930 resultados para scenarios - future development - Estonia


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Details objectives and plans for future development of Florida International University campuses, educational programs, and operations with an emphasis on focus, excellence, efficiency, and innovation.


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This qualitative two-site case study examined the capacity building practices that Children’s Services Councils (CSCs), independent units of local government, provide to nonprofit organizations (NPOs) contracted to deliver human services. The contracting literature is replete with recommendations for government to provide capacity building to contracted NPOs, yet there is a dearth of scholarship on this topic. The study’s purpose was to increase the understanding of capacity building provided in a local government contracting setting. Data collection consisted primarily of in-depth interviews and focus groups with 73 staff from two CSCs and 28 contracted NPOs. Interview data were supplemented by participant observation and review of secondary data. The study analyzed capacity building needs, practices, influencing factors, and outcomes. The study identified NPO capacity building needs in: documentation and reporting, financial management, program monitoring and evaluation, participant recruitment and retention, and program quality. Additionally, sixteen different types of CSC capacity building practices were identified. Results indicated that three major factors impacted CSC capacity building: CSC capacity building goals, the relationship between the CSC and NPOs, and the level of NPO participation. Study results also provided insight into the dynamics of the CSC capacity building process, including unique problems, challenges, and opportunities as well as necessary resources. The results indicated that the CSCs’ relational contracting approach facilitated CSC capacity building and that CSC contract managers were central players in the process. The study provided evidence that local government agencies can serve as effective builders of NPO capacity. Additionally, results indicated that much of what is known about capacity building can be applied in this previously unstudied capacity building setting. Finally, the study laid the groundwork for future development of a model for capacity building in a local government contracting setting.


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Communication has become an essential function in our civilization. With the increasing demand for communication channels, it is now necessary to find ways to optimize the use of their bandwidth. One way to achieve this is by transforming the information before it is transmitted. This transformation can be performed by several techniques. One of the newest of these techniques is the use of wavelets. Wavelet transformation refers to the act of breaking down a signal into components called details and trends by using small waveforms that have a zero average in the time domain. After this transformation the data can be compressed by discarding the details, transmitting the trends. In the receiving end, the trends are used to reconstruct the image. In this work, the wavelet used for the transformation of an image will be selected from a library of available bases. The accuracy of the reconstruction, after the details are discarded, is dependent on the wavelets chosen from the wavelet basis library. The system developed in this thesis takes a 2-D image and decomposes it using a wavelet bank. A digital signal processor is used to achieve near real-time performance in this transformation task. A contribution of this thesis project is the development of DSP-based test bed for the future development of new real-time wavelet transformation algorithms.


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A man-machine system called teleoperator system has been developed to work in hazardous environments such as nuclear reactor plants. Force reflection is a type of force feedback in which forces experienced by the remote manipulator are fed back to the manual controller. In a force-reflecting teleoperation system, the operator uses the manual controller to direct the remote manipulator and receives visual information from a video image and/or graphical animation on the computer screen. This thesis presents the design of a portable Force-Reflecting Manual Controller (FRMC) for the teleoperation of tasks such as hazardous material handling, waste cleanup, and space-related operations. The work consists of the design and construction of a prototype 1-Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) FRMC, the development of the Graphical User Interface (GUI), and system integration. Two control strategies - PID and fuzzy logic controllers are developed and experimentally tested. The system response of each is analyzed and evaluated. In addition, the concept of a telesensation system is introduced, and a variety of design alternatives of a 3-DOF FRMC are proposed for future development.


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This study aims to assess the usability of Interactive Materials developed for the courses offered by UFRN SEDIS the modality of distance education (DE), using the techniques of focus group cooperative evaluation and assessment of satisfaction. The Interactive Materials are intended to serve as an avenue where the course content reaches the student in an educational, stimulating and self-instructive enough for the student to engage and find no difficulty in using it so. After the survey data in this context were selected four Interactive Materials ("Introduction to Applied Calculus", "Science, Technology and Society", "studies the Semi-Arid" and "Cultural Geography") that adopt the framework established by UFRN for SEDIS be evaluated for their usability. Initially, a preliminary test was conducted from cooperative assessment with a student interacting with the four learning objects in order to reveal and map the major failures of usability, supporting deeper questions later. The recordings of this preliminary test were analyzed by a focus group composed of two graphic designers and two multimedia designers, and developers responsible for these objects, which helped to analyze the gap between "what was designed" and "as was used "structuring and supplementing the roadmap for cooperative evaluation and assessment of subsequent satisfaction. The cooperative evaluation was applied individually to ten students of undergraduate UFRN that tested each of the four materials. At the end, every student completed a questionnaire assessing satisfaction form adapted Wanted (Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction). The analysis of the data collected in this study revealed positive, negative and notes to be considered to guide the future development of Interactive Materials, in the context of UFRN SEDIS, feedback to the process of design and evaluation with user participation


