775 resultados para the development of intellectual capital
This thesis summarizes the results on the studies on a syntax based approach for translation between Malayalam, one of Dravidian languages and English and also on the development of the major modules in building a prototype machine translation system from Malayalam to English. The development of the system is a pioneering effort in Malayalam language unattempted by previous researchers. The computational models chosen for the system is first of its kind for Malayalam language. An in depth study has been carried out in the design of the computational models and data structures needed for different modules: morphological analyzer , a parser, a syntactic structure transfer module and target language sentence generator required for the prototype system. The generation of list of part of speech tags, chunk tags and the hierarchical dependencies among the chunks required for the translation process also has been done. In the development process, the major goals are: (a) accuracy of translation (b) speed and (c) space. Accuracy-wise, smart tools for handling transfer grammar and translation standards including equivalent words, expressions, phrases and styles in the target language are to be developed. The grammar should be optimized with a view to obtaining a single correct parse and hence a single translated output. Speed-wise, innovative use of corpus analysis, efficient parsing algorithm, design of efficient Data Structure and run-time frequency-based rearrangement of the grammar which substantially reduces the parsing and generation time are required. The space requirement also has to be minimised
Lack of a valid shrimp cell line has been hampering the progress of research on shrimp viruses. One of the reasons identified was the absence of an appropriate medium which would satisfy the requirements of the cells in vitro. We report the first attempt to formulate an exclusive shrimp cell culture medium (SCCM) based on the haemolymph components of Penaeus monodon prepared in isosmotic seawater having 27 % salinity. The SCCM is composed of 22 amino acids, 4 sugars, 6 vitamins, cholesterol, FBS, phenol red, three antibiotics, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and di-sodium hydrogen phosphate at pH 6.8–7.2. Osmolality was adjusted to 720 ± 10 mOsm kg-1 and temperature of incubation was 25 8C. The most appropriate composition was finally selected based on the extent of attachment of cells and their proliferation by visual observation. Metabolic activity of cultured cells was measured by MTT assay and compared with that in L-15 (29), modified L-15 and Grace’s insect medium, and found better performance in SCCM especially for lymphoid cells with 107 % increase in activity and 85 ± 9 days of longevity. The cells from ovary and lymphoid organs were passaged twice using the newly designed shrimp cell dissociation ‘‘cocktail’’.
In this paper an attempt has been made to determine the number of Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC) cycles accurately from a given Electrocardiogram (ECG) using a wavelet constructed from multiple Gaussian functions. It is difficult to assess the ECGs of patients who are continuously monitored over a long period of time. Hence the proposed method of classification will be helpful to doctors to determine the severity of PVC in a patient. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a simple classifier have been used in addition to the specially developed wavelet transform. The proposed wavelet has been designed using multiple Gaussian functions which when summed up looks similar to that of a normal ECG. The number of Gaussians used depends on the number of peaks present in a normal ECG. The developed wavelet satisfied all the properties of a traditional continuous wavelet. The new wavelet was optimized using genetic algorithm (GA). ECG records from Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Beth Israel Hospital (MIT-BIH) database have been used for validation. Out of the 8694 ECG cycles used for evaluation, the classification algorithm responded with an accuracy of 97.77%. In order to compare the performance of the new wavelet, classification was also performed using the standard wavelets like morlet, meyer, bior3.9, db5, db3, sym3 and haar. The new wavelet outperforms the rest
Cochin University of Science & Technology
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Compilation of documents for the development of a state of art of the investigation of perdurability
A través del estudio y la investigación basados en bibliografía de diversas nacionalidades que data desde la década de los setenta hasta la actualidad, ha sido posible analizar la tendencia académica de las investigaciones acerca la Perdurabilidad. Esta recolección de estudios es una fuente de información para todos aquellos que deseen tener un entendimiento más profundo acerca de la teoría que sostiene el concepto de Perdurabilidad. A lo largo de esta investigación, el lector encontrará un conjunto de varios autores de distintas nacionalidades que abordaron el tema de la Perdurabilidad bajo alguna de sus concepciones (longevidad, resistencia, supervivencia); lo que permite tener una visión más amplia acerca de la importancia de ciertos estudios de acuerdo a su origen y contexto cultural. Es importante resaltar que esta investigación es netamente teórica con el propósito de aclarar el concepto de Perdurabilidad y facilitar futuras investigaciones acerca de este tema
Many connections in the basal ganglia are made around birth when animals are exposed to a host of new affective, cognitive, and sensori-motor stimuli. It is thought that dopamine modulates cortico-striatal synapses that result in the strengthening of those connections that lead to desired outcomes. We propose that there must be a time before which stimuli cannot be processed into functional connections, otherwise it would imply an effective link between stimulus, response, and reward in uterus. Consistent with these ideas, we present evidence that early in development dopamine neurons are electrically immature and do not produce high-frequency firing in response to salient stimuli. We ask first, what makes dopamine neurons immature? and second, what are the implications of this immaturity for the basal ganglia? As an answer to the first question, we find that at birth the outward current is small (3nS-V), insensitive to Ca2z, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. Rapidly after birth, the outward current increases to 15nS-V and becomes sensitive to Ca2z, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. We make a detailed analysis of the kinetics of the components of the outward currents and produce a model for BK and SK channels that we use to reproduce the outward current, and to infer the geometrical arrangement of BK and Ca2z channels in clusters. In the first cluster, T-type Ca2z and BK channels are coupled within distances of *20 nm (200 A˚). The second cluster consists of L-type Ca2z and BK channels that are spread over distances of at least 60 nm. As for the second question, we propose that early in development, the mechanism of action selection is in a ‘‘locked-in’’ state that would prevent dopamine neurons from reinforcing cortico-striatal synapses that do not have a functional experiential- based value.
