917 resultados para two-factor models


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Brazil is a country of tropical climate, a fact that hinders the poultry production in the aspect of thermal comfort. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the thermal environment in commercial poultry houses with different covers during the months of December 2012 to May 2013, in the municipality of Rio Verde, Goiás. The experimental design was completely randomized in split plots with factorial arrangement of treatments 2x3, being two shed models (thermal and aluminum roof tiles) and three sections within each shed (initial, central and final) for 182 days, having the days as replicates. The thermal environment was assessed through thermal comfort indices: Temperature and Humidity Index, Black Globe Temperature and Humidity Index, Radiant Heat Load and Enthalpy. The data was analyzed by SISVAR 5.1., through the analysis of variance, the Scott Knott test used to compare the means, considering a significance level of 1%. The results showed a significant statistical difference between the sheds and the points assessed (P < 0.05). The thermal shed had the lowest values for the environmental variables (Dbt and Bgt) and thermal indices studied, but larger values for the RH compared to the shed with aluminum covering. The use of thermal covers minimizes the difference in temperature range throughout various times of the day, being at 14:00 o'clock the prominence time to others.


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Tämä tutkimus on tehty tuulivoimatoimialalla toimivan yrityksen toimeksiannosta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli luoda kohdeyritykselle liiketoimintastrategiaehdotus. Kohdeyrityksen toiveena oli saada tutkimukseen myös teorian näkemys asiakaslähtöisyydestä. Tutkimuksen on tarkoitus antaa yritykselle pohtimisen aihetta liiketoimintastrategian luomiseen ja toimia pohjana, kun yhtiön johto tekee päätöksiä tulevasta strategiasta. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin perusteellinen tuulivoimatoimialan analyysi toimialaraporttien ja yrityksen johdon ja henkilökunnan haastattelujen avulla. Lisäksi kartoitettiin kohdeyrityksen nykytilaa ja strategista asemaa alalla suorittamalla SWOT-analyysi ja toimialan rakenteellinen analyysi. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös keinoja kilpailuedun saavuttamiseksi asiakaslähtöisyyden avulla. Tietoja yrityksen toiminnasta on kerätty haastattelemalla yhtiön johtoa ja henkilökuntaa sekä osallistumalla aktiivisesti yhtiön jokapäiväiseen toimintaan. Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi kohdeyrityksen liiketoimintatilanteeseen soveltuva liiketoimintastrategia, jolla on mahdollista saavuttaa kilpailuetua tuulivoimatoimialalla. Asiakaslähtöisyys huomioitiin tutkimuksessa tuomalla asiakasjohtamisen malli strategiatyöhön. Tutkimuksessa luotiin kaksi erilaista segmentointimallia, joiden avulla yritys voi kohdentaa toimintaansa oikeille asiakkaille oikealla tavalla. Asiakaslähtöinen liiketoimintastrategiaehdotus muodostettiin hyödyntämällä teorian näkemyksiä ja työssä tehtyjen analyysien tuloksia.


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Physical activity (PA) is an important field of healthcare research internationally and within Finland. As technology devices and services penetrate deeper levels within society, the need for studying the usefulness for PA turns vital. We started this research work by reviewing literature consisting of two hundred research journals, all of which have found technology to significantly improve an individual’s ability to get motivation and achieve officially recommended levels of physical activity, like the 10000 steps a day, being tracked with the help of pedometers. Physical activity recommendations require sustained encouragement, consistent performance in order to achieve the long term benefits. We surveyed within the city of Turku, how the motivation levels and thirty three other criterions encompassing technology awareness, adoption and usage attitudes are impacted. Our aim was to know the factors responsible for achieving consistent growth in activity levels within the individuals and focus groups, as well as to determine the causes of failures and for collecting user experience feedback. The survey results were quite interesting and contain impeccable information for this field. While the focus groups confirmed the theory established by past studies within our literature review, it also establishes our research propositions that ict tools and services have provided and can further add higher benefits and value to individuals in tracking and maintain their activity levels consistently for longer time durations. This thesis includes two new models which dictate technology and physical activity adoption patterns based on four easy to evaluate criterions, thereby helping the healthcare providers to recommend improvements and address issues with an easy rule based approach. This research work provides vital clues on technology based healthcare objectives and achievement of standard PA recommendations by people within Turku and nearby regions.


