945 resultados para publicidad subliminal


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[ES] Como proyecto de fin de carrera se ha elaborado el manual de identidad corporativa de la empresa Sunlight Consultores S.L. Es un trabajo práctico funcional, desarrollado para un cliente real.


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Lana bi ataletan eta beraz bi txosten desberdinetan azalduko da, euskeraz. Lehenengoan identitate korporatiboaren gaia modu teorikoan jorratuko da (zer den, bere azterketa eta ondorioak). Bigarrenean berriz, aukeratutako markaren, noi altri-ren, berdiseinua modu praktikoan.


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Elaboración de un plan de negocio para la puesta en marcha de una Agencia de Comunicación Digital Gastronómica.


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Nesta dissertação analisamos peças publicitárias veiculadas em um semanário de circulação nacional, com o objetivo de constatar se o uso das letras, em especial as maiúsculas, constitui uma transgressão às normas gramaticais da língua portuguesa. Para isso, partimos da hipótese de que esse uso constitui uma questão artística ou de estilo, destinado à persuasão do consumidor potencial. Valemo-nos das orientações da gramática normativa da língua, da Estilística e da Semiótica para respondermos a essa hipótese. Foi considerado também o emprego das cores, das formas da linguagem visual, da diagramação, além do poder de persuasão das letras, elementos importantes da publicidade impressa. Foram analisadas quarenta e quatro peças publicitárias publicadas nos meses de outubro, novembro e dezembro de 2012, e março, abril e maio de 2013. Observamos nos anúncios os valores semióticos dos signos verbais e não verbais como ícones ou índices na arquitetura visual do texto


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Relapse has been a great challenge in clinical treatment and experimental studies of drug addiction. Recent studies suggest that psychological dependence may play a major role in addiction relapse, even more important than physiological dependence. Then a fundamental question arises: how to measure the psychological dependence? How to examine whether an addict has psychologically quitted when leaving drug rehabilitation centers? Self-report, a commonly used evaluation approach, is inevitably vulnerable to various cognitive influences, particularly in explicit tasks. Therefore, an objective index is necessary to evaluate the subliminal psychological drug dependence level. The objective of the current study was to develop such a psychological paradigm to probe the unaware attentional bias of in smoking addicts. Experiment 1 adapted the interocular suppression technique of binocular rivalry to study the attentional bias to cigarette pictures in smokers and age-matched nonsmoker. Results show that the smokers demonstrated similar attentional bias in both visible and unaware conditions, while non-smokers showed attentional bias only in the visible condition, and there was a significant interaction between experiment conditions and subject groups. These results provide compelling evidence for addiction-specific attentional bias in cigarette smokers, by minimizing the influence of confounding conscious factors. Furthermore, attentional bias of smokers in unawareness state was negatively correlated with their cigarette dependence levels, while their pre-test cigarette craving levels was positively correlated with their attnetional bias in the visible condition. This pair of correlations further demonstrated the advantages of unawareness state in disclosing stable dependence states, therefore supporting the effectiveness of the paradigm used in this study. Another interesting finding of Experiment 1 is that non-smokers also showed attentional bias in the visible condition. To exclude the possibility that the attentional bias found in experiment 1 was task-specific, experiment 2 adapted the most commonly-used visual dot probe task with smoking scenes as in relevant reference. The result in experiment 1 was well replicated, i.e., nonsmokers in experiment 2 also showed significant attentional bias to smoking-related stimuli, We interpenetrate this interesting finding as an effect of environmental influence, as the participants of the current study live in a highly smoking-exposed and smoking-encouraged environment, which is quite different with the participants of studies reported in the literature. A series of questionnaires and scales administered in the current study indeed show that most smokers smoked due to influence of the environment. They also acknowledged that smoking as an important media of social communication in China, and even considered that away from the smoking environment would effectively help them to quit. The current study also found that the disgust level towards cigarette pictures and smoking-related scenes of non-smokers was positively correlated with their attnentional bias in the visible condition of experiment 1. It is likely that in a highly smoking-encouraged environment, the remaining few on-smokers have severe disgust to cigarettes and smoking scenes; and their attentional bias might be caused by disgust avoidance. In conclusion, the current study represents the first study showing the existence of unaware attentional bias to smoking related stimuli in cigarette smokers by applying the interocular suppression paradigm, providing a reference to study of dependence of other drugs. The current study also found that our non-smoking participants also showed attentional bias to smoking related stimuli, which may be due to the possible influence of highly smoking-exposed environment of our participants.


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95 hojas : ilustraciones.


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29 hojas : fotografías.


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80 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.


