908 resultados para sociology of the mathematics
G.R. BURTON and R.J. DOUGLAS, Uniqueness of the polar factorisation and projection of a vector-valued mapping. Ann. I.H. Poincare ? A.N. 20 (2003), 405-418.
Sponsorship: EPSRC, STFC
Plakhov, A.Y., (2004) 'Precise solutions of the one-dimensional Monge-Kantorovich problem', Sbornik: Mathematics 195(9) pp.1291-1307 RAE2008
Iantchenko, A.; Jakuba?a-Amundsen, D.H., (2003) 'On the positivity of the Jansen-He? operator for arbitrary mass', Annales of the Institute Henri Poincar? 4 pp.1083-1099 RAE2008
Mishuris, G; Kuhn, G., (2001) 'Asymptotic behaviour of the elastic solution near the tip of a crack situated at a nonideal interface', Zeitschrift f?r Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 81(12) pp.811-826 RAE2008
Poolton, Nigel; Ozanyan, K.B.; Wallinga, J.; Murray, A.S., (2002) 'Electrons in feldspar II: a consideration of the influence of conduction band-tail states on luminescence processes', Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 29(3) pp.217-225 RAE2008
Binding, David; Couch, M.A., (2003) 'An experimental study of the peeling of dough from solid surfaces', Journal of Food Engineering 58(2) pp.299-309 RAE2008
Morgan, Huw; Habbal, S. R., 'The impact of sunspots on the interpretation of coronal observations of the OVI doublet', The Astrophysical Journal (2005) 630(2) pp.L189-L192 RAE2008
Pryse, Sian; Kersley, L.; Malan, D.; Bishop, G. J., 'Parameterization of the main ionospheric trough in the European sector, Radio Science (2006) 41 pp.RS5S14 RAE2008
Breen, Andrew; Bisi, M.M.; Fallows, R.A.; Habbal, S.R., (2007) 'Large-scale structure of the fast solar wind', Journal of Geophysical Research 112(A6) pp.A06101 RAE2008
John Templeton Foundation
Obesity has been defined as a consequence of energy imbalance, where energy intake exceeds energy expenditure and results in a build-up of adipose tissue. However, this scientific definition masks the complicated social meanings associated with the condition. This research investigated the construction of meaning around obesity at various levels of inquiry to inform how obesity is portrayed and understood in Ireland. A multi-paradigmatic approach was adopted, drawing on theory and methods from psychology and sociology and an analytical framework combining the Common Sense Model and framing theory was employed. In order to examine the exo-level meanings of obesity, content analysis was performed on two media data sets (n=479, n=346) and a thematic analysis was also performed on the multiple newspaper sample (n=346). At the micro-level, obesity discourses were investigated via the thematic analysis of comments sampled from an online message board. Finally, an online survey assessed individual-level beliefs and understandings of obesity. The media analysis revealed that individual blame for obesity was pervasive and the behavioural frame was dominant. A significant increase in attention to obesity over time was observed, manifestations of weight stigma were common, and there was an emotive discourse of blame directed towards the parents of obese children. The micro-level analysis provided insight into the weight-based stigma in society and a clear set of negative ‘default’ judgements accompanied the obese label. The survey analysis confirmed that the behavioural frame was the dominant means of understanding obesity. One of the strengths of this thesis is the link created between framing and the Common Sense Model in the development of an analytical framework for application in the examination of health/illness representations. This approach helped to ascertain the extent of the pervasive biomedical and individual blame discourse on obesity, which establishes the basis for the stigmatisation of obese persons.
This thesis examines the experiences of the biological children of foster carers. In particular it explores their experiences in relation to inclusion, consultation and decision-making. The study also examines the support and training needs of birth children in foster families. Using a qualitative methodology in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with fifteen birth children of foster carers aged between 18 and 30 years. The research findings show that for the majority of birth children, fostering was overall a positive experience which helped them develop into individuals who were caring and nonjudgemental. However, from the data collected in this study, it is clear that fostering also brings a range of challenges for birth children in foster families, such as managing feelings of loss, grief, jealousy and guilt when foster children leave. Birth children are reluctant to discuss these issues with their parents and often did not approach fostering social workers as they did not have a meaningful relationship in order to discuss their concerns. The findings also demonstrate that birth children undertake a lot of emotional work in supporting their parents, birth siblings and foster siblings. Despite the important role played by birth children in the fostering process, this contribution often goes unrecognised and unacknowledged by fostering professionals and agencies with birth children not included or consulted about foster care decisions that affect them. It is argued here that birth children are viewed by foster care professionals and agencies from a deficit based perspective. However, this study contends that it is not just foster parents who are involved in the foster care process, but the entire foster family. The findings of this study show that birth children are competent social actors capable of making valuable contributions to foster care decisions that affect their lives and that of their family.
We firstly examine the model of Hobson and Rogers for the volatility of a financial asset such as a stock or share. The main feature of this model is the specification of volatility in terms of past price returns. The volatility process and the underlying price process share the same source of randomness and so the model is said to be complete. Complete models are advantageous as they allow a unique, preference independent price for options on the underlying price process. One of the main objectives of the model is to reproduce the `smiles' and `skews' seen in the market implied volatilities and this model produces the desired effect. In the first main piece of work we numerically calibrate the model of Hobson and Rogers for comparison with existing literature. We also develop parameter estimation methods based on the calibration of a GARCH model. We examine alternative specifications of the volatility and show an improvement of model fit to market data based on these specifications. We also show how to process market data in order to take account of inter-day movements in the volatility surface. In the second piece of work, we extend the Hobson and Rogers model in a way that better reflects market structure. We extend the model to take into account both first and second order effects. We derive and numerically solve the pde which describes the price of options under this extended model. We show that this extension allows for a better fit to the market data. Finally, we analyse the parameters of this extended model in order to understand intuitively the role of these parameters in the volatility surface.