanation we found to interpret the achieved results associates Magro’s proposition (2005), regarding the existence of prepositions occupying the nucleus PP and the existence of prepositions which can play the role of a completer and occupy the nucleus CP, according to Galves (2000; 2001), regarding the existent relation between the clitic colocation and the association of traits-phi to the functional categories COMP, Tense and Person. Our proposition is that the occurrence of prepositions which occupy the nucleus CP causes changes in the values attributed to the traits-phi and to the strong Vtraits in the functional categories COMP, Tense and Person. Thus, we defend that proclisis in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) is derived from the movement of the verb to the functional category tense in which there is the association of traits +V and traits +AGR, what legitimates the proclisis according to Galves´s proposition (2000; 2001).