738 resultados para single mode fiber


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DFB lasers with continuously and arbitrarily chirped gratings of ultrahigh spatial precision are implemented by a method we proposed recently, using bent waveguides on homogeneous grating fields. Choosing individual bending functions we generate special chirping functions and obtain additional degrees of freedom to tailor and improve specific device performances, We present two applications for lasers showing several improved device properties and the effectiveness of our method, First, we implement continuously distributed phase-shifted lasers, revealing a considerably reduced photon pile-up, higher single-longitudinal mode stability, higher output power, lower linewidth, and higher yield than conventional abruptly phase-shifted lasers, Second, a novel tuning principle is applied in chirped multiple-section DFB lasers, showing 5.5-nm wavelength tuning, without any gaps, maintaining high side-mode suppression.


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We have implemented and studied a new type of tunable multiple-section semiconductor distributed feedback (DFB) laser using tailored chirped DFB gratings. Arbitrarily and continuously chirped DFB gratings are defined by bent waveguides on homogeneous grating fields with ultrahigh spatial precision, The mathematical bending functions are optimized in this case to provide enlarged wavelength tuning ranges. We present the results of model calculations, the technological device realization and experimental results of the DFB laser characterization e.g. a tuning range of 5.5 mm without wavelength gaps and high side mode suppression ratio.


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A complex-coupled DFB laser with sampled grating has been designed and fabricated. The method uses the + 1 st order reflection of the sampled grating for laser single-mode operation. The typical threshold current of the sampled grating based DFB laser is 25 mA, and the optical output is about 10 mW at the injected current of 100 mA. The lasing wavelength of the device is 1.5385μm, which is the +1 st order wavelength of the sampled grating.


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We solve the single mode coupled rate equations by computer, simulate the behavior of a gain switch of an AlGalnP red light semiconductor laser diode, and find the characteristic of FWHM of pulses changing with the amplitude of modulation signal, the bias current, and the modulated frequency. On this basis, we conduct experiments. The experiment results accord with the simulations well.


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Square microcavity laser with an output waveguide is proposed and analyzed by the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique. For a square resonator with refractive index of 3.2, side length of 4 microns, and output waveguide of 0.4-micron width, we have got the quality factors (Q factors) of 6.7×10~2 and 7.3×10~3 for the fundamental and first-order transverse magnetic (TM) mode near the wavelength of 1.5 microns, respectively. The simulated intensity distribution for the first-order TM mode shows that the coupling efficiency in the waveguide reaches 53%. The numerical simulation shows that the first-order transverse modes have fairly high Q factor and high coupling efficiency to the output waveguide. Therefore the square resonator with an output waveguide is a promising candidate to realize single-mode directional emission microcavity lasers.


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A novel integration technique has been developed using band-gap energy control of InGaAsP/InGaAsP multiquantum-well (MQW) structures during simultaneous ultra-low-pressure (22 mbar) selective-area-growth (SAG) process in metal-organic chemical vapour deposition. A fundamental study of the controllability of band gap energy by the SAG method is performed. A large band-gap photoluminescence wavelength shift of 83nm is obtained with a small mask width variation (0-30μm). The method is then applied to fabricate an MQW distributed-feedback laser monolithically integrated with an electroabsorption modulator. The experimental results exhibit superior device characteristics with low threshold of 19mA, over 24 dB extinction ratio when coupled into a single mode fibre. More than 10 GHz modulation bandwidth is also achieved, which demonstrates that the ultra-low-pressure SAG technique is a promising approach for high-speed transmission photonic integrated circuits.


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SOI waveguides fabricated by wet-etching method are demonstrated. The single mode waveguide and 1×2 3dB BBI splitter are analyzed and designed by three dimensional beam propagation method to correct the error of effective index method and guided mode method. The devices are fabricated. Excellent performances, such as low propagation loss of -1.37dB/cm, low excess of -2.2dB, and good uniformity of 0.3dB, are achieved.


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The semiconductor microlasers with an equilateral triangle resonator which can be fabricated by dry etching technique from the laser wafer of the edge emitting laser, are analyzed by FDTD technique and rate equations. The results show that ETR microlaser is suitable to realize single mode operation. By connecting an output waveguide to one of the vertices of the ETR, we still can get the confined modes with high quality factors. The EM microlasers are potential light sources for photonic integrated circuits.


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The tunable ridge waveguide distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers designed for wavelength-division-multiplex (WDM) communication systems at 1.55 um by using selective area growth (SAG) is reported. The threshold current of the DBR laser is 62mA and the output power is more than 8mW. The isolation resistance between the active region and the Bragg region is 30K Ohm. The total tuning range is 6.5nm and this DBR laser can provide 6 continuous standard WDM channels with 100GHz channel spacing; in the tuning range, the single mode suppression ratio (SMSR) is maintained more than 32dB and the maximum output power variation is less than 3dB.


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We analyze the mode behaviors for semiconductor lasers with an equilateral triangle resonator by deriving the mode field distribution and the eigenvalue equation. The eigenvalue equation shows that the longitudinal mode wavelength interval is equivalent to that of a Fabry-Perot cavity with the cavity length of 1.5a, where a is the side length of the equilateral triangle resonator. The transverse waveguiding is equivalent to as a strip waveguide with the width of root 3a/ 2, and the number of transverse modes supported by the resonator is limited by the total reflection condition on the sides of the equilateral triangle. Semiconductor microcavity laser with an equilateral triangle resonator is suitable to realize single mode operation, and the mode wavelength can be adjusted by changing the side length.