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This thesis examines the literary output of German servicemen writers writing from the occupied territories of Europe in the period 1940-1944. Whereas literary-biographical studies and appraisals of the more significant individual writers have been written, and also a collective assessment of the Eastern front writers, this thesis addresses in addition the German literary responses in France and Greece, as being then theatres of particular cultural/ideological attention. Original papers of the writer Felix Hartlaub were consulted by the author at the Deutsches Literatur Archiv (DLA) at Marbach. Original imprints of the wartime works of the subject writers are referred to throughout, and citations are from these. As all the published works were written under conditions of wartime censorship and, even where unpublished, for fear of discovery written in oblique terms, the texts were here examined for subliminal authorial intention. The critical focus of the thesis is on literary quality: on aesthetic niveau, on applied literary form, and on integrity of authorial intention. The thesis sought to discover: (1) the extent of the literary output in book-length forms. (2) the auspices and conditions under which this literary output was produced. (3) the publication history and critical reception of the output. The thesis took into account, inter alia: (1) occupation policy as it pertained locally to the writers’ remit; (2) the ethical implications of this for the writers; (3) the writers’ literary stratagems for negotiating the constraints of censorship.


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El consumo de productos naturales en el mundo es cada vez más creciente, y dentro de ello las bebidas funcionales que desde sus orígenes han tenido una performance relativamente satisfactoria. El yacón (Smallanthus sochifolius)es una planta perene, herbácea, que crece en toda la serranía peruana. Su demanda en el mercado exterior ha hecho que cada vez tenga mayor importancia. En el 2014 se exportó USD 2 899.398,00 en forma de polvo, jarabe, deshidratado; sin embargo su consumo en el mercado nacional es bajo, a pesar del gran potencial nutritivo que posee. El mercado de Lima moderna se presenta como un importante atractivo de mercado que podría consumir la bebida. Por ello el objetivo del presente trabajo es Realizar un Plan de Marketing para el mercado de Lima moderna a fin de evaluar la factibilidad de insertar una bebida nueva: yacón con piña, para fomentar el consumo interno de este producto. La metodología utilizada fue de carácter exploratorio, descriptivo cuantitativa y cualitativa mediante información primaria y secundaria que ayudó a su desarrollo. Dentro de la información primaria se utilizó como herramienta la encuesta y la información secundaria a través de informes y estudios que se hicieron para el sector de bebidas no alcohólicas. El sector de bebidas no alcohólicas en el Perú, muestra un importante crecimiento en lo referente a bebidas saludables. En el último año (2014) el crecimiento de este sector fue de 6 por ciento, motivados por la percepción del consumidor en los beneficios saludables de estas bebidas. La zona de Lima moderna acoge al 72,2 por ciento del nivel socio económico A y B, este segmento concentra el más alto promedio de ingresos. En el análisis de Porter, se describe a la empresa como una industria, el cual para este rubro las barreras de ingreso son altas por la inversión en activos físicos y la inversión en publicidad y promoción por ser un producto nuevo. A través del estudio realizado se encontró que existe demanda para este producto, el 31,1 por ciento de los encuestados compraría definitivamente, 25,5 por ciento una vez por semana y el 18,3 por ciento todos los días. La estrategia utilizada en el presente trabajo fue la diferenciación, por las características saludables de la bebida y única en el mercado. La bebida es un producto de introducción en el mercado, el precio fijado es alto porque se orienta a un segmento de mercado selectivo y además fijado en la imagen y calidad del producto. La distribución se realizará a través de los supermercados, minimarkets, hoteles categorizados. Y por último se concluye que la introducción de un producto novedoso, podría marcar estándares en el mercado de bebidas no alcohólicas y permitir la creación de una nueva categoría de productos Premium naturales y funcionales.


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El presente artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos en una experiencia pedagógica de aula con estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniería en Gestión de Empresas del Instituto Profesional La Araucana de Osorno, quienes dada una empresa, ficticia o real, debieron crear afiches publicitarios utilizando contenidos matemáticos básicos y avanzados para promocionar los bienes o servicios que ofrecen a la comunidad. Como resultado de la experiencia se logró que los estudiantes aplicaran conceptos de matemática básica y avanzada para la creación de publicidad de acuerdo a las necesidades de una empresa, visualizando la matemática como una disciplina aplicable a diferentes situaciones.


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L a exposición temporal Albert & Blas Einstein y Cabrera, del Museo Elder de la Ciencia y la Tecnología de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, comienza presentando una maqueta versión 3D de la obra “Relatividad” de M.C. Escher. Las ventanas de la obra contienen pantallas que emiten imágenes que representan cómo se ha manipulado la imagen de A. Einstein en los medios, en el cine, en la publicidad, etc.


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Radio advertising is suffering from a remarkable crisis of creativity as it has yet not found its role in a radio model based on voice locution and information genres. This article suggests the need for implementing a peripheral or heuristic strategy to attract and hold listeners’ attention. Within this framework, the narration and scene representation are proposed as suitable persuasion techniques. The objective is to design a useful conceptual tool for an efficient creative conception of narration at the service of certain commercial strategy. First, the concept of narrative persuasion is grounded according to the possibilities of the sound code. Second, the keys of scene representation and commercial strategy (brand, product, advantage, benefit and target) within the sound message are presented. And third, these keys are articulated in a model. This model is pre-tested by means of analyzing eight different case-radio ads.