638 resultados para monstrous soundings


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Apresentamos dois algoritmos automáticos, os quais se utilizam do método dos mínimos quadrados de Wiener-Hopf, para o cálculo de filtros lineares digitais para as transformadas seno, co-seno e de Hankel J0, J1 e J2. O primeiro, que otimiza os parâmetros: incremento das abscissas, abscissa inicial e o fator de deslocamento utilizados para os cálculos dos coeficientes dos filtros lineares digitais que são aferidos através de transformadas co-seno, seno e o segundo, que otimiza os parâmetros: incremento das abscissas e abscissa inicial utilizados para os cálculos dos coeficientes dos filtros lineares digitais que são aferidos através de transformadas de Hankel J0, J1 e J2. Esses algoritmos levaram às propostas de novos filtros lineares digitais de 19, 30 e 40 pontos para as transformadas co-seno e seno e de novos filtros otimizados de 37 , 27 e 19 pontos para as transformadas J0, J1 e J2, respectivamente. O desempenho dos novos filtros em relação aos filtros existentes na literatura geofísica é avaliado usando-se um modelo geofísico constituído por dois semi-espaços. Como fonte usou-se uma linha infinita de corrente entre os semi-espaços originando, desta forma, transformadas co-seno e seno. Verificou-se melhores desempenhos na maioria das simulações usando o novo filtro co-seno de 19 pontos em relação às simulações usando o filtro co-seno de 19 pontos existente na literatura. Verificou-se também a equivalência de desempenhos nas simulações usando o novo filtro seno de 19 pontos em relação às simulações usando o filtro seno de 20 pontos existente na literatura. Adicionalmente usou-se também como fonte um dipolo magnético vertical entre os semi-espaços originando desta forma, transformadas J0 e J1, verificando-se melhores desempenhos na maioria das simulações usando o novo filtro J1 de 27 pontos em relação ao filtro J1 de 47 pontos existente na literatura. Verificou-se também a equivalência de desempenhos na maioria das simulações usando o novo filtro J0 de 37 pontos em relação ao filtro J0 de 61 pontos existente na literatura. Usou-se também como fonte um dipolo magnético horizontal entre os semi-espaços, verificando-se um desempenho análogo ao que foi descrito anteriormente dos novos filtros de 37 e 27 pontos para as respectivas transformadas J0 e J1 em relação aos filtros de 61 e 47 pontos existentes na literatura, destas respectivas transformadas. Finalmente verificou-se a equivalência de desempenhos entre os novos filtros J0 de 37 pontos e J1 de 27 pontos em relação aos filtros de 61 e 47 pontos existentes na literatura destas transformadas, respectivamente, quando aplicados em modelos de sondagens elétricas verticais (Wenner e Schlumberger). A maioria dos nossos filtros contêm poucos coeficientes quando comparados àqueles geralmente usados na geofísica. Este aspecto é muito importante porque transformadas utilizando filtros lineares digitais são usadas maciçamente em problemas numéricos geofísicos.


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Hoje, cerca de 46% da água potável consumida na região de Belém provém dos mananciais subterrâneos, o que mostra a grande importância desta fonte, mesmo em uma região rica em água superficial (rios, igarapés, furos e até mesmo uma baía). Isso decorre da falta de execução do planejamento previsto, além de que os custos de obras de captação de águas superficiais são muito elevados. A alternativa para Belém tem sido a água subterrânea, como um bom, saudável e econômico paliativo. A existência de uma enorme quantidade desses recursos nos sedimentos Barreiras e na Formação Pirabas contribui para esta alternativa. Os sedimentos Barreiras foram depositados em ambiente fluvial e estuarino, enquanto que a Formação Pirabas possui fácies de origem estearina, de mangue e marinha. No contexto apresentado, mostra-se então a necessidade de investigar tais recursos com o intuito de fazer ótimo proveito destes. Para tanto, foram usadas duas metodologias geofísicas de forma integrada: a Sondagem Elétrica Vertical (SEV) e a Perfilagem Geofísica de Poço, usando raios gama, potencial espontâneo e resistência elétrica. Pode-se discernir dois ambientes aquíferos. O primeiro até cerca de 160 m de profundidade, em que prevalecem corpos arenosos em formas de canal e lentes entrecortados ou não, imersos em uma matriz argilosa. O segundo é caracterizado por pacotes arenosos bastante extensos com lentes de argila, cuja profundidade é desde 160 m até 285 m, aproximadamente. O consumo de água da porção superior é adequado às residências e condomínios, visto o custo elevado de obras de captação a grandes profundidades. Já o abastecimento público deve utilizar a porção inferior, devido às vazões bastante elevadas (maiores que 100 m3/h) e devido à garantia de água de boa qualidade, protegida de ações antrópicas, como vem sendo feito.