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Alumni are considered as precious resource of the institutions, thus improving alumni adminis-tration is critical. In information era, alumni administration is assisted by widespread information technology, such as social network sites. This paper aims to discover if a self-built information sys-tem would enhance alumni connection in the IMMIT context, and what kind of attributes would be helpful applying to the special context. The current online alumni services at other universities and at the IMMIT host university are analyzed, and then social media is introduced. After illustrating the social capital existing in IM-MIT, the type of the self-built information system is suggested, following an interpretation of the prototype. Two research models are utilized in this article: TAM and intentional social action model. The second model is adjusted with proposed parameters. Afterwards, a survey and an interview protocol are designed under the guidance of the models. The results are analyzed in several groups, and the proposed parameters are tested. A conclusion is drawn to indicate how to improve alumni‟s intention to use and how to achieve a better-accepted design.


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Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten osarakennetekniikkaa voidaan soveltaa siirrettävän kivimurskaimen syötinosan simuloinnissa. Tätä tutkittiin luomalla kahdella eri ohjelmistolla simulaatiomalli syötinosasta ja mallintamalla syötinosan runko joustavaksi kappaleeksi osarakennetekniikan avulla. Luotujen simulointimallien tarkkuutta selvitettiin vertaamalla niistä saatuja rungon jännityksiä tutkittavan rakenteen rungosta mitattuihin jännityksiin. Työn tarkoituksena oli myös tutkia, miten hyvin simulaatiomallit soveltuvat käytettäväksi syötinosan tuotekehityksessä. Tässä työssä käytettiin syötinosan simulaatiomallin luomiseen ANSYS-ohjelmistoa ja ADAMS-ohjelmistoa. Simulaatiomalleihin lisättiin tutkittavasta järjestelmästä mitattu ohjaussignaali sekä syötinosan jousien arvot. Järjestelmän rakenneominaisuudet saatiin suoraan valmistajan luovuttamista tiedoista. ADAMS-ohjelmistolla mallinnetussa simulaatiomallissa runko mallinnettiin joustavaksi ANSYS-ohjelmistossa, josta se siirrettiin ADAMS-ohjelmistoon. Saaduista tuloksista kävi ilmi, että osarakennetekniikkaa voidaan hyödyntää syötinosan joustavan rungon simuloinnissa. Tutkittavasta järjestelmästä mitatuissa jännityksissä ja simulaatiomalleista saaduissa jännityksissä oli eroja, mutta jännityshistorian muodot ja suuruusluokat vastasivat pääosin toisiaan. Tulosten parantamiseksi tulee selvittää lisää alkuarvoja tutkittavasta järjestelmästä ja varmistua nyt saatujen jousiparametrien oikeellisuudesta.


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This thesis presents a set of methods and models for estimation of iron and slag flows in the blast furnace hearth and taphole. The main focus was put on predicting taphole flow patterns and estimating the effects of various taphole conditions on the drainage behavior of the blast furnace hearth. All models were based on a general understanding of the typical tap cycle of an industrial blast furnace. Some of the models were evaluated on short-term process data from the reference furnace. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was built and applied to simulate the complicated hearth flows and thus to predict the regions of the hearth exerted to erosion under various operating conditions. Key boundary variables of the CFD model were provided by a simplified drainage model based on the first principles. By examining the evolutions of liquid outflow rates measured from the furnace studied, the drainage model was improved to include the effects of taphole diameter and length. The estimated slag delays showed good agreement with the observed ones. The liquid flows in the taphole were further studied using two different models and the results of both models indicated that it is more likely that separated flow of iron and slag occurs in the taphole when the liquid outflow rates are comparable during tapping. The drainage process was simulated with an integrated model based on an overall balance analysis: The high in-furnace overpressure can compensate for the resistances induced by the liquid flows in the hearth and through the taphole. Finally, a recently developed multiphase CFD model including interfacial forces between immiscible liquids was developed and both the actual iron-slag system and a water-oil system in laboratory scale were simulated. The model was demonstrated to be a useful tool for simulating hearth flows for gaining understanding of the complex phenomena in the drainage of the blast furnace.


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Tässä kandidaatin työssä on tutkitti miten eri jännityskomponentit käyttäytyvät rivan kärjen läheisyydessä. Työssä tutkittiin kahta eri mallia, rivallista levyä ja rivallista levyä hitsauksesta johtuvalla kulmavetäymällä. Tutkimus suoritettiin FEA-analyysin avulla. Komponenttien käyttäytymistä tutkittiin sekä veto- että taivutuskuormituksella. Tuloksissa on verrattu miten kulmavetäymä vaikuttaa komponenttien syntyyn ja miten eri kuormituksilla saadut tulokset poikkeavat toisistaan.