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The present study has the objective of analyzing how the ways of dwelling influences the uses and the functional and symbolic appropriations of the urban space in Fortaleza city center, through the perspective of the residents and their relation with the living place. Scenarios of development and degradation of its urban space have marked the city center of Fortaleza. The intensification of the commercial and services occupation promoted through the years, paradoxically, the valorization of the land price and the devalorization of the residential use. Thus, the residential occupation was consolidated in a discontinuous way, being concentrated mainly in the external limits of the historical core of the neighborhood. The research is structured over the delimitation of an area and the selection of multifamily residential buildings, built since the 1960s, close to the central core of the neighborhood. The spatial configuration analysis of the selected residential buildings, and their relations with the urban surroundings and the land uses, reveals different aspects related to the urban vitality, producing impacts over the ways of dwelling constituted by the daily life of the residents. The study of the ways of dwelling involves the comprehension that the dwelling is beyond the private residential boundaries and the functional occupation. The conceptual base of this research is developed over the perspective that the dwelling represents a fundamental aspect of the human condition, allowing the person to relate with the space in an essential way (HEIDEGGER, 2012). In this perspective of the dwelling, the space reunites the mental and the cultural, the social and the historical, being marked by simultaneous logics of the conceived, the perceived and the lived space (LEFEVBRE, 2006). The development of this study, over the point of view of the neighborhood residents, is inserted in the perspective of the lived space, related to the concept of place, understood as a qualitative phenomenon, giving essence and identity to the space. The place of dwelling, marked by coexistences, is one of the structural elements of the urban land use, and potential for the rehabilitation of the central areas in big cities. Therefore, the study starts from the hypothesis that the location, the nearby land uses and the spatial configuration of the residential buildings affect the ways of dwelling, in other words the residents dissolve the boundaries of the shelter and experience the urban space, from the dwelling place. The requalification of the dwelling is opposed to the residential space based in functionality, in hierarchy, in self sufficiency, in standardization and in the reproduction of the urban space, materialized in the dense contemporary residential buildings, that are unrelated to the city. The stages of the research involved the spatial configuration analysis of the selected residential buildings and their surrounding, the land use mapping and interviews with the residents. The collected data allowed verifying that the buildings are located in areas presenting heterogeneous land uses, with a great number of residents and users. However, these aspects are not sufficient to promote the vitality of the public spaces in the neighborhood, since the people movement in the streets is controlled by the opening hours of the predominant commercial use in the area. The word of the residents, collected in interviews, indicate that the conservation conditions of the public spaces and the insecurity influences their everyday relations with the place of dwelling, affecting fundamental aspects for the dwelling requalification in the central area of Fortaleza.


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The present study has the objective of analyzing how the ways of dwelling influences the uses and the functional and symbolic appropriations of the urban space in Fortaleza city center, through the perspective of the residents and their relation with the living place. Scenarios of development and degradation of its urban space have marked the city center of Fortaleza. The intensification of the commercial and services occupation promoted through the years, paradoxically, the valorization of the land price and the devalorization of the residential use. Thus, the residential occupation was consolidated in a discontinuous way, being concentrated mainly in the external limits of the historical core of the neighborhood. The research is structured over the delimitation of an area and the selection of multifamily residential buildings, built since the 1960s, close to the central core of the neighborhood. The spatial configuration analysis of the selected residential buildings, and their relations with the urban surroundings and the land uses, reveals different aspects related to the urban vitality, producing impacts over the ways of dwelling constituted by the daily life of the residents. The study of the ways of dwelling involves the comprehension that the dwelling is beyond the private residential boundaries and the functional occupation. The conceptual base of this research is developed over the perspective that the dwelling represents a fundamental aspect of the human condition, allowing the person to relate with the space in an essential way (HEIDEGGER, 2012). In this perspective of the dwelling, the space reunites the mental and the cultural, the social and the historical, being marked by simultaneous logics of the conceived, the perceived and the lived space (LEFEVBRE, 2006). The development of this study, over the point of view of the neighborhood residents, is inserted in the perspective of the lived space, related to the concept of place, understood as a qualitative phenomenon, giving essence and identity to the space. The place of dwelling, marked by coexistences, is one of the structural elements of the urban land use, and potential for the rehabilitation of the central areas in big cities. Therefore, the study starts from the hypothesis that the location, the nearby land uses and the spatial configuration of the residential buildings affect the ways of dwelling, in other words the residents dissolve the boundaries of the shelter and experience the urban space, from the dwelling place. The requalification of the dwelling is opposed to the residential space based in functionality, in hierarchy, in self sufficiency, in standardization and in the reproduction of the urban space, materialized in the dense contemporary residential buildings, that are unrelated to the city. The stages of the research involved the spatial configuration analysis of the selected residential buildings and their surrounding, the land use mapping and interviews with the residents. The collected data allowed verifying that the buildings are located in areas presenting heterogeneous land uses, with a great number of residents and users. However, these aspects are not sufficient to promote the vitality of the public spaces in the neighborhood, since the people movement in the streets is controlled by the opening hours of the predominant commercial use in the area. The word of the residents, collected in interviews, indicate that the conservation conditions of the public spaces and the insecurity influences their everyday relations with the place of dwelling, affecting fundamental aspects for the dwelling requalification in the central area of Fortaleza.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia