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A presente tese procura investigar ambientes cársticos, usando os métodos eletroresistivos de sondagem elétrica vertical e caminhamento dipolo-dipolo. A área piloto para essa investigação está localizada na porção nordeste do Estado do Pará, no Município de São João de Pirabas. Nessa localidade, durante a perfuração de um poço para abastecimento de água para a cidade, a equipe de prospecção da Fundação Nacional de Saúde encontrou problemas devido a presença de cavidades nos calcários da Formação Pirabas. Para analisar esse problema foram realizadas 15 sondagens elétricas verticais, usando o arranjo Schlumberger, em diversos pontos da cidade. A abertura máxima dos eletrodos de corrente, para a realização das sondagens, foi em torno de 600 metros. As curvas de resistividade aparente das sondagens foram, inicialmente, interpretadas usando programas computacionais que calculam as resistividade do meio investigado com modelos unidimensionais, sem variações laterais de resistividade. Porém, as sondagens realizadas próximas ao poço, onde ocorrem cavernas, foram interpretadas usando modelos bidimensionais para representar as variações laterais de resistividade devido às cavernas. O algoritmo usado para essa interpretação se baseia na técnica dos elementos finitos. Os resultados das interpretações das sondagens elétricas, para os vários modelos de cavernas estudados, mostraram que as anomalias de resistividade devido a presença de cavernas são muito pequenas. Devido a este fato, o método de sondagem elétrica vertical não apresentou boa resolução para identificar com precisão a presença deste tipo de caverna em subsuperfície. Por outro lado, os resultados numéricos obtidos pelo caminhamento dipolo-dipolo mostraram que esse método é mais eficiente e menos ambíguo, para estudar cavernas, que o método de sondagem elétrica vertical. Contudo o método de caminhamento dipolo-dipolo é muito mais dispendioso do que o de sondagem elétrica verticais, tanto do ponto de vista de trabalho de campo como no processamento e interpretação de dados.


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Este trabalho foi realizado numa área de 25 km2 em Ponta de Pedras, Ilha de Marajó. Tem por objetivo o dimensionamento geométrico e seleção de zonas favoráveis à água subterrânea. Foram utilizados dois métodos geofísicos: sísmica de refração e eletroresistividade. O método sísmico foi empregado em caráter experimental, visando verificar a viabilidade de sua aplicação na área. Os resultados da interpretação confirmaram a suspeita inicial, da existência de horizontes geológicos pouco profundos, não possíveis de serem distinguidos pelo método sísmico. Com o método de eletroresistividade foram feitas sondagens verticais e perfis horizontais. Os resultados da interpretação indicaram áreas promissoras na parte central e numa faixa ao norte da área prospectada. A espessura do aquífero raso varia entre 0 e 50 m.