Many connections in the basal ganglia are made around birth when animals are exposed to a host of new affective, cognitive, and sensori-motor stimuli. It is thought that dopamine modulates cortico-striatal synapses that result in the strengthening of those connections that lead to desired outcomes. We propose that there must be a time before which stimuli cannot be processed into functional connections, otherwise it would imply an effective link between stimulus, response, and reward in uterus. Consistent with these ideas, we present evidence that early in development dopamine neurons are electrically immature and do not produce high-frequency firing in response to salient stimuli. We ask first, what makes dopamine neurons immature? and second, what are the implications of this immaturity for the basal ganglia? As an answer to the first question, we find that at birth the outward current is small (3nS-V), insensitive to Ca2+, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. Rapidly after birth, the outward current increases to 15nS-V and becomes sensitive to Ca2+, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. We make a detailed analysis of the kinetics of the components of the outward currents and produce a model for BK and SK channels that we use to reproduce the outward current, and to infer the geometrical arrangement of BK and Ca2+ channels in clusters. In the first cluster, T-type Ca2+ and BK channels are coupled within distances of similar to 20 nm (200 parallel to). The second cluster consists of L-type Ca2+ and BK channels that are spread over distances of at least 60 nm. As for the second question, we propose that early in development, the mechanism of action selection is in a "locked-in" state that would prevent dopamine neurons from reinforcing cortico-striatal synapses that do not have a functional experiential-based value.
This paper develops some theoretical and methodological considerations for the development of a critical competence model (CCM). The model is defined as a set of skills and knowledge functionally organized allowing measurable results with positive consequences for the strategic business objectives. The theoretical approaches of classical model of competences, the contemporary model of competencies and human competencies model were revised for the proposal development. implementation of the model includes 5 steps: 1) conducting a job analysis considering which dimensions or facets are subject to revision, 2) identify people with the opposite performance (the higher performance and lower performance); 3) identify critical incidents most relevant to the job position, 4) develop behavioral expectation scales (bes) and 5) validate BES obtained for experts in the field. As a final consideration, is determined that the competence models require accurate measurement. Approaches considering excessive theoreticism may cause the issue of competence become a fashion business with low or minimal impact, affecting its validity, reliability and deployment in organizations.
Administration, as incipient science, presents a series of challenges to the organization’sdirector and for academy itself. The adaptation, the strategy, the communication skills andeven the ability to radiate in the organization in the organization a sense of accomplishment,are approaches that will shape the development of the organization and management as aset of knowledge that should facilitate the sustainability of the organization as a complexsystem.
Resumen en español
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Este recurso describe cómo una proporción significativa de niños en edad escolar tienen dificultades en el habla y cómo éstas afectan negativamente en su aprendizaje, tanto en entornos especializados como en generales. En él se esbozan las principales áreas de dificultad para los alumnos, y sugiere cómo los profesores pueden hacer que el programa sea más accesible para facilitar el aprendizaje. Se tratan el lenguaje expresivo, el lenguaje receptivo, el uso social del lenguaje y dificultades en el desarrollo de la coordinación, así como temas específicos como el plan de estudios de inglés, matemáticas y ciencias. A lo largo de la publicación hay información e ideas para apoyar a estos alumnos, y una amplia selección de sugerencias de buenas prácticas. Se incluye un programa de habilidades motoras, rimas para la producción del habla, trabajo de memoria, y páginas fotocopiables de diccionario.
Ofrece una guía práctica para enseñar este tema a los estudiantes del nivel A2 para la especificación OCR. Explica la evolución de Francia durante el Renacimiento y la Reforma y se centra en la creación del estado-nación francés durante este período. Incluye una selección y definición de los temas, conceptos, acontecimientos y lugares considerados más importantes, así como breves biografías de personajes clave y consejos para los exámenes.