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To project the future development of the soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in permafrost environments, the spatial and vertical distribution of key soil properties and their landscape controls needs to be understood. This article reports findings from the Arctic Lena River Delta where we sampled 50 soil pedons. These were classified according to the U.S.D.A. Soil Taxonomy and fall mostly into the Gelisol soil order used for permafrost-affected soils. Soil profiles have been sampled for the active layer (mean depth 58±10 cm) and the upper permafrost to one meter depth. We analyze SOC stocks and key soil properties, i.e. C%, N%, C/N, bulk density, visible ice and water content. These are compared for different landscape groupings of pedons according to geomorphology, soil and land cover and for different vertical depth increments. High vertical resolution plots are used to understand soil development. These show that SOC storage can be highly variable with depth. We recommend the treatment of permafrost-affected soils according to subdivisions into: the surface organic layer, mineral subsoil in the active layer, organic enriched cryoturbated or buried horizons and the mineral subsoil in the permafrost. The major geomorphological units of a subregion of the Lena River Delta were mapped with a land form classification using a data-fusion approach of optical satellite imagery and digital elevation data to upscale SOC storage. Landscape mean SOC storage is estimated to 19.2±2.0 kg C/m**2. Our results show that the geomorphological setting explains more soil variability than soil taxonomy classes or vegetation cover. The soils from the oldest, Pleistocene aged, unit of the delta store the highest amount of SOC per m**2 followed by the Holocene river terrace. The Pleistocene terrace affected by thermal-degradation, the recent floodplain and bare alluvial sediments store considerably less SOC in descending order.


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Individual planktonic microfossil species, or assemblage groups of different species, are often used to, qualitatively and/or quantitatively, reconstruct past (sub)surface-water conditions of the world's oceans and seas. Until now, little information has been available on the surface sediment distribution patterns and paleoenvironmental reconstruction potential of coccolith, calcareous dinoflagellate cyst and organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst assemblages of the South and equatorial Atlantic, especially at the species level. This paper (i) summarizes the distributions of these three phytoplanktonic microfossil groups in numerous Atlantic surface sediments from 20°N-50°S and 30°E-65°W and determines their relationship with the physicochemical and trophic conditions of the overlying (sub)surface-waters, and (ii) determines the synecology of the three phytoplankton groups by carrying out statistical analyses (i.e. detrended and canonical correspondence analyses) on all groups simultaneously. Ecological relationships are additionally strengthened by statistically comparing the distribution patterns of the phytoplankton groups with those of planktonic foraminifera (Pflaumann et al. 1996; Niebler et al. 1998), as the ecological preferences of the latter are much better known. Many of the analyzed phytoplanktonic microfossil species or groups of species in the surface sediments do show restricted distributions which primarily reflect the environmental conditions of the upper water masses above them (e.g. sea-surface temperature, productivity, stratification). The acquired 'reference' data sets are large and diverse enough to allow future development of transfer functions for the reconstruction of past surface-water conditions, and show that there is still an enormous paleoenvironmental reconstruction potential concealed in many fossil coccolith and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have shown wide applicability to many fields including monitoring of environmental, civil, and industrial settings. WSNs however are resource constrained by many competing factors that span their hardware, software, and networking. One of the central resource constrains is the charge consumption of WSN nodes. With finite energy supplies, low charge consumption is needed to ensure long lifetimes and success of WSNs. This thesis details the design of a power system to support long-term operation of WSNs. The power system’s development occurs in parallel with a custom WSN from the Queen’s MEMS Lab (QML-WSN), with the goal of supporting a 1+ year lifetime without sacrificing functionality. The final power system design utilizes a TPS62740 DC-DC converter with AA alkaline batteries to efficiently supply the nodes while providing battery monitoring functionality and an expansion slot for future development. Testing tools for measuring current draw and charge consumption were created along with analysis and processing software. Through their use charge consumption of the power system was drastically lowered and issues in QML-WSN were identified and resolved including the proper shutdown of accelerometers, and incorrect microcontroller unit (MCU) power pin connection. Controlled current profiling revealed unexpected behaviour of nodes and detailed current-voltage relationships. These relationships were utilized with a lifetime projection model to estimate a lifetime between 521-551 days, depending on the mode of operation. The power system and QML-WSN were tested over a long term trial lasting 272+ days in an industrial testbed to monitor an air compressor pump. Environmental factors were found to influence the behaviour of nodes leading to increased charge consumption, while a node in an office setting was still operating at the conclusion of the trail. This agrees with the lifetime projection and gives a strong indication that a 1+ year lifetime is achievable. Additionally, a light-weight charge consumption model was developed which allows charge consumption information of nodes in a distributed WSN to be monitored. This model was tested in a laboratory setting demonstrating +95% accuracy for high packet reception rate WSNs across varying data rates, battery supply capacities, and runtimes up to full battery depletion.