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This article presents TDEM results from an area with recent induced shallow seismicity. The purpose was to do a geoelectrical mapping of sedimentary and fractured basaltic aquifers for better understanding of the hydrogeologic setting. The study area is in the Parana basin where flood basalts are overlain by sedimentary units near the city of Bebedouro, northern Sao Paulo State, Brazil. 86 TDEM soundings were acquired in an area of 90 km(2) in the Andes and Botafogo study areas. The soundings were chosen next to wells for calibration, and also along profiles crossing the seismically active areas. 1-D interpretation results showed the general geoelectrical stratigraphy of this part of the Parana basin. The upper geoelectrical layer is the shallow sedimentary aquifer (Adamantina formation) with less than 80 m thickness. The second geoelectrical layer contains the upper basalts of the Serra Geral formation at about 60-80 m depths. A saturated fractured basalt zone between 100 and 300 m depths was identifiable on various TDEM soundings. This depth range corresponds to the range of hypocentral depths for more than 3000 micro-earthquakes in this area. The lower basalt layer was estimated to lie between 400 and 650 m depth. The deepest geoelectrical layer detected by various TDEM soundings corresponds to the Botucatu sandstone (Guarani aquifer). Results suggest that the high-discharge wells are located in the fractured zone in the middle basalt of the Serra Geral formation. There is a good correlation between seismically active areas, high discharge wells (>190 m(3)/h), and fracture zones in the middle basalt. The results reinforce the hypothesis that the shallow seismic activity in the Bebedouro region is being triggered by high rates of groundwater withdrawal. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo (MASP), located in southeastern Brazil, surface ozone concentrations are often well above the national air quality standards. In this experimental study, we attempted to characterize the vertical profile of atmospheric ozone and transport of the ozone plume in the boundary layer, using data from the first ozone soundings ever taken in the MASP. In 2006, we launched fifteen ozonesondes: eight from 15 to 18 May (dry season); and seven from 30 October to 1 November (wet season). Vertical ozone mixing ratios in the troposphere were approximately 40 ppb, reaching maximum values of approximately 60 ppb during the dry-season campaign and approximately 100 ppb during the wet-season campaign. In the first and second campaigns, the mean tropospheric ozone column abundance was 28.2 and 41.3 DU, respectively, which can be attributed to the considerable variation in the annual temperature cycle over the region. To determine the effect that biomass burning has on ozone concentrations over the MASP, we analyzed wind trajectories and satellite-derived fire counts. We cannot state unequivocally that biomass burning contributed to higher ozone concentrations above the boundary layer during the experimental campaigns. In the boundary layer, ozone concentrations increase with altitude, peaking at the base of the inversion layer, suggesting that local emissions of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides play a significant role in the lower troposphere over MASP, influencing ozone formation not only at the surface but also vertically in the atmosphere and in distant regions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate techniques that improve the spatial resolution of the channels already selected in the preliminary studies for Geostationary Observatory for Microwave Atmospheric Soundings (GOMAS). Reference high resolution multifrequency brightness temperatures scenarios have been derived by applying radiative transfer calculation to the spatially and microphysically detailed output of meteorological events simulated by the University of Wisconsin - Non-hydrostatic Model System (UW-NMS). Three approaches, Wiener filter, Super-Resolution and Image Fusion have been applied to some representative GOMAS frequency channels to enhance the resolution of antenna temperatures. The Wiener filter improved resolution of the largely oversampled images by a factor 1.5- 2.0 without introducing any penalty in the radiometric accuracy. Super-resolution, suitable for not largely oversampled images, improved resolution by a factor ~1.5 but introducing an increased radiometric noise by a factor 1.4-2.5. The image fusion allows finally to further increase the spatial frequency of the images obtained by the Wiener filter increasing the total resolution up to a factor 5.0 with an increased radiometric noise closely linked to the radiometric frequency and to the examined case study.


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A method for automatic scaling of oblique ionograms has been introduced. This method also provides a rejection procedure for ionograms that are considered to lack sufficient information, depicting a very good success rate. Observing the Kp index of each autoscaled ionogram, can be noticed that the behavior of the autoscaling program does not depend on geomagnetic conditions. The comparison between the values of the MUF provided by the presented software and those obtained by an experienced operator indicate that the procedure developed for detecting the nose of oblique ionogram traces is sufficiently efficient and becomes much more efficient as the quality of the ionograms improves. These results demonstrate the program allows the real-time evaluation of MUF values associated with a particular radio link through an oblique radio sounding. The automatic recognition of a part of the trace allows determine for certain frequencies, the time taken by the radio wave to travel the path between the transmitter and receiver. The reconstruction of the ionogram traces, suggests the possibility of estimating the electron density between the transmitter and the receiver, from an oblique ionogram. The showed results have been obtained with a ray-tracing procedure based on the integration of the eikonal equation and using an analytical ionospheric model with free parameters. This indicates the possibility of applying an adaptive model and a ray-tracing algorithm to estimate the electron density in the ionosphere between the transmitter and the receiver An additional study has been conducted on a high quality ionospheric soundings data set and another algorithm has been designed for the conversion of an oblique ionogram into a vertical one, using Martyn's theorem. This allows a further analysis of oblique soundings, throw the use of the INGV Autoscala program for the automatic scaling of vertical ionograms.