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin miten totuudenmukaisia tuloksia syklonierottimen virtauskentästä saadaan numeerisella laskennalla, kun käytetään eri turbulenssimalleja. Tarkoitus oli myös selvittää yleisesti syklonin toimintaperiaatteita, haasteita sen käytössä sekä syklonin numeerisen virtauslaskennan perusteita. Numeerisen virtauslaskennan teoria selitetään pääpiirteittäin, samoin turbulenssin mallinnus. Työn laskentaosiossa simuloitiin Fluent-ohjelmalla syklonin virtauskenttää kuumalla ilmalla sekä kahdella eri turbulenssimallilla ja verrattiin tuloksia kirjallisuudesta löytyviin mittaustuloksiin. Simuloinnit suoritettiin sekä ajasta riippuvana että ajasta riippumattomana ja kahdella eri laskentahilalla. Simulointien tulokset osoittivat, että RNG k-ε turbulenssimalli ei kykene tuottamaan totuu-denmukaista virtauskenttää. Toisen käytetyn turbulenssimallin, Reynolds-jännitysmallin tulokset vastasivat enemmän mittaustuloksia. Reynolds-jännitysmallia voidaan pitää käyttökelpoisena syklonin simuloinnissa tämän työn ja kirjallisuuden perusteella. Mallissa oli yksinkertaistuksia, esimerkiksi kiinteää ainetta ei otettu huomioon lainkaan.


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In order to reduce greenhouse emissions from forest degradation and deforestation the international programme REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) was established in 2005 by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This programme is aimed to financially reward to developing countries for any emissions reductions. Under this programm the project of setting up the payment system in Nepal was established. This project is aimed to engage local communities in forest monitoring. The major objective of this thesis is to compare and verify data obtained from di erect sources - remotely sensed data, namely LiDAR and field sample measurements made by two groups of researchers using two regression models - Sparse Bayesian Regression and Bayesian Regression with Orthogonal Variables.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää pystytäänkö OMX 25 Helsinki kohde-etuusindeksin warranttien hintoja ennustamaan käyttämällä erilaisia optiohinnoittelumalleja. Tutkielman aineisto koostuu OMXH25-indeksiä seuraavien warranttien hinta-aikasarjatiedoista vuosilta 2009-2011. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kolmea eri hinnoittelumallia warranttien hinnoitteluvirheiden tutkimiseen. Perinteistä Black-Scholes-hinnoittelumallia käytettiin siten, että warranttiaineistosta joh-dettu implisiittinen volatiliteetti regressoitiin maturiteetin ja toteutushinnan mu-kaan, jonka jälkeen regression perusteella valittiin kulloiseenkin tilanteeseen sopiva volatiliteettiestimaatti. Black-Scholes-mallin lisäksi tutkimuksessa käy-tettiin kahta GARCH-pohjaista optiohinnoittelumallia. Mallien estimoimia hin-toja verrattiin markkinoiden warranttihintoihin. Tulosten perusteella voitiin todeta, että mallit onnistuvat hinnoittelemaan war-rantteja paremmin lyhyen ajan päähän mallien kalibroinnista. Tulokset vaihte-livat suuresti eri vuosien välillä eikä minkään käytetyn mallin nähty suoriutu-van systemaattisesti muita malleja paremmin.


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Two animal models of pain were used to study the effects of short-term protein malnutrition and environmental stimulation on the response threshold to aversive stimuli. Eighty male Wistar rats were used. Half of the pups were submitted to malnutrition by feeding their mothers a 6% protein diet from 0 to 21 days of age while the mothers of the other half (controls) were well nourished, receiving 16% protein. From 22 to 70 days all rats were fed commercial lab chow. Half of the animals in the malnourished and control groups were maintained under stimulating conditions, including a 3-min daily handling from 0 to 70 days and an enriched living cage after weaning. The other half was reared in a standard living cage. At 70 days, independent groups of rats were exposed to the shock threshold or to the tail-flick test. The results showed lower body and brain weights in malnourished rats when compared with controls at weaning and testing. In the shock threshold test the malnourished animals were more sensitive to electric shock and environmental stimulation increased the shock threshold. No differences due to diet or environmental stimulation were found in the tail-flick procedure. These results demonstrate that protein malnutrition imposed only during the lactation period is efficient in inducing hyperreactivity to electric shock and that environmental stimulation attenuates the differences in shock threshold produced by protein malnutrition


