893 resultados para lectrochemical devices
Viscous dampers are characterized as very effective devices applied for seismic design and retrofitting. The objective of this thesis is to apply the Five-Step Procedure ,developed by a research group in University of Bologna, for sizing the viscous dampers to be installed in an existing precast RC structure. The idea is to apply the viscous damping devices in different positions in the structure then to identify and compare the performance of all types placement position.
Il lavoro svolto si concentra sul trasporto di carica e spin in dispositivi trilayer La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3/Co multifunzionali. Questi dispositivi mostrano sia magnetoresistenza che resistive switching, con un'interessante interazione fra i due effetti. Le giunzioni SrTiO3 sono state scelte per questo lavoro sia per via dei precedenti studi su SrTiO3 come barriera in dispositivi spintronici (cioè dispositivi con magnetoresistenza), sia perché sono promettenti come materiale base per costruire memristor (cioè dispositivi con resistive switching). Il lavoro di tesi è stato svolto all'Istituto per lo studio dei materiali nanostrutturati (ISMN-CNR) a Bologna. Nella prima parte di questa tesi illustrerò la fisica dietro al resistive switching e alla magnetoresistenza di dispositivi trilayer, mostrando anche risultati di studi su dispositivi simili a quelli da me studiati. Nella seconda parte mostrerò la complessa fisica degli ossidi utilizzati nei nostri dispositivi e i possibili meccanismi di trasporto attraverso essi. Nell'ultima parte descriverò i risultati ottenuti. I dispositivi La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3/Co sono stati studiati tramite caratterizzazione elettrica, di magnetotrasporto e con spettroscopia di impedenza. Le misure ottenute hanno mostrato una fisica molto ricca dietro al trasporto di spin e carica in questi dispositivi, e la mutua interazione fra fenomeni spintronici e di resistive switching rappresenta una chiave per comprendere la fisica di questi fenomeni. Analisi dati della dipendenza della resistenza della temperature e caratteristiche corrente-tensioni saranno usati per quantificare e descrivere il trasporto in questi dispositivi.
This thesis work has been carried out at Clarkson University in Potsdam NY, USA and involved the design of a low elongation wing, consisting of parts made by polylactide (PLA) using the fused deposition model (FDM) technology of Rapid Prototyping, then assembled together in a thin aluminum spar. The aim of the research is to evaluate the feasibility of collecting electrical energy by converting mechanical energy from the vibration of the wing flutter. With this aim piezoelectric stripes were glued in the inner part of the wing, as well as on the aluminum spar, as monomorphic configuration. During the phases of the project, particular attention was given to the geometry and the materials used, in order to trigger the flutter for low flow velocity. The CAD software SolidWorks® was used for the design of the wing and then the drawings were sent to the Clarkson machine shop in order to to produce the parts required by the wing assembly. FEM simulations were performed, using software MSC NASTRAN/PATRAN®, to evaluate the stiffness of the whole wing as well as the natural vibration modes of the structure. These data, in a first approximation, were used to predict the flutter speed. Finally, experimental tests in the Clarkson wind tunnel facility were carried out in order to validate the results obtained from FEM analysis. The power collected by the piezoelectrics under flutter condition was addressed by tuning the resistors downstream the electronic circuit of the piezoelectrics.
L’obiettivo del progetto di tesi svolto è quello di realizzare un servizio di livello middleware dedicato ai dispositivi mobili che sia in grado di fornire il supporto per l’offloading di codice verso una infrastruttura cloud. In particolare il progetto si concentra sulla migrazione di codice verso macchine virtuali dedicate al singolo utente. Il sistema operativo delle VMs è lo stesso utilizzato dal device mobile. Come i precedenti lavori sul computation offloading, il progetto di tesi deve garantire migliori performance in termini di tempo di esecuzione e utilizzo della batteria del dispositivo. In particolare l’obiettivo più ampio è quello di adattare il principio di computation offloading a un contesto di sistemi distribuiti mobili, migliorando non solo le performance del singolo device, ma l’esecuzione stessa dell’applicazione distribuita. Questo viene fatto tramite una gestione dinamica delle decisioni di offloading basata, non solo, sullo stato del device, ma anche sulla volontà e/o sullo stato degli altri utenti appartenenti allo stesso gruppo. Per esempio, un primo utente potrebbe influenzare le decisioni degli altri membri del gruppo specificando una determinata richiesta, come alta qualità delle informazioni, risposta rapida o basata su altre informazioni di alto livello. Il sistema fornisce ai programmatori un semplice strumento di definizione per poter creare nuove policy personalizzate e, quindi, specificare nuove regole di offloading. Per rendere il progetto accessibile ad un più ampio numero di sviluppatori gli strumenti forniti sono semplici e non richiedono specifiche conoscenze sulla tecnologia. Il sistema è stato poi testato per verificare le sue performance in termini di mecchanismi di offloading semplici. Successivamente, esso è stato anche sottoposto a dei test per verificare che la selezione di differenti policy, definite dal programmatore, portasse realmente a una ottimizzazione del parametro designato.
The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the performance of two laser fluorescence devices (LF, LFpen), conventional visual criteria (VE), ICDAS and radiographic examination on occlusal surfaces of primary teeth. Thirty-seven primary human molars were selected from a pool of extracted teeth, which were stored frozen at -20°C until use. Teeth were assessed twice by two experienced examiners using laser fluorescence devices (LF and LFpen), conventional visual criteria, ICDAS and bitewing radiographs, with a 2-week interval between measurements. After measurement, the teeth were histologically prepared and assessed for caries extension. The highest sensitivity was observed for ICDAS at D(1) and D(3) thresholds, with no statistically significant difference when compared to the LF devices, except at the D(3) threshold. Bitewing radiographs presented the lowest values of sensitivity. Specificity at D(1) was higher for LFpen (0.90) and for VE at D(3) (0.94). When VE was combined with LFpen the post-test probabilities were the highest (94.0% and 89.2% at D(1) and D(3) thresholds, respectively). High values were observed for the combination of ICDAS and LFpen (92.0% and 80.0%, respectively). LF and LFpen showed the highest values of ICC for interexaminer reproducibility. However, regarding ICDAS, BW and VE, intraexaminer reproducibility was not the same for the two examiners. After primary visual inspection using ICDAS or not, the use of LFpen may aid in the detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth. Bitewing radiographs may be indicated only for approximal caries detection.