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Gli Atti di Andrea e Bartolomeo sono un testo cristiano apocrifo, probabilmente ascrivibile al V secolo d.C. e collocabile in àmbito egizio. Tale testo è tramandato in greco, copto, arabo ed etiopico e il presente lavoro consiste nell’edizione critica della versione greca, sinora inedita. La storia narra l’evangelizzazione della Partia per opera degli apostoli Andrea e Bartolomeo e di un antropofago dalle sembianze mostruose (Cristomeo/ Cristiano), convertito al cristianesimo e divenuto instrumentum fidei.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Struktur und Zusammensetzung der untersten Atmosphäre im Rahmen der PARADE-Messkampagne (PArticles and RAdicals: Diel observations of the impact of urban and biogenic Emissions) am Kleinen Feldberg in Deutschland im Spätsommer 2011. Dazu werden Messungen von meteorologischen Grundgrößen (Temperatur, Feuchte, Druck, Windgeschwindigkeit und -richtung) zusammen mit Radiosonden und flugzeuggetragenen Messungen von Spurengasen (Kohlenstoffmonoxid, -dioxid, Ozon und Partikelanzahlkonzentrationen) ausgewertet. Ziel ist es, mit diesen Daten, die thermodynamischen und dynamischen Eigenschaften und deren Einfluss auf die chemische Luftmassenzusammensetzung in der planetaren Grenzschicht zu bestimmen. Dazu werden die Radiosonden und Flugzeugmessungen mit Lagrangeschen Methoden kombiniert und es wird zwischen rein kinematischen Modellen (LAGRANTO und FLEXTRA) sowie sogenannten Partikeldispersionsmodellen (FLEXPART) unterschieden. Zum ersten Mal wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit dabei auch eine Version von FLEXPART-COSMO verwendet, die von den meteorologischen Analysefeldern des Deutschen Wetterdienstes angetrieben werden. Aus verschiedenen bekannten Methoden der Grenzschichthöhenbestimmung mit Radiosondenmessungen wird die Bulk-Richardson-Zahl-Methode als Referenzmethode verwendet, da sie eine etablierte Methode sowohl für Messungen und als auch Modellanalysen darstellt. Mit einer Toleranz von 125 m, kann zu 95 % mit mindestens drei anderen Methoden eine Übereinstimmung zu der ermittelten Grenzschichthöhe festgestellt werden, was die Qualität der Grenzschichthöhe bestätigt. Die Grenzschichthöhe variiert während der Messkampagne zwischen 0 und 2000 m über Grund, wobei eine hohe Grenzschicht nach dem Durchzug von Kaltfronten beobachtet wird, hingegen eine niedrige Grenzschicht unter Hochdruckeinfluss und damit verbundener Subsidenz bei windarmen Bedingungen im Warmsektor. Ein Vergleich zwischen den Grenzschichthöhen aus Radiosonden und aus Modellen (COSMO-DE, COSMO-EU, COSMO-7) zeigt nur geringe Unterschiede um -6 bis +12% während der Kampagne am Kleinen Feldberg. Es kann allerdings gezeigt werden, dass in größeren Simulationsgebieten systematische Unterschiede zwischen den Modellen (COSMO-7 und COSMO-EU) auftreten. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird deutlich, dass die Bodenfeuchte, die in diesen beiden Modellen unterschiedlich initialisiert wird, zu verschiedenen Grenzschichthöhen führt. Die Folge sind systematische Unterschiede in der Luftmassenherkunft und insbesondere der Emissionssensitivität. Des Weiteren kann lokale Mischung zwischen der Grenzschicht und der freien Troposphäre bestimmt werden. Dies zeigt sich in der zeitlichen Änderung der Korrelationen zwischen CO2 und O3 aus den Flugzeugmessungen, und wird im Vergleich mit Rückwärtstrajektorien und Radiosondenprofilen bestärkt. Das Einmischen der Luftmassen in die Grenzschicht beeinflusst dabei die chemische Zusammensetzung in der Vertikalen und wahrscheinlich auch am Boden. Diese experimentelle Studie bestätigt die Relevanz der Einmischungsprozesse aus der freien Troposphäre und die Verwendbarkeit der Korrelationsmethode, um Austausch- und Einmischungsprozesse an dieser Grenzfläche zu bestimmen.


