1000 resultados para sociale stress


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Nearly half of all ant species form polygyne societies (cohabitation of more than a single egg-laying queen). These queens are generally smaller and store fewer fat reserves than queens from monogyne colonies. Most queens in polygyne colonies (70-100 pour 100) are inseminated, although this proportion varies among species, and even among populations of the same species. They exhibit mutual tolerance and they all contribute to the reproductive effort of the colony. Nevertheless, their individual fecundity is considerably reduced compared with that of queens from monogyne colonies. This reduction in fecundity seems to be due to some form of mutual inhibition, in some cases the secretion by each female of a substance suppressing egg production in other queens has been implicated. In a few species, queens are organized into a hierarchy such that certain queens lay more eggs than others or even monopolize egg-laying (functional monogyny). Polygyny is linked to a particular life history. It rarely results from the association of several foundresses (primary polygyny). Usually, it is due to the adoption of young queens by an established nest just after a nuptial flight. This secondary polygyny means that the dispersal of the species is limited and is achieved by the budding of a mother nest. Thus colony founding is dependent; with workers accompanying young queens in establishing new colonies. Observation of closely related species exhibiting different social organizations, some monogyne and others polygyne, shows a possible link between queen number and ecological conditions: polygyne forms are more frequent in unstable habitats susceptible to rapid change, such as that caused by human activity. The existence of polygyne societies is an intriguing evolutionary mystery. Research into the origin and maintenance of polygyny focuses on patterns of speciation in relation to queen number and the different theories put forth for the evolution of eusociality, mainly kin selection and mutualism.


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Stressful situations during development can shape the phenotype for life by provoking a trade-off between development and survival. Stress hormones, mainly glucocorticoids, play an important orchestrating role in this trade-off. Hence, how stress sensitive an animal is critically determines the phenotype and ultimately fitness. In several species, darker eumelanic individuals are less sensitive to stressful conditions than less eumelanic conspecifics, which may be due to the pleiotropic effects of genes affecting both coloration and physiological traits. We experimentally tested whether the degree of melanin-based coloration is associated with the sensitivity to an endocrine response to stressful situations in the barn owl. We artificially administered the mediator of a hormonal stress response, corticosterone, to nestlings to examine the prediction that corticosterone-induced reduction in growth rate is more pronounced in light eumelanic nestlings than in darker nest mates. To examine whether such an effect may be genetically determined, we swapped hatchlings between randomly chosen pairs of nests. We first showed that corticosterone affects growth and, thus, shapes the phenotype. Second, we found that under corticosterone administration, nestlings with large black spots grew better than nestlings with small black spots. As in the barn owl the expression of eumelanin-based coloration is heritable and not sensitive to environmental conditions, it is therefore a reliable, genetically based sign of the ability to cope with an increase in blood corticosterone level.


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Dans le cadre de l'activité professionnelle, des facteurs de stress d'ordre psychologique, social, et liés à l'organisation du travail, peuvent induire des réponses physiologiques et comportementales impliquées dans la survenue de pathologies comme les maladies cardiovasculaires, les troubles de la santé mentale et les troubles musculosquelettiques.Le Régime social des indépendants (RSI) a sollicité l'Inserm afin de disposer d'un bilan des connaissances sur le stress d'origine professionnelle chez les travailleurs indépendants et ses répercussions sur la santé.Regroupant à la fois des compétences en biologie, psychologie, sociologie et économie de la santé, cette expertise collective présente les modèles et les mécanismes explicatifs mettant en relation le stress au travail et les principales pathologies.Les stratégies de prévention individuelle et collective qui se développent dans le milieu des travailleurs salariés peuvent-elles être adaptées aux travailleurs indépendants ? [Ed.]


