984 resultados para parent report


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Road crashes contribute to a significant amount of child mortality and morbidity in Australia. In fact, passenger injuries contribute to the majority of child crash road trauma. A number of factors contribute to child injury and death in motor vehicles, including inappropriate seating position, inappropriate choice of restraint, and incorrect installation and use of child restraints. Prior to March 2010, child restraint legislation in Queensland only required children twelve months and younger to be seated in a properly adjusted and fastened child restraint. This legislation left older infants and young children potentially suboptimally protected. From March 2010, new legislation specified seating position and type of child restraint required, depending on the age of the child. This research was underpinned by the Health Belief Model (HBM), which explores health related behaviour, behaviour change, environmental factors influencing behaviour change (including legislative changes) and is flexible enough to be used in relation to parents' health practices for their children, rather than parent health directly. This thesis investigates the extent to which the changes to child restraint legislation have led parents in regional areas of Queensland to use appropriate restraint practices for their children and determines the extent to which the constructs of the HBM, parental perceptions, barriers and environmental factors contribute to the appropriateness of child seating and restraint use. Study One included three sets of observations taken in two regional cities of Queensland prior to the legislative amendment, during an educative period of six months, and after the enactment of the legislation. Each child's seating position and restraint type were recorded. Results showed that the proportion of children observed occupying the front seat decreased by 15.6 per cent with the announcement the legislation. There was no decrease in front seat use at the enactment of the legislation. The proportion of children observed using dedicated child restraints increased by 8.8 per cent with the announcement of the legislation when there was one child in the vehicle. Further, there was a 10.1 per cent increase in the proportion of children observed using a seat belt that fit with the announcement when there was one child in the vehicle and with the enactment of the legislation regardless of the number of children in the vehicle (21.8 per cent for one child, 39.7 per cent for two children and 40.2 per cent for three or more children). Study Two comprised initial intercept interviews, later followed up by telephone, with parents with children aged eight years and younger at the announcement and telephone interviews at the enactment of the legislation in one regional city in Queensland. Parents reported their child restraint practices, and opinions, knowledge and understanding of the requirements of the new legislation. Parent responses were analysed in terms of the constructs in the HBM. When asked which seating position their child 'usually' used, parents reported child front seat use was nil (0.0 per cent) and did not change with the enactment of the legislative amendment. However, when parents were asked whether they allowed children to use the front seat at some point within the six months prior to the interview, reported child front seat use was 7 (5.4 per cent) children at T2 and 10 (9.6 per cent) at T3. Reported use of age-appropriate child restraints did not increase with the enactment of the legislation (p = 0.77, ns). Parents reported restraint practices were classed as either appropriate or inappropriate. Parents who reported appropriate restraint practices were those whose children were sitting in optimal restraints and seating positions for their age according to the requirements of the legislation. Parents who reported inappropriate restraint practices were those who had one or more children who were suboptimally restrained or seated for their age according to the requirements of the legislation. Neither parents' perceptions about their susceptibility of being in a crash nor the likelihood of severity of child injury if involved in a crash yielded significant differences in the appropriateness of reported parent restraint practices over time with the enactment of the legislation. A trend in the data suggested parents perceived a benefit to using appropriate restraint practices was to avoid fines and demerit points. Over 75 per cent of parents who agreed that child restraints provide better protection for children than an adult seat belt reported appropriately seating and restraining their children (2 (1) = 8.093, p<.05). The self-efficacy measure regarding parents' confidence in installing a child restraint showed a significant association with appropriate parental restraint practices (2 (1) = 7.036, p<.05). Results suggested that some parents may have misinterpreted the announcement of the legislative amendment as the announcement of the enforcement of the legislation instead. Some parents who correctly reported details of the legislation did not report appropriate child restraint practices. This finding shows that parents' knowledge of the legislative amendment does not necessarily have an impact on their behaviour to appropriately seat and restrain children. The results of these studies have important implications for road safety and the prevention of road-related injury and death to children in Queensland. Firstly, parents reported feeling unsure of how to install restraints, which suggests that there may be children travelling in restraints that have not been installed correctly, putting them at risk. Interventions to alert and encourage parents to seek advice when unsure about the correct installation of child restraints could be considered. Secondly, some parents in this study although they were using the most appropriate restraint for their children, reported using a type that was not the most appropriate restraint for the child's age according to the legislation. This suggests that intervention may be effective in helping parents make a more accurate choice of the most appropriate type of restraint to use with children, especially as the child ages and child restraint requirements change. Further research could be conducted to ascertain the most effective methods of informing and motivating parents to use the most appropriate restraints and seating positions for their children, as these results show a concerning disparity between reported restraint practices and those that were observed.