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In this paper, we present an approach to retrieve tropospheric water vapour profiles from pressure broadened emission spectra at 22 GHz, measured by a ground based microwave radiometer installed in the south of Bern at 905 m. Classical microwave instruments concentrating on the troposphere observe several channels in the center and the wings of the water vapour line (20–30 Ghz), whereas our retrieval approach uses spectra with a bandwidth of 1 GHz and a high resolution around the center of the 22 GHz water vapour line. The retrieval is sensitive up to 7 km with a vertical resolution of 3–5 km. Comparisons with profiles from operational balloon soundings, performed at Payerne, 40 km away from the radiometer location, showed a good agreement up to 7 km with a correlation of above 0.8. The retrievals shows a wet bias of 10–20% compared to the sounding.


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Water held in the unsaturated zone is important for agriculture and construction and is replenished by infiltrating rainwater. Monitoring the soil water content of clay soils using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) has not been researched, as clay soils cause attenuation of GPR signal. In this study, GPR common-midpoint soundings (CMPs) are used in the clayey soils of the Miller Run floodplain to monitor changes in the soil water content (SWC) before and after rainfall events. GPR accomplishes this task because increases in water content will increase the dielectric constant of the subsurface material, and decrease the velocity of the GPR wave. Using an empirical relationship between dielectric constant and SWC, the Topp relation, we are able to calculate a SWC from these velocity measurements. Non-invasive electromagnetics, resistivity, and seismic were performed, and from these surveys, the layering at the field site was delineated. EM characterized the horizontal variation of the soil, allowing us to target the most clay rich area. At the CMP location, resistivity indicates the vertical structure of the subsurface consists of a 40 cm thick layer with a resistivity of 100 ohm*m. Between 40 cm and 1.5 m is a layer with a resistivity of 40 ohm*m. The thickness estimates were confirmed with invasive auger and trenching methods away from the CMP location. GPR CMPs were collected relative to a July 2013 and September 2013 storm. The velocity observations from the CMPs had a precision of +/- 0.001 m/ns as assessed by repeat analysis. In the case of both storms, the GPR data showed the expected relationship between the rainstorms and calculated SWC, with the SWC increasing sharply after the rainstorm and decreasing as time passed. We compared these data to auger core samples collected at the same time as the CMPs were taken, and the volumetric analysis of the cores confirmed the trend seen in the GPR, with SWC values between 3 and 5 percent lower than the GPR estimates. Our data shows that we can, with good precision, monitor changes in the SWC of conductive soils in response to rainfall events, despite the attenuation induced by the clay.