To present the auditory implant manipulator, a navigation-controlled mechanical and electronic system which enables minimally invasive ('keyhole') transmastoid access to the tympanic cavity.
The success of first generation drug-eluting stents, namely by reducing restenosis and the need of repeat revascularization procedures is hampered by some limitations affecting device safety. Intense research efforts helped to identify these shortcomings and direct research to develop newer generation drug-eluting stents with the potential to circumvent these drawbacks. This review will discuss limitations of early generation drug-eluting stents, focus on solutions provided by newer generation devices, and shed light on unresolved issues and potential future solutions.
Electrophysiological cardiac devices are increasingly used. The frequency of subclinical infection is unknown. We investigated all explanted devices using sonication, a method for detection of microbial biofilms on foreign bodies.
Background Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a treatment option for high-risk patients with severe aortic stenosis. Previous reports focused on a single device or access site, whereas little is known of the combined use of different devices and access sites as selected by the heart team. The purpose of this study is to investigate clinical outcomes of TAVI using different devices and access sites. Methods A consecutive cohort of 200 patients underwent TAVI with the Medtronic CoreValve Revalving system (Medtronic Core Valve LLC, Irvine, CA; n = 130) or the Edwards SAPIEN valve (Edwards Lifesciences LLC, Irvine, CA; n = 70) implanted by either the transfemoral or transapical access route. Results Device success and procedure success were 99% and 95%, respectively, without differences between devices and access site. All-cause mortality was 7.5% at 30 days, with no differences between valve types or access sites. Using multivariable analysis, low body mass index (<20 kg/m2) (odds ratio [OR] 6.6, 95% CI 1.5-29.5) and previous stroke (OR 4.4, 95% CI 1.2-16.8) were independent risk factors for short-term mortality. The VARC-defined combined safety end point occurred in 18% of patients and was driven by major access site complications (8.0%), life-threatening bleeding (8.5%) or severe renal failure (4.5%). Transapical access emerged as independent predictor of adverse outcome for the Valve Academic Research Consortium–combined safety end point (OR 3.3, 95% CI 1.5-7.1). Conclusion A heart team–based selection of devices and access site among patients undergoing TAVI resulted in high device and procedural success. Low body mass index and history of previous stroke were independent predictors of mortality. Transapical access emerged as a risk factor for the Valve Academic Research Consortium–combined safety end point.
The aim of this study was to assess the performance of two light-emitting diode (LED)- and two laser fluorescence-based devices in detecting occlusal caries in vitro. Ninety-seven permanent molars were assessed twice by two examiners using two LED- (Midwest Caries - MID and VistaProof - VP) and two laser fluorescence-based (DIAGNOdent 2095 - LF and DIAGNOdent pen 2190 - LFpen) devices. After measuring, the teeth were histologically prepared and classified according to lesion extension. At D1 the specificities were 0.76 (LF and LFpen), 0.94 (MID), and 0.70 (VP); the sensitivities were 0.70 (LF), 0.62 (LFpen), 0.31 (MID), and 0.75 (VP). At D(3) threshold the specificities were 0.88 (LF), 0.87 (LFpen), 0.90 (MID), and 0.70 (VP); the sensitivities were 0.63 (LF and LFpen), 0.70 (MID), and 0.96 (VP). Spearman's rank correlations with histology were 0.56 (LF), 0.51 (LFpen), 0.55 (MID), and 0.58 (VP). Inter- and intraexaminer ICC values were high and varied from 0.83 to 0.90. Both LF devices seemed to be useful auxiliary tools to the conventional methods, presenting good reproducibility and better accuracy at D(3) threshold. MID was not able to differentiate sound surfaces from enamel caries and VP still needs improvement on the cut-off limits for its use.
Airway management for successful ventilation by laypersons and inexperienced healthcare providers is difficult to achieve. Bag-valve mask (BVM) ventilation requires extensive training and is performed poorly. Supraglottic airway devices (SADs) have been successfully introduced to clinical resuscitation practice as an alternative. We evaluated recently introduced (i-gel™ and LMA-Supreme™) and established SADs (LMA-Unique™, LMA-ProSeal™) and BVM used by laypeople in training sessions on manikins.
The influence of positioning and geometry of ventricular cannulas for contemporary continuous flow Left Ventricular Assist Devices (LVADs) was evaluated in a non-beating isolated heart preparation with borescopic visualization. Preload and LVAD flow were varied to evaluate degrees of ventricular decompression up to the point of ventricular collapse. The performance of a flanged cannula was compared to a conventional bevel-tipped cannula: quantitatively by the maximal flow attainable, and qualitatively by visualization of fluid tracer particles within the ventricular chamber. Three forms of ventricular suck-down occurred: concentric collapse, gradual entrainment and instantaneous entrainment. In some circumstances, unstable oscillations of the ventricle were observed prior to complete collapse. Under conditions of low preload, the flanged cannula demonstrated less positional sensitivity, provided greater flow, and exhibited fewer areas of stagnation than the beveled cannula. These observations warrant further consideration of a flanged ventricular cannula to mitigate complications encountered with conventional cannulae.