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OBJECTIVE To establish the role of the transcription factor Pax4 in pancreatic islet expansion and survival in response to physiological stress and its impact on glucose metabolism, we generated transgenic mice conditionally and selectively overexpressing Pax4 or a diabetes-linked mutant variant (Pax4R129 W) in β-cells. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Glucose homeostasis and β-cell death and proliferation were assessed in Pax4- or Pax4R129 W-overexpressing transgenic animals challenged with or without streptozotocin. Isolated transgenic islets were also exposed to cytokines, and apoptosis was evaluated by DNA fragmentation or cytochrome C release. The expression profiles of proliferation and apoptotic genes and β-cell markers were studied by immunohistochemistry and quantitative RT-PCR. RESULTS Pax4 but not Pax4R129 W protected animals against streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia and isolated islets from cytokine-mediated β-cell apoptosis. Cytochrome C release was abrogated in Pax4 islets treated with cytokines. Interleukin-1β transcript levels were suppressed in Pax4 islets, whereas they were increased along with NOS2 in Pax4R129 W islets. Bcl-2, Cdk4, and c-myc expression levels were increased in Pax4 islets while MafA, insulin, and GLUT2 transcript levels were suppressed in both animal models. Long-term Pax4 expression promoted proliferation of a Pdx1-positive cell subpopulation while impeding insulin secretion. Suppression of Pax4 rescued this defect with a concomitant increase in pancreatic insulin content. CONCLUSIONS Pax4 protects adult islets from stress-induced apoptosis by suppressing selective nuclear factor-κB target genes while increasing Bcl-2 levels. Furthermore, it promotes dedifferentiation and proliferation of β-cells through MafA repression, with a concomitant increase in Cdk4 and c-myc expression.


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BACKGROUND: Depending on its magnitude, lower body negative pressure (LBNP) has been shown to induce a progressive activation of neurohormonal, renal tubular, and renal hemodynamic responses, thereby mimicking the renal responses observed in clinical conditions characterized by a low effective arterial volume such as congestive heart failure. Our objective was to evaluate the impact of angiotensin II receptor blockade with candesartan on the renal hemodynamic and urinary excretory responses to a progressive orthostatic stress in normal subjects. METHODS: Twenty healthy men were submitted to three levels of LBNP (0, -10, and -20 mbar or 0, -7.5, and -15 mm Hg) for 1 hour according to a crossover design with a minimum of 2 days between each level of LBNP. Ten subjects were randomly allocated to receive a placebo and ten others were treated with candesartan 16 mg orally for 10 days before and during the three levels of LBNP. Systemic and renal hemodynamics, renal sodium excretions, and the hormonal response were measured hourly before, during, and for 2 hours after LBNP. RESULTS: During placebo, LBNP induced no change in systemic and renal hemodynamics, but sodium excretion decreased dose dependently with higher levels of LBNP. At -20 mbar, cumulative 3-hour sodium balance was negative at -2.3 +/- 2.3 mmol (mean +/- SEM). With candesartan, mean blood pressure decreased (76 +/- 1 mm Hg vs. 83 +/- 3 mm Hg, candesartan vs. placebo, P < 0.05) and renal plasma flow increased (858 +/- 52 mL/min vs. 639 +/- 36 mL/min, candesartan vs. placebo, P < 0.05). Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was not significantly higher with candesartan (127 +/- 7 mL/min in placebo vs. 144 +/- 12 mL/min in candesartan). No significant decrease in sodium and water excretion was found during LBNP in candesartan-treated subjects. At -20 mbar, the 3-hour cumulative sodium excretion was + 4.6 +/- 1.4 mmol in the candesartan group (P= 0.02 vs. placebo). CONCLUSION: Selective blockade of angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptors with candesartan increases renal blood flow and prevents the antinatriuresis during sustained lower body negative pressure despite a modest decrease in blood pressure. These results thus provide interesting insights into potential benefits of AT1 receptor blockade in sodium-retaining states such as congestive heart failure.


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The ability of the developing myocardium to tolerate oxidative stress during early gestation is an important issue with regard to possible detrimental consequences for the fetus. In the embryonic heart, antioxidant defences are low, whereas glycolytic flux is high. The pro- and antioxidant mechanisms and their dependency on glucose metabolism remain to be explored. Isolated hearts of 4-day-old chick embryos were exposed to normoxia (30 min), anoxia (30 min), and hyperoxic reoxygenation (60 min). The time course of ROS production in the whole heart and in the atria, ventricle, and outflow tract was established using lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence. Cardiac rhythm, conduction, and arrhythmias were determined. The activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, gutathione reductase, and glutathione peroxidase as well as the content of reduced and oxidized glutathione were measured. The relative contribution of the ROS-generating systems was assessed by inhibition of mitochondrial complexes I and III (rotenone and myxothiazol), NADPH oxidases (diphenylene iodonium and apocynine), and nitric oxide synthases (N-monomethyl-l-arginine and N-iminoethyl-l-ornithine). The effects of glycolysis inhibition (iodoacetate), glucose deprivation, glycogen depletion, and lactate accumulation were also investigated. In untreated hearts, ROS production peaked at 10.8 ± 3.3, 9 ± 0.8, and 4.8 ± 0.4 min (means ± SD; n = 4) of reoxygenation in the atria, ventricle, and outflow tract, respectively, and was associated with arrhythmias. Functional recovery was complete after 30-40 min. At reoxygenation, 1) the respiratory chain and NADPH oxidases were the main sources of ROS in the atria and outflow tract, respectively; 2) glucose deprivation decreased, whereas glycogen depletion increased, oxidative stress; 3) lactate worsened oxidant stress via NADPH oxidase activation; 4) glycolysis blockade enhanced ROS production; 5) no nitrosative stress was detectable; and 6) the glutathione redox cycle appeared to be a major antioxidant system. Thus, the glycolytic pathway plays a predominant role in reoxygenation-induced oxidative stress during early cardiogenesis. The relative contribution of mitochondria and extramitochondrial systems to ROS generation varies from one region to another and throughout reoxygenation.