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The sixties was a time of great interest for tourism development on the La Palma island. Various actions of public and private, as the policy of building a new airport, various tourist resorts, the tourism plan of 1968 or insular government also creating public entity "La Palma, Tourism SA” in 1969, will be the basis for future development of tourism on the island and will result push for private investment in this economic sector. Indeed, in the sixties, private investors had opened two hotels, while at least three others over a hundred beds each, weren´t finished.


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Injection stretch blow moulding is a well-established method of forming thin-walled containers and has been extensively researched for numerous years. This paper is concerned with validating the finite element analysis of the free-stretch-blow process in an effort to progress the development of injection stretch blow moulding of poly(ethylene terephthalate). Extensive data was obtained experimentally over a wide process window accounting for material temperature and air flow rate, while capturing cavity pressure, stretch-rod reaction force and preform surface strain. This data was then used to assess the accuracy of the correlating FE simulation constructed using ABAQUS/Explicit solver and an appropriate viscoelastic material subroutine. Results reveal that the simulation is able to give good quantitative correlation for conditions where the deformation was predominantly equal biaxial whilst qualitative correlation was achievable when the mode of deformation was predominantly sequential biaxial. Overall the simulation was able to pick up the general trends of how the pressure, reaction force, strain rate and strain vary with the variation in preform temperature and air flow rate. The knowledge gained from these analyses provides insight into the mechanisms of bottle formation, subsequently improving the blow moulding simulation and allowing for reduction in future development costs.


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The widespread efforts to incorporate the economic values of oceans into national income accounts have reached a stage where coordination of national efforts is desirable. A symposium held in 2015 began this process by bringing together representatives from ten countries. The symposium concluded that a definition of core ocean industries was possible but beyond that core the definition of ocean industries is in flux. Better coordination of ocean income accounts will require addressing issues of aggregation, geography, partial ocean industries, confidential, and imputation is also needed. Beyond the standard national income accounts, a need to incorporate environmental resource and ecosystem service values to gain a complete picture of the economic role of the oceans was identified. The U.N. System of Environmental and Economic Accounts and the Experimental Ecosystem Service Accounts provide frameworks for this expansion. This will require the development of physical accounts of environmental assets linked to the economic accounts as well as the adaptation of transaction and welfare based economic valuation methods to environmental resources and ecosystem services. The future development of ocean economic data is most likely to require cooperative efforts at development of metadata standards and the use of multiple platforms of opportunity created by policy analysis, economic development, and conservation projects to both collect new economic data and to sustain ocean economy data collection into the future by building capacity in economic data collection and use..


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O presente relatório de projeto descreve o trabalho desenvolvido na empresa F, relativo ao balanceamento de linhas de produção. Foi estudado, tendo por base a literatura disponível, em que consiste o problema de balanceamento de uma linha de produção, assim como as limitações deste problema, e que métodos podem ser utilizados na sua resolução. Relativamente ao caso de estudo são expostos os objetivos a atingir, apresentando os dados recolhidos e respetivo tratamento dos mesmos. Para cada caso é efetuada a descrição do mesmo, descrevendo a situação como a linha de produção se encontrava e a respetiva melhoria. Para o primeiro caso de estudo foi realizada uma simulação da mudança na linha de produção através do Software Arena. Finalmente são apresentadas algumas conclusões que dizem respeito às vantagens do balanceamento da linha de produção, revelando ainda perspetivas de desenvolvimento futuro.