919 resultados para rail traffic
Traffic congestion is nothing new in Latin American cities but has worsened in recent years. Eliminating it is a pipedream, but it should be brought under control. Many economists and transport planners think electronic road pricing would be the best way of tackling it, now that the appropriate technology for implementing it is available. On the other hand, experience shows that, for political reasons, it would be better to begin by adopting simpler methods. To start with, simple road pricing would seem to be the best option. But, over 20 years of experience in London and more than six in Santiago, Chile, made it clear that socio-political barriers have to be surmounted before even this option can be applied in practice. There is more political support for measures to control parking, due in part to the fact that the legal powers do not normally extend to restricting the number of parking spaces available to high-income and influential motorists who have the right to park near their offices and who cause a great deal of the congestion whilst getting there. In Latin America, the relative importance of taxis also diminishes the effectiveness of measures geared to parking, since taxis contribute to congestion although but they do not park. The problem of congestion cannot be solved by using tame measures. The time has come for something bolder, i.e., measures that, at the very least, exercise control over those parking spaces, which so far have been beyond the reach of governments and local authorities, ideally, simple road pricing systems would be even more effective.
The principal objective of this issue of the FAL Bulletin is to look at investments made in the Spanish port system between 1993 and 2010 in order to determine whether there is a direct link between expansion of port facilities and the outcome of competition for traffic.
As the culmination of a project financed by the Technical Cooperation Agency of the Federal Republic of Germany (GTZ), ECLAC has just published Congestión de tránsito - El problema y cómo enfrentarlo, Cuadernos de la Cepal series, No. 87. The text of 194 pages analyses the negative impacts of congestion and the multidisciplinary efforts that are needed to keep it under control, through the design of appropriate policies and measures. Congestion control is part of the development of a strategic vision of how a city should develop which can make it possible to harmonize the needs of mobility, growth and competitiveness, which are so necessary today and in the future, with the sustainability of cities and the improvement of their quality of life.The task is complex and it is not easy to find appropriate solutions. The present publication presents tools for tackling this crucial problem. Everything indicates that it calls for high professional and leadership qualities on the part of the authorities, and that it must have the active support of the citizens.This edition of the Bulletin presents a summary of the main conclusions of the publication and it is stressed that ECLAC can conduct local workshops to analyze the problem and how to tackle it.
A number of cities in Latin America played host to workshops on measures for reducing traffic congestion, as part of efforts to publicize the results of a project recently completed by ECLAC, and which received support from the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Congestion is beginning to pose a threat to the quality of life of the cities of the region; the most obvious manifestation of this congestion is the increase in daily travel time, especially in peak hours.The workshops are a contribution to efforts to curb congestion, since they help foster awareness of the extent of the negative consequences generated by the phenomenon, and are a means of publicizing options for dealing with it. This edition of the Bulletin outlines the contents of the workshops and their results. The workshops are offered to urban authorities and other institutions interested in training staff employed in positions involving traffic management.
Urban transport in the largest Latin American and Caribbean cities consumes about 3.5% of regional GDP — a percentage that is inflated by the effects of traffic congestion. In addition to the costs of congestion in terms of lost economic efficiency, there are also negative consequences in terms of social cohesion. The phenomenon of traffic congestion, which is caused mainly by relatively wealthy car drivers, lengthens journey times and, more importantly, forces up public transport fares. Owning a car is one of the fruits of human progress; using it in conditions of acute congestion or contamination is a social ill.
This issue of the FAL Bulletin analyses port container traffic in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2011.
This edition of the FAL Bulletin addr esses port planning in Latin America and delivers an initial forecast on container traffic between Latin America and Asia- Pacific through 2015. This bulletin also summarizes the principal conclusions of the Expert Workshop organized by the Unit of Infrastructure Services, in conjunction with ESCAP and the Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) in October 2009, in Panama.
This issue of the FAL Bulletin deals with road safe ty and its impact on children by examining data collected on road safe ty in the Eastern Republic of Uruguay by the Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation wi thin the framework of its EDU-CAR Road Safety Plan for Children.
This edition of the FAL Bulletin provides an account of recent developments and trends in rail and urban transport and road maintenance in Latin America and the Caribbean.
This edition of the FAL Bulletin tells of recent events and trends in urban transport, railways and highway maintenance in Latin America and the Caribbean.
This edition of the FAL bulletin contains the summary of a review carried out by ECLAC concerning the potential for a higher level of trade via rail between Brazil and other countries of the expanded Mercosur, and through those countries with Asia.At present, such trade occurs at very low levels, except in the case of trade with Bolivia. Some projects are planned, however, that would improve integration of the railway network in the Southern Cone, without requiring very significant levels of investment. If those projects are executed, the prospects would be good in the medium and long term for substantially increasing trade by rail in the region.
The text of 194 pages analyses the negative impacts of congestion and the multidisciplinary efforts that are needed to keep it under control, through the design of appropriate policies and measures. Congestion control is part of the development of a strategic vision of how a city should develop which can make it possible to harmonize the needs of mobility, growth and competitiveness, which are so necessary today and in the future, with the sustainability of cities and the improvement of their quality of life.The task is complex and it is not easy to find appropriate solutions. The present publication presents tools for tackling this crucial problem. Everything indicates that it calls for high professional and leadership qualities on the part of the authorities, and that it must have the active support of the citizens.This edition of the Bulletin presents a summary of the main conclusions of the publication and it is stressed that ECLAC can conduct local workshops to analyze the problem and how to tackle it.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Tributyltin exposure is the primary cause of imposex development in gastropods, making them excellent bioindicators. The present research represents the first examination of butyltin (BT) contamination in surface sediments associated with imposex in Leucozonia nassa and L. ocellata in a harbour complex area in Espirito Santo, southeastern Brazil. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the organotin pollution in the area and to assess the sensitivity of both species to BT pollution through imposex development. Specimens were collected between 2007 and 2010 and the sediments were sampled in 2007. Imposex intensity was evaluated based on the percentage of imposexed females, the relative penis length index (RPLI) and the average value of the vas deferens sequence index (VDSI). BTs were analysed using gas chromatography equipped with a pulsed flame photometric detector (PFPD). The results demonstrated the occurrence of elevated concentrations of BTs in the sediment ranging from 383.7 to 7172.9 ng Sn g(-1), indicating a severe contamination of the area, which was confirmed by the biological monitoring results. Our findings also indicated that L. ocellata is a less sensitive species than L. nassa and that this differential sensitivity plays a key role in the distributions of the populations of both species in the studied area.