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L'Économie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS) représente aujourd'hui, en Europe, près de 10 % de l'emploi total et même plus dans certains pays, dont la France. Avec la crise, ce secteur prend une importance sociale, économique et politique croissante. La gestion des coopératives, mutuelles, fondations et associations est ainsi doublement interrogée en interne vis-à-vis de leurs « propriétaires » disposant de motivations particulières (socioéconomiques) et vis-à-vis de leurs communautés et territoires (relations aux partenaires publics et aux citoyens). C'est pourquoi la performance de ces organisations prend nécessairement une dimension sociale, voire sociétale. Les logiques de fonctionnement et d'action des managers de l'ESS sont, elles aussi, souvent particulières, hybrides et parfois paradoxales. Elles remettent en cause les découpages et frontières classiques du management, ainsi que les modèles de rationalité associés (public/privé, marchand/non-marchand, intérêt collectif/intérêts particuliers...). Face à une telle complexité, les principes et les outils de gestion de ces entreprises sont-ils alors spécifiques ? Ces entreprises sont-elles à l'origine d'innovations managériales et sociales particulières ? Comment concilier solidarité et efficacité dans un univers de plus en plus concurrentiel ? L'évolution marchande et financière, comme les problématiques de développement durable, interrogent également le mode de fonctionnement et l'avenir de ces organisations. L'objectif de cet ouvrage collectif, auquel ont contribué des experts du management des entreprises de l'économie sociale qui ont participé à un colloque international - soutenu par le Crédit Mutuel - sur le sujet, est d'apporter des réponses quant à la manière de renouveler les stratégies et les modèles de management, sans pour autant renier les valeurs et les principes fondamentaux de l'ESS. Il s'adresse aux étudiants et aux professionnels travaillant dans le secteur de l'économie sociale et solidaire (coopératives, mutuelles, associations et fondations) et intéressera également tous les managers et étudiants en management.


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Introduction: Reversed shoulder prostheses have a semi-congruent design. Furthermore, the center of rotation is inferiorly displaced and a significant tension in the deltoid is often necessary to ensure the joint stability. Consequently, stress transmitted to peri-prosthetic bone may be increased, and could lead to stress fractures. We review a series of patients after reversed shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) and look specifically at the occurrence of postoperative peri-prosthetic stress fractures. Methods: Between 2001 and 2006, 46 consecutive RSA were performed. There were 26 women and 20 men with a mean age of 74 years (53-86). All had preoperative MRI or CT-scan, which did not reveal any fracture. All had a delto-pectoral approach with standard rehabilitation. Review was performed at a mean follow up of 30 months (6-60), and consisted of clinical and radiological (plain X-rays) examinations. Every time a fracture was suspected or in case of recurrent unexpected pain, CT-scan evaluations were performed. The occurrence of peri-prosthetic fractures was looked for. Results: Three patients (7%) sustained a scapular fracture (1 spinal and 2 acromial) without any trauma, between 3 and 6 months after the RSA. Furthermore, one of these patients developed 3 months later a spontaneous clavicular fracture, leading to an overall stress fracture rate of 9%. The four fractures were treated conservatively. Three malunions and one acromial non-union occurred. The range of motion in abduction and flexion decreased significantly after the fracture and stayed limited in all cases. All the three patients reported a recurrence of pain. Conclusion: Peri-prosthetic stress fractures, especially in the acromion and in the spine of the scapula are not unusual after RSA. The etiology is not well known. The increase of stress in peri-prosthetic bone may be due to the semi-congruent design and to an overtension of the deltoid. The management of this complication stays difficult. The conservative treatment leads to mal- or non-union, with persistent pain and limited range of motion.