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Background: To report the incidence and risk factors for hypotony and estimate the risk of sympathetic ophthalmia following diode laser trans-scleral cyclophotocoagulation (TSCPC). Design: Retrospective study using data from a private tertiary glaucoma clinic and review of the literature. Participants: Seventy eyes of 70 patients with refractory glaucoma who received TSCPC treatment. Methods: Review of the records of consecutive patients who underwent TSCPC by a single ophthalmic surgeon and review of the literature. Main Outcome Measures: Hypotony (including phthisis bulbi), sympathetic ophthalmia. Results: Seven eyes (10%; CI 5-19%) developed hypotony and included 4 eyes that developed phthisis. Higher total energy delivered during TSCPC treatment was associated with an increased risk of hypotony: eyes that developed hypotony received a mean total energy of 192.5 ± 73.2 joules, compared to a mean of 152.9 ± 83.2 joules in hypotony-free cases. The difference in mean energy delivered between the hypotony and non-hypotony group was 38.53 (95% CI: -27.57 to 104.63). The risk of sympathetic ophthalmia estimated from a review of the published literature and current series was one in 1512, or 0.07% (CI 0.03% - 0.17%). Conclusions: Total laser energy is one of several risk factors that act in a sufficient component cause-model to produce hypotony in an individual patient. The small sample size precluded inference for other individual putative risk factors but titrating laser energy may help decrease the occurrence of hypotony. The risk of sympathetic ophthalmia calculated from the literature is likely an overestimate caused by publication bias.


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Orthopaedics and Trauma Queensland, the Centre for Research and Education in Musculoskeletal Disorders, is an internationally recognised research group that continues to develop its reputation as an international leader in research and education. It provides a stimulus for research, education and clinical application within the international orthopaedic and trauma communities. Orthopaedics and Trauma Queensland develops and promotes the innovative use of engineering and technology, in collaboration with surgeons, to provide new techniques, materials, procedures and medical devices. Its integration with clinical practice and strong links with hospitals ensure that the research will be translated into practical outcomes for patients. The group undertakes clinical practice in orthopaedics and trauma and applies core engineering skills to challenges in medicine. The research is built on a strong foundation of knowledge in biomedical engineering, and incorporates expertise in cell biology, mathematical modelling, human anatomy and physiology and clinical medicine in orthopaedics and trauma. New knowledge is being developed and applied to the full range of orthopaedic diseases and injuries, such as knee and hip replacements, fractures and spinal deformities.


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This article examines the fast moving debate on the law and policy surrounding shareholder voting on their companies’ remuneration report, at the AGM. Recently, Australia has moved from the ‘non-binding’ vote provided to shareholders, to the more prescriptive ‘two strikes rule’; that is, two negative shareholder resolutions after 1 July 2011 may result in a board re-election. While much commentary has focused on the potential threats— impacts on remuneration reports and the potential costs to the company — we discuss another potential consequence: an opportunity for board recruitment. At a time when companies are also expected to comment on their diversity policies, planning for a threatened ‘spill’ creates an opportunity for board composition planning and succession. The arguments presented are also placed in the context of the UK debate, where recent proposals advocate for wider stakeholder engagement and diversity in remuneration planning.


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In this rural population, injuries claimed 9% of all deaths and was the 4th cause of death. Injury mortality was much higher among men than that for women. The major injury causes were traffic accidents (39%) and suicide (38%). Traffic accidents were the first injury cause for men but suicide the first cause for women. Abstract in Chinese 为查明我市农村居民意外死亡情况,为制定相应控制措施提供参考,我们对寿光市疾病监测点1993~1997年的居民意外死亡资料进行了分析。死因分类按国际疾病分类(ICD-9)标准,标化死亡率采用1990年全国标准人口构成计算。1993~1997年寿光市疾病...


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This analysis showed that cardiovascular diseases were the number cause of death claiming 34% of all deaths. More than half (52%) of all cardiovascular deaths were due to Cerebrovascular diseases and about one-third (32%) were due to ischaemic heart disease. The mortality of cardiovascular diseases showed an increasing trend during this period (1993-1997). Abstract in Chinese 心血管疾病是威胁人们健康的重要疾病之一,在居民死因中占主要位置。为了解心血管疾病死亡状况,我们对寿光市农村疾病监测点1993~1997年居民死亡资料进行了统计分析,现报告如下。(标化死亡率采用1990年全国标准人口构成计算)。1993~1997年监测...


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Cancers caused 20% of all deaths in this rural population. The major cancers included lung, stomach, liver, esophageal and colorectal cancers, accounting for 81% of all cancer deaths. Cancer mortality in men was higher than in women.


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In early April 1998, the Centre for Disease Control in Darwin was notified of a possible case of dengue which appeared to have been acquired in the Northern Territory. Because dengue is not endemic to the Northern Territory, locally acquired infection has significant public health implications, particularly for vector identification and control to limit the spread of infection. Dengue IgM serology was positive on two occasions, but the illness was eventually presumptively identified as Kokobera infection. This case illustrates the complexity of interpreting flavivirus serology. Determining the cause of infection requires consideration of the clinical illness, the incubation period, the laboratory results and vector presence. Waiting for confirmation of results, before the institution of the public health measures necessary for a true case of dengue, was ultimately justified in this case. This is a valid approach in the Northern Territory, but may not be applicable to areas of Australia with established vectors for dengue. Commun Dis Intell 1998;22:105-107.


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The Accelerating the Mathematics Learning of Low Socio-Economic Status Junior Secondary Students project aims to address the issues faced by very underperforming mathematics students as they enter high school. Its aim is to accelerate learning of mathematics through a vertical curriculum to enable students to access Year 10 mathematics subjects, thus improving life chances. This paper reports upon the theory underpinning this project and illustrates it with examples of the curriculum that has been designed to achieve acceleration.


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