793 resultados para protestant cemetery
La presente investigación, tiene como objetivo analizar a partir de la segunda oleada migratoria de misiones protestantes norteamericanas hacia el centro y sur de América a finales de los 80s, la incidencia de estas en la organización interna, las estrategias para acceder al poder y el proyecto político de los partidos políticos, Partido de Acción Nacional (PAN) de México y Partido Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (ARENA) de El Salvador. Esta investigación pretende determinar la influencia de estas migraciones en la construcción, consolidación o transformación de los partidos políticos anteriormente mencionados, llegando así a una notoria tendencia derechista de estos en la actualidad, partiendo de que ambos partidos como ideología política son conservadores, y cuentan con una fuerte influencia republicana, sin dejar de lado una democracia cristiana y un propósito anticomunista.
O commitment é um conceito que tem sido desenvolvido e estudado nas últimas décadas. Só, ou com outras variáveis, o commitment tem sido objecto de estudo em várias culturas. Partindo do princípio que o commitment é afectado pelos valores de cada indivíduo, este estudo procura verificar a sua relação com um sistema de valores de trabalho específico: a Ética Protestante do Trabalho. O estudo tem como contexto a classe trabalhadora, composta por protestantes e não protestantes. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a Ética Protestante do Trabalho não é um construto unidimensional. Contudo, algumas das componentes criadas apresentaram uma relação com as componentes do commitment.
Em início do século XX, no ano de 1905, no momento que se afigurou promissor, foi fundado o Colégio Americano Batista-C.A.B. Já predominava no Brasil o ensino religioso ministrado pelos Jesuítas vindos de Portugal. Fora um trabalho evangelístico-educacional, numa concepção de reeligere, numa cosmovisão unirreligiosa. Os conteúdos dessa disciplina ficavam sob a responsabilidade da igreja, visto ser ela considerada à única com habilidades plausíveis. José Eduardo Franco, (2006, p.311), em seu artigo O mito dos Jesuítas em Portugal - século XVI-XX menciona que “Portugal não teve, no seu território, nenhuma origem religiosa que tivesse obtido em tão elevado grau, o prestígio e o renome, que a partir de 1540, os Jesuítas conquistaram. Mas também nenhuma outra instituição religiosa foi julgada de forma tão dupla contraditória”. A despeito das possíveis qualidades do trabalho efetuado pelos Jesuítas, ou porventura, o aflorar de suas limitações, não é o que neste trabalho de pesquisa pretendemos analisar particularmente. Propomos investigar como o ensino religioso protestante tem influenciado a educação do Colégio Americano Batista desde as suas origens à atualidade sem excluir a promulgação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional-9.394/96 e com a estrutura do ensino religioso mediante a produção dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais-PCNs. Utilizamos como material empírico os depoimentos de docentes, discentes, e de toda a equipe técnica e pedagógica desta instituição. Pretendemos com tal metodologia assegurar a dimensão da influência do Ensino Religioso na educação como agente transformador na sociedade. Compreendemos a relevância desta pesquisa, à medida que observamos a interação do diálogo interreligioso e o avanço obtido quanto à concepção catequética numa passagem para uma nova concepção de ensino religioso, na concepção do sentido para a vida.
El crítico ecuatoriano resalta, en su crónica de un reciente viaje por España, los matices que los inmigrantes confieren a ese país, en estos tiempos de desplazamientos masivos. Con ojo de observador repasa las tensiones entre las culturas locales y extranjeras (rumanas, de varios países de Latinoamérica), las desigualdades apreciables al recorrer barrios exclusivos, encerrados en sí mismos, como «La Almudena», de Madrid (que tiene el mismo nombre de su inmenso cementerio). Camino hacia Pamplona destaca la comida de Soria y su homenaje público a los poetas Antonio Machado y Gerardo Diego. En Pamplona se siente más el enfrentamiento de tradiciones locales con las que traen los migrantes, también el empuje de la globalización, que busca lanzar la región hacia el futuro, enfrentado a la resistencia y el apego de ella a lo tradicional. Como parte del paisaje, las innumerables historias de ecuatorianos que allí viven y trabajan casi de sol a sol, que sueñan con volver al país y que, casi con seguridad, permanecerán allá.
Stable isotopes get personal in this analysis of burials at a medieval cathedral. Compared with the local meat-eating rank and file, those people identified as bishops consumed significantly more fish and were incomers from the east. These results, while not so surprising historically, lend much increased confidence that isotope analysis can successfully read the status and mobility of individuals in a cemetery.
The Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO) held at the University of Reading in 2007. Contents: 1) A life course perspective of growing up in medieval London: evidence of sub-adult health from St Mary Spital (London) (Rebecca Redfern and Don Walker); 2) Preservation of non-adult long bones from an almshouse cemetery in the United States dating to the late nineteenth to the early twentieth centuries (Colleen Milligan, Jessica Zotcavage and Norman Sullivan); 3) Childhood oral health: dental palaeopathology of Kellis 2, Dakhleh, Egypt. A preliminary investigation (Stephanie Shukrum and JE Molto); 4) Skeletal manifestation of non-adult scurvy from early medieval Northumbria: the Black Gate cemetery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Diana Mahoney-Swales and Pia Nystrom); 5) Infantile cortical hyperostosis: cases, causes and contradictions (Mary Lewis and Rebecca Gowland); 6) Biological Anthropology Tuberculosis of the hip in the Victorian Britain (Benjamin Clarke and Piers Mitchell); 7) The re-analysis of Iron Age human skeletal material from Winnall Down (Justine Tracey); 8) Can we estimate post-mortem interval from an individual body part? A field study using sus scrofa (Branka Franicevec and Robert Pastor); 9) The expression of asymmetry in hand bones from the medieval cemetery at Écija, Spain (Lisa Cashmore and Sonia Zakrezewski); 10) Returning remains: a curator’s view (Quinton Carroll); 11) Authority and decision making over British human remains: issues and challenges (Piotr Bienkowski and Malcolm Chapman); 12) Ethical dimensions of reburial, retention and repatriation of archaeological human remains: a British perspective (Simon Mays and Martin Smith); 13) The problem of provenace: inaccuracies, changes and misconceptions (Margaret Clegg); 14) Native American human remains in UK collections: implications of NAGPRA to consultation, repatriation, and policy development (Myra J Giesen); 15) Repatriation – a view from the receiving end: New Zealand (Nancy Tayles).
Recent attempts to problematize archaeological fieldwork concerned with excavation at the expense of surface survey, and with questions of procedure more than interpretations of the past. In fact these two kinds of fieldwork offer quite different possibilities and suffer from different constraints. Thought must be given to ways in which they can be combined if they are to make a real contribution to social archaeology. The argument is illustrated by a project carried out at a megalithic cemetery in Scotland.
This study compares the infant mortality profiles of 128 infants from two urban and two rural cemetery sites in medieval England. The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of urbanization and industrialization in terms of endogenous or exogenous causes of death. In order to undertake this analysis, two different methods of estimating gestational age from long bone lengths were used: a traditional regression method and a Bayesian method. The regression method tended to produce more marked peaks at 38 weeks, while the Bayesian method produced a broader range of ages and were more comparable with the expected "natural" mortality profiles. At all the sites, neonatal mortality (28-40 weeks) outweighed post-neonatal mortality (41-48 weeks) with rural Raunds Furnells in Northamptonshire, showing the highest number of neonatal deaths and post-medieval Spitalfields, London, showing a greater proportion of deaths due to exogenous or environmental factors. Of the four sites under study, Wharram Percy in Yorkshire showed the most convincing "natural" infant mortality profile, suggesting the inclusion of all births (i.e., stillbirths and unbaptised infants).
We present here the results of a large-scale diachronic palaeodietary (carbon and nitrogen isotopic measurements of bone collagen) study of humans and animals from a single site, the city of York (U.K.) dating from the Roman period to the early 19th century The human sample comprises 313 burials from the cemeteries of Trentholme Drive and Blossom Street (Roman), Belle Vue House (Anglo-Saxon), Fishergate (High and Later Medieval), and All Saints, Pavement (Later and Post-Medieval). In addition, 145 samples of mammal, fish and bird bone from the sites of Tanner Row and Fishergate were analyzed. The isotope data suggest dietary variation between all archaeological periods, although the most significant change was the introduction of significant quantities of marine foods in the Medieval periods. These are first evident in the diet of a small group of individuals from the High Medieval cemetery at Fishergate, although they were consumed almost universally in the following periods. The human isotope values are also remarkable due to unusually elevated delta N-15 ratios that are not sufficiently explained by the comparably small enrichment in C-13 that accompanies them. We discuss the possible reasons behind this and the archaeological significance of the data set.
The impact that “Romanization” and the development of urban centers had on the health of the Romano-British population is little understood. A re-examination of the skeletal remains of 364 nonadults from the civitas capital at Roman Dorchester (Durnovaria) in Dorset was carried out to measure the health of the children living in this small urban area. The cemetery population was divided into two groups; the first buried their dead organized within an east–west alignment with possible Christian-style graves, and the second with more varied “pagan” graves, aligned north–south. A higher prevalence of malnutrition and trauma was evident in the children from Dorchester than in any other published Romano-British group, with levels similar to those seen in postmedieval industrial communities. Cribra orbitalia was present in 38.5% of the children, with rickets and/or scurvy at 11.2%. Twelve children displayed fractures of the ribs, with 50% of cases associated with rickets and/or scurvy, suggesting that rib fractures should be considered during the diagnosis of these conditions. The high prevalence of anemia, rickets, and scurvy in the Poundbury children, and especially the infants, indicates that this community may have adopted child-rearing practices that involved fasting the newborn, a poor quality weaning diet, and swaddling, leading to general malnutrition and inadequate exposure to sunlight. The Pagan group showed no evidence of scurvy or rib fractures, indicating difference in religious and child-rearing practices but that both burial groups were equally susceptible to rickets and anemia suggests a shared poor standard of living in this urban environment.
This volume reports on the excavations from 2002 to 2005 designed to investigate this transition, with the focus on the origins of Bishopstone village. Excavations adjacent to St Andrew’s churchyard revealed a dense swathe of later Anglo-Saxon (8th- to late 10th-/early 11th-century) habitation, including a planned complex of ‘timber halls’, and a unique cellared tower. The occupation encroached upon a pre-Conquest cemetery of 43 inhumations. The report provides a comprehensive analysis, interpretation and academic contextualisation of the archaeological discoveries brought to light by these excavations, the first to sample a later Anglo-Saxon rural settlement in East Sussex on an extensive scale. The inter-disciplinary approach appraises the historical and topographical evidence alongside that recovered during the excavations.
Tepe Pardis, a significant Neolithic–Chalcolithic site on the Tehran Plain in Iran, is, like many sites in the area, under threat from development. The site contains detailed evidence of (1) the Neolithic–Chalcolithic transition, (2) an Iron Age cemetery and (3) how the inhabitants adapted to an unstable fan environment through resource exploitation (of clay deposits for relatively large-scale ceramic production by c. 5000 BC, and importantly, possible cutting of artificial water channels). Given this significance, models have been produced to better understand settlement distribution and change in the region. However, these models must be tied into a greater understanding of the impact of the geosphere on human development over this period. Forming part of a larger project focusing on the transformation of simple, egalitarian Neolithic communities into more hierarchical Chalcolithic ones, the site has become the focus of a multidisciplinary project to address this issue. Through the combined use of sedimentary and limited pollen analysis, radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence dating (the application of the last still rare in Iran), a greater understanding of the impact of alluvial fan development on human settlement through alluviation and the development of river channel sequences is possible. Notably, the findings presented here suggest that artificial irrigation was occurring at the site as early as 6.7±0.4 ka (4300–5100 BC).
The impact of the Reformation was felt strongly in the nature and character of the priesthood, and in the function and reputation of the priest. A shift in the understanding of the priesthood was one of the most tangible manifestations of doctrinal change, evident in the physical arrangement of the church, in the language of the liturgy, and in the relaxation of the discipline of celibacy, which had for centuries bound priests in the Latin tradition to a life of perpetual continence. Clerical celibacy, and accusations of clerical incontinence, featured prominently in evangelical criticisms of the Catholic church and priesthood, which made a good deal of polemical capital out of the perceived relationship of the priest and the efficacy of his sacred function. Citing St Paul, Protestant polemicists presented clerical marriage as the only, and appropriate remedy, for priestly immorality. But did the advent of a married priesthood create more problems than it solved? The polemical certainties that informed evangelical writing on sacerdotal celibacy did not guarantee the immediate acceptance of a married priesthood, and the vocabulary that had been used to denounce clergy who failed in their obligation to celibacy was all too readily turned against the married clergy. The anti-clerical lexicon, and its usage, remained remarkably static despite the substantial doctrinal and practical challenges posed to the traditional model of priesthood by the Protestant Reformation.
This study explores the disease experience of children buried within the cemetery of St. Oswald’s Priory, Gloucester from AD1153 to 1857. Evidence for ages-at-death, infant mortality, and the prevalence of stress indicators, trauma, and pathology were compared between the early and postmedieval periods. The skeletal remains of these children provide evidence for child health spanning the economic expansion of Gloucester at St. Oswald’s, from a mostly rural parish to a graveyard catering for families from the poorer northern part of the town and the workhouse. Results showed that the children from the postmedieval period in Gloucester suffered higher rates of dental caries (38%) and congenital conditions (17.3%) than their counterparts from the early and later medieval period. This paper serves to highlight the value of nonadult skeletal material in the interpretation of past human health in transitional societies and illustrates the wide variety of pathological conditions that can be observed in nonadult skeletons.