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1.3 mu m strained-layer multi-quantum wells complex-coupled distributed feedback lasers with a wide temperature range of 20 to 100 degrees C are reported. The low threshold current of 10mA and high single-facet slope efficiency of 0.3mW/mA were obtained for an as cleaved device. The single mode yield was as high as 80%.


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Based upon a hybrid ferromagnet/semiconductor structure consisting of two-dimensional electron gas and a pair of surface ferromagnetic stripes on top, we have theoretically investigated the effect of in-plane stray field omitted frequently in previous studies on the spin-dependent ballistic transport properties in hybrid structure. It is demonstrated here that, in combination with an external-controllable electrostatic modulation, the concerned structure shows a similar function as a lateral spin-polarized resonant tunneling device, where the strong spin-filtering effect occurs and nearly single-mode polarization is anticipated for the proper modulation. More importantly, the spin polarity of transmission electron can be easily transferred from one extreme to the other by switching the magnetization of stripes, showing the promising application as an efficient spin aligner in the developing semiconductor spintronics.


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We demonstrate surface emitting distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers emitting at wavelengths from 8.1 mu m at 90 K to 8.4 mu m at 210 K. The second-order metalized grating is carefully designed using a modified coupled-mode theory and fabricated by contact lithography. The devices show single mode behavior with a side mode suppression ratio above 18 dB at all working temperatures. At 90 K, the device emits an optical power of 101 mW from the surface and 199 mW from the edge. In addition, a double-lobe far-field pattern with a separation of 2.2 degrees is obtained in the direction along the waveguide.


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Future high speed communications networks will transmit data predominantly over optical fibres. As consumer and enterprise computing will remain the domain of electronics, the electro-optical conversion will get pushed further downstream towards the end user. Consequently, efficient tools are needed for this conversion and due to many potential advantages, including low cost and high output powers, long wavelength Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) are a viable option. Drawbacks, such as broader linewidths than competing options, can be mitigated through the use of additional techniques such as Optical Injection Locking (OIL) which can require significant expertise and expensive equipment. This thesis addresses these issues by removing some of the experimental barriers to achieving performance increases via remote OIL. Firstly, numerical simulations of the phase and the photon and carrier numbers of an OIL semiconductor laser allowed the classification of the stable locking phase limits into three distinct groups. The frequency detuning of constant phase values (ø) was considered, in particular ø = 0 where the modulation response parameters were shown to be independent of the linewidth enhancement factor, α. A new method to estimate α and the coupling rate in a single experiment was formulated. Secondly, a novel technique to remotely determine the locked state of a VCSEL based on voltage variations of 2mV−30mV during detuned injection has been developed which can identify oscillatory and locked states. 2D & 3D maps of voltage, optical and electrical spectra illustrate corresponding behaviours. Finally, the use of directly modulated VCSELs as light sources for passive optical networks was investigated by successful transmission of data at 10 Gbit/s over 40km of single mode fibre (SMF) using cost effective electronic dispersion compensation to mitigate errors due to wavelength chirp. A widely tuneable MEMS-VCSEL was established as a good candidate for an externally modulated colourless source after a record error free transmission at 10 Gbit/s over 50km of SMF across a 30nm single mode tuning range. The ability to remotely set the emission wavelength using the novel methods developed in this thesis was demonstrated.


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The dynamics of two mutually coupled identical single-mode semi-conductor lasers are theoretically investigated. For small separation and large coupling between the lasers, symmetry-broken one-colour states are shown to be stable. In this case the light output of the lasers have significantly different intensities whilst at the same time the lasers are locked to a single common frequency. For intermediate coupling we observe stable two-colour states, where both single-mode lasers lase simultaneously at two optical frequencies which are separated by up to 150 GHz. For low coupling but possibly large separation, the frequency of the relaxation oscillations of the freerunning lasers defines the dynamics. Chaotic and quasi-periodic states are identified and shown to be stable. For weak coupling undamped relaxation oscillations dominate where each laser is locked to three or more odd number of colours spaced by the relaxation oscillation frequency. It is shown that the instabilities that lead to these states are directly connected to the two colour mechanism where the change in the number of optical colours due to a change in the plane of oscillation. At initial coupling, in-phase and anti-phase one colour states are shown to emerge from “on” uncoupled lasers using a perturbation method. Similarly symmetry-broken one-colour states come from considering one free-running laser initially “on” and the other laser initially “off”. The mechanism that leads to a bi-stability between in-phase and anti-phase one-colour states is understood. Due to an equivariant phase space symmetry of being able to exchange the identical lasers, a symmetric and symmetry-broken variant of all states mentioned above exists and is shown to be stable. Using a five dimensional model we identify the bifurcation structure which is responsible for the appearance of symmetric and symmetry-broken one-colour, symmetric and symmetry-broken two-colour, symmetric and symmetry-broken undamped relaxation oscillations, symmetric and symmetry-broken quasi-periodic, and symmetric and symmetry-broken chaotic states. As symmetry-broken states always exist in pairs, they naturally give rise to bi-stability. Several of these states show multistabilities between symmetric and symmetry-broken variants and among states. Three memory elements on the basis of bi-stabilities in one and two colour states for two coupled single-mode lasers are proposed. The switching performance of selected designs of optical memory elements is studied numerically.