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Estrogen stimulates the renin-angiotensin system by augmenting both tissue and circulating levels of angiotensinogen and renin. We show, however, that angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity in the circulation and in tissues is reduced in two animal models of postmenopausal chronic hormone replacement. We observed a reduction of ACE activity in association with a significant increase in plasma angiotensin I (Ang I) and hyperreninemia in ovariectomized monkeys treated with Premarin (conjugated equine estrogen) replacement for 30 months. Plasma angiotensin II (Ang II) levels were not increased in monkeys treated with estrogen, suggesting that the decrease in ACE curtailed the formation of the peptide. The Ang II/Ang I ratio, an in vivo index of ACE activity, was significantly reduced by estrogen treatment, further supporting the biochemical significance of estrogen's inhibition of ACE. In ovariectomized transgenic hypertensive (mRen2)27 rats submitted to estrogen replacement treatment for 3 weeks, ACE activity in plasma and tissue (aorta and kidney) and circulating Ang II levels were reduced, whereas circulating levels of angiotensin-(1-7) (Ang-(1-7) were increased. Ang-(1-7), the N-terminal fragment of Ang II, is a novel vasodilator and antihypertensive peptide. Thus, the net balance of these effects of estrogen on the renin-angiotensin vasoconstrictor/vasodilator system is to promote the antihypertensive effect.


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We have investigated the antinociceptive effects of the essential oil of Ocimum gratissimum L. (Labiatae) (EOOG) in two classical models of pain in male Swiss mice (25-35 g), the writhing test and the formalin test. At doses of 30, 100 and 300 mg/kg (po), EOOG produced a dose-dependent inhibition (from 58.3 ± 4.4 to 40.7 ± 6.3, 36.4 ± 3.6 and 24.6 ± 3.6, respectively; N = 8-10, P<0.05) of acetic acid-induced writhing, causing up to a ~60% inhibition at the highest dose used, comparable to that obtained with indomethacin (10 mg/kg, po). At the same doses, EOOG predominantly inhibited the late (inflammatory) phase of the formalin-induced pain response (from 59.3 ± 8.3 to 40.4 ± 4.8, 23.2 ± 2.8 and 25.3 ± 5.5, respectively; N = 6, P<0.05), with a maximal reduction of ~60% of the control, although a significant reduction of the initial (neurogenic) phase was also observed at 300 mg/kg (from 62.5 ± 6.07 to 37 ± 5.9; P<0.05). On the basis of these data, we conclude that EOOG possesses interesting antinociceptive properties in the writhing and formalin tests. Due to the relatively low toxicity of EOOG, further detailed examination is strongly indicated for a better characterization of its pharmacological properties and its potential therapeutic value.


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Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa tarkastellaan yritysfuusiota henkilöstön työtyytyväisyyden näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kvalitatiivista tutmimusmenetelmää ja tutkimus on toteutettu case- eli tapaustutkimuksena. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua ja aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla fuusioituneen finanssialan yrityksen henkilöstöä. Työtyytyväisyysteorioista tutkimukseen valittiin Herzbergin kaksifaktoriteoria ja Locken päämääräteoria. Fuusioiden on osoitettu vaikuttavan negatiivisesti henkilöstön työtyytyväisyyteen ja työtyytyväisyyden lasku voi johtaa muihin negatiivisiin seurauksiin. Tämä tutkimus kuitenkin osoittaa, että kaikki fuusiot eivät vaikuta negatiivisesti työtyytyväisyyteen.


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Several indexes of myocardial contractility have been proposed to assess ventricular function in the isovolumetrically beating isolated heart. However, the conclusions reached on the basis of these indexes may be influenced by ventricular geometry rather than contractility itself. The objective of the present study was to assess the performance of widely used contractility indexes in the isovolumetrically beating isolated heart in two experimental models of hypertrophy, the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and infrarenal aortocava fistula. Compared to normotensive controls (N = 8), SHRs with concentric hypertrophy (N = 10) presented increased maximum rate of ventricular pressure rise (3875 ± 526 vs 2555 ± 359 mmHg/s, P < 0.05) and peak of isovolumetric pressure (187 ± 11 vs 152 ± 11 mmHg, P < 0.05), and decreased developed stress (123 ± 20 vs 152 ± 26 g/cm², P < 0.05) and slope of stress-strain relationship (4.9 ± 0.42 vs 6.6 ± 0.77 g/cm²/%). Compared with controls (N = 11), rats with volume overload-induced eccentric hypertrophy (N = 16) presented increased developed stress (157 ± 38 vs 124 ± 22 g/cm², P < 0.05) and slope of stress-strain relationship (9 ± 2 vs 7 ± 1 g/cm²/%, P < 0.05), and decreased maximum rate of ventricular pressure rise(2746 ± 382 vs 3319 ± 352 mmHg, P < 0.05) and peak of isovolumetric pressure (115 ± 14 vs 165 ± 13 mmHg/s, P < 0.05). The results suggested that indexes of myocardial contractility used in experimental studies may present opposite results in the same heart and may be influenced by ventricular geometry. We concluded that several indexes should be taken into account for proper evaluation of contractile state, in the isovolumetrically beating isolated heart.