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During "Meteor" Cruise 6/1966 in the northwest Atlantic a systematic survey of the bottom topography of the southeast Greenland continental margin was undertaken. Eighty-seven profiles transverse to the shelf edge at distances of 3-4 nautical miles and two longitudinal profiles parallel to the coast were carried out with the ELAC Narrow Beam Echo-Sounder giving a reliable record of even steep slopes. On the basis of the echo soundings the topography and morphology of the continental shelf and slope are evaluated. A detailed bathymetric chart and a serial profile chart were designed as working material for the morphological research. These maps along with the original echograms are morphometrically evaluated. The analysis of the sea bottom features is the basis of a subsequent morphogenetical interpretation, verified and extended by means of interpretation of magnetic data and sediment analysis (grain size, roundness, lithology). The results of the research are expressed in a geomorphological map. The primary findings can be summarized as follows: 1) The southeast Greenland shelf by its bottom topography can be clearly designated as a glacially formed area. The glacial features of the shelf can be classified into two zones nearly parallel to the coast: glacial erosion forms on the inner shelf and glacial accumulation forms on the outer shelf. The inner shelf is characterized by the rugged and hummocky topography of ice scoured plains with clear west/east slope asymmetry. On the outer shelf three types of glacial accumulation forms can be recognized: ice margin deposits with clearly expressed terminal moraines, glacial till plains and glaciomarine outwash fans. Both zones of the shelf can be subdivided into two levels of relief. The ice scoured plains, with average depths of 240 meters (m), are dissected to a maximum depth of 1060 m (Gyldenloves Trough) by trough valleys, which are the prolongations of the Greenland fjords. The banks of the outer shelf, with an average depth of 180 m, surround glacial basins with a maximum depth of 670 meters. 2) The sediments of the continental shelf can be classified as glacial due to their grain size distribution and the degree of roundness of the gravel particles. The ice margin deposits on the outer shelf can be recognized by their high percentage of gravels. On the inner shelf a rock surface is suggested, intermittently covered by glacial deposits. In the shelf troughs fine-grained sediments occur mixed with gravels. 3) Topography and sediments show that the southeast Greenland shelf was covered by an ice sheet resting on the sea floor during the Pleistocene ice-age. The large end moraines along the shelf edge probably indicate the maximum extent of the Wurm shelf ice resting on the sea floor. The breakthroughs of the end moraines in front of the glacial basins suggest that the shelf ice has floated further seaward over the increasing depths. 4) Petrographically the shelf sediments consist of gneisses, granites and basalts. While gneisses and granites occire on the nearby coast, basalt is not known to exist here. Either this material has been drifted by icebergs from the basalt province to the north or exists on the southeast Greenland shelf itself. The last interpretation is supported bythe high portion of basalt contained in the sediment samples taken and the strong magnetic anomalies probably caused by basaltic intrusions. 5) A magnetic profile allows the recognition of two magnetically differing areas which approximately coincide with the glacial erosion and accumulation zones. The inner shelf shows a strong and variable magnetic field because the glacially eroded basement forms the sea floor. The outer shelf is characterized by a weak and homogenous magnetic field, as the magnetized basement lies at greater depthy, buried by a thick cover of glacial sediments. The strong magnetic anomalies of the inner shelf are probably caused by dike swarms, similar to those observed further to the north in the Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord region. This interpretation is supported by the high basalt content of the sediment samples and the rough topography of the ice scoured plains which correlates in general with the magnetic fluctuations. The dike structures of the basement have been differentially eroded by the shelf ice. 6) The continental slope, extending from the shelf break at 313 m to a depth of 1270 m with an average slope of 11°, is characterized by delta-shaped projections in front of the shelf basins, by marginal plateaus, ridges and hills, by canyons and slumping features. The projections could be identified as glaciomarine sediment fans. This conclusion is supported by the strong decrease of magnetic field intensity. The deep sea hills and ridges with their greater magnetic intensities have to be regarded as basement outcrops projecting through the glaciomarine sediment cover. The upper continental rise, sloping seaward at about 2°, is composed of wide sediment fans and slump material. A marginal depression on the continental rise running parallel to the shelf edge has been identified. In this depression bottom currents capable of erosion have been recorded. South of Cape Farvel the depression extends to the accumulation zone of the "Eirik" sedimentary ridge. 7) By means of a study of the recent marine processes, postglacial modification of the ice-formed relief can be postulated. The retention effect of the fjord troughs and the high velocity of the East Greenland stream prevents the glacial features from being buried by sediments. Bottom currents capable of active erosion have only been found in the marginal depression on the continental rise. In addition, at the time of the lowest glacio-eustatic sea level, the shelf bottom was not situated in the zone of wave erosion. Only on the continental slope and rise bottom currents, sediment slumps and turbidity currents have led to significant recent modifications. Considering these results, the geomorphological development of the southeast Greenland continental terrace can be suggested as follows: 1. initial formation of a "peneplain", 2. fluvial incision, 3. submergence, and finally 4. glacial modification.


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Seamounts and knolls are 'undersea mountains', the former rising more than 1000 m from the sea floor. These features provide important habitats for aquatic predators, demersal deep-sea fish and benthic invertebrates. However most seamounts have not been surveyed and their numbers and locations are not well known. Previous efforts to locate and quantify seamounts have used relatively coarse bathymetry grids. Here we use global bathymetric data at 30 arc-second resolution to identify seamounts and knolls. We identify 33,452 seamounts and 138,412 knolls, representing the largest global set of identified seamounts and knolls to date. We compare estimated seamount numbers, locations, and depths with validation sets of seamount data from New Zealand and Azores. This comparison indicates the method we apply finds 94% of seamounts, but may overestimate seamount numbers along ridges and in areas where faulting and seafloor spreading creates highly complex topography. The seamounts and knolls identified herein are significantly geographically biased towards areas surveyed with ship-based soundings. As only 6.5% of the ocean floor has been surveyed with soundings it is likely that new seamounts will be uncovered as surveying improves. Seamount habitats constitute approximately 4.7% of the ocean floor, whilst knolls cover 16.3%. Regional distribution of these features is examined, and we find a disproportionate number of productive knolls, with a summit depth of <1.5 km, located in the Southern Ocean. Less than 2% of seamounts are within marine protected areas and the majority of these are located within exclusive economic zones with few on the High Seas. The database of seamounts and knolls resulting from this study will be a useful resource for researchers